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Choose a ferring


Pick a ferring.  

119 members have voted

  1. 1. Choose one feruchemical ability.

    • Iron (skimmer)
    • Steel (steelrunner)
    • Tin (windwhisperer)
    • Pewter (brute)
    • Zinc (sparker)
    • Brass (firesoul)
    • Copper (archivist)
    • Bronze (sentry)
    • Cadmium (gasper)
    • Bendalloy (subsumer)
    • Gold (bloodmaker)
    • Electrum (pinnacle)
    • Chromium (spinner)
    • Nicrosil (soulbearer)
    • Aluminum (trueself)
    • Duralumin (connector)
    • Atium (seer)

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Tough one.


Most fun: iron. Jump really high, jump off tall things. Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


Most useful: electrum (the ability to become manic at will would help with procrastination and akrasia), copper, duralumin


Situationally useful: zinc, pewter, steel


Honorable mention: atium, to extend to your lifespan by up to 100%, though probably more comfortably 20-50%. Not to mention being able to bypass puberty.


My body says iron but my mind says electrum. I went with electrum. Atium was a close third, naturally, but the scarcity of atium makes it less appealing, and being able to see your death coming and measure its progress is sort of a stumbling block for atium. It was a very close third for me. I suppose extending your lifespan in the cosmere is sort of a waste, though.

Edited by Moogle
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Tough choice between electrum, copper and iron, but Iron won for me. To a certain degree, by decreasing you weight, you can actually increase your speed, and you can also put much more force into blows by tapping into the weight you've stored up. Of course, you body probably won't be able to take it as well, since you don't have pewter bolstering you, but hey, it's still worth it.  :D

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Really tough choices... I can't express how tempting it is to simply say "Twinawesome." :P But in the interest of playing by the rules...


For the reasons eloquently laid out by others before me, electrum is very tempting. In fact, if I were genuinely offered this choice, I'm fairly sure that I would become a Pinnacle Ferring. The ability to choose which days to procrastinate and which days to be productive is simply too tempting to pass up.


Honorable mentions: pewter, because when I'm not killing time on the Internet I'm doing farm work. The muscles I'm atrophying during computer time would really come in handy when carrying logs or buckets.


Also, brass. As a Firesoul Ferring, I expect I would be immune to the brutal Texan summers and impervious to the chill nights of winter. I would be unstoppable... or at least, a little more comfortable year round. ;)

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Either a WindWhisperer, or a Pinnacle. But Pinnacle's been covered, SO i'll go with WW.


They can store any sense they don't need at the time. Somebody Fart? Can't smell it? You're on Fire? Can't feel it! Having to politely eat disgusting Food? Can't taste it! Parents telling you to get off of 17th Shard and do your Homework? Can't hear them.

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For my job the Zinc of a sparker would be the most useful. I have a lot of down time where I do not have to do ANYTHING followed by short bursts or reviewing error logs, Databases, Settings and server tables, Checking DNS and DHCP entries, and generally trying to figure out if there is a real server issue or if this is a user education moment. Being able to save mental speed and clarity is more useful then copper in this situation though copper runs second for being able to save the whole contents of books on computers and networks. 

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Well, I'm a singer so Cadmium is really tempting. It would be very impressive to hold that final note out for 3 or 4 full minutes without a breath.


But seriously I have to go with Steel. Speed is an amazing thing and very universal. Plus I'm pretty sedentary most of the time so storing it wouldn't be that difficult.

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Archivist is really tempting... But I went with Sparker. Figure out those Brandon plot lines before I'm done with the book.  ;) Oh yeah, and do some calc homework too. 

Subsumer is also fun choice, but it's third on my list. 

But nothing beats being a Full Feruchemist. 

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Tin, being a WW would be excellent because I'm usually pretty blind even with contacts in and I could store vision excellently and then tap it gently for normal use. Plus I'm a fan of long range shooting and it would be awesome to be able to see my bullet hit the target. Along those same lines I work around jets and never wear ear protection so storing hearing would be awesome so that I can tap it later and hear what people are actually saying to me without saying "HUH?" all the time. 


Brute was a close one for me because I would like to be crazy strong again without actually having to do much. Subsumer came in third because since I've gotten married I've gained some weight so I'm already good at the storing part, I just need the ability to tap it. 

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I chose Subsumer so I could go to a buffet, eat for hours, then not have to buy food for the rest of the month.  


Why yes, I am a college student.  Why do you ask?


And folks, this is why they frisk you at the buffet on Scandriel.  That, or they actually start charging again after the seventh plate of food...

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And folks, this is why they frisk you at the buffet on Scandriel.  That, or they actually start charging again after the seventh plate of food...


See this? This is exactly what I'm hoping to see in the second Mistborn trilogy. A modern-esque society adapting to the Metallic Arts in little ways like that. I'll be glad to see incredible feats of Allomantic engineering; I'm excited to see a Misting SWAT team in all its glorious action. But what you just described is what really makes me wish for those future books.

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I picked Cadmium. Breathe pure oxygen while storing, then go away and have the ability to hold your breath. Not only that, but storable oxygenation also means storable stamina, meaning I'll be able to function at 100% of my physical ability, something that as an asthmatic I've never been able to do. 

Edited by MistLord
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Personally i'm split between bronze, copper and gold as the most useful. Wakefulness would be more a convenience thing, while gold could save my life, and the perfect memory of copper would be great to have. Also copperminds and the internet would be amazing, all of the knowledge and a way to keep it.

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As one that suffers from narcolepsy (which isn't just getting sleepy at inappropriate times, but also having episodes of insomnia) I'd have to pick bronze as my first choice. I'd live my life the way I have, and at times where I'm not hypersomnic or when I'm having insomnia, I'd store the wakefulness. Then when I am having symptoms, I can treat it. And since I'm already familiar with going through days where I just feel I need to sleep but can't, I am already prepared to deal with days where I'm storing wakefulness.

My second pick would be electrum, mostly because a manic episode would be perfect for beating hypersomnia!

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See this? This is exactly what I'm hoping to see in the second Mistborn trilogy. A modern-esque society adapting to the Metallic Arts in little ways like that. I'll be glad to see incredible feats of Allomantic engineering; I'm excited to see a Misting SWAT team in all its glorious action. But what you just described is what really makes me wish for those future books.


Oh yeah, I'm right there with you.  They've already begun going down this path in Alloy of Law; I'm sure that Brandon will be able to come up with all kinds of little things to include in the newspapers/rumors to make it clear how these things change the world in small ways.

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So first, though they are not my choices, I thought of two funny instances for both:


Bendalloy: I would be renamed "the buffet bane". All you can eat buffets will shudder in fear at the approach of a subsumer!


copper: so I can read all of Brandon's books, store the memories, and then read them all over again so its like reading them for the first time every time. And then anytime I would need to reference a page, I would have it all there at a moments thought


But now seriously, mine would be either gold or steel. Being able to heal or get rid of colds in a heart beat, or increased speed is just too tempting. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

I started with Firesoul because it would mean I would never have to worry about being too hot or cold. I could just adjust myself. Subsumer is probably 2nd though, for reasons stated above (I'd like to see the looks on those buffet managers' faces when i clean 'em out)

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