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I started reading cosmere in the sixth grade and I have read everything but yumi and white sand, so I don't really care about spoilers. I'm only a freshman (in high school) now, and I'm so excited for all of Brandon's new stuff! (I've never really been part of a forum or fan base like this before, so it might take me a bit to understand how it works)

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No wayyyy I started Brandon last summer... Have already read through it all twice (except white sand) and I'm not the only freshman on here!!!!!! That makes me happy. And what is your opinion on hemalurgy?

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Hi, welcome! I joined the forums in my freshman year as well, and I know the experience of being new to fandom - feel free to ask questions! This thread and the ones it links to have some information that may help. 

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My favorite series I would say has to be Mistborn but my favorite book is definitely Tress. I don't really have a favorite character but the one character I don't enjoy reading is Shallan, her povs have always just been boring to me. My opinions on hemalurgy is that it is the most interesting invested art and I want to see how brandon uses it in the coming books for things like magitech. If I could visit any country on Roshar for a week, it would probably be the Horneater Peaks because I want to see the perpindicularity and Rock of course.

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