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Mistborn Tools


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Something else that might be useful, though would stretching the definitions of 'tool', would be a car. A car powered by Allomancy so it would be totally silent, eco-friendly and fuel efficient. Plus that opens a whole new branch of gadgets just for your car.

"To the Mistmobile!"

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On 3/30/2024 at 6:13 AM, alder24 said:

A better idea - buttons. They are already using buttons, but this time make them covered in an aluminum layer in front, while their back is a normal metal. Because the metal back is from your side you can push them, while from the front they would be undetectable to steelsight because of the aluminum layer.

Another similar idea to this is an aluminum-lined throwing knife. The front of it (the part that would be stabbing into someone) would have aluminum to be undetectable by steelsight. This would also prevent coinshots from pushing it. There would be metal on the handle so you could push it at someone, then pull it back after you've killed them.

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On 3/31/2024 at 3:05 AM, JustQuestin2004 said:

Something else that might be useful, though would stretching the definitions of 'tool', would be a car. A car powered by Allomancy so it would be totally silent, eco-friendly and fuel efficient. Plus that opens a whole new branch of gadgets just for your car.

"To the Mistmobile!"

How do you suggest you power a car with allomancy?

11 minutes ago, Block said:

Another similar idea to this is an aluminum-lined throwing knife. The front of it (the part that would be stabbing into someone) would have aluminum to be undetectable by steelsight. This would also prevent coinshots from pushing it. There would be metal on the handle so you could push it at someone, then pull it back after you've killed them.

You would still be able to see the metal on the handle, especially if it's not near the aluminum.

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1 minute ago, Argenti said:

You would still be able to see the metal on the handle, especially if it's not near the aluminum.

You could make the blade in the shape of a cone, then put the aluminum all over the blade but leave the bottom circle part of the cone so you can push that. That would also help hide the handle if you aim it right.

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17 minutes ago, Block said:

You could make the blade in the shape of a cone, then put the aluminum all over the blade but leave the bottom circle part of the cone so you can push that. That would also help hide the handle if you aim it right.

Eh, line of sight is not required. It's all or nothing as far as I can tell, either you both can't push it, or both can.



In Allomancy, aluminum won't be able to be pushed or pulled, right?

Brandon Sanderson



So if you put a piece of steel like a gun barrel, and then you surround it with aluminum, can you still push the gun barrel?

Brandon Sanderson

The aluminum will add some interference, it's gonna depend on how thick the aluminum is. It's probably unfeasible. That is a viable concept, I don't think it's feasible on a gun barrel.

Words of Radiance Seattle signing (March 8, 2014)


So this flashlight is made of aluminum. So obviously, I could not affect the flashlight itself with iron or steel. Could I affect the battery inside it?

Brandon Sanderson



Could I like, pop the trigger?

Brandon Sanderson


Orem signing (Dec. 21, 2017)


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How about this one: any small device which requires some electricity but not a whole lot at once is built with as little metal as possible, and/or the functional components are surrounded by an aluminum case (making them Allomantically undetectable and uninfluenceable). There is then a small cartridge which can be slid into the device, and the cartridge contains a reciprocating metal element which can be pushed/pulled within a track (probably against a spring) or which is mounted on a wheel and so it can be spun. Either way, the cartridge's metal element is designed on the same principles as a wireless charging mechanism and the motion of the metal element generates electricity.

The interior of the main device is designed such that the cartridge, when inserted, either transfers power to the aluminum-encased components (perhaps via magnets) or directly conducts power through aluminum channels. The Allomancer can, at need, power the device directly or potentially charge a small power storage system in it (like a big capacitor or a more complex rechargeable battery-like structure) by Pushing and/or Pulling on the metal element in the cartridge.

What the devices do obviously will matter, but I could imagine a small noise-generating machine (low-frequency pulses, maybe able to distract Seekers?), lights, a radio transmitter, or lots of other small-draw equipment. It's probably easier just to carry standardized batteries in an aluminum case and power things that way, but the idea of converting Allomantic power into electricity on demand seems like something that would have some valuable applications to an infiltrator, spy, or assassin.

Edited by Returned
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6 minutes ago, Returned said:

How about this one: any small device which requires some electricity but not a whole lot at once is built with as little metal as possible, and/or the functional components are surrounded by an aluminum case (making them Allomantically undetectable and uninfluenceable). There is then a small cartridge which can be slid into the device, and the cartridge contains a reciprocating metal element which can be pushed/pulled within a track (probably against a spring) or which is mounted on a wheel and so it can be spun. Either way, the cartridge's metal element is designed on the same principles as a wireless charging mechanism and the motion of the metal element generates electricity.

The interior of the main device is designed such that the cartridge, when inserted, either transfers power to the aluminum-encased components (perhaps via magnets) or directly conducts power through aluminum channels. The Allomancer can, at need, power the device directly or potentially charge a small power storage system in it (like a big capacitor or a more complex rechargeable battery-like structure).

What the devices do obviously will matter, but I could imagine a small noise-generating machine (low-frequency pulses, maybe able to distract Seekers?), lights, a radio transmitter, or lots of other small-draw equipment. It's probably easier just to carry standardized batteries in an aluminum case and power things that way, but the idea of converting Allomantic power into electricity on demand seems like something that would have some valuable applications to an infiltrator, spy, or assassin.

Ok this got me thinking... Maybe using the same mechanics you could make a loud/hypersonic beeper to distract/hurt tineyes

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Thinking on this more, it occurs to me that explosives and bendalloy bubbles are a natural pairing for a mistborn who can also steel push. Imagine lighting sticks of dynamite in the safety of a speed bubble then either launching them out or dropping them on the ground and duralumin-steel pushing oneself up in the air to set a speedy trap.

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