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Nightblood, and Shardblades


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So in the Google+ Hangout, I heard Brandon Sanderson comment on who would win in a fight between Vin and Vasher. He said that if Vin got a jump on Vasher, she could win. But then he made the comment that if Vasher hit her with Nightblood, it would be over. Is this some aspect of Nightblood that it can instantly kill people, or was that a mistake and he ment something else?

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Here is part of the Q&A I was at last year on the Alloy of Law tour:

Questioner (me): Is there any relation between the smoke that is emitted when a Shardblade cuts somebody and the smoke that Nightblood emits in Warbreaker?

Brandon: Is there a relation between the smoke that someone emits and the smoke that Nightblood emits? Yes there is. You’ve been, are you a 17thsharder?

Questioner: Yeah

Brandon: That was a really smart question (audience laughter). If you’re not aware of this, and you’re kind of baffled by this, people have figured out that all my books are connected and there is a continuing character who was in Elantris, who shows up in Mistborn, who also was in Warbreaker and The Way of Kings. This person is trying to figure out some of the connections between the worlds. Alright, you had a question, right here and then I’m going to work my way back...

So they are linked in some meaningful way. Souls/Breath/Spiritual aspects are smoke when they are severed from their physical aspect perhaps?

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I do not think Brandon meant that Vasher would draw Nightblood and use it on her. After all it still requires physical contact and even if Vin is unaware of Nightblood's properties she isn't likely to let it touch her (she has nothing to block with).

I assumed he meant that Vasher would throw Nightblood at her and let her own temptations lead to her death.

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I do not think Brandon meant that Vasher would draw Nightblood and use it on her. After all it still requires physical contact and even if Vin is unaware of Nightblood's properties she isn't likely to let it touch her (she has nothing to block with).

I assumed he meant that Vasher would throw Nightblood at her and let her own temptations lead to her death.

The problem with this is that Nightblood's purpose is to destroy evil. And Vin is almost certainly not evil, so she wouldn't even be tempted.

You have to also remember that Vasher is a decent swordsman. Not nearly as good as Denth or Arsteel, but still in a league above mortal men. So Brandon probably did mean that Vasher would be able to beat Vin with Nightblood out, using it as a normal sword.

(first time poster, btw)

Edited by lil_literalist
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The problem with this is that Nightblood's purpose is to destroy evil. And Vin is almost certainly not evil, so she wouldn't even be tempted.

Welcome to the board! We don't bite. But watch out for spikes.

Anyway. Imagine what Nightblood would do to someone who was under Ruin's influence.

Edited by Sweetness
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The problem with this is that Nightblood's purpose is to destroy evil. And Vin is almost certainly not evil, so she wouldn't even be tempted.

What exactly is evil?

Vasher murdered Shashara, his own wife, yet he seems to be safe from Nightblood. Denth too seemed to be able to resist the sword, and prevented it from swaying others who picked it up. Maybe they possess some knowledge that lets them handle the sword without being possessed.

Anyway, I'm not so sure evil/good determines the sword's effects on you. As Vasher alluded to, Nightblood doesn't seem to understand the difference between good/evil, which makes his quest to destroy it rather problematic to begin with.

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This is how Nightblood works.

Before that we have the first real interaction between Vivenna and Vasher. He gives her what he likes to think of as the Nightblood test. One nice thing about having a sword that "cannot tempt the hearts of those who are pure" is that when someone like Vivenna touches it, she gets sick. I didn't want Nightblood to come across as a "one ring" knockoff. He doesn't turn people's hearts or corrupt them. However, in order to be able to do his job and fulfill his Command, he needs the ability to determine who is good and who is evil.

This, of course, isn't an easy thing to determine. In fact, I don't think it's a black or white issue for most people. When Nightblood was created, the Breaths infused in him did their best to interpret their Command. What they decided was evil was someone who would try to take the sword and use it for evil purposes, selling it, manipulating and extorting others, that sort of thing. Someone who wouldn't want the sword for those reasons was determined to be good. If they touch the weapon, they feel sick. If others touch the weapon, their desire to kill and destroy with it is enhanced greatly.

Nightblood himself, unfortunately, doesn't quite understand what good and evil are. (This is mentioned later in the text.) However, he knows that his master can determine who is good and who is evil—using the sword's power to make people sick, or through other means. So, he pretty much just lets whoever is holding him decide what is evil. And if the one holding the sword determines—deep within their heart—that they are evil themselves, then they will end up killing themselves with the sword.

So basically once Nightblood determines that the person who wields him isn't trying to hurt anyone, Nightblood leaves it up to the wielder to decide what to do with him. I hope this helps, and welcome to the forums lil_literalist!

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What exactly is evil?

Vasher murdered Shashara, his own wife, yet he seems to be safe from Nightblood. Denth too seemed to be able to resist the sword, and prevented it from swaying others who picked it up. Maybe they possess some knowledge that lets them handle the sword without being possessed.

I think that's a combination of willpower, knowledge, and the fact that if you draw Nightblood and survive, you become resistant to his powers.

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So, if Nightblood is drawn and fighting against a Shardblade, what would happen?

1) Would the Shardblade disintegrate?

2) Would Nightblood be cut in half because it is inanimate?

3) Would Nightblood lose it's Breath (being that Breath is from souls) and then become an inanimate object to be cut on the next slice?

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So, if Nightblood is drawn and fighting against a Shardblade, what would happen?

1) Would the Shardblade disintegrate?

2) Would Nightblood be cut in half because it is inanimate?

3) Would Nightblood lose it's Breath (being that Breath is from souls) and then become an inanimate object to be cut on the next slice?

I think Nightblood and the Shardblade would do nothing to each other, just like two Shardblades

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Brandon has said that Nightblood is "orders of magnitude more magical then a Shardblade"

Yeah, but that can possibly be explained by Nightblood's telepathy, mind-control, vampirism, and deadly sheath.

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