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Vin- potential radiant?

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Ok, so I was re-listening to The Well of Ascension, and

Could Vin have become a Windrunner? (If different planet and such.)

I don’t have an exact quote, but it said something like:


‘She felt good about the killing because she was protecting those who could not protect themselves.”

It was nearly the exact same words as the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.

So, ignoring all obvious holes in my logic, could Vin have sworn the Second Ideal?


I know I’m being a little repetitive.


Edited by TwinSouls
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1 hour ago, TwinSouls said:

Ok, so I was re-listening to The Well of Ascension, and

Could Vin have become a Windrunner? (If different planet and such.)

I don’t have an exact quote, but it said something like:

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‘She felt good about the killing because she was protecting those who could not protect themselves.”

It was nearly the exact same words as the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.

So, ignoring all obvious holes in my logic, could Vin have sworn the Second Ideal?

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I know I’m being a little repetitive.


Personally, I would say yes.

But then again, I think that anyone could qualify for a Radiant Order if they had a Spren of the right type and were willing to change and grow in the necessary ways.

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1 hour ago, TwinSouls said:

Ok, so I was re-listening to The Well of Ascension, and

Could Vin have become a Windrunner? (If different planet and such.)

I don’t have an exact quote, but it said something like:

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‘She felt good about the killing because she was protecting those who could not protect themselves.”

It was nearly the exact same words as the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.

So, ignoring all obvious holes in my logic, could Vin have sworn the Second Ideal?

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I know I’m being a little repetitive.


Yes, definitely. She is a prime candidate for a Windrunner. After all, she was the ideal Vessel of Preservation, who is all about preserving people, she died to protect all of Scadrial, she fits Windrunners very well.


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11 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Yes, definitely. She is a prime candidate for a Windrunner. After all, she was the ideal Vessel of Preservation, who is all about preserving people, she died to protect all of Scadrial, she fits Windrunners very well.



17 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Personally, I would say yes.

But then again, I think that anyone could qualify for a Radiant Order if they had a Spren of the right type and were willing to change and grow in the necessary ways.

I’d been worried I was going insane :) 

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5 hours ago, TwinSouls said:

Ok, so I was re-listening to The Well of Ascension, and

Could Vin have become a Windrunner? (If different planet and such.)

I don’t have an exact quote, but it said something like:

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‘She felt good about the killing because she was protecting those who could not protect themselves.”

It was nearly the exact same words as the Second Ideal of the Windrunners.


Did yo umean this section (WoA Ch 52):


Her attack on Cett’s keep still flashed horrific images in her head. Things she had done. Death she had caused.

And yet, something felt different to her now. She had accepted her place as a knife. But what was a knife, but another tool? It could be used for evil or for good; it could kill, or it could protect.

That point was moot, considering how weak she felt. 

The closest we get to an official answer is this WoB:



Have you ever thought (just for fun) which KR Order your characters for other books would fit the best? Like, Sazed is Bondsmith, Kelsier is probably Skybreaker.

Which Rosharian Shard, Honor, Cultivation or Odium, better fits with Dalinar's personality?

Brandon Sanderson

I'd agree with the other commenter that Kelsier isn't much of a Skybreaker. But picking orders would depend on what point in the person's life we're talking, and the situation. It's not a hard-fast rule.

For example, young Dalinar is very Odium. Modern Dalinar is very Honor.


What about Magic: The Gathering color alignments?

Like, would Kelsier be Red/White or Red/Black?

Brandon Sanderson

Kelsier is blue/black. Vin is Red/green. Sazed is white/green--with arguments for mono-white. Elend is red white. The LR is white/black.


This actually surprises me a lot. I would have expected Sazed to be Bant-colored, and Elend seems much bluer than he does red.

Brandon Sanderson

Actually, I don't know why I said red/white for Elend. Must have been answering quickly. You're right, blue/white is a better match for him. Ham is red/white.

Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 4, 2018)

So, I would say that M:TFE Ch 1-4 Vin would probably not have become a Windrunner (if anything, Edgedancer maybe - remembering the fogotten), while I agree that WoA and HoA Vin would likely be a good Windrunner Candidate. 

Also, my take:

  • Elend (mid WoA) - Truthwatcher (maybe Elsecaller) | HoA - Bondsmith
  • Breeze - Dustbringer
  • Clubs (TFE) - Willshaper | (WOA) - Stoneward
  • Hammond - Truthwatcher
  • Dockson - Skybreaker (maybe Elsecaller or Willshaper)


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1 hour ago, Treamayne said:

Did yo umean this section (WoA Ch 52):

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Her attack on Cett’s keep still flashed horrific images in her head. Things she had done. Death she had caused.

And yet, something felt different to her now. She had accepted her place as a knife. But what was a knife, but another tool? It could be used for evil or for good; it could kill, or it could protect.

That point was moot, considering how weak she felt. 

The closest we get to an official answer is this WoB:

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Have you ever thought (just for fun) which KR Order your characters for other books would fit the best? Like, Sazed is Bondsmith, Kelsier is probably Skybreaker.

Which Rosharian Shard, Honor, Cultivation or Odium, better fits with Dalinar's personality?

Brandon Sanderson

I'd agree with the other commenter that Kelsier isn't much of a Skybreaker. But picking orders would depend on what point in the person's life we're talking, and the situation. It's not a hard-fast rule.

For example, young Dalinar is very Odium. Modern Dalinar is very Honor.


What about Magic: The Gathering color alignments?

Like, would Kelsier be Red/White or Red/Black?

Brandon Sanderson

Kelsier is blue/black. Vin is Red/green. Sazed is white/green--with arguments for mono-white. Elend is red white. The LR is white/black.


This actually surprises me a lot. I would have expected Sazed to be Bant-colored, and Elend seems much bluer than he does red.

Brandon Sanderson

Actually, I don't know why I said red/white for Elend. Must have been answering quickly. You're right, blue/white is a better match for him. Ham is red/white.

Skyward Pre-Release AMA (Oct. 4, 2018)

So, I would say that M:TFE Ch 1-4 Vin would probably not have become a Windrunner (if anything, Edgedancer maybe - remembering the fogotten), while I agree that WoA and HoA Vin would likely be a good Windrunner Candidate. 

Also, my take:

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  • Elend (mid WoA) - Truthwatcher (maybe Elsecaller) | HoA - Bondsmith
  • Breeze - Dustbringer
  • Clubs (TFE) - Willshaper | (WOA) - Stoneward
  • Hammond - Truthwatcher
  • Dockson - Skybreaker (maybe Elsecaller or Willshaper)


No, it’s later when

(WoA spoilers)


Vin starts fighting the Koloss towards the end. 


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12 minutes ago, TwinSouls said:

No, it’s later when

(WoA spoilers)

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Vin starts fighting the Koloss towards the end. 

This (WoA Ch 54): 


She knelt in frustration, pounding the top of the roof with her fists. She had proven too weak. What good was it to return—what good was it to decide to protect—if she couldn’t do anything to help?

She knelt for a few moments, breathing in gasps.


She felt herself begin to slip into unconsciousness.

But people were screaming. She could hear them—had heard them before. Elend’s city…Elend’s people…dying. Her friends were out there somewhere. Friends that Kelsier had trusted her to protect.

She gritted her teeth, shoving aside the exhaustion for a moment longer, struggling up to her feet. 

Those are the only relevant uses of "protect" around the Siege of Luthadel


Other uses include the Allrianne PoV manipulating her Father and the Penrod Scene with the Koloss


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11 hours ago, Treamayne said:

So, I would say that M:TFE Ch 1-4 Vin would probably not have become a Windrunner (if anything, Edgedancer maybe - remembering the fogotten)

I think the early TFE Vin would be best fit for Lightweavers - there is a lot of truths she had to realized in that period: she can't trust, she can't have friends, she wasn't loved by her brother, she can't love and be with Elend and things like that - for some of those things it took Vin almost to the end of WoA to acknowledge. Not to mention that a Lightweaver would fit well for her role as a Mistborn/assassin.

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