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Era 2 Mistborn Hunger Games

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Hello. I am starting this thread because there aren't enough hunger games rps on the Shard yet. Accepting new players at any time! I will be acting as GM, playing as a character in the rp (see below). The game will start when I have at least 3 players. 

Guidelines: This rp takes place in Panem, before Katniss's rebellion. I begins on the day of the reaping. In addition, this rp takes place in Scadrial era 2. Each of you will have the option of being a twin born (or misting/ferring) in this world. No compounders, and no time powers (like f/steel or a/bendalloy) because that could get messy. I will be playing the part of Volaro (VO-luhr-oh) Fetterman, chief game maker/announcer of the hunger games.

Tech: The tech is true to the books. The time period is a little after the second quarter quell.

My character:


Name: Volaro Fetterman

Title: Head Gamemaker/Announcer

Allomantic Abilities: Brass (soother)

Feruchemical Abilities: none

Personality: Volaro is very ambitious. He is always seeking for a better position, and is constantly looking for ways to better himself. His allomantic ability is not very well known and has served him well on more that one occasion. 

Backstory: Volaro was the son of a Gamemaker and strove to fill the large shoes of his father. As he climbed the ranks, he found his skill for wowing his superiors, and it has landed him a position as the head gamemaker. 

Talents: Making people like him, even admire him. He has a skill--and not just allomantically--to get people to see him how he wants them to.

Example PC:





District/Current Occupation:

Allomantic Abilities:

Feruchemical Abilities:




Favored Tools:

Other Details:

Ask with any questions. And may the odds be ever in your favor!

Edited by TheFrugalWizard
Updated character sheet
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21 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Hello. I am starting this thread because there aren't enough hunger games rps on the Shard yet. Accepting new players at any time! I will be acting as GM, playing as a character in the rp (see below). The game will start when I have at least 3 players. 

Guidelines: This rp takes place in Panem, before Katniss's rebellion. I begins on the day of the reaping. In addition, this rp takes place in Scadrial era 2. Each of you will have the option of being a twin born (or misting/ferring) in this world. No compounders, and no time powers (like f/steel or a/bendalloy) because that could get messy. I will be playing the part of Volaro (VO-luhr-oh) Fetterman, chief game maker/announcer of the hunger games.

Tech: The tech is true to the books. The time period is a little after the second quarter quell.

My character:

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Volaro Fetterman

Title: Head Gamemaker/Announcer

Allomantic Abilities: Brass (soother)

Feruchemical Abilities: none

Personality: Volaro is very ambitious. He is always seeking for a better position, and is constantly looking for ways to better himself. His allomantic ability is not very well known and has served him well on more that one occasion. 

Backstory: Volaro was the son of a Gamemaker and strove to fill the large shoes of his father. As he climbed the ranks, he found his skill for wowing his superiors, and it has landed him a position as the head gamemaker. 

Talents: Making people like him, even admire him. He has a skill--and not just allomantically--to get people to see him how he wants them to.

Example PC:

  Reveal hidden contents



Current Occupation:

Allomantic Abilities:

Feruchemical Abilities:



Weapon Skills:

Other Skills:

Favored Tools:

Other Details:

Ask with any questions. And may the odds be ever in your favor!


So this is an awesome idea, but it would be separate from the games that happen here, so I’m going to move it to the regular rp section. Enjoy!

(these hunger games are sort of like the alleyverse, in that it’s all happening in the same universe type thing).


Edited by Edema Rue
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I’m in!


Name: Arthur Endsworth

Age: 23

Current Occupation: Tailor

Allomantic Abilities: Iron

Feruchemical Abilities: Bronze

Personality: Arthur is a determined young man who doesn’t have time for silly things like a social life. 

Backstory:He graduated college and lives alone and spends most of his time at his shop sewing.

Weapon Skills: none

Other Skills: Sewing, fashion sense

Favored Tools: sewing needle

Other Details: he’s only 5 feet tall. 


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Name: roy

Age: 17

Current Occupation: scholar/explorer

Allomantic Abilities: pewter

Feruchemical Abilities: f-copper

Personality: roy has travelled the world as an assistant to the greatest explorer to have everlived. because of this he is brave and smart in all fields of science, research and history

Backstory: roy has travelled the world as an assistant to the greatest explorer to have everlived. because of this he has seen almost every cosmere world and has complete knowledge of all combat styles

Weapon Skills: daggers

Other Skills: perfect knowledge of all combat syles

Favored Tools: his copper daggers

Other Details: he is 6,7 feet tall with massive strength and mucles

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9 hours ago, Lord Spirit said:

I’m in!


8 hours ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

Name: roy

Age: 17

Current Occupation: scholar/explorer

Allomantic Abilities: pewter

Feruchemical Abilities: f-copper

Personality: roy has travelled the world as an assistant to the greatest explorer to have everlived. because of this he is brave and smart in all fields of science, research and history

Backstory: roy has travelled the world as an assistant to the greatest explorer to have everlived. because of this he has seen almost every cosmere world and has complete knowledge of all combat styles

Weapon Skills: daggers

Other Skills: perfect knowledge of all combat syles

Favored Tools: his copper daggers

Other Details: he is 6,7 feet tall with massive strength and mucles

I'm glad you guys are interested. I'm planning on waiting until I have at least one more person interested before starting, so give it a couple of days.

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14 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

Hello. I am starting this thread because there aren't enough hunger games rps on the Shard yet. Accepting new players at any time! I will be acting as GM, playing as a character in the rp (see below). The game will start when I have at least 3 players. 

Guidelines: This rp takes place in Panem, before Katniss's rebellion. I begins on the day of the reaping. In addition, this rp takes place in Scadrial era 2. Each of you will have the option of being a twin born (or misting/ferring) in this world. No compounders, and no time powers (like f/steel or a/bendalloy) because that could get messy. I will be playing the part of Volaro (VO-luhr-oh) Fetterman, chief game maker/announcer of the hunger games.

Tech: The tech is true to the books. The time period is a little after the second quarter quell.

My character:

  Reveal hidden contents

Name: Volaro Fetterman

Title: Head Gamemaker/Announcer

Allomantic Abilities: Brass (soother)

Feruchemical Abilities: none

Personality: Volaro is very ambitious. He is always seeking for a better position, and is constantly looking for ways to better himself. His allomantic ability is not very well known and has served him well on more that one occasion. 

Backstory: Volaro was the son of a Gamemaker and strove to fill the large shoes of his father. As he climbed the ranks, he found his skill for wowing his superiors, and it has landed him a position as the head gamemaker. 

Talents: Making people like him, even admire him. He has a skill--and not just allomantically--to get people to see him how he wants them to.

Example PC:

  Reveal hidden contents



Current Occupation:

Allomantic Abilities:

Feruchemical Abilities:



Weapon Skills:

Other Skills:

Favored Tools:

Other Details:

Ask with any questions. And may the odds be ever in your favor!

huh- ill be in as Cerca, a fast-talking crasher who shoots first, asks later.

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2 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:


I'm glad you guys are interested. I'm planning on waiting until I have at least one more person interested before starting, so give it a couple of days.

48 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

huh- ill be in as Cerca, a fast-talking crasher who shoots first, asks later.

you uhh seem to have spoken a bit too soon...

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13 minutes ago, RoyalBeeMage said:

you uhh seem to have spoken a bit too soon...

Good! I'm glad I'm getting more interest. 

1 hour ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

huh- ill be in as Cerca, a fast-talking crasher who shoots first, asks later.

I'd like to have your character sheet, but we can start. Also, I forgot to add gender to the character sheet, please specify!

I'm giving you each separate starting stories, as each of you starts in a different district.


Location: District 8 (textiles)

Arthur leans lazily against the brick wall of the town square. A bright young man with hair dyed electric blue steps up to the stage, waving happily at the audience. The nervous whispers of the crowd quiet. 

"Welcome to the fifty-fourth annual Hunger Games!" he enthusiastically announces. "Isn't it a wonderful day?"

Arthur is tempted to give a biting reply, but stops himself.

"Well, we have business to be on to! First, our lucky female winner!" He reaches his hand into the large glass sphere with all of the names. "And will Allie Mudwagon please come up on stage?" After a moment of silence, a young, trembling girl makes her way up.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Please give a round of applause to Allie!" Halfhearted clapping follows. "On to our boy contestant, " he says with a smile. Oh, how Arthur would like to wipe that smile from his face someday. "And for our boy... Arthur Endsowth!"

Arthur feels a pang of shock and fear. Had he just called his name? Surely there was a mistake... but everyone is looking at him. Trembling, unbelieving, Arthur walks up onstage beside Allie. It was now, staring down the cameras and the relived crowd, that Arthur realizes the truth. He was going to the games.


Location: District 1 (luxary items)

Roy sits in a comfortable chair. He is still thrumming with excitement from his recent visit to Taladin. He'd almost figured out how to control sand, like the people there did.

Tensions are high in district one; it's the reaping and everyone's nervous. Ria, hair done back in wavy lines of green and skind dyed a soft blue, steps up to the podium. 

"Here we go again!" she chirps. "And welcome to the start of the fifty-fourth Hunger Games!" some cheering actually follows. Only in district one would people cheer. "Let's choose a female contesant for this year. And we have..." she puts her hand into the large glass orb where the paper slips are whirling around, propelled by fans. "Lucy Evans!"

Lucy begins to walk up, but doesn't made it far before another girl shouts, "I volunteer!"

"A volunteer! Wonderful! And a name...?"

A girl, very athletic and confident strides up. "My name's Jalla Heart. And I'm gonna win these games if it kills me."

Ria beams. "Our boy, then." She reaches into the boy's orb and pulls out a name. "Roy. No lase name. odd..."

Roy isn't too worried. Surely someone will volunteer. But as he marches up, nobody did. As he steps onto the stage, his heart is racing. Could there really be no voulenteers? Ria calls for voulenteers. Nobody. Roy's fate is sealed.


You guys are now saying goodbye to friends and family in the district hall.

I'll need some more information on Cerca before creating a reaping for him.


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Name: Cerca

Age: 15

Current Occupation: police

Allomantic Abilities: steel

Feruchemical Abilities: whatever the weight one was. 

Personality: shoot first, ask later.


Weapon Skills: gun

Other Skills: coinshot

Favored Tools: coin

Other Details:

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17 hours ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

No compounders,


*cries in Sharp the 1st* ah well

I'm really tempted to join this even though I should be ACT cramming this week . . . I'll tentatively make a character sheet


Name: Sharice (no relation)

Age: 17

Current Occupation: unemployed : D

Allomantic Abilities: Tin (senses)

Feruchemical Abilities: gold (health) -if that's alright

Personality: "Mess around and find out"

Backstory: Is shifty

Weapon Skills: G u n s

Other Skills: being vaguely annoying but not enough that you'd do anything about it so you just end up tolerating her presence until you inevitably become best friends through several life and death experiences and now you want to put up with her cause she has a heart of gold but despite it all she's still really annoying.

Favored Tools: Maraca

Other Details: Likes cheese



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20 minutes ago, TheRavenHasLanded said:

Name: Cerca

Age: 15

Current Occupation: police

Allomantic Abilities: steel

Feruchemical Abilities: whatever the weight one was. 

Personality: shoot first, ask later.


Weapon Skills: gun

Other Skills: coinshot

Favored Tools: coin

Other Details:

That's feruchemical iron. What gender is Cerca?

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2 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

That's alright. We can accept new members at any time. For now, do you just want me to control your character?

I should be able to be active, so no worries. Just know if I disappear for a while, that's why. Feel free to control my character if I do.

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Just now, justice magician said:

I should be able to be active, so no worries. Just know if I disappear for a while, that's why. Feel free to control my character if I do.

That's fine, thanks for letting me know! Also - gold is fine, and I am putting you into district 4 (fishing) is that's fine with you.


Location: District 2 (masonry and defense)

Cerca stands beside his dad. He wears the full peacemaker outfit, and is one of three officers overseeing the reaping. Cerca half hopes that someone will try to run, if only so he could shoot them. 

Cerca watches the reaping. Bob Treffler stood up on the stage, already choosing the female. Cerca isn't surprised when a career volunteers. Hopefully district 2 will be able to take a win this year. Suddenly, a thought strikes him. 

"Father?" Cerca asks. 


"What happens if I get chosen?"

Cerca can't see his father smile, but he hears it.

"Son, you are one of hundreds of possible contestants, and your name is only in there four times! You won't get chosen."

Cerca believes him right up until they called his name. He wasn't shocked or mad. In fact, he had considered volunteering. He has plenty of training to be a cop. Now is his chance to show off. He only hopes there's a gun and a few coins in the cornucopia.


Location: District 4 (fishing)

Sharice could care less about the reaping. She sits at the back of the crowd, playing a game of chess with some older men. A pile of money sits beside the board. The winnings. Sharice moves a piece. "Check," she whispers. The man is looking slightly frantic. Sharice was sure she had him. The lady up front is babbling about something that had to do with a nice day for the games. Whatever. It is her last year of the reaping. 

The man moves his bishop to block the check. Shacrice had been hoping he'd do that. She moves her rook over, placing pressure on the bishop. The crowd suddenly grows quiet. Everyone stares at her. What? Wait, what if-

"Sharice Kelly?" calls the woman up front. "Sharice, you've been chosen for the games."

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11 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

That's fine, thanks for letting me know! Also - gold is fine, and I am putting you into district 4 (fishing) is that's fine with you.


Location: District 2 (masonry and defense)

Cerca stands beside his dad. He wears the full peacemaker outfit, and is one of three officers overseeing the reaping. Cerca half hopes that someone will try to run, if only so he could shoot them. 

Cerca watches the reaping. Bob Treffler stood up on the stage, already choosing the female. Cerca isn't surprised when a career volunteers. Hopefully district 2 will be able to take a win this year. Suddenly, a thought strikes him. 

"Father?" Cerca asks. 


"What happens if I get chosen?"

Cerca can't see his father smile, but he hears it.

"Son, you are one of hundreds of possible contestants, and your name is only in there four times! You won't get chosen."

Cerca believes him right up until they called his name. He wasn't shocked or mad. In fact, he had considered volunteering. He has plenty of training to be a cop. Now is his chance to show off. He only hopes there's a gun and a few coins in the cornucopia.


Location: District 4 (fishing)

Sharice could care less about the reaping. She sits at the back of the crowd, playing a game of chess with some older men. A pile of money sits beside the board. The winnings. Sharice moves a piece. "Check," she whispers. The man is looking slightly frantic. Sharice was sure she had him. The lady up front is babbling about something that had to do with a nice day for the games. Whatever. It is her last year of the reaping. 

The man moves his bishop to block the check. Shacrice had been hoping he'd do that. She moves her rook over, placing pressure on the bishop. The crowd suddenly grows quiet. Everyone stares at her. What? Wait, what if-

"Sharice Kelly?" calls the woman up front. "Sharice, you've been chosen for the games."

"Games? I'm already playing a game."

And an important one at that, I've almost got him, she thinks to herself.

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16 minutes ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

That's fine, thanks for letting me know! Also - gold is fine, and I am putting you into district 4 (fishing) is that's fine with you.


Location: District 2 (masonry and defense)

Cerca stands beside his dad. He wears the full peacemaker outfit, and is one of three officers overseeing the reaping. Cerca half hopes that someone will try to run, if only so he could shoot them. 

Cerca watches the reaping. Bob Treffler stood up on the stage, already choosing the female. Cerca isn't surprised when a career volunteers. Hopefully district 2 will be able to take a win this year. Suddenly, a thought strikes him. 

"Father?" Cerca asks. 


"What happens if I get chosen?"

Cerca can't see his father smile, but he hears it.

"Son, you are one of hundreds of possible contestants, and your name is only in there four times! You won't get chosen."

Cerca believes him right up until they called his name. He wasn't shocked or mad. In fact, he had considered volunteering. He has plenty of training to be a cop. Now is his chance to show off. He only hopes there's a gun and a few coins in the cornucopia.


Location: District 4 (fishing)

Sharice could care less about the reaping. She sits at the back of the crowd, playing a game of chess with some older men. A pile of money sits beside the board. The winnings. Sharice moves a piece. "Check," she whispers. The man is looking slightly frantic. Sharice was sure she had him. The lady up front is babbling about something that had to do with a nice day for the games. Whatever. It is her last year of the reaping. 

The man moves his bishop to block the check. Shacrice had been hoping he'd do that. She moves her rook over, placing pressure on the bishop. The crowd suddenly grows quiet. Everyone stares at her. What? Wait, what if-

"Sharice Kelly?" calls the woman up front. "Sharice, you've been chosen for the games."

Cerca just grins. "should i store weight or use weight to prepare... hmmmmm..."

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Posted (edited)
7 minutes ago, justice magician said:

"Games? I'm already playing a game."

And an important one at that, I've almost got him, she thinks to herself.

@justice magician

"Yes. If you would please come up to the stage. Regardless of what you're doing, you must come."

You notice that the man has made his move.

Edited by TheFrugalWizard
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Just now, TheFrugalWizard said:

"Yes. If you would please come up to the stage."

You notice that the man has made his move.

"Can it wait?" She moves her piece, closing in on him. Not at all noticing that the whole crowd is staring at her.

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1 minute ago, TheFrugalWizard said:

@justice magician

"Come up now or we will resort to volence."

The man, intreauged, moves.

"Oh really, how scary."

She makes another move herself. So close.

Edited by justice magician
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