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Aethers and Adonalsium


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Yo, been reading the forums for a while now and am new to posting.

Had a few crackpot ideas I wanted to shoot out there about the Aethers and Adonalsium.


Could they and their planet have been Adonalsium's first experiment creating planets and magic that he left for Yolen?

If the mythology about them is right and they predate Adonalsium, could they have created him or something?

Could Adonalsium be an Aether?


Idk, this is all in the dark wild speculation, what do y'all think?

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I think that at most, the Aether's were floating around the void of space that predated the Cosmere, then Ado showed up and created a bunch of stuff.

I don't think Aether's would have a reason to lie about predating Adonalsium unless there was some kind of evidence.

As for if Ado is an Aether himself? Not likely, from what I've seen Aethers seem to be symbiotic Invested organisms that perhaps exist more in the Physical Realm than Cognitive or Spiritual. 

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There are (fairly old) WOB's that claim all Investiture in the Cosmere is From Adonalsium (or was it Of Adonalsium).  If we take that to still be true then it means the Aethers simply believe they are separate from Adonalsium.  But if we assume they have good reason for their beliefs, I have a theory to reconcile it: 

Theory:  The Aethers were Investiture that was left alone too long and gained Sentience on it's own.  Their Investiture is technically still of the Cosmere and of Adonalsium, but they are not a creation of Adonalsium and they probably just consider Adonalsium a bigger example of themselves (Investiture-gone-Sapient).

Corollary Theory:  Adonalsium created Roshar specifically to be a pressure relief system to prevent the circumstances of stagnant Investiture that allowed the Aethers to form and gain sentience. from happening again.  

Support (Tenuous) :  One of the few things about Adonalsium we know from WOB is that they would have prevented pre-shattering Spren from gaining sapience even though it would have been possible.

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Okay my theory on this is based on the Iriali religion of the One, that before the beginning of creation a singular entitiy split itself into pieces to experience life. Now this can't be referring to adonalsium as people existed before the Shattering. I think that this One shattered itself into 17 pieces, those being Adonalsium, the dawnshards, and the 12 prime aethers 

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/19/2024 at 9:27 AM, Quantus said:

 Support (Tenuous) :  One of the few things about Adonalsium we know from WOB is that they would have prevented pre-shattering Spren from gaining sapience even though it would have been possible.

Interesting. I didn't know that Adonalsium was directly opposed to Spren having sapience.

Can you provide the WoB? 

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19 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Interesting. I didn't know that Adonalsium was directly opposed to Spren having sapience.

Can you provide the WoB? 

We don't know we, but we know all sapient spren are post Honor&Cultivation and that Adonalsium didn't want Spren to have access to Surges. WoBs:



Do the spren that we know of as the Cryptics exist before Honor and Cultivation came to Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Ah, good question! No. Cryptics would be one of the forms of spren that were a later creation. Creation is the wrong term, but yeah. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Later development? Evolution?

Brandon Sanderson

All of the sapient spren are later developments. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Are they evolved from the earlier spren?


Evolution doesn't work the same way on the spren, right? The spren were created more than evolved, I would say.

Billy Todd, Moderator

Maybe cultivated?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, cultivated. *laughter*

JordanCon 2018 (April 21, 2018)




You’ve said that you would call Surgebinding, Voidbinding, and fabrials the three magics on Roshar. Would it be more accurate to say that Surgebinding followed and emulated fabrials and/orthe possibility of fabrials or vice versa?

Brandon Sanderson

 Vice versa. Fabrials are... generally, Surgebinders first, fabrials second. 


So you couldn’t have done fabrials when it was just Adonalsium. 

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, before the [Shattering]? *deep in thought mmming*


Would the spren have still been able to do Surges then?

Brandon Sanderson

I would say... no. No, Adonalsium probably would not have let that happen. You could theoretically do it, if Adonalsium allowed it. 


He had boundaries against it. 

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So, I would say no. 

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)



Pod (paraphrased)

You said at the Starsight release that [Adonalsium] was intentionally preventing the spren from accessing Surges through fabrials and such pre-Shattering. Was this a passive or active effect?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It was kind of both - the way [Adonalsium] worked was just that the way he saw the world [magic] was the way the world [magic] worked. He didn't want the spren to be able to do that, so they couldn't.

Pod (paraphrased)

So did [Adonalsium] want to die?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

*makes face along with various non committal hmings*

Pod (paraphrased)

That at least gives credibility to the theory.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yeah, it gives credibility to the theory.

Footnote: *I don't know how to describe the face - it definitely wasn't confirmation but it looked incriminating to me. Brandon corrected ’world’ to ’magic’ after I left.
American Fork High School Signing (Dec. 12, 2019)


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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

We don't know we, but we know all sapient spren are post Honor&Cultivation and that Adonalsium didn't want Spren to have access to Surges. WoBs:

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Do the spren that we know of as the Cryptics exist before Honor and Cultivation came to Roshar?

Brandon Sanderson

Ah, good question! No. Cryptics would be one of the forms of spren that were a later creation. Creation is the wrong term, but yeah. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Later development? Evolution?

Brandon Sanderson

All of the sapient spren are later developments. 

Billy Todd, Moderator

Are they evolved from the earlier spren?


Evolution doesn't work the same way on the spren, right? The spren were created more than evolved, I would say.

Billy Todd, Moderator

Maybe cultivated?

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah, cultivated. *laughter*

JordanCon 2018 (April 21, 2018)


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You’ve said that you would call Surgebinding, Voidbinding, and fabrials the three magics on Roshar. Would it be more accurate to say that Surgebinding followed and emulated fabrials and/orthe possibility of fabrials or vice versa?

Brandon Sanderson

 Vice versa. Fabrials are... generally, Surgebinders first, fabrials second. 


So you couldn’t have done fabrials when it was just Adonalsium. 

Brandon Sanderson

Oh, before the [Shattering]? *deep in thought mmming*


Would the spren have still been able to do Surges then?

Brandon Sanderson

I would say... no. No, Adonalsium probably would not have let that happen. You could theoretically do it, if Adonalsium allowed it. 


He had boundaries against it. 

Brandon Sanderson

Yes. So, I would say no. 

Starsight Release Party (Nov. 26, 2019)


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Pod (paraphrased)

You said at the Starsight release that [Adonalsium] was intentionally preventing the spren from accessing Surges through fabrials and such pre-Shattering. Was this a passive or active effect?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

It was kind of both - the way [Adonalsium] worked was just that the way he saw the world [magic] was the way the world [magic] worked. He didn't want the spren to be able to do that, so they couldn't.

Pod (paraphrased)

So did [Adonalsium] want to die?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

*makes face along with various non committal hmings*

Pod (paraphrased)

That at least gives credibility to the theory.

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yeah, it gives credibility to the theory.

Footnote: *I don't know how to describe the face - it definitely wasn't confirmation but it looked incriminating to me. Brandon corrected ’world’ to ’magic’ after I left.
American Fork High School Signing (Dec. 12, 2019)


Ah, thanks.

For some reason, I have a hard time finding WoBs.

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