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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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I, representing Hoidhunter, am so sorry Stormgate. So very, very sorry.

(Wish granted, Hoidhunter).


As your bane Hoidhunter, for the rest of your life you will have the star wars movies overlaying your vision like a filter, with their sound doing the same to your hearing. You can still interact normally with people, but Star Wars (including the prequels and the new one!) is always there. With you. Always. 



I wish that I could learn languages fluently (accent and all), quickly, easily and with a minimum of effort. 

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Granted! You are crushed into a slimy, messy pulp as an 18 wheeler filled with candy jack-knifes then falls on you. Centuries later archeologists think you were a new flavor of starburst.


I wish Donald Trump was not running for president.

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Granted. After being booed at a rally, Trup has a sudden revelation which causes him to abandon the race for president and let go of all his possessions in favour of life in ascetism. Newly enlightened, he starts writing books on self-help, being one with nature and similar topics - and your bane is that from today on, every single gift you'll ever get, no matter the occassion and the person who gives it to you, will be one of Trump's books.


I wish for good weather to come and stay until the end of the next week.

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I, representing Hoidhunter, am so sorry Stormgate. So very, very sorry.

(Wish granted, Hoidhunter).


As your bane Hoidhunter, for the rest of your life you will have the star wars movies overlaying your vision like a filter, with their sound doing the same to your hearing. You can still interact normally with people, but Star Wars (including the prequels and the new one!) is always there. With you. Always. 



I wish that I could learn languages fluently (accent and all), quickly, easily and with a minimum of effort. 

I have been living this hell for years...not so much with the newer films...but still...not much difference.


As the definition of "good" in open to interpretation, you have really rainy weather for a few days, then it will snow a bit, then some sunshine and warm temps that turn the snow into mud...


For your bane...you have to read a book written by donald trump...they do exist.


I wish for someone who has read a book written by donald trump to send me a PM listing it's title and describing it's content.

Edited by hoidhunter
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Done.  I'll PM you.



In The Art of the Deal, Captain Picard joins up with the Star Trek Corps of Engineers and the crew of the USS da Vinci to confront a group of saboteurs on a rapidly-industrializing agricultural planet!


What do you mean, that's the wrong Art of the Deal?


For your bane, you now have tiny hands.


Morel season is almost here in my neck of the woods!  I wish that over the next few weeks, I'll be able to bring home baskets and baskets filled with delicious morels.

Edited by ecohansen
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Granted. However, due to a miscommunication, you now have lots of fables.

Moral of the story: be careful with your vocabulary.

Your bane is that your thumbs are each roughly the dimensions of a standard #2 pencil.

I wish for the ultimate question of life, the universe, and everything.

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What do you get when you multiply six by eight?


All of your beverages now taste almost, but not quite, entirely unlike tea.


I wish to share a beautiful moment with a small bird in front of a stadium filled with enraptured onlookers.

Granted. (I seriously tried to find a way to twist your boon into something, well, twisted - I ended up thinking of you sharing the big screen with Big Bird or of you being carpet bombed the next time you go to a stadium - but what the heck, gotta give good boons now and then.)


As for your bane, your likeness has just been recreated and immortalized into a statue somewhere in New Zealand - where it will be doomed to forever accumulate bird droppings.


I wish for my very own television network - one that airs my favorite shows 24/7 and will never, EVER air any of those stupid dishwashing ads. Pretty please?

Edited by Mr. Staccato
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I wish for the ability to shape-shift. Literally always wanted that power.

You can now shapeshift... but it seems like anything you transform into always bears that odd fresh armpit smell.

P.S. That isn't your bane. Here it is:

Your presence ruins every kind of locking mechanism. Unlocked doors will lock the moment you step close to them, other people's phones cannot be accessed while you're around, chains and necklaces fall apart, etc.

I wish... for a bag of Reese peanut-butter cups. (Sorry, your name and picture gave me a sudden craving for the things.)

Edited by Mr. Staccato
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You can now shapeshift... but it seems like anything you transform into always bears that odd fresh armpit smell.

P.S. That isn't your bane. Here it is:

Your presence ruins every kind of locking mechanism. Unlocked doors will lock the moment you step close to them, other people's phones cannot be accessed while you're around, chains and necklaces fall apart, etc.

I wish... for a bag of Reese peanut-butter cups. (Sorry, your name and picture gave me a sudden craving for the things.)

BREAK DOWN THE DOOR! But wait... If I ruin the locking mechanism, and if it is ALREADY locked, does that mean it unlocks?

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You can now shapeshift... but it seems like anything you transform into always bears that odd fresh armpit smell.

P.S. That isn't your bane. Here it is:

Your presence ruins every kind of locking mechanism. Unlocked doors will lock the moment you step close to them, other people's phones cannot be accessed while you're around, chains and necklaces fall apart, etc.

I wish... for a bag of Reese peanut-butter cups. (Sorry, your name and picture gave me a sudden craving for the things.)

Granted! Your arm is now a bag of Reese PBCs.
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You can now shapeshift... but it seems like anything you transform into always bears that odd fresh armpit smell.

P.S. That isn't your bane. Here it is:

Your presence ruins every kind of locking mechanism. Unlocked doors will lock the moment you step close to them, other people's phones cannot be accessed while you're around, chains and necklaces fall apart, etc.

I wish... for a bag of Reese peanut-butter cups. (Sorry, your name and picture gave me a sudden craving for the things.)

Great nightwatcher bane! +1


Granted! Your arm is now a bag of Reese PBCs.


But you wished for nothing, so your bane is every bane between the last time someone did this and now...

I wish that any and all internet trolls would feel a punch to the face, any and every time they attempted to troll or harass someone (online or off). 

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Granted. Voidus and Rubix, two of our beloved members, are now sore due to some playful trolling that recently commenced on one of the threads on this site. Of course, every other troll is sore too, but these ones are probably grumpy.

Your bane is that you must speak in movie/book/tv show quotes whenever you get flustered.

I wish to be able to name two ranks for upvotes. (Seons and skaze)

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Granted. Voidus and Rubix, two of our beloved members, are now sore due to some playful trolling that recently commenced on one of the threads on this site. Of course, every other troll is sore too, but these ones are probably grumpy.

Your bane is that you must speak in movie/book/tv show quotes whenever you get flustered.

I wish to be able to name two ranks for upvotes. (Seons and skaze)


Oh man. I've got a bad feeling about this. 

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 With no wish posted, I grant you permanent bad feelings.

Your boon is that everything you eat will taste like your least favorite food.


I wish for pen and pad to tell a story 

I neither granted a wish, nor provided a bane, nor posted a wish: Just commented. So the rules don't apply, and it's Stormgates wish you're supposed to be granting!

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 With no wish posted, I grant you permanent bad feelings.

Your boon is that everything you eat will taste like your least favorite food.


I wish for pen and pad to tell a story 

I just wrote on my pad of paper (using a pen), "There once was a website called the 17th shard.  Many people used it to discuss their theories about Brandon Sanderson books.  Sometimes the people disagree and get very defensive, but mostly they converse in a civilized manner. The end."


You're bane is that you now have to do the same, but change the story a bit.


I wish for proof that you have done this.

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I just wrote on my pad of paper (using a pen), "There once was a website called the 17th shard.  Many people used it to discuss their theories about Brandon Sanderson books.  Sometimes the people disagree and get very defensive, but mostly they converse in a civilized manner. The end."


You're bane is that you now have to do the same, but change the story a bit.


I wish for proof that you have done this.

This is a tough task, as my wish wasn't granted and I have neither pen nor pad.

Granted, but your bane is that my proof will be hidden from sight


"There once was a game on the website The 17th Shard, called Nightwatcher Boon/bane Game.  Many people use it to make and grant other people's wishes, while also giving the wisher a curse.  Sometimes the people forget to grant a wish, or choose not to carry out their bane, but mostly the game proceeds in a civilized manner.  The end"


I wish for people to be able to see my proof of bane, but only if they choose so

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By wishing for something that already is true, you have doubled down on reality's realness--the real universe is now the only imaginable universe.


Your bane is the only bane that is now possible--all the bad things that actually exist in your life, still exist in your life.


I wish the only wish that is now possible: I wish that my mind exists in a state of wishing.

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