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Some fun SA 6-10 predictions


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I was just kinda thinking about the latter half of SA and how our characters will evolve and grow, and maybe even who we've seen who will be main POV's in the series for one i think that Gavinor, while i know a lot of people have the "Child Champion" theory but this is still possible with or without that theory,
Personally i think Gavinor will be our Dustbringer POV (and maybe even main protag) for the next part of stormlight

I also think Adin will take on a more Adolin type position, being important to the story and getting POV's but not being a main character. He will obviously be a Windrunner no doubt about it

Now onto returning characters:
Kaladin: Will have fully retired and (maybe a bit biased here but) raising his son Tien with his wife Leshwi (if u saw the razy theories thread you might remember this lol) but i wholly hope Kal ends up with Leshwi they're perfect for eachother.

Shallan: Shallan will probably end up being a world hopper making many trips to Silverlight and running some kind of anti ghostblood faction that we might have a character POV of, but she'll make time to return to Adolin and (tbh idk if they would have kids by the time of SA6 they would eventually since yk heir to the kingdom but who knows) she'll end up being a cool secret agent type char who only shows up every so often to help our main cast (Maybe she ends up how Hoid was in SA1-5)

Adolin: Adolin would have started a pseudo radiant faction for people to wake up deadeye spren, this is untested waters but i think by SA5 Adolin will "revive" Maya but not fully but maybe granting him access to the full radiant blade without surges (changing form and instant summoning) and he will start training people who either cant become a radiant for whatever reason or people who still feel attached to their old shard.

Dalinar & Navani: Doing them together as they will end up with a similar role that being King and Queen of Urithiru NOT leader of the radiants, i dont know how this would occour but Dalinar by SA6 would step down from leading the Radiants maybe the Nightwatcher finally bonded someone (POV character?) and they took it up or some other Radiant or even the stormfather and Dalinar safely unbonded (worst option imo) but anyways now him and Navani act as a wholesome old people couple while also being among the most powerful people on Roshar.

Jasnah: Will have most likely have transformed Alethkar into a democracy (maybe by SA6 its in the half phase similar to Elends empire in the hero of ages) and is probably still "Single" (probably on and off with Hoid still) Honestly i dont expect much from Jasnah in SA6-10 just see her more as a talked about figure. 

And thats most of what comes to my head right now, feel free to add on or discuss different ideas for the characters because im being a bit too positive for them all (Im a sucker for a happy ending)


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I think that in this period of the cosmere, name-drops and crossovers are going to be more and more out front. So far, cosmere connections have mostly been in the background for those looking for them, but if The Lost Metal is a good indicator of the cosmere's future, I expect that we'll see much more Worldhoppers/Invested Arts/etc. I know that Brandon wants to keep it so that reading other series will not be necessary, but I don't think he's going to end up following that rule too closely. Mostly, I'm excited to see potential interactions between characters from other series like Kelsier with Shallan (likely to happen because of her involvement with the Ghostbloods) or maybe even Marsh directly appearing on Roshar. As for characters already in SA, I think we can't really say anything for sure until we know what happens with the contest of champions.

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14 hours ago, SomePog said:

I was just kinda thinking about the latter half of SA and how our characters will evolve and grow, and maybe even who we've seen who will be main POV's in the series for one i think that Gavinor, while i know a lot of people have the "Child Champion" theory but this is still possible with or without that theory,
Personally i think Gavinor will be our Dustbringer POV (and maybe even main protag) for the next part of stormlight

I also think Adin will take on a more Adolin type position, being important to the story and getting POV's but not being a main character. He will obviously be a Windrunner no doubt about it

Now onto returning characters:
Kaladin: Will have fully retired and (maybe a bit biased here but) raising his son Tien with his wife Leshwi (if u saw the razy theories thread you might remember this lol) but i wholly hope Kal ends up with Leshwi they're perfect for eachother.

Shallan: Shallan will probably end up being a world hopper making many trips to Silverlight and running some kind of anti ghostblood faction that we might have a character POV of, but she'll make time to return to Adolin and (tbh idk if they would have kids by the time of SA6 they would eventually since yk heir to the kingdom but who knows) she'll end up being a cool secret agent type char who only shows up every so often to help our main cast (Maybe she ends up how Hoid was in SA1-5)

Adolin: Adolin would have started a pseudo radiant faction for people to wake up deadeye spren, this is untested waters but i think by SA5 Adolin will "revive" Maya but not fully but maybe granting him access to the full radiant blade without surges (changing form and instant summoning) and he will start training people who either cant become a radiant for whatever reason or people who still feel attached to their old shard.

Dalinar & Navani: Doing them together as they will end up with a similar role that being King and Queen of Urithiru NOT leader of the radiants, i dont know how this would occour but Dalinar by SA6 would step down from leading the Radiants maybe the Nightwatcher finally bonded someone (POV character?) and they took it up or some other Radiant or even the stormfather and Dalinar safely unbonded (worst option imo) but anyways now him and Navani act as a wholesome old people couple while also being among the most powerful people on Roshar.

Jasnah: Will have most likely have transformed Alethkar into a democracy (maybe by SA6 its in the half phase similar to Elends empire in the hero of ages) and is probably still "Single" (probably on and off with Hoid still) Honestly i dont expect much from Jasnah in SA6-10 just see her more as a talked about figure. 

And thats most of what comes to my head right now, feel free to add on or discuss different ideas for the characters because im being a bit too positive for them all (Im a sucker for a happy ending)


"Jasnah: Will have most likely have transformed Alethkar into a democracy (maybe by SA6 its in the half phase similar to Elends empire in the hero of ages)"


 Oh God I hope not, democracy in fantasy is overrated. We already have a democracy in scadrel,  I would  Prefer another system of government for storm light to keep things interesting. Maybe a constitutional monarchy or constitutional theocracy led by the radiance. 

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On 1/23/2024 at 6:17 PM, SomePog said:

I also think Adin will take on a more Adolin type position, being important to the story and getting POV's but not being a main character.

Well, hopefully everyone's least favorite interlude character doesn't become important later... as that would be sad. Hopefully we have other, more compelling characters than Adin.  (Also, hopefully he doesn't become like Adolin. Adolin is wonderful as he is and must stay alive the whole series.)

Kaladin: what I'm sensing is that he dies in book 5 protecting someone. Or he becomes Honor, but I honestly hope he doesn't. (What if he has to go into hiding?)

If Shallan becomes a worldhopper at the end of book 5, then she couldn't come back to Roshar using means we know. Mistborn Spoilers:


In TLM, one of the Ghostbloods says that Roshar is blocked off of worldhopping for some reason. We don't know why, we don't know how, but Roshar is inaccessible. 

If Dalinar doesn't either die, pick up Honor, or become a Fused per the contact in book 5, I will be very surprised. I think that Fused Dalinar would be such a cool character for the back 5.

Jasnah: sigh... she'll probably have gained control of all Coalition nations at this point. I hope that WoK Prime repeats itself and she ends up with Taln, because Hoid might not be able to get back onto Roshar for the back 5.

Adolin: has a great relationship with Maya and Shallan/Pattern, and has learned how to be everyone's friend!

Szeth: dies at end of book 5.

Taravangian: terrifying as usual, trying to "help" everyone.

As to Cosmere spoilers, I hope that none of the books have TLM level Cosmere crossovers. I felt that made that book actively worse, and so I'm hoping it doesn't happen in book 5, at least. If it has to get to that level, then I want good setup for it, not just going from 10mph to 100 in the space of one book. *cough Lost Metal cough*

The back 5 main characters are planned as Lift, Renarin, Ash, Taln, Jasnah.



Who are the back five characters...

Brandon Sanderson

Jasnah, Renarin, Lift, Taln, and Ash. Yeah, being able to flashback to Herald times is something I've been really looking forward to. There should be some new flashbacks *inaudible*




Edited by Aredor
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I am so excited for Lift to show up in the back half. I've loved that character since I first met her. Prediction (potentially has been stated before): Lift will bond the Nightwatcher, somehow. I don't have much evidence (aside from the fact that the only other person whom we know interacted with Cultivation directly prior to TWoK is Dalinar, who became a Bondsmith), but everyone keeps noting that Lift is unusual, which means something big is bound to happen with her. If it's not the Nightwatcher, it'll be something else--like possibly taking up Cultivation? That'd be an interesting twist.

But who knows? I could be totally wrong in every way with that theory. I've never made one before, so...(Shrug) :) 

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On 1/23/2024 at 5:17 PM, SomePog said:

I also think Adin will take on a more Adolin type position, being important to the story and getting POV's but not being a main character. He will obviously be a Windrunner no doubt about it

False, Adin is going to accidentally bond a Dustbringer spren and have a pile of dust following him around like that kind in Charlie Brown.

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On 1/24/2024 at 10:40 AM, bmcclure7 said:

"Jasnah: Will have most likely have transformed Alethkar into a democracy (maybe by SA6 its in the half phase similar to Elends empire in the hero of ages)"


 Oh God I hope not, democracy in fantasy is overrated. We already have a democracy in scadrel,  I would  Prefer another system of government for storm light to keep things interesting. Maybe a constitutional monarchy or constitutional theocracy led by the radiance. 

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter." -Winston Churchill

3 hours ago, Ookla said:

I am so excited for Lift to show up in the back half. I've loved that character since I first met her. Prediction (potentially has been stated before): Lift will bond the Nightwatcher, somehow. I don't have much evidence (aside from the fact that the only other person whom we know interacted with Cultivation directly prior to TWoK is Dalinar, who became a Bondsmith), but everyone keeps noting that Lift is unusual, which means something big is bound to happen with her. If it's not the Nightwatcher, it'll be something else--like possibly taking up Cultivation? That'd be an interesting twist.

But who knows? I could be totally wrong in every way with that theory. I've never made one before, so...(Shrug) :) 

Brandon has stated that Shards changing Vessels is an extremely rare occurrence. The two times we've seen it happen so far have been under extraordinary circumstances, so I doubt another Rosharan shard is going to switch hands so quickly. However, I do agree that Lift is going to be more involved with Cultivation in the future, likely through some form of unintended consequences from the wish Cultivation granted.

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50 minutes ago, Thaidakar the Ghostblood said:

False, Adin is going to accidentally bond a Dustbringer spren and have a pile of dust following him around like that kind in Charlie Brown.


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  • 2 weeks later...

I think Valor will come into the story in the back half. The only reason I think this is a passage from RoW right before Taravangian kills Rayse it sounds like one of Brandon’s Shard Intent descriptors, but for Valor. Like Valor was influencing Taravangian.
From RoW Ch. 113:



If you compare that to how Odium is described when Dalinar sees it in OB it has the same cadence and format. Same with shards described in other series. OB ch. 57:



My theory is either Valor was influencing Taravangian or Taravangian so exemplified the intent that he attracted the attention of the Shard in that moment. Either way I think Valor is coming. 

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On 2/8/2024 at 7:57 AM, Child of Hodor said:

I think Valor will come into the story in the back half. The only reason I think this is a passage from RoW right before Taravangian kills Rayse it sounds like one of Brandon’s Shard Intent descriptors, but for Valor. Like Valor was influencing Taravangian.
From RoW Ch. 113:

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If you compare that to how Odium is described when Dalinar sees it in OB it has the same cadence and format. Same with shards described in other series. OB ch. 57:

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My theory is either Valor was influencing Taravangian or Taravangian so exemplified the intent that he attracted the attention of the Shard in that moment. Either way I think Valor is coming. 

Interesting. Of Sanderson's planned three main series, Elantris, Stormlight, and Mistborn, Stormlight certainly seems to be the one most about war, so Valor would it into that smoothly. Bravery, Honor, and Hatred together makes an interesting combo, and it might factor into Cultivation's endgame, considering she helped Taravangian gain such emotionality

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On 1/24/2024 at 11:40 AM, bmcclure7 said:

"Jasnah: Will have most likely have transformed Alethkar into a democracy (maybe by SA6 its in the half phase similar to Elends empire in the hero of ages)"


 Oh God I hope not, democracy in fantasy is overrated. We already have a democracy in scadrel,  I would  Prefer another system of government for storm light to keep things interesting. Maybe a constitutional monarchy or constitutional theocracy led by the radiance. 

Honestly, for some time now, I have considered that the way Roshar is configured in times of peace would be the ideal aristocracy.

  • The Windrunners would be a competent parliament, where each town in the kingdom, if it has a Windrunner, can send it to represent its interests. Maybe if you have two in a town, you can rotate them each month to maintain contact with the community.
  • The Skybreakers wouldn't have to explain much; they would be the perfect police, and the 5th ideals could be selected to be judges.
  • If we have to put the Dustbringers within the government, they would be public works, more specifically quality control.
  • The Edgedancers, beyond being the health system and possibly being involved in the creation of food, could be those in charge of delivering information on the problems of the day to the Windrunners in parliament.

Entering the next section, we enter something more cultural and may be better outside the government.

  • The Truthwachers would be scientists and philosophers; they would simply do the work they already did before the betrayal.
  • The Lightweavers would simply do their own thing.
  • As for the Elsecallers... as seen in their recent presentation video, they are very heterogeneous; they could do specific things depending on the direction in which they have oriented their oaths.

Returning to the government.

  • It seems to me that the Willshapers would look good as the constitutional parliament and, in certain cases, as defense lawyers (it may be better that only those of the 4th ideal are allowed to be one).
  • Stoneward… Standing army.
  • And finally, the Bondsmiths could form a triumvirate in which one is in charge of the purest administration (Sibling), the other is a general ambassador (Nightwacher) and the last has power over emergency decisions (Stormfather).

It is literally a system of government governed by almost unbreakable physical laws, where the freedom to make decisions by government officials would be restricted by the number of ideals they expressed.
Fun note: Plato thought that democracy (rule by the people) was one of the worst forms of government and believed that aristocracy (rule by the best) was the ideal. And since the origin of the idea of the Spren was precisely the Platonic forms.

Edited by Dofurion
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On 1/27/2024 at 6:00 PM, Aredor said:

Well, hopefully everyone's least favorite interlude character doesn't become important later... as that would be sad. Hopefully we have other, more compelling characters than Adin.  (Also, hopefully he doesn't become like Adolin. Adolin is wonderful as he is and must stay alive the whole series.)

Kaladin: what I'm sensing is that he dies in book 5 protecting someone. Or he becomes Honor, but I honestly hope he doesn't. (What if he has to go into hiding?)

If Shallan becomes a worldhopper at the end of book 5, then she couldn't come back to Roshar using means we know. Mistborn Spoilers:

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In TLM, one of the Ghostbloods says that Roshar is blocked off of worldhopping for some reason. We don't know why, we don't know how, but Roshar is inaccessible. 

If Dalinar doesn't either die, pick up Honor, or become a Fused per the contact in book 5, I will be very surprised. I think that Fused Dalinar would be such a cool character for the back 5.

Jasnah: sigh... she'll probably have gained control of all Coalition nations at this point. I hope that WoK Prime repeats itself and she ends up with Taln, because Hoid might not be able to get back onto Roshar for the back 5.

Adolin: has a great relationship with Maya and Shallan/Pattern, and has learned how to be everyone's friend!

Szeth: dies at end of book 5.

Taravangian: terrifying as usual, trying to "help" everyone.

As to Cosmere spoilers, I hope that none of the books have TLM level Cosmere crossovers. I felt that made that book actively worse, and so I'm hoping it doesn't happen in book 5, at least. If it has to get to that level, then I want good setup for it, not just going from 10mph to 100 in the space of one book. *cough Lost Metal cough*

The back 5 main characters are planned as Lift, Renarin, Ash, Taln, Jasnah.


other than Adin and Kal points all of this I agree with and see happening 

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Talking to some friends about this publication, we only came to one conclusion: Sanderson will surprise us and break our hearts in some way.

But as far as fine points go, he was also almost unanimous about something he shouldn't do by the end of Archive: He shouldn't merge Shards.

If he were to do that, it would be a very predictable solution. In case you need it, in case the final plan of the entire Cosmere is to revive Adonalsium, at least outside this saga.
As for what I could do to give an ending to this style without the need to merge, it could be that, for example, Kaladin ascends to Honor, Adolin to Cultivation and Shallan to Odium (not for anything in particular, they are just examples) and that Those who change are the Bondsmith Sprens:

  • The Stormfather begins to control both storms or ends up merging them into a single storm that provides Warlight
  • The Nightwacher will also give the other hybrid light.
  • And Sibling remains the same.

Thus having a Godspren and his Radiant as a bridge between each god.

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