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Staff Introductions

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Hi everyone! I'm Eric. I've been in the fandom since 2008, before Mi'chelle and I made this community in 2010, so I've been doing Sanderson stuff nearly half of my life! That's kind of crazy to think about. I started on 17th Shard doing the technical side of things and run the forums, but my role quickly evolved to doing many other roles, such as Coppermind administrator and more. My hands have been in most pots over the last fifteen years. That ended up working out well, because I met my lovely wife, LadyLameness, on here! (Edit the Coppermind, you might find a spouse!) These days, I focus on the content creation side of things. I am known as the scheduling master for our recording plans, and I edit most of the Shardcasts. 

Outside of the fandom, I'm a college professor in mathematics, but my true destiny is to be a fantasy author, too! So look for my Brandon-sized novels that will be an unpublishably impractical length... eventually! I also love long RPG games, but end up only having time to accumulate more legendaries in Guild Wars 2.

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Hello, users. Look at your mod. Now back to me. Now back to your mod. Now back to me. Sadly, they aren't me, but if they stopped doing... whatever it is that they are doing, they could act like me.

Ah, to be in fifth grade again, doing the thing where you stand in front of the class and tell them about yourself. I got into Brandon's books by way of Robert Jordan's The Wheel of Time. I went through a few big fantasy series in my early teens (Lord of the Rings, Riftwar, A Song of Ice and Fire, The Wheel of Time... I think Malazan came later), and so when I heard that RJ had passed away and some unknown upstart author was going to be finishing his books... well, I was upset, dear listener! I did eventually relent and pick up Elantris sometime in 2009, in the leadup to the release of The Gathering Storm, and got a little bit hooked on that sweet sweet Brandon avalanche (back in my day we didn't abbreviate it to Sanderlanche!). 

From then on I became an active member of the community, and avid theorycrafter, and regular visitor and question-asker at Brandon's Chicago events. Eventually my presence in the community resulted in a mod role, and my presence at signings (presumably combined with my brilliant intellect and irresistible charisma) resulted in a beta reader's status. And I continue to stick my nose in all sorts of fandom places - Shardcast, a little bit of Copperminding my own business, a bit of Arcanum work, running our Patreon's monthly fanart commissions (that's right, dear viewer, we take your hard earned money and use them to feed starving artists and get pretty fanart out of the whole deal!).

Find me on Discord and tell me how you love me. Spare no detail, I can take it!

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Hello, fellow Sanderfans! I'm Kendra, and I've been a Sanderfan since the pre-17th Shard shadowdays, back in 2008. While usually a lurker on the main Shard Discord server, I'm a little more active in the Sanderson Elimination (think mafia in Sanderson settings) side of the forums and on that Discord server. You can also find me at any Dragonsteel convention, manning the 17th Shard booth with @firstRainbowRose. In my free time, I like D&D, reading, genealogy, traveling, writing, and whatever my current ADHD-fueled obsession is. Can be bribed with chocolate, especially of the Nutella variety.

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Hello! I'm Verónica, I'm currently a literature student and was born and raised in Bogotá, Colombia. I'm an aspiring author and other than Shardcast, I'm part of another podcast, the Worldhoppers Podcast. On the server you'll know me for being a big fan of Glen Cook’s Black Company series, the Percy Jackson universe and being active in the WoT channels. I also enjoy sewing, playing basketball, horseback riding, and watching figure skating competitions in my spare time, and I always have too many projects going on concurrently.

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Hi everybody, Joshua here. My best friend in preschool tended to pronounce that as "Jof-wuh" and in middle school I figured "Jofwu" would make a great AIM screenname, so here we are. Middle school was also when I started reading the Wheel of Time, which quickly became a new favorite. I was too young to participate in the online fandom, but I liked to lurk... Fast forward to 2015, where somehow "Jofwu" had become a Reddit username and Brandon Sanderson's completion of Jordan's epic series made me give his books a shot. I fell in love with The Way of Kings a few pages in, and decided then and there that I wanted to go all-in on the fandom thing this time. I spent so much time on the Cosmere subreddits that they made me a moderator, then started editing Coppermind articles and helping with Arcanum until they spiked me on 17th Shard in 2017. The years since have been everything I hoped they would!

I live in South Carolina with my wife and three kids. When I'm not spending time with them or doing Sanderson fandom stuff, I enjoy reading sci-fi/fantasy by other authors, playing RPGs, and indulging the occasional video game / television show obsession.

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Name: Mestiv
Location: Mainly Discord, but also Poland
Best known for: cats, but also developing the software behind Arcanum
Cosmere knowledge: intermediate
Hobbies: cats, coding, gaming, photography
Cats owned: a lot, seriously, too many

I found this community after reading Way of Kings many years ago. I wrote maybe 2 posts regarding the book and then just stayed in the social sections of the forum. I really liked people here and wanted to contribute, so I made the software behind Arcanum, despite I'm not really into WoBs or theorycrafting in general 😅 Now I mostly hang around on Discord and sometimes do something related to coding and Arcanum maintenance. Who knows, maybe I'll make something big again one day...

I'm also really proud of how good I look when a gender flip filter is applied to my photos. Fem!Mestiv is the prettiest!

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Sup! I'm Rasarr, your other Polish mod. I joined the 17th Shard team after spending some time as a staffer of the Coppermind, where I still occassionally handle minutiae and take care of my personal obsession: collecting international covers of Brandon's books. Ever wondered what the "vampire Vasher" is? Which Sanderson book has Terminator on the cover? What body horror lurks in the original Mistborn release? I've got all these answers, for some reason.

Other than that, you'll most often find me in gaming and writing discussions. I will talk your ear off about lore, of both my own made-up worlds and of my favourite games, if you let me.

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Hi reader, I'm Ene and I use he/him or she/her pronouns. I spend most of my time in this fine fandom thinking up fanfiction or roleplay ideas, shipping characters, playing games, and generally being silly and a dork. In addition to obsessing over this and other fandoms, I read a lot, fall in love with every pet I meet (fun fact: I've owned rats!), play video games (Hollow Knight my beloved), watch possibly too much YouTube, listen to music on repeat, and enjoy editing (the glee when I catch a typo or error in a Brandon book is unparalleled). Gen Z American. 

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