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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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I am so confused. Why were people condemning Iguana? Perhaps there was something missing from my notes indeed. I didn't get it. Random votes without reasonings always seem suspicious. Now that Beagle has also condemned Chameleon, I'll keep my vote there but I'd rather Hyena die over Meerkat. 

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Just now, Sage Kangaroo said:

I am so confused. Why were people condemning Iguana? Perhaps there was something missing from my notes indeed. I didn't get it. Random votes without reasonings always seem suspicious. Now that Beagle has also condemned Chameleon, I'll keep my vote there but I'd rather Hyena die over Meerkat. 

Beagle didn't condemn me. 

Just now, Oxblood Beagle said:

The Iguana wagon stinks but I have not backread the posts I missed.

Yeah I'll explain why I'm going to do this later



Not enough time to explain why now, hope you understand


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1 minute ago, Sage Kangaroo said:

I also find it weird how Heron's activity suddenly picked up near the end of the day. Looks like they're tryning to save someone. 

Nah, just didn't have time until the last couple hours or 

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I'm not feeling the Hyena train. Meerkat... Meerkat feels like a tourist, and I'm not sure how that makes me feel. Do we execute tourists? Feels like yelling "Get off my lawn" but I don't care to be old >>

I like the vibes I've been getting from Cham and Kangaroo, so don't care for those options either.

I don't care for the Hyena resurrengce so Meerkat.

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Night 2: War on the Horizon

Alson addressed the four members of the Cavalry Courier Service under the supervision of Mayor Eldao and Linaan II. “The New Empire’s demand that the Kaltyr Alliance submit to subjugation means we are at war. We have only nine days before the Imperial Army arrives, so you’ll have to travel quickly. Take two horses each and deliver this message with the Tresting Ferry Service. When you arrive in Valtroux, have them disseminate our request across the entire Alliance for immediate reinforcements. We will attempt to stall the New Empire for as long as we can, but we can’t hold out against the forces that assail us. Do you understand your mission?”

The four affirmed their orders.

“The New Empire’s army is coming from the Southeast,” Linaan II warned. “Don’t get caught by them. Further, we cannot guarantee that none of you serve Ruin or the New Empire. We’ve checked you, your horses, and your supplies for poison, but we can’t be too careful. Stay within visual range for communication, but stay out of each other’s crossbow range until you’ve confirmed Tresting has received our message.”

None of the CCS looked pleased to be accused of treachery, but they were even less willing to risk being betrayed. The four took their horses and Tyrian Falls’ only hope with them, leaving at five minute intervals.

“I still think you should’ve gone with them,” Alson accused Linaan II. “You can match a horse for speed and never tire or rest, no treachery could befall you, and you’ll be a liability if the Ventures come here personally.”

“Now, now,” Eldao chided, “we agreed that Linaan can still be useful here. Plus, the courier service is her purview.”

“I know,” Alson grumbled. “I just hate relying on so few people. They better not fail.”

Across town, Oleinda was recruiting her insurance policy. She knocked on a door with four handles arrayed 90 degrees from each other. A voice came from inside. “I’m afraid my uncle is not accepting visitors.”

“This is for an official council mission,” Oleinda replied. 

“As an instrumental part in defeating the last Spiked invasion, my patient cannot be compelled into further military service.”

“We don’t want him to fight, we want him to evacuate.” Silence from inside the dwelling. “Just let me talk to him,” Oleinda huffed in exasperation, sliding the long, pointed key into the lock and rotating the door handles. Inside, an irate Antania scowled at Oleinda, hands on her hips. 

“Since I can’t stop you from doing whatever you want, fine. You can talk to him, but if you get him killed, you won’t have to worry about the New Empire or the Spiked ever again.”

“That won’t be necessary,” Oleinda ground out, before turning to address Donn Keihote. The man was sitting in a chair facing away from the door, wearing concealing clothing to cover what Oleinda knew to be burn scars from a devastating alcohol explosion, only visible on his arms where he’d rolled up his sleeves. He had his hands on a scraped together pile of charred bones and blackened viscera soaked through with Horneater White, the only remnants of the Kandra WitLees.

“I’m almost done,” he muttered, sticking pieces together with delicate care as if they were still recognizable. “Any minute now, and I’ll be able to put him back together again and thank him for saving me. Kandra are supposed to be invincible, you know.”

“You’ve been working on this for a year,” Oleinda pointed out. “You can’t fix him if you’re dead, and he’ll still be here after we drive out the Spiked a third time. Just for the time being, until we’re safe, we’d like you to evacuate to Tresting.” She handed him a box containing a bag of clips, vials of steel, and a steel tablet. “I know you can’t walk unaided, but you can still steelpush your way there, right? If you deliver this tablet to Tresting’s council, they’ll be able to help you, and maybe even him.”

“Let me see that,” Antania demanded, grabbing the tablet and glancing over its contents. She looked up at Oleinda and nodded, scowling for a moment before turning to her uncle. “It’s a good deal. Let’s get you to safety, like she says. I’ll stay here and look after WitLees for you, okay?”

Donn Keihot looked up for the first time. “Very well,” he accepted. “I shall complete this quest with all due haste. Don’t let anyone touch him while I’m gone.”

And so, the gallant Donn Keihote flew forth to deliver news of war.

Sidor watched as one after another, votes piled up on Char. Even after the excitement of the previous day, people were willing to give Murph a break. His armaments were being fast-tracked towards mass production after all, even though he would no longer be in charge of the project. Instead, attention turned towards the hobbyist who’d briefly been listed as equally deserving of execution the previous day. Ruin’s influence, Sidor thought, but had Ruin intervened to save or condemn Char? She wasn’t sure, but the town wasn’t willing to give them the benefit of the doubt. Late and ultimately temporary pushes towards a man who claimed nothing but loyalty to the town and one who talked a lot but never revealed anything personal merely solidified public opinion that Char must be the guilty party.

By sundown, the sentence was ready to be carried out, but Char was nowhere to be seen. They’d only been to the town square once that day, only to disappear without accusing anyone. Luckily, Sidor knew where they might be. They’d been spending a lot of boxings on glassblowing recently, not willing to train to do it professionally, but enough to attain amateur status, and perhaps enough to manufacture daggers suitable for killing Tyrian Falls’ allomancers. She led Char’s accusers to the Master glassblower's furnace, and sure enough, there was Char, blowing molten glass into a dagger mold. 

They looked up to see the crowd approaching. “Oh hey, everybody! Sorry for not showing up today. I figured I’d need a weapon to defend myself, what with all the Spiked around. I hear some of them might be mistings.”

The assembled executioners didn’t give Char any further chance to defend themself. Their blowpipe was seized, and molten glass blown into their face. Char tried to scream, only for the glass to burn out their throat, killing them mercifully quickly. Their body and possessions were searched extensively, but nobody found any signs that they had any connection to Ruin. 

Charcoal Hyena has been executed! They were a Village Smoker!

Vote Count:

Charcoal Hyena (9) - Amber Vulture, Amethyst Scorpion, Azure Mouse, Chartreuse Penguin, Coral Swan, Fuchsia Ostrich, Pearl Chameleon, Quartz Zebra, Salmon Meerkat
Salmon Meerkat (3) - Magenta Albatross, Onyx Flamingo, Saffron Iguana
Pearl Chameleon (2) - Oxblood Beagle, Sage Kangaroo
Amethyst Scorpion (1) - Sapphire Elephant
Azure Mouse (1) - Mauve Crocodile
Mint Heron (1) - Opal Lion
Saffron Iguana (1) - Mint Heron

Night Two has begun! The turn will end on Monday, January 8th at 6:00 PM PT/ Tuesday, January 9th at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT.

Player List:


Amber Vulture Sasha de Vries, Detective
Amethyst Scorpion Barney, Detective
Azure Mouse Maihler, Meme Artist
Charcoal Hyena Hobbyist Village Smoker
Chartreuse Penguin Murph, Carpenter/Armorer
Coral Swan Ananame, Noble Thief
Cream Tuatara
Emerald Falcon Tune, Graffiti Artist Village
Fuchsia Ostrich Endsayer, Endsayer
Indigo Weasel Quagmire, 3 "Weasels" in a Trenchcoat
Ivory Dragonfly Bartleby, Witch Doctor Village Mistborn
Magenta Albatross , Grandiose Verbosity
Mauve Crocodile
Melon Dingo Barrrrrrrg, Obligator
Mint Heron , Stray Dog
Onyx Flamingo M, Orator + Researcher
Opal Lion
Oxblood Beagle
Pearl Chameleon Samwise, Obligator
Plum Rhinoceros , Nalthian
Quartz Zebra Zee, Accidentally Spiked
Saffron Iguana
Sage Kangaroo Leo, Amnesiac
Salmon Meerkat Sal, Loyalist
Sapphire Elephant Forgetful

PMs are open!

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They deserved it for being a Smoker. 


I sense that there are pm shenanigans that I am not part of.

I also sense a train will form on Iguana, which I'm fine with. 


Heron! Why did you assume PM shenanigans and not evil scheming! 

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