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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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9 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:
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"Excuse me sir, do you have a moment to talk about how you feel about the top four trains of today, Dragonfly (3), Swan (2), Ele (2), Hyena (2)?"

Alright, guess I'll do an iso.

7 hours ago, Saffron Iguana said:

uhm, it might be more helpful for you to examine a lower poster then?

Turns out the above 4 players are lower posters 🤔

Ivory Dragonfly

Has posted 3 times at the time of writing. Opening post is mostly RP, and seems to bring up Vulture and Scorpion as part of RP because of their Detective CRs. Neither had posted at that point in the game (early). Next post was about 24 hours ago, sorta halfway through cycle. Retracts on Scorp, seeing as it was a activity poke and they've since posted. Weighs in on the Meme debate, in favour of them. Votes Elephant for having defended Hyena. Only vote on them prior to this was Chameleon, who had an activity poke vote (I think), which they shifted to Elephant prior to this post. 

Last post was 4 hours later. Tries to encourage Lion to reengage. Responds to Vultures vote for not engaging in discussions yet voting third on the elephant train, and Falcon's bad feeling about their elephant vote.

Other votes on Dragonfly have been an unexplained vote from Scorpion (though later moved), and then a vote from Penguin about bows I don't understand.


Mostly seems a matter of they're a low active or it's a matter of how you feel about their Elephant vote. I'm probably more with Dragronfly, the Elephant vote seems weird. Like, (re: Scorpions vote) I'm not sure that we should actually vote someone out for objecting to someone's playstyle, but voting because of playstyle isn't great either. 

Regarding Dragonfly's vote, I'm not sure that there's necessarily anything to Elephant's vote defending Hyena, but that's the first valid (imo) vote in that sequence, so I'm fine with the vote. 

Ultimately, not a lot to go on with Ivory, but I'm not feeling the execution. They've RP'd, they've actually made something of a thoughtful vote, and while they could do with posting more, so could most of the players in this game.

Coral Swan

5 posts. Opens with a Smoker claim. Hard to say. Ignoring any speculation of the player, smoker is a pretty safe fake claim I'd think. The post could be of a new player, someone joking around, someone legit just claiming, or someone trying to imply one of the previous as cover from attention.  One to muse about but not immediately AI. They then post their name and CR. In response to Mouse's question, suggest going to leave their cloud on but not necessarily smoke anyone else. Do feel slightly more plausibly the village claim I don't care for.

Next up, half way through cycle they turn back up, does a little RP, comments on the amount of thread to read through, and votes Meerkat for avoiding enemies. I.E. I think that's Meerkat avoiding posting a reads list. Hrm. I think it's been suggested that they're playing to their Loyalist CR, but I'm not sure I understand, and without understanding it I'm not sure I care for it. So I'm probably okay with Swan's voting for Meerkat. 

This results in a retaliatory vote from Meerkat. It's not then until Kangaroo turns up to post their one post that we get a second Swan vote. Their reads suggest they view Meerkat as a younger player and feel it likely that elims might find them an easy target to pin an execution on, so susses Swan for it. Unsure why Kangaroo mentions Hyena with Swan and Dragonfly when their post doesn't discuss Hyena, but seems to sus Swan because they think Meerkat would be targeted Elims. I'm not sure I agree with the assessment, but it's not necessarily unreasonable a vote.

Sapphire Elephant

4 posts. Opening poke punch vote on Vulture. RP response to Zebra's poke vote of Elephant. The afore mentioned Scorpion vote. I don't like it, as it's on the playstyle thing, but I don't think that AI. Otherwise more RP. Last post asks for elaboration on Scorpion's position on Beagle's NK comment, and then talks a little about not ever having any AI stuff to talk about D1. That was 2/3 of the way through the first day of cycle, and we've not heard from them since.

So the votes on them: Poke vote from Zebra (eventually removed), activity poke from Chameleon. Unexplained vote from Mouse (later moved to Penguin, with Elephant appearing on the upper row of the Bread list), Dragonfly's vote for Elephant defending Hyena.

Without understanding Mouses vote here, mostly seems an accidental train. 

Charcoal Hyena

3 posts. Turns up 12 hours late. Vote on the Falcon for the memes. Don't care for this, but isn't exe worthy. Defends it in their next post, but still basically the same thing - not caring for the memes as a method of communication. Last post was to poke vote Dingo for being not very active. 

Beagle didn't appreciate the late poke vote, Scorpion I'm not sure why voted. Presumably as a gut read, maybe based on the same reason they originally voted for Hyena, the voting for someone's playstyle. Not entirely sure why the original Flamingo vote was placed on Hyena tbh either.

So, ultimately not seeing much come out of any of those. Seems messy rather than malicious. Probably more inclined to put a vote down on Flamingo.

Only 3 posts. Opens with some RP responding to the Smoker claim, talking about how Smokers tend to get played in Tyrian games (which is nice, but not necessarily AI), throws a vote on Hyena at random in the middle of the cycle. Posts about consulting chickens, responding to Meerkat asking Falcon a question. Less keen on those last two points.

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6 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:
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Not me, putting Amber Vulture and Saffron Iguana on the same read tier because "they're both yellow avatars and I reread and can't tell which is which".

(I have a better idea now, but both stay somewhat null for me - good amount of posts / information in posts respectively, but there's not a lot that my sieve of a brain is picking out from either.)


Edit (mark your edits by the way):

... how do you upload images without a URL? Something has happened.

Edited by Chartreuse Penguin
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This would not do. The sunset was rapidly approaching, and Bartleby was in severe danger. He was tempted to swing his vote as a purely protective measure, but that would not save him. He needed to clearly express his suspicions, if he was to have any chance of getting the mob off him, and actually find a Spiked. He went through the list of townsfolk, one by one, to try and see if anything stuck out.

  • Amber Vulture: One of those accusing him. The detective had fallen into that comfortable middle ground of being active yet not overly talkative. He hadn't noticed anything particularly odd about them, so it was a mild Village read. Of course, he didn't like their vote, but that was from a purely self interested perspective.
  • Amethyst Scorpion: The other detective. Their vote swing was very strange. They shifted from him to Charcoal Hyena, with no explanation given. This was to his advantage, of course, but he didn't understand the swap. Since his train was leading, why switch to another train? In his mind, at least, it was suspicious.
  • Azure Mouse: One of the artists. If pictures were worth a thousand words, that man was writing millions. He had shown an active desire to solve the game, despite his odd choice of medium. It was only the first day, admittedly, but he leaned very Village on the fellow.
  • Charcoal Hyena: The other man who was close to the gallows. Ironically, Bartleby thought he was innocent. The vote on an artist purely for being an artist was in poor taste, but the fellow didn't seem to care. His vote was currently on Melon Dingo for another completely spurious reason. Even worse, it wasn't showing up in the tallies because he had managed to spell Melon wrong. It was appalling, but spoke to a lack of effort that he found more commonly in disaffected. Villagers. As a prescription, Bartleby ordered him a shot of rhubarb syrup mixed with steel flakes for conviction. He also suggested that he look at one random player in the most positive light possible, then the most negative light possible. The rhubarb would probably be more effective, but that technique was a way to gain insights and form opinions.
  • Chartreuse Penguin: Murph was the latest to call for Bartleby's head. He wasn't entirely sure what take up the bow meant, until Bartleby finally understood the carpenter meant his cache of crossbows. Bartleby wasn't sure why the carpenter was offering a weapon to someone he was attempting to kill, but it was tempting to get something for self-defense. However, he was concerned that the things could be modified to shoot thin spikes rather than normal arrows. Further, the man had been overly concerned with explaining his vote on Indigo Weasel, even when it was a normal poke vote. It wasn't enough to get a full read on the man, but it was trending badly.
  • Coral Swan: Apparently, they were a thief by the name of Ananame. More importantly, they had claimed to be a Smoker, which would be a useful power for a thief, but why had they revealed it so early? It was certainly strange, but the rest of their posts were thoughtful, despite coming from a place of self-expressed ignorance. It was possible that he was faking his naivete, but Bartlelby read the man as a Villager.
  • Cream Tuatara: The man was only making jokes, but he was clearly studying the thread carefully. They had made a joke about Oxblood Beagle's post, which was the one directly before them. They had just recently responded to a poke vote with a retaliation vote. All that behavior was incredibly unhelpful. Bartleby did not trust him.
  • Emerald Falcon: The third member of the coalition to kill him. Unlike the other Artist, he had chosen a more limited palette, choosing only to reference stars and wars. That was the easy way to tell them apart. Obviously, Bartleby wasn't thrilled with his choice of vote, but the man was fairly active. He did notice the promptness of his vote tallies, which were certainly useful, if somewhat low effort. Still, it was hard to criticize someone who put in that much effort with that limited of palette. It was a slight village lean, but only slight.
  • Fuchsia Ostrich: The man had arrive late, as expected, but had only asked what was happening instead of giving any form of analysis. Wasn't he supposed to be some sort of prophet? Any future knowledge would be invaluable in this situation. It was disappointing, but not enough to suspect the stranger of being Spiked.
  • Indigo Weasel: Another fellow, or maybe fellows, that was choosing to stay out of the fray. He recommended the same treatment as Hyena's. Rhubarb shot, and if that was unavailable, analysis of random one person in the best and then worst light. Ostrich could probably also take that regiment as well.

Bartleby interrupted his listing, as yet a fourth voice had put him up on the block. This analysis was taking too much time, time which he didn't have. He had to show what he had so far, while working on the rest of it in the meantime.

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33 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Edit (mark your edits by the way):

... how do you upload images without a URL? Something has happened.

Edited 7 minutes ago by Chartreuse Penguin

You cannot. You must use a image hosting site (discord works quite well, apparently), then upload the images using the url

22 minutes ago, Ivory Dragonfly said:


Bartleby interrupted his listing, as yet a fourth voice had put him up on the block. This analysis was taking too much time, time which he didn't have. He had to show what he had so far, while working on the rest of it in the meantime.

Sapphire Elephant (Ivory Dragonfly)

I was waiting for this kind of thing. Continue with your reads, please!


yeah no I'm village leaning on that post after having finally read it.

Edited by Pearl Chameleon
Unvoted in green
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Ivory Dragonfly Chartreuse Penguin

Vote Tally

Charcoal Hyena (3): Amethyst Scorpion, Onyx Flamingo, Oxblood Beagle
Chartreuse Penguin (2): Azure Mouse, Emerald Falcon
Ivory Dragonfly (2): Amber Vulture, Chartreuse Penguin

Coral Swan (2): Sage Kangaroo, Salmon Meerkat
Saffron Iguana (2): Cream Tuatara, Melon Dingo
Sapphire Elephant (2): Ivory Dragonfly, Pearl Chameleon
Amethyst Scorpion (1): Sapphire Elephant
Azure Mouse (1): Opal Lion
Cream Tuatara (1): Saffron Iguana
Onyx Flamingo (1): Magenta Albatross
Oxblood Beagle (1): Mint Heron
Salmon Meerkat (1): Coral Swan
Melon Dingo (1): Charcoal Hyena

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Sasha turned to leave, having made her final point for the evening. The first day of discussion had been intense, and the cool calmness of the mists was just what she needed to clear her mind of-

"More to say, have you?" The odd speaking pattern of Maihler @Azure Mouse cut through the din. Sasha sighed.

I have to put everthing I've got into this case. Sasha reminded herself. I owe it to Olivya. She turned to face the crowd.

"I simply meant to say that there are notable similarities between Sal (Salmon Meerkat) and Ananame (Coral Swan)" she began, in her quiet, deliberate voice.

"Ananame's early declaration that they are a Smoker was bold move, and possibly revealed an inexperience in politics. However, keeping one's identity as a Smoker secret is considerably more useful for one of the Spiked, leading me to believe in their innocence, for now.

"As for Sal, their reluctance to openly suspect anyone is strongly in line with the mindset of an inexperienced villager; in the dark, overwhelmed by all the clashing opinions flying around them, and afraid to mistakenly execute an ally.

"However, while Leo (Sage Kangaroo) also noted the possible inexperience of Sal, and pointed out how this would make Sal vulnerable to being piled on by the Spiked, they used this logic to incriminate Ananame, who, by Leo's own logic, would also be vulnerable to the Spiked. An inconsistency in arguments, yes? Perhaps indicating additional information?

"Of course, I could certainly be wrong about my read of Ananame. Faking inexperience to be perceived as innocent would indeed be clever, and, with the stakes this high, taking anything for granted may be deadly. Ultimately, while Leo's statement felt slightly fishy, there is not yet enough information on them for me to truly consider them Spiked. Do consider yourself watched, however @Sage Kangaroo." Sasha met his eyes, than turned back to Maihler.

"Are my answers to your satisfaction?" There was silence, as the others began to parse what she had said. Well, she was not going to wait, and the day was almost over anyways. 

"Good" she said sharply, then turned and strode out the door. The mists welcomed her, and she immediately relaxed. She had needed-

What do you think you're doing here? Olivya's voice snarled in her ear. Sasha spun.

Olivya? Sasha thought. Nothing. Of course there was nothing; her sister was dead. Still, she had a point. Everyone was arguing, but nothing was being done. She knew that she had been too sharp with Maihler, who was only trying to help, but running around in circles with nothing to show for it was so frustrating. Especially considering that, this time, the case was personal.

Of course, she reminded herself, that is exactly why I need to stay level-headed. Keep it professional. Wait for the murderer to let something slip. They always do.

Still, as Sasha walked back to the inn she was staying at, she could not help but feel that they had waited to long. She felt it in the mists. Something aweful was going to happen tonight, and Sasha had no idea what that would be.


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I was finally getting the hang of things, even with the awfully patched memories of mine. I just hoped really really hard that none of my notes were compromised. Just when my mind was drifting with my thoughts, I realized someone had been calling out my name. It still took a while to get used to responding to 'Leo' instantly. 

21 hours ago, Saffron Iguana said:

edit2: kangaroo can u go more into ur hyena suspicion?

I blinked, trying to think of the reasons I thought Hyena might be Spiked. I flip my notes to search why past-me would have thought so. But there was nothing more than the original quote "Hyena stinks, check if he stinks in the future as well".

"Well, I assume it wasn't anything particular they said but I think there's something fishy about them."

I hated being asked questions, and even worse I hated answering them because I always sounded like I lacked conviction in my statements as I'm always relying on my past-memories to read people. But it is the only way I knew to function and I am doing the best with the cards dealt to me. Having answered Iguana's questions, I continue making notes before another flash takes these thoughts away. 

"Initially, I had attributed same level of trust in both Scorpion and Chameleon, but Chameleon's recent statements have made me re-think that position. I think I still trust them but not to the degree of Scorpion."

"Magenta Albatross comes across as a very genuine person. But this is also largely down to a 'feeling' and not particularly something they said. As someone great once said - 'trust but verify'."

28 minutes ago, Amber Vulture said:

"However, while Leo (Sage Kangaroo) also noted the possible inexperience of Sal, and pointed out how this would make Sal vulnerable to being piled on by the Spiked, they used this logic to incriminate Ananame, who, by Leo's own logic, would also be vulnerable to the Spiked. An inconsistency in arguments, yes? Perhaps indicating additional information?

"Of course, I could certainly be wrong about my read of Ananame. Faking inexperience to be perceived as innocent would indeed be clever, and, with the stakes this high, taking anything for granted may be deadly. Ultimately, while Leo's statement felt slightly fishy, there is not yet enough information on them for me to truly consider them Spiked. Do consider yourself watched, however @Sage Kangaroo." Sasha met his eyes, than turned back to Maihler.

It seems someone else was demanding his attention. He quickly jotted down their words and thought about it. Hm, it seems Vulture is reading Swan as a new player as well in addition to Meerkat. There is a fundamental disagreement, then. 

"This is where we disagree Vulture. I don't think Swan is a young'un. In fact, I don't even think Swan is posing as a young'un. I'm not quite sure where you're getting this from, I am not able to see it. If you think so for the sole reason of Swan's Smoker claim, I beg to differ. Immediate claim is not necessarily a characteristic of a young'un."

Edited by Sage Kangaroo
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I'm just going to quickly note one thing about Coral Swan: Whether or Not they are new is irrelevant. 

I feel like people have been trying to solve for mafia experience, of all things, over solving for alignment. In my opinion, the mafia experience of a player shouldn't influence my read on them significantly, so I see not the value in that.

I'll be honest, swan is more likely village than not. The chances of an Elim "going rogue" at the start of D1 and throwing away a valuable, historically elim-coded tool is low, since most gambiters would've wanted to consult their Elim team before they do that (and note: at the time of that post, very few had logged on, and it can be assume sod d1 not all elims had checked in yet). I could see perhaps an Elim Gambit where they open up their GMPM, discover they're a power role, and fake claim smoker immediately to make it:

a) not seem suspicious when they aren't dead later

b) unlikely for the Coinshot to target them, or the seeker

But in order for the Gambit to be utilized to truest potential, it would be ideal to try and be as village read as possible, since it utilizes benefit "A" more.

Anyways, that's an overanalysis of Swan's Smoker claim.

Edited by Pearl Chameleon
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10 minutes ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Being executed would continue a major record, I suppose.

I don’t really have much more time right now or for the cycle, unfortunately. Might be on to self pres but don’t have the time for any big posts. Will have more in future days but we’ll see if we get there.




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Posted (edited)

Night One: Endspoken

Before the hour was out, Varn and Thur had managed to affix not one but two steel tablets to the weathered noticeboard in the town square of Old Tyrian, still bearing the scars inflicted by Scimon Tlag’s final assault. The first was the one Varn had read out loud in the council room. The other laid out a more detailed version of the New Empire’s annexation plan.

  1. As decreed by Emperor Venture, Empress Venture, and General Cett, the people of Tyrian Falls are to be citizens of the New Empire, with status accorded to them by its laws regarding birthright and trade.
  2. The local government of Tyrian Falls is to remain in place, with its members elevated to nobility, under the regional command of General Ashweather Cett and overall command of Emperor and Empress Venture.
  3. The New Empire is to protect the people of Tyrian Falls from the Deepness and Ruin’s agents to the extent possible given available resources.
  4. Tyrian Falls is to serve as a staging ground and supply depot for a march on Fadrex City.
  5. Tyrian Falls is to help the New Empire annex the remainder of the Kaltyr Alliance in preparation for a march on Urteau.
  6. Any allomancers or those with weapons training are permitted to join the New Imperial Army.
  7. Non-essential personnel, as decided by the New Empire, are to evacuate to the Central Dominance to escape the Deepness. Those lacking a useful trade are to be farmers.
  8. These terms are to be finalized when the New Imperial Army arrives in Tyrian Falls 10 days from the delivery of these tablets.

Few residents were pleased by these messages, with responses primarily expressing fear and anger towards the incoming army.  Most vehement among them was the carpenter, Murph, who was hawking his projectile weaponry as the town’s best chance against the New Empire’s Koloss army. To demonstrate the efficacy of his wares, he leveled a crossbow at the apothecary Bartleby and pulled the trigger.

The crowd that had been milling around reacted in alarm, but nobody was faster than Bartleby. The steel-tipped bolt, designed for killing Koloss, proved a liability as Bartleby burned steel and deflected the projectile, smashing it to pieces. 

Undeterred, Murph dropped his unloaded crossbow and drew one loaded with a stone bolt. He was just about to fire when Linaan II jumped between the combatants.

“Enough!” she growled, claws fully extended, as Linaan Prime moved to corral Murph and Afandor confronted Bartleby. “We’ll settle disputes as a town, not by dueling in the streets.”

The crowd, riled up by their twin fears of the Spiked and the New Empire, demanded blood. Most, cheered on by Tune and the M pair, spoke in favor of Murph’s death. What kind of person advertised weaponry by killing a bystander? Maihler even accused Murph of showing the same casual disregard for life as the infamous Scimon Tlag did, or at least that’s the interpretation Murph’s detractors took.

Other than Murph, only one person championed the cause of killing Bartleby, but since Sasha de Vries was a detective, enough people took her seriously that Bartleby was in serious danger. “Plus, he’s clearly a powerful allomancer,” some whispered. “Bound to get a cushy spot in the New Empire if he defects.” 

None of that was enough to shift the prevailing opinion that Murph, as the aggressor, should be the one to pay the price. Linaan Prime bared her fangs towards his neck to carry out his sentence, but before she could take the fatal bite, a new figure appeared out of the mists right behind Bartleby, his shredded clothes fluttering like a Mistcloak.

“Die,” pronounced the Endsayer, piercing Bartleby through the heart with an obsidian dagger. The witch doctor crumpled to the ground, quickly dying from a wound no salve or poultice could treat.

Attention immediately shifted away from Murph, who took the opportunity to slink away back into the mists. Bartleby was found to have drinkable vials of all the common metals on him but no spike, while the Endsayer refused to speak another word even as he was taken into custody.

Ivory Dragonfly was executed! They were a Village Mistborn!

Vote Count:

Chartreuse Penguin (3): Azure Mouse, Emerald Falcon, Onyx Flamingo
Ivory Dragonfly (3): Amber Vulture, Chartreuse Penguin, Fuchsia Ostrich
Charcoal Hyena (2): Amethyst Scorpion, Oxblood Beagle
Coral Swan (2): Sage Kangaroo, Salmon Meerkat
Onyx Flamingo (2): Magenta Albatross, Pearl Chameleon
Saffron Iguana (2): Cream Tuatara, Melon Dingo
Amethyst Scorpion (1): Sapphire Elephant
Azure Mouse (1): Opal Lion
Cream Tuatara (1): Saffron Iguana
Melon Dingo (1): Charcoal Hyena
Oxblood Beagle (1): Mint Heron
Salmon Meerkat (0): Coral Swan
Sapphire Elephant (1): Ivory Dragonfly

Night One was begun! The turn will end on Friday, January 5th at 6:00 PM PST/ Saturday, January 6th at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT.

Player List:


@Amber Vulture Sasha de Vries, Detective
@Amethyst Scorpion Barney, Detective
@Azure Mouse Maihler, Meme Artist
@Charcoal Hyena ,Hobbyist
@Chartreuse Penguin Murph, Carpenter/Armorer
@Coral Swan Ananame, Noble Thief
@Cream Tuatara
@Emerald Falcon Tune, Graffiti Artist
@Fuchsia Ostrich Endsayer, Endsayer
@Indigo Weasel Quagmire, 3 "Weasels" in a Trenchcoat
@Ivory Dragonfly Bartleby, Witch Doctor Village Mistborn
@Magenta Albatross , Grandiose Verbosity
@Mauve Crocodile
@Melon Dingo Barrrrrrrg, Obligator
@Mint Heron , Stray Dog
@Onyx Flamingo M, Orator + Researcher
@Opal Lion
@Oxblood Beagle
@Pearl Chameleon Samwise, Obligator
@Plum Rhinoceros , Nalthian
@Quartz Zebra Zee, Accidentally Spiked
@Saffron Iguana
@Sage Kangaroo Leo, Amnesiac
@Salmon Meerkat Sal, Loyalist
@Sapphire Elephant Forgetful

PMs are open!

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
Vote count hates Hyena
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