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Anniversary Game 10/Anonymous Game 14: Tyrian Falls Apocalypse

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10 hours ago, Saffron Iguana said:

Eh, your reasoning for voting me was different from Falcons sus on me though, no? But regardless noted, I'll let you cook from afar then. Can I get your take on the Falcon slot then? And Flamigo? Is there any slot you feel I'm overlooking?

Falcon I’d call village, and I don’t remember a single thing Flamingo posted.


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Like i said: dead mans switch.

57 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

I did place my vote on someone suspicious. I'm pretty lost, so I'm just going with my surface-level reactions to people. I'm also not sure what the connection is between a Loyalist and not wanting enemies, but if there is one Salmon seems like the person that should be making that argument. I'll add that it seems extra suspicious that Salmon voted on me in retaliation and with no reasoning.


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I look around a find myself in an unfamiliar place. It always starts the same way - groggy, disoriented and ringing in the ears followed by the immediate thoughts of absolute nothing. After all this time, I've been conditioned to look for marks of self-vandalism on my body, an act to hint at the current state of thoughts in my mind but as I roll my arms I find nothing. Panic begins to arise within me because the one certain thing I do know is that I mark the things I should know on my body. If there's nothing...

In a break of sweat, I remove my shirt and it's the same thing. Bare as the day I was born. I hurry, trying to navigate through an unfamiliar town I had arrived for reasons I do not remember, trying to find a place to stay, and more importantly, a mirror. 


Groggy. Disorientation. Ringing. Nothingness. 

I am now standing in front of a mirror, shirtless. Mirror relaxes me. But there was always something to be seen, right? Something to be read? There's nothing now, which fills me with dread. I turn around - hoping, praying there's a sign to hint something about my current predicament. And there it is, etched on my back. 

"Tyrian Falls"
"History Erased"

I breathe a sigh of relief. That was it, some meagre indication of anything. Even a speck of information was reassuring. 4 words or phrases and I had almost formed the story.

I looked around and quickly jotted down the information on a piece of paper. Papers were unreliable, easy to alter and manipulate, but I cannot be seen etching into his skin in public, so it'd have to do. Patting my trousers, I found the tool I guessed was used to etch markings on my skin. I quickly asked around and etched my current place of residence. 


I am currently standing among people who are arguing which only adds to my confusion. My head hurts but I pretend and try to pass of as normal. I feel like I do this a lot. I look down and I am clutching a piece of paper. 

"Leo" - which I guessed was my name
"Tyrian Falls" - which was probably the name of this town
"Spiked" - is self-explanatory and if that wasn't enough, it was evident by the argument of everyone around me
"History Erased" - also evident from the lack of markings on my arms. 

The words that followed were seemingly names and detailed descriptions of what I can only assume to be the people of this town. It seems I am conducting an investigation of my own. Perhaps related to the "Spiked" written on top. I go through my note, looking for discrepancies and any hint of it being tampered with but it doesn't seem so. The information is quite detailed with excerpts of conversation and what I had thought of it. Some of the current conclusion draw my eyes. 

"Amethyst Scorpion and Pearl Chameleon seem to be quite honest. Please note for any drastic change. They feel like they are in the similar boat to us."

"Salmon Meerkat seems too young to be involved in talks but that is not enough to ascertain if they are Spiked or not. A Spiked imitating a young one would still appear young."

"Hyena stinks. Check if they stink later as well."

"Some people are not really saying anything, They're just arriving at the townhall and pinning up posters of things they are trying to say, which are difficult to interpret but among them, I think Azure Mouse appears good."

"Beware of people jumping on Salmon Meerkat. If they are young as I perceive they are, their playstyle will make it easy for the Spiked to jump onto them."

 "I feel like there's something performative about Ivory Dragonfly. Keep an eye out for them."

I reached the end of the page and there wasn't anything conclusive on the rest of the people. 

I watch and listen and observe for a while, scribbling their conversations and making notes. It is becoming increasingly evident that Coral Swan fit the narrative the note earlier which said to be on the lookout for people jumping on Meerkat. 

Having taken enough risk to wait this long before forming the decision, I write three names in large letters and box them in - Coral Swan, Ivory Dragonfly, Charcoal Hyena


I am sitting in front of a mirror. I think this happens quite often. I feel calm. Resolute. My chest aches with the burn of a fresh carving. On the mirror, on my chest, I can see the words Coral Swan etched in red. 

Edited by Sage Kangaroo
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Crap I shouldn’t be this busy bro I’m getting pissed off how do I not have time for this


okay, I’m not very good at figuring out people doing suspicious things and STUFF but I’m trying

I only have my gut and I haven’t trained it well

but it says salmon meerkat

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13 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

Can more people talk about me i wanna be the main character for a moment

edit: its annoying not having ppl reading me when im a top poster lol

My gut says you’re evil but you’re probably not based on my past experience with reading slots like yours. Either way it’s most productive for me to more or less ignore you for at least this turn :P. It’s definitely not productive to kill you today, at least.

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Just now, Amethyst Scorpion said:

My gut says you’re evil but you’re probably not based on my past experience with reading slots like yours. Either way it’s most productive for me to more or less ignore you for at least this turn :P. It’s definitely not productive to kill you today, at least.

oh wow, cool

whys your gut say im evil?

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7 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

Crap I shouldn’t be this busy bro I’m getting pissed off how do I not have time for this


okay, I’m not very good at figuring out people doing suspicious things and STUFF but I’m trying

I only have my gut and I haven’t trained it well

but it says salmon meerkat

that takes one thing out of the way! Thank you, good man.

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5 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

oh is it just that :[ i still dont think that makes sense but w/e

the Lord ruler doesn't bless me with the understanding of what w/e means. Could you explain?

21 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

Yeah it wasn’t a good vote I don’t think. 

blockquote widget


Cannot remove quotes apparently by the Lord ruler that's unfortunate.


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Vote Tally

Ivory Dragonfly (3): Amber Vulture, Amethyst Scorpion, Emerald Falcon
Sapphire Elephant (3): Azure Mouse, Ivory Dragonfly, Pearl Chameleon

Coral Swan (2): Sage Kangaroo, Salmon Meerkat
Amethyst Scorpion (1): Sapphire Elephant
Azure Mouse (1): Opal Lion
Charcoal Hyena (1): Onyx Flamingo
Indigo Weasel (1): Chartreuse Penguin
Mint Heron (1): Saffron Iguana
Oxblood Beagle (1): Mint Heron
Saffron Iguana (1): Melon Dingo
Salmon Meerkat (1): Coral Swan

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Sasha narrowed her eyes. Sage Kangaroo had entered the discussion with a solid point regarding Salmon Meerkat, but their resulting conclusion seemed...off. Coral Swan possesed some notable similarities to Meerkat in the vulnerability of their playstyle to the Spiked, and yet Kangaroo seemed to view the two of them quite differently.

"What are you playing at?" she whispered to herself.

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Vote Tally:


Elephant (2): Zebra, Cham
Meerkat (1): Swan
Mouse (1): Lion
Scorpion (1): Ele
Weasel (1): Penguin
Hyena (2): Dragonfly, Flamingo
Beagle (1): Heron
Iguana (1): Dingo
Dingo (1): Hyena
Swan (2): Meerkat, Kangaroo
Dragonfly (3): Vulture, Falcon, Scorpion

Heron (1): Iguana
Penguin (1): Mouse




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Some quick miscellaneous thoughts:

I’m an Amber Vulture fan. Been nodding along to a lot of what they’re posting. 

Melon Dingo’s vote stinks, but they are blatantly aware of it and aren’t trying to hide the fact that it stinks, which I can respect. Charcoal Hyena’s vote stinks equally as much, but the bolded bit below doesn’t sit right with me:

7 hours ago, Charcoal Hyena said:

I just almost removed my vote on Falcon and put it onto Charcoal Hyena... before I realized that was me. 

Falcon Mellon Dingo

Mainly just a poke vote, for now at least. Judging people for sleeping is kinda rude. 

Justifying it as a poke vote this late into the turn with an added qualifier is not a great look. And the phrase above the vote comes off as slightly performative as well. 

The two image posting accounts currently occupy the same indistinguishable space in my brain. Hoping to rectify this soon. 

Edit: Saffron Iguana is perhaps a tentative village lean. Vibe-based. 

Edited by Oxblood Beagle
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3 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

The two image posting accounts currently occupy the same indistinguishable space in my brain. Hoping to rectify this soon. 

I'm surprised neither Meme Artist nor Graffiti Fella hopped on this to make the meme of the pictures are the same did they both take a break or what's happening here?

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13 minutes ago, Cream Tuatara said:

I'm surprised neither Meme Artist nor Graffiti Fella hopped on this to make the meme of the pictures are the same did they both take a break or what's happening here?






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Blergh. I feel like whenever I try and look at the backlog to try and look for clues, my brain just goes to mush, and any of my gut reads go something like "Oh, they talk lots, that seems good." Which don't seem super helpful. 

Gonna get some sleep now, but for when I wake up return to a state of consciousness can someone ask me specific questions to help to make my brain form opinions on something?

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5 hours ago, Azure Mouse said:




1 minute ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Gonna get some sleep now, but for when I wake up return to a state of consciousness can someone ask me specific questions to help to make my brain form opinions on something?




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8 hours ago, Amber Vulture said:

Sasha narrowed her eyes. Sage Kangaroo had entered the discussion with a solid point regarding Salmon Meerkat, but their resulting conclusion seemed...off. Coral Swan possesed some notable similarities to Meerkat in the vulnerability of their playstyle to the Spiked, and yet Kangaroo seemed to view the two of them quite differently.

"What are you playing at?" she whispered to herself.

eh kinda just wanna throw vulture into townbin. this is the kind of analysis you see more likely from town and bonus if meerkat is mafia too. i guess its not unfakeable but its good enough for d1

6 hours ago, Oxblood Beagle said:

Some quick miscellaneous thoughts:

I’m an Amber Vulture fan. Been nodding along to a lot of what they’re posting. 

Melon Dingo’s vote stinks, but they are blatantly aware of it and aren’t trying to hide the fact that it stinks, which I can respect. Charcoal Hyena’s vote stinks equally as much, but the bolded bit below doesn’t sit right with me:

Justifying it as a poke vote this late into the turn with an added qualifier is not a great look. And the phrase above the vote comes off as slightly performative as well. 

The two image posting accounts currently occupy the same indistinguishable space in my brain. Hoping to rectify this soon. 

Edit: Saffron Iguana is perhaps a tentative village lean. Vibe-based. 

tbh i honestly dont mind melon dingos vote atm for what it is but i like less that its one of the few things theyve pushed forwards. i... think i probably deserve a hyena reread because i thought something from them was lightly towny on initial readthrough. ill have to check :P.

personally ive seen a lot more vibes and analysis from the azure mouse account than the emerald falcon account. im kinda tentitively off them (falcon) at the moment but probably deserve a bit more combing through on my end as well.

1083709163856723968.gif that is the correct way to read me :9 

1 hour ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Blergh. I feel like whenever I try and look at the backlog to try and look for clues, my brain just goes to mush, and any of my gut reads go something like "Oh, they talk lots, that seems good." Which don't seem super helpful. 

Gonna get some sleep now, but for when I wake up return to a state of consciousness can someone ask me specific questions to help to make my brain form opinions on something?

uhm, it might be more helpful for you to examine a lower poster then?

1 hour ago, Azure Mouse said:
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lemme take a look at penguin as well then


edit: ehhh cant say i disagree with more pressure there. @Chartreuse Penguin; why did you feel okay leaving your vote on weasel after they appeared? ik your initial vote was before they popped up, but you opted to leave it? why is that? did you find nothing more appealing?

Edited by Saffron Iguana
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Tiers are roughly ordered:

  • Transcendent: Scorpion
  • Village Lean: Beagle, Falcon, Mouse
  • Village Light: Chameleon, Vulture, Swan, Rhino, Iguana
  • Null: Penguin (+), Lion (+), Dingo (+), [Everyone else], Elephant (-), Kangaroo (-), Meerkat (-)
  • Elim ish: Dragonfly, Hyena

Sort of a basic reads list in the sense that it's pretty much thread consensus but that's what I vibe right now. It's also mildly activity based but that's where we are D1 /shrug


Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
E1: Added Kangaroo. E2: Switched Mouse and Chameleon.
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