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Potential Sharder Secret Santa: Intrests and Singups

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So, If you are interested in doing a secret Santa, or if you are all in, post here, and we will decide how we do it. Bough it will most likely end up as a digital thing. Be creative with gifts, otherwise, the rest is up to us to decide.

@Ookla the Magician @Ookla thePresentParticiple @Ookla the Black Sock

if I didn’t ping you sorry it is kinda hard to remember ookla names

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5 hours ago, OokIa the Believer said:

if I didn’t ping you sorry it is kinda hard to remember ookla names

...ah yes, my incredibly hard to remember name.

Hehe jk, I'd love to do this (again as long as it's all online).

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9 hours ago, Ookla the Resolute said:

I don't know if I want to join this. Things online involving irl money (or digital money) sometimes can go extremely wrong and escalate quickly

No money. No. Anything you ‘give’ would be only of your creation.

I will try to get this ready soon, let’s ping people to get numbers.

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Maybe we should also think of some questions that everyone can answer so that people have a better idea of what to do. Maybe things like "What's your favourite book, what's your favourite color, etc."

So that if you get someone you don't know too well, you can still give them something they would like. 

Also @The Stormfather are you interested in this?

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