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Era 7: The Revival


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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

"You too." Lei responds. "Have you heard about this?" He says, gesturing to the newspaper article. 

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

”Heard about what?” Ela leaned forward to glance at the article. “I haven’t been in the city long.”

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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

”Heard about what?” Ela leaned forward to glance at the article. “I haven’t been in the city long.”

Elan gestured to the first article. "Read this." He says.


Have you read through the crazy burny-burny death death on the first page?


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11 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

"I wish I could help..."

Ela paused in her reading and looked up. “Why don’t we?” She didn’t know if there was anything she could do, there may well be some sort of police force there already, or even just regular people who were better equipped to help than she was, but… “Why not try? If you really want to, you could probably find a way to, and I’ll come.” 

She flushed, realizing how desperate that sounded. “For backup. In case you need it.” 

Storms, that was awkward. He probably thinks you’re trying to mug him in an alley now. “Or, maybe not. Uh.”


…is that better?


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1 minute ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Ela paused in her reading and looked up. “Why don’t we?” She didn’t know if there was anything she could do, there may well be some sort of police force there already, or even just regular people who were better equipped to help than she was, but… “Why not try? If you really want to, you could probably find a way to, and I’ll come.” 

She flushed, realizing how desperate that sounded. “For backup. In case you need it.” 

Storms, that was awkward. He probably thinks you’re trying to mug him in an alley now. “Or, maybe not. Uh.”


The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Lei raised an eyebrow. “Yeah… I could…” If I can keep up the ruse that I wasn’t ever arrested. “And… um… backup would be nice.” To keep the police off my back. Leo sighed internally. Growing up on the streets was rough. And… well, he was trying hard to be a good person. It wasn’t his fault the constabulary hated him. “The constabulary is just around the corner.” Lei said. “We can go there after we finish eating.” And after I figure out how to keep a low profile… stupid cops.

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2 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistkeep

Lei raised an eyebrow. “Yeah… I could…” If I can keep up the ruse that I wasn’t ever arrested. “And… um… backup would be nice.” To keep the police off my back. Leo sighed internally. Growing up on the streets was rough. And… well, he was trying hard to be a good person. It wasn’t his fault the constabulary hated him. “The constabulary is just around the corner.” Lei said. “We can go there after we finish eating.” And after I figure out how to keep a low profile… stupid cops.

Ela nodded. “Sounds good!” There, see, that was fine. She took off a small pack and started digging through it, trying to look somewhat busy. “Do you live here?” She pulled out a water bottle and took a long drink. “It’s a lovely city!”

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The Mistwarrens, Pewter Ironworks
Itsuki passes the destroyed warehouse, looking anxiously at it. It had clearly burned to a crisp last night. Such as shame, Itsuki thinks. Almost like the time a stable nightmare got into a house back home. Who did this? It doesn’t seem like an accident. It seems intentional.

Without knowing what he was doing, Itsuki finds himself approaching the building. No, Itsuki! Don’t do this, he tries to convince himself.

He fails. Before he knew what was happening Itsuki is at the edge of the building, peering at it. He wasn’t authorized to do this. “Why?” he says to himself in Kilhatoan (very lowly).

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The Mistwarrens

Asylum walked out of the collapsing factory into a surprisingly empty street. Luckily, no one saw them leave.

Asylum chuckled to themself as they begin to wonder. 

So he wants me to snoop around to see if anybodies snooping around him? Shouldn’t be too hard. They thought as they bumped into a hurrying Japanese man.

@Ookla thePresentParticiple


Asylum would probably perceive Itsuki as Japanese which is why this is how he is described in their POV.


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10 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Ela nodded. “Sounds good!” There, see, that was fine. She took off a small pack and started digging through it, trying to look somewhat busy. “Do you live here?” She pulled out a water bottle and took a long drink. “It’s a lovely city!”

Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens
“It’s… fine.” Lei says. “I’ve lives here all my life.” He sighs. “It… was hard during the start. There are some worse parts of town, where the people like this criminal come from.” He says. He finished his head-free head munching burger. “Are you going to order anything?” He asks.

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7 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

The Mistwarrens

Asylum walked out of the collapsing factory into a surprisingly empty street. Luckily, no one saw them leave.

Asylum chuckled to themself as they begin to wonder. 

So he wants me to snoop around to see if anybodies snooping around him? Shouldn’t be too hard. They thought as they bumped into a hurrying Japanese man.

@Ookla thePresentParticiple




“Hello!” Itsuki says. “Such a tragedy, isn’t it? Such a tragedy.” Itsuki didn’t even like thinking about it. So, to think about something else, he looked at the person—Asylum—and tried to figure out what planet they were from. Until he realized that he knew almost nothing about planets besides Kilhato and Scadrial.

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26 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“Hello!” Itsuki says. “Such a tragedy, isn’t it? Such a tragedy.” Itsuki didn’t even like thinking about it. So, to think about something else, he looked at the person—Asylum—and tried to figure out what planet they were from. Until he realized that he knew almost nothing about planets besides Kilhato and Scadrial.

Asylum was surprised to see someone so close to the factory. But then again they were supposed to be looking for potential investigators or something so this could be a good opportunity.

Asylum once learned from a very charming con artist, that the best way to swindle someone and get what you want without them getting what they want to be charming, so they tried their best.

”hello there my friend, What would a refined citizen be doing here of all places. It seems…” they glanced toward the collapsing factory, “unsafe.”

Asylum put an arm around the suspiciously shaky man, “ how about this? I buy you a drink and you tell me why you’re here and I’ll tell you why I’m here, I’m Asylum by the way, and we can both make bets on what we think happened here. How does that sound?”

Edited by Ookla of whimsy
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26 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens
“It’s… fine.” Lei says. “I’ve lives here all my life.” He sighs. “It… was hard during the start. There are some worse parts of town, where the people like this criminal come from.” He says. 

Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens

Ela nodded, not responding in case he had anything else to say. Remember, she reminded herself. Remember the ones who hurt, and help them because if you don't, no one else will. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "That you had to be in those parts, that is. With people who would do something like that." She smiled at him, trying to look hopeful without seeming naive, and probably failing miserably.

36 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

He finished his head-free head munching burger. “Are you going to order anything?” He asks.

"I'm not hungry, actually." And I'm almost out of money...but he doesn't need to know that. Telling him would only make me seem like some kind of street urchin. Which I'm not. I'm not, and I won't be. "Are you ready to go, then?" She zipped her pack and stood up. 

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25 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens

Ela nodded, not responding in case he had anything else to say. Remember, she reminded herself. Remember the ones who hurt, and help them because if you don't, no one else will. "I'm sorry," she said quietly. "That you had to be in those parts, that is. With people who would do something like that." She smiled at him, trying to look hopeful without seeming naive, and probably failing miserably.

"I'm not hungry, actually." And I'm almost out of money...but he doesn't need to know that. Telling him would only make me seem like some kind of street urchin. Which I'm not. I'm not, and I won't be. "Are you ready to go, then?" She zipped her pack and stood up. 

“Oh come on,” Lei says. He waves over a waitress. “Get me one Mistwraith pudding, and a vial of juice.” He says. This person… he thinks, something is… off. He thought he understood. She wanted to be something she wasn’t. That was hard, especially when you couldn’t just stamp it away like Lei could.

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Just now, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

“Oh come on,” Lei says. He waves over a waitress. “Get me one Mistwraith pudding, and a vial of juice.” He says. This person… he thinks, something is… off. He thought he understood. She wanted to be something she wasn’t. That was hard, especially when you couldn’t just stamp it away like Lei could.

"No, no, I'm fine, really," Ela said, laughing. "But if you're still hungry, I'm happy to wait." She raised an eyebrow at him, almost like a challenge. She didn't have the money to pay him back, and she knew it. Maybe he'd say he didn't expect anything back, but...there was no worse way to start a friendship than with a debt she couldn't pay back, however small. Besides, she'd had an apple that morning. She'd be fine. Whoever was out there, in danger, was more important than her grumbling stomach. She thought about voicing the thought out loud, but...if Lei wanted more to eat, she didn't want to make him feel bad. "Trail's getting colder..."

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6 minutes ago, Ookla the Believer said:

"No, no, I'm fine, really," Ela said, laughing. "But if you're still hungry, I'm happy to wait." She raised an eyebrow at him, almost like a challenge. She didn't have the money to pay him back, and she knew it. Maybe he'd say he didn't expect anything back, but...there was no worse way to start a friendship than with a debt she couldn't pay back, however small. Besides, she'd had an apple that morning. She'd be fine. Whoever was out there, in danger, was more important than her grumbling stomach. She thought about voicing the thought out loud, but...if Lei wanted more to eat, she didn't want to make him feel bad. "Trail's getting colder..."

Lei sighed. “You don’t have to pay me back,” he says, “but if you don’t want to, really, then we can go.” The food was good, but he didn’t want to force Ela into anything. “Let’s go look,” he said. And avoid any high-ranking constables.

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49 minutes ago, Ookla of whimsy said:

Asylum was surprised to see someone so close to the factory. But then again they were supposed to be looking for potential investigators or something so this could be a good opportunity.

Asylum once learned from a very charming con artist, that the best way to swindle someone and get what you want without them getting what they want to be charming, so they tried their best.

”hello there my friend, What would a refined citizen be doing here of all places. It seems…” they glanced toward the collapsing factory, “unsafe.”

Asylum put an arm around the suspiciously shaky man, “ how about this? I buy you a drink and you tell me why you’re here and I’ll tell you why I’m here, I’m Asylum by the way, and we can both make bets on what we think happened here. How does that sound?”

“I have to—I have to get to work. Sorry.” Itsuki hurries down the street. The offer is tempting, though. Itsuki doesn’t have any friends here, not really. Perhaps he needs to be more outgoing. Perhaps this random person could be his new bestie! “Maybe after work! We’ll meet…uh…here in a few hours? Is that okay?” As Itsuki runs to his job—stopping to look at the warehouse was making him run late—he wonders why he had stopped there. He probably shouldn’t have.

And yet he did.

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24 minutes ago, Ookla thePresentParticiple said:

“I have to—I have to get to work. Sorry.” Itsuki hurries down the street. The offer is tempting, though. Itsuki doesn’t have any friends here, not really. Perhaps he needs to be more outgoing. Perhaps this random person could be his new bestie! “Maybe after work! We’ll meet…uh…here in a few hours? Is that okay?” As Itsuki runs to his job—stopping to look at the warehouse was making him run late—he wonders why he had stopped there. He probably shouldn’t have.

And yet he did.

“All right” Asylum said uncertainty, “I’ll be here”

As the man ran off Asylum felt like they missed something that might be important if they needed to find them again. Then it clicked.

As he ran into the distance Asylum called after, “Wait, I never got your… name” but it was too late. he was already gone. 

well that could’ve went worse, they thought, as they started wandering again, Maybe there’s a horse race nearby… or a turtle race. I could use the extra coin.

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2 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

Lei sighed. “You don’t have to pay me back,” he says, “but if you don’t want to, really, then we can go.” The food was good, but he didn’t want to force Ela into anything. “Let’s go look,” he said. And avoid any high-ranking constables.

Ela shrugged. "I'm good, then! Let's go." She started through the crowd back to the doors. That...wasn't what I was expecting when I came in here. Still, this is better. Food can wait. Food could wait, at least for a little while. She paused just outside the inn doors, looking around. "Ah...do you know which way to go?" Storms, but the city was huge. Ela didn't think she'd ever seen anything like it before, not on Roshar at least.

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Perses, The Corridor, Perses' flat.

Perses woke up, and tapped tin.

Nobody near. Perses began to move. Storing his senses, Perses got dressed. His touchmind was rarely used nowadays, but it was invaluable for getting dressed. He was no stylist, but he certainly didn't want to stand out. Downing his vials, Perses began to plot. Coppercloud Inn, eh? Shouldn't be too difficult.

He just hoped things wouldn't get out of hand.

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8 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

Ela shrugged. "I'm good, then! Let's go." She started through the crowd back to the doors. That...wasn't what I was expecting when I came in here. Still, this is better. Food can wait. Food could wait, at least for a little while. She paused just outside the inn doors, looking around. "Ah...do you know which way to go?" Storms, but the city was huge. Ela didn't think she'd ever seen anything like it before, not on Roshar at least.

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens
Lei gestured to the left. “Constable HQ that way,” he said, “The Pewter Ironworks, where the attack happened, is over to the right.” Please choose right. I can’t go back to jail.

Edited by Ookla the Prehistoric
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3 hours ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

The Hungry Koloss Diner, Mistwarrens
Lei gestured to the left. “Constable HQ that way,” he said, “The Pewter Ironworks, where the attack happened, is over to the right.” Please choose right. I can’t go back to jail.

Well. That was strange. Which way did he want her to go? Was it some kind of trick, see if she had anything against the constables? No, that was stupid. Most people weren’t like that, Ela wasn’t even like that. “What do you think we should do?” Ela would rather just hurry to the attack, but she didn’t want to get killed. Or seem suspicious.

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Just now, Ookla the Believer said:

Well. That was strange. Which way did he want her to go? Was it some kind of trick, see if she had anything against the constables? No, that was stupid. Most people weren’t like that, Ela wasn’t even like that. “What do you think we should do?” Ela would rather just hurry to the attack, but she didn’t want to get killed. Or seem suspicious.

"Um..." Dang it! Now we have to go to the constables! "Let's go to the..." IRONWORKSIRONWORKSIRONWORKS "Constables!" STUPID!!! 

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9 minutes ago, Ookla the Prehistoric said:

"Um..." Dang it! Now we have to go to the constables! "Let's go to the..." IRONWORKSIRONWORKSIRONWORKS "Constables!" STUPID!!! 

“Okay!” That was probably smart. It didn’t make sense to run into a situation like this one alone. Legal help would be good, unless…storms, they probably already had a team there. “Are you sure, though? I don’t want to be a bother, and we won’t be telling them anything they don’t already know.”

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21 hours ago, Ookla the Believer said:

“Okay!” That was probably smart. It didn’t make sense to run into a situation like this one alone. Legal help would be good, unless…storms, they probably already had a team there. “Are you sure, though? I don’t want to be a bother, and we won’t be telling them anything they don’t already know.”

“I’m… good at reading situations.” Lei said. He could read Ela too, he thought. “We could provide useful insight.” Hopefully.

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