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The mystery of the Valley of Mist (sign ups)


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How would you be interested in an RP where you all are some villagers trying to save their town? It would be pretty rigid, think the Hunger Games, I have a plan for how it will go, but if make something makes enough sense, then it could work. Make your character if you're interested. For influences, think minor, lingering, magic, whether its a physical change or a magical item. (also like, give me tips on how to run this; I have no idea what I'm doing.)

 You are the people of the trading town of Thornwood, deep in the Valley of Mist. 
The Valley is an important pass between the Thousand Lakes of the south and the City of Jade to the north. In the valley is an ancient forest, some say older than the valley itself. The forest was a strange and enchanted place for a long time, where the elves danced, and an unearthly light seemed to illuminate the forest.
A month ago, the forests changed. The lights stopped, and the music stopped playing; the forest was quiet for the first time in a thousand years. For a while, that was all that happened. For a while, the forest was still, holding its breath. 
Then it began to scream.
The trees contorted, twisting themselves into grotesque knots and leaves sharp as knives. The ground shook beneath the town, and the ever-present mountains began to fade into the distance as if the forest seemed to expand. The sky flashed black, and when the light returned, the road into and out of Thornwood was gone. Luckily, several bands of adventurers were in the town at the time, and they all volunteered to go into the forest and find the source of the change. Few returned, and those that did were… broken inside. They spoke of stag-horned men dragging them through the forest and bringing them to a place where the stars were gone. Now a strange sickness has begun to spread, and you decide to do something. Form parties, investigate, talk to other villagers and end this madness.

Character sheet


Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): 
Skill I (What can you do?):  
Skill II (What else can you do?): 
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical):
If you want anything to happen to you, or want something not mentioned here PM me! Also if you want **Spells** Pm me and we work something out.

Example  one


Name: Hilda Jopenburg
Personality: Hilda is a gruff, no nonsense woman who’s positively done with other people's stuff. She will punch you if you get on her nerves.
Appearance: Hilda is a broad women, with tied back brown hair and 
History: Hilda was born and raised in Thornwood, she left briefly to enlist in the army during the Shivering War, but returned within months once the Shivering ended. She’s now married to Juniper who forges bread instead of steel.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Blacksmith
Skill I (What can you do?):  Hilda works as a blacksmith, and thus can repair, modify, and make steel and iron.
Skill II (What else can you do?): A large and burly woman, Hilda has a build fitting of a blacksmith. She is strong enough to lift an anvil, or a tree that has crossed her path.
Influence (What has happened to you? Probably magical): A life of working with iron has changed Hilda, magic finds it hard to touch Hilda’s body and soul.

Example two


Name: Lela Eandra
Personality: Lela is a kindly old grandma, compassionate for everyone whose 
suffering, but not unwilling to break some eggs to make an omelet. 
Appearance: Lela has curly white hair and a mediterranean complexion, She’s short and wears an ankle length woolen skirt, with a gray cardigan and
History: Lela came from a city far away, where mortals used Thread to Tailor the flesh of beasts to themselves. She left that place, sick and tired of oppressive governments and fleshy abominations. She came to Thornwood some 40 years ago and has lived a quiet life ever since, making clothes and sacks.
Job In Village (Skills should be related, to this and your history):  Tailor
Skill I (What can you do?):  Lela has spent well over 50 years working with fabric, she knows her way around her needle, easily sewing up cuts in silk as well as flesh.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Lela, like all old women, collect things, but unlike most old women, who collect normal things like dust and cats, Lela collects knives. She knows how to use them too! Her youth was not wasted in the city.
Influence (What has happened to you? Probably magical): PAFO (YOU DON’T GET TO KNOW YET.)



Edited by Argenti
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Looks cool, I'm in

Name: Laegon Aycrinn
Personality: Stubborn and unwilling to admit wrongfulness, kind of aggressive
Appearance: Built like a big square. Your typical big tough guy
History: Got dishonorably discharged from a royal military for accidentally incapacitating an ambassador. Moved to the Valley so he can let out his anger on the trees
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Woodcutter and general heavy lifter
Skill I (What can you do?):  Can lift heavy stuff. I'll decide how much later.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Pretty good at swinging an axe. And anything else that you can swing. Like a fist.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Drank a weird potion thing from a shifty trade caravan once and now he's colorblind

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8 hours ago, AltonicKeys said:

Looks cool, I'm in

Name: Laegon Aycrinn
Personality: Stubborn and unwilling to admit wrongfulness, kind of aggressive
Appearance: Built like a big square. Your typical big tough guy
History: Got dishonorably discharged from a royal military for accidentally incapacitating an ambassador. Moved to the Valley so he can let out his anger on the trees
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Woodcutter and general heavy lifter
Skill I (What can you do?):  Can lift heavy stuff. I'll decide how much later.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Pretty good at swinging an axe. And anything else that you can swing. Like a fist.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Drank a weird potion thing from a shifty trade caravan once and now he's colorblind

Oooohhhh I love it!!!!

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Name: Quinn
Personality: Is very unaware and innocent.
Appearance: Is very skinny, and has long blond hair.
History: Was kidnapped from her home, then made her way to the village, looking for her parents.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Is a fisher to earn money.
Skill I (What can you do?): Is very good at catching fish.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can swim very well.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): 

Edited by Canada Lover
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1 minute ago, Canada Lover said:

Name: Quinn
Personality: Is very unaware and innocent.
Appearance: Is very skinny, and has long blond hair.
History: Was kidnapped from her home, then made her way to the village, looking for her parents.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Is a fisher to earn money.
Skill I (What can you do?): Is very good at catching fish.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can swim very well.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Telekinesis and Clairvoyance

That's not really what I meant for influence, it should be very minor, passive magic skill, like Quinn sees the path to get to her parents, or while she's walking sticks move of her way to stop her from tripping.

But other than that I like it.

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22 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Is this going to be a mafia style game?

I'm not a 100 sure what you mean, but... no I think? None of you are evil murders. (Unless one of you wants to be a changeling, if so pm me) The evil is in the woods somewhere, you should try to fund out what it is, where it is and how to defeat it. I recommend looking around the forest for clues and magic to help.

42 minutes ago, Canada Lover said:

Probably Stables or Ruins.

Yas live with Sarah or the wildlife

You can also live in the unlabeled houses I just didn't label them

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Name: Joshua Wright
Personality: Thinks he is better than everyone else
Appearance: Short, brown hair, blue eyes,
History: He grew up in a rich family, then ran away from home when he was 17. He discovered a mysterious cave filled with gold, then started his own trading business.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Merchant
Skill I (What can you do?): Great at haggling
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can tell if something is fake just at a glance (e.g. jewelry)
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Joshua's Memories tend to run away, but he is good at catching them.

Can I live in the house by the church and campfire?

Tell me if any of this doesn't work.

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43 minutes ago, The Honorable One said:

Name: Joshua Wright
Personality: Thinks he is better than everyone else
Appearance: Short, brown hair, blue eyes,
History: He grew up in a rich family, then ran away from home when he was 17. He discovered a mysterious cave filled with gold, then started his own trading business.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Merchant
Skill I (What can you do?): Great at haggling
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can tell if something is fake just at a glance (e.g. jewelry)
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Joshua's Memories tend to run away, but he is good at catching them.

Can I live in the house by the church and campfire?

Tell me if any of this doesn't work.

Works well. You've given me stuff to work with.


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15 minutes ago, AltonicKeys said:

Could I live here?


Also how did you make this map? It looks awesome!

Sure thing! I used inkarnate, the free version specifically. Don't expect maps for everything, but I do have a world map and a "battle"map for a couple places.

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I guess I’ll do this. Why not? Other than having an unfortunate habit of joining too many RPs and not being able to keep track of them all

Name: Autumn “Leaves” Earshatterer
Personality: Very loud and energetic, enjoys screaming
Appearance: Long orange hair that is nearly always greasy, pale skin, and tiny facial features, usually wears normal clothes that are extremely stained.
History: Wanted to become a bard when they were older, but hated all the training, so instead they stole a lute that transformed into something akin to an electric guitar but more lute-like due to a curse placed upon it. They then started a band (but would later kick all the other members out) that is akin to heavy metal but far worse.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history):  Self-proclaimed musician
Skill I (What can you do?):  Can scream really loud
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can play the lute, albeit badly.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): An old witch once granted them a boon for undisclosed reasons and they chose the ability to scream very loudly. See skill I.
Could I have my character technically live at their parent’s house next to the farm and Lela’s house, but usually rent a room at the tavern to escape her parents?

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14 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

I guess I’ll do this. Why not? Other than having an unfortunate habit of joining too many RPs and not being able to keep track of them all

Name: Autumn “Leaves” Earshatterer
Personality: Very loud and energetic, enjoys screaming
Appearance: Long orange hair that is nearly always greasy, pale skin, and tiny facial features, usually wears normal clothes that are extremely stained.
History: Wanted to become a bard when they were older, but hated all the training, so instead they stole a lute that transformed into something akin to an electric guitar but more lute-like due to a curse placed upon it. They then started a band (but would later kick all the other members out) that is akin to heavy metal but far worse.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history):  Self-proclaimed musician
Skill I (What can you do?):  Can scream really loud
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can play the lute, albeit badly.
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): An old witch once granted them a boon for undisclosed reasons and they chose the ability to scream very loudly. See skill I.
Could I have my character technically live at their parent’s house next to the farm and Lela’s house, but usually rent a room at the tavern to escape her parents?

Sure thing XD, 👍  you now live in your mother's basement. Only sometimes though.

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15 hours ago, Ravenclawjedi42 said:

Could I have my character technically live at their parent’s house next to the farm and Lela’s house, but usually rent a room at the tavern to escape her parents?

You want to describe your parents or would you like me to write them? Either works.

23 hours ago, The Honorable One said:

Name: Joshua Wright
Personality: Thinks he is better than everyone else
Appearance: Short, brown hair, blue eyes,
History: He grew up in a rich family, then ran away from home when he was 17. He discovered a mysterious cave filled with gold, then started his own trading business.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Merchant
Skill I (What can you do?): Great at haggling
Skill II (What else can you do?): Can tell if something is fake just at a glance (e.g. jewelry)
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): Joshua's Memories tend to run away, but he is good at catching them.

Can I live in the house by the church and campfire?

Tell me if any of this doesn't work.

You wanna run the Genreal store? 

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Name: Norelt (still working on this one)
Personality: Intelligent and hardworking, moderately skilled at most trades (smithing, baking, carpentry, stonework, etc.) but not an expert in anything. He is friendly but not overbearing, and enjoys working outside in the day and listening to stories at night. He rarely seems to notice changes in the weather. 
Appearance: Tall, tan male, about 38, with dark hair and green eyes. Strong from years of hard labor, but not extremely so.
History: Appeared in the village eight years ago from the North. He is the last surviving member of his homeland, but doesn't remember almost anything about his past. People have generally accepted him in the village, and the children in particular have grown to love his playful and fatherly nature. Built his own small cottage.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Works wherever he is needed, repairing roofs, walls, furniture, and anything else you can think of. Until recently, he went out into the forest and took care of the trees, chopping up the deadfall and maintaining the few trails there as a hobby. 

Skill I (What can you do?):  Any sort of manual labor to some extent.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Good sense of direction and an expert
 in the flora and fauna of the forest. 
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): The long trek from his homeland tempered him against extreme conditions, and the weather has no noticeable affect on his performance.


How's this? Is the influence alright? Also, I want to live in the little house to the left of the windmill.


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1 hour ago, [Redacted] said:

Name: Norelt (still working on this one)
Personality: Intelligent and hardworking, moderately skilled at most trades (smithing, baking, carpentry, stonework, etc.) but not an expert in anything. He is friendly but not overbearing, and enjoys working outside in the day and listening to stories at night. He rarely seems to notice changes in the weather. 
Appearance: Tall, tan male, about 38, with dark hair and green eyes. Strong from years of hard labor, but not extremely so.
History: Appeared in the village eight years ago from the North. He is the last surviving member of his homeland, but doesn't remember almost anything about his past. People have generally accepted him in the village, and the children in particular have grown to love his playful and fatherly nature. Built his own small cottage.
Job In Village (Skills should be related to this and history): Works wherever he is needed, repairing roofs, walls, furniture, and anything else you can think of. Until recently, he went out into the forest and took care of the trees, chopping up the deadfall and maintaining the few trails there as a hobby. 

Skill I (What can you do?):  Any sort of manual labor to some extent.
Skill II (What else can you do?): Good sense of direction and an expert
 in the flora and fauna of the forest. 
Influence (What has happened to you?  Probably magical): The long trek from his homeland tempered him against extreme conditions, and the weather has no noticeable affect on his performance.


Yessss great 👍 

Even if your influence is lack luster, you all will probably find something spicy in the forest. It is very old and very magical after all.

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5 hours ago, Argenti said:

You want to describe your parents or would you like me to write them? Either works.

You wanna run the Genreal store? 

You could write them, I don’t really have anything for them except that Autumn doesn’t like them.

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