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Hello everyone.  I've been a Sanderson fan ever since I stumbled across the then-newly-released Way of Kings in the local library.  My wife bought me a copy for Christmas only a few weeks later, claiming that I was whimpering when I turned the library copy back in (she's right - I was trying to drop a hint for her).  She and I have become fairly rabid Sanderson fans, to the point that we use Sanderson as a verb - to be Sandersoned means to be kept awake far past when you intended to go to bed, trapped by a work that's far too interesting to put down.


I'm an amateur author myself (probably not rare, here).  I give out e-copies of my novel for free, but I got yelled at for bringing that up at a previous forum so I won't be making much of a deal about it here.


Heh.  Just realized that the .pdf would fit as an attachment for this forum post, even.  


Anyway.  I'm from Wisconsin, USA, and I work as a pizza guy for now.  I've been trying to introduce my coworkers to Mistborn, with some success.

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Greetings new Sharder!
Welcome to the forums, and have an upvote!
I don't think our admins would mind too much as long as you don't keep posting threads about it but you could check with them if you're interested, I know I always enjoy finding new authors, even if they're not exactly bestsellers yet :P
Have a cookie! (Ignore the metallic spiky looking thing, that's just seasoning and don't let anyone tell you differently)  :ph34r:

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Welcome friend! Take an upvote :)  And a doughnut, that does not have a spike in it B)

I'm sure if you ask the admin's they'll totally let you, we're pretty open with that kind of thing :)

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Hooray for pastries - especially for cookies with extra iron.  Good for my cybernetics or somesuch.  I have cybernetics, right?  That's not just my protagonist?  Shoot. 


Added my book to my signature.  Figured putting it in a spoiler box would keep it from stepping on anyone's toes..  

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 to the point that we use Sanderson as a verb - to be Sandersoned means to be kept awake far past when you intended to go to bed, trapped by a work that's far too interesting to put down.





Yeah, that's one that I haven't heard before. I have that sort of effect on people. After talking to me they have a hard time sleeping because I am so interesting. Welcome fellow sharder, this may not be where the magic happens but it is where we talk about the magic ;)

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Hi! I like the term "Sandersoned". It's perfect!


Reminds me of those mean things that authors do to you that Alcatraz warned me about... 


And it is definitely within the realm of possibility that I got Sandersoned with WoR...

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