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Everything posted by Tien'sPetLurg

  1. Sorry. That makes me sad that you can't get the download. Maybe he'll let people access it later. He was very nice in person.
  2. Nooooo!!! Are you certain? He said we could share them. Oh no!
  3. Sorry. Code only worked once apparently. total bummer Here's a pic of the card though.
  4. When you're at a book signing and you check the 17th shard board... And he's throwing out cards with codes and you're hoping someone gets one and shares it here.
  5. My copy of The Shadows Beneath is beautiful.

  6. I am so sorry about your dog, Quiver. Loss is awful. I'm glad you have a little bit better feeling today. I hope you have lots of good memories to reflect on. I only had 1 dog because I didn't think I could stand that feeling of loss again. Wouldn't life be easier if we had some sort of emotional attachment switch we could turn on and off when we want? Ok maybe it wouldn't. (thinking of how that might work against us...) *sigh* I guess you just have to go through it to get to the other side. Hoping happier times are just around the proverbial corner for you.
  7. On mothers: The hardest part of Life is dealing with other People. It gets so complicated. It's easy to repeat parenting missteps. You go by what you know. Either you model the opposite of what "they" did that bothered you or you go the same route. Seldom do we think of additional options because we don't know about them. Everyone flies by the seat of their pants in each generation. None of us have all the answers. If our kids knew that and we (parents) knew that about ourselves and stated as much up front, if we all gave each other some grace when that happened and gave each other permission to be individuals, things could go a bit smoother. To make it worse, different kids respond differently. The thing that made you crazy as a child may be Exactly the thing your child needs. The thing you loved as a child may have zero affect on your kid. "When I grow up, I'll do it differently. I'll let my child...." You get there to that One Day and find out your kid could care less about what you worked so hard to make sure that they'd have. "But I would have LOVED it if my parents had only..." Life splashes water on your face and says "Surprise your kid isn't you!" It's a miracle we keep the population going. Ha! (A chemistry miracle: All of those chemicals that make us procreation crazy are what keeps us going.) Despite every effort, None of us are going to get it perfectly right. Most people overlook their primal parental function: Train your offspring to survive in the wild. That's a bittersweet process for an emotional mother. This little being that feels like your heart walking around outside of your body is to learn to need you less, all the while, the scales are tipping and you feel like you need them more. The job description: Give up most of yourself and bust your backside to grow close to a small person (who gives pushback and demonstrates little to no appreciation) so that you can teach him/her not to need, or possibly, want you. What a sweet deal! Right?! hahaha As long as Baby can fly from the nest and can fend for itself, the parenting job has been successful. That's one dose of reality a lot of us can't handle. (big hugs) to everyone because no role in relating to others is a "breeze." (Oh B.S.---how well you named that character!) _________________________________ Financial aid fiasco- glad that is getting resolved. Clerical errors are so easy to make and can create so many problems. Glad this one is going to be a slight inconvenience. ----------------------------- Cluster headaches - Those sound Terrible. I have a friend who had them. She had to have medication custom compounded. I will check and see what worked for her.
  8. favorite hero: superman (idealistic) & wolverine (tough guy but good heart buried) favorite"villain" Loki. (sympathetic lost boy- awwww) I enjoy some of the personalities of characters of the Watchmen.
  9. I have the Oldblood rep level. I'm not familiar with this term. I def feel old today though so it fits, I guess

  10. You are in a tough age. Physical movement will be key to your moods. Staying active is a wise choice. I used to black out just before completing 1 mile in 10 minutes at your age. Seriously. It was a hormone-related issue. I was so embarrassed. I decided to only run if someone was chasing me with a life threatening object. (Not a wise choice to let my embarrassment prevent me from pushing forward and improving.) I hope you get to participate today. It was nice of you to walk the other kid back. I hope he/she decides to keep trying and can catch up. Setting an accurate base-line for a skill is ok, as long as it's used to measure progress. The word "limit" sounds like something that should only apply to destructive things like stress, abuse, etc. I should try your 1/2 caff coffee trick. I get jittery after too much coffee on an empty stomach. I have a rave vs rant today. In the good news column, I got to go back to bed for an hour today. It was great. We are on morning 4 of back-to-school and I already feel stifled by routine. SMH
  11. I finally got my copy of Steelheart back. Phew. Lending books out may not be right for Me.

  12. I feel like being a mistwraith today. That seems like the perfect life right now.

  13. Speaking of paper bags... I stayed up way too late coloring this one for my son's lunch today. He's all about Minecraft right now. I messed up Steve but was too tired to fix it. Maxal: I hate being bored. I also hate being overwhelmed. Clearly, I'm just full o' hate. Where's the balance, eh?! It's a pretty good day over in my sphere. Hoping everyone else is having a fine time.
  14. ahahahahahaha If people ask me about having kids, I tend to make them go sterile. I have that affect on people. /humblebrag My experience with family life is pretty off the norm so pay no attention. We are really weird but make it work for us. Life is what we make of it. I just don't remember adding that dash of Chaos to the recipe!
  15. Are you making mist cloaks? Maybe you could snap a picture of those. (definitely don't do anything to ruin your privacy though...especially if you are a minor, kthx) I saw one on Etsy once. It's gone now. It sounds like you guys are going to have a lot of fun.
  16. I think everyone has their own clutter threshold. I prefer minimalism. However, some amount of "clutter" seems to make non-robot types feel more "warm" and "at home". So I throw out some strategically placed "dust catchers." I keep it fairly clean but I'm very mentally disorganized. The worst is the "Put it here for safe-keeping because it's important," and having no Idea where that is later. I feel like I got zapped by the Men in Black pen light. I've always been more of a type B person. Routine, schedule, goals all sound very difficult to me. But if I don't have any of that, after a while, I'm not happy either. I make lists. That's how I function. And to be honest, I'm not doing it very well. There's room for massive improvement. There's an increase in these experiences: Where did I just put my keys?! Where's my phone? (thank Goodness for the Find my Phone app) Why did I just walk into this room? Where did I park the car? I fear some of this is part of the aging process. Some of it is being stressed. A lot of it is the result of over multi-tasking. ------------ School started today. The new amount of precious "Do not lose" papers shall be forthcoming in the backpack. Homework assignments, teacher web sites to check daily (seriously? ugh) and school projects shall get rolled into my circus act. Where's my paper bag to breathe into? I want to nap but I've had too much coffee. A first world problem, indeed.
  17. I have a mental connection between numbers and colors. It took me ages to figure out why: When I was little, I memorized a color-by-numbers coloring book. The back side of the book had the chart. I memorized it so I didn't have to flip back and forth. This set me up for a lifetime of number/color association. The ones in bold are deeply engrained. I'm a little more flexible on some of the other colors. 1. yellow 2. red 3. orange 4. blue 5. black 6. green 7. white 8. purple 9. brown To this day, if I see blue and green together, I think 10 and somehow life makes sense to me. I love how none of the lists are Not roygbiv. The numerics don't match how they fall on the color wheel.
  18. Hi Arnell! Welcome. I agree with Maxal that it must be Great to have people you can discuss the books with in person. I keep trying to recruit some into the fold but I can't force them to read. Bah! I also enjoy audio versions of books. They enable me to move around and do easy tasks while enjoying another time/place/world. WoT was a great way to improve mundane chores and long commutes
  19. Hi! I like the term "Sandersoned". It's perfect!
  20. Hello! Welcome. I hope you can get a copy of WOR soon. I think you will really like it.
  21. I hope those of you doing the work of more than 1 person, get paid the wages of all of those people. :-) Rant: Every time I tidy up, I hide things from myself. I'm so tired of losing my stuff. When it's all out in the open (read that as messy) I can sort of find what I'm hunting. I take this as a sign of needing Fewer things in my nest. Next week, I'll get the trash bags out and do a major weed-out of excess. Then I will throw away things and wonder where they are later... and I will "tidy up" and forget my organizational strategy. Lather-rinse-repeat. *sigh*
  22. When in doubt, poke it with a stick

  23. I'm wondering if they've figured out a way into our email. I never used to get notifications in my inbox about the spam topics, but I did today. Strange. I went ahead and changed things in my settings just in case. I wish you all didn't have to clean it up all of the time, but thanks for doing it. We have one status spammer. As far as I can tell they have no other posts. *eyebrow raise* The username consists of a series of lowercase "t" s and has a 0 post count.
  24. I can't tell you how many times I've had to glue my brain back together. This site has tons of information. Welcome
  25. There were minimal numbers of chill spren. I'm probably the only one who is disappointed that he isn't a Lurg. I really wanted to see him run about and hunt when his cocoon was dissolved.
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