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Mistborn Movie Casting


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I agree with the majority of your actors but one I strongly disagree with. John Cleese is an amazing actor and could possibly have a role in the movie but he is way too old to play Breeze.


I think Age is mute. Besides... well its been some time since I read Mistborn... but I've always had the view that Sazed, Ham, Breeze, and Clubs were much older than even Kelsier. 


Also Cleese could be made to look younger, and in any move I have seen him this mannorisms, voice, behaviors are all so spot on Breeze. haha

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Breeze is 40-50, Ham probably a bit less, Kel - no idea (I think 32 or about 40), Clubs is somewhere closer to the 70-75 zone.

Regarding Kelsier your guess is pretty good :) He was 38.


Before anyone gets very confused as to how I remember that, I have just been rereading the well of ascension having recently relocated my copy. Early in the book Vin and Elend have a discussion about how many people would rather that Kelsier was there and king than Elend and Vin states very clearly to Elend that she prefers him ;)



"Why not?" Elend eventually asked.

"Well, he was old, for one thing."

Elend chuckled. "I seem to recall you making fun of my age as well."

"That's different," Vin said. You're only a few years older than me--kelsier was ancient."

"Vin, thirty-eight is not ancient."

The Well of Ascension chapter 5


(I know I didn't need that much of the quote, but it's  funny :) )

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I personally think Robert Downing Jnr is an amazin choice for Kel because he can play funny, egotistical and serious/ angry. And he did well in the Avengers and in Ironman which proves he play in action movies.

I suggest Bruce Willis as Clubs because would be a good angry, old, war damaged character.

And I think that the guy that played Loki in the Thor and the Avengers would be a fantastic Lord Ruler, in fact I want him to be the lord ruler so bad, Tom Hiddleston is his name.

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I also think that Jay Baruchel would be a funny Spook, and at first I thought Morgan Freeman for Sazed but then I thought not because while he would make a good servant I can't imagine him with big muscles fighting Koloss.

I think that because Breeze is manipulative and sassy, Alfred Molina could play the part and look ok in old clothing... again like sorcerers apprentice.

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Summer Glau is too old to play a 16 year old Vin. My picks are as follows:


Kelsier: Dominic Cooper

Dockson: Liam Neeson 

Marsh: Karl Urban 

Breeze: Johnny Depp

Ham: Hugh Jackman

Spook: Asa Butterfield

Clubs: Liam Neeson

Elend: Kit Harington

Vin: Maisie Williams

Sazed or Rashek: Rodrigo Santoro

Renoux: Ian Mckellen

Shan Elerial: I know she's too old but Christina Hendricks, more realistically I'd go with Jennifer Lawrence.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I am new here, but..I would like to point out that there are several roles that Ron Perlman could handle easily. discuss

Ron Pearlman, seriously? I do not mean to be rude or demeaning in any way, but I just do not see it. He is too big too play Marsh or Kelsier, not quite charming or philosophical enough to pull off Ham, and he isn't imposing enough in the right way to play the Lord Ruler (who I really cannot see as anyone else than Benedict Cumberbatch, anymore). He might make a cool Inquisitor, but I just cannot see him as anything else


Up-vote though for making your first post ever. Welcome to the forums, Bruj!  ;)


EDIT: Actually, come to think a bit closer on it, I think he would make a very cool Inquisitor. His grin with Spikes through his eyes would be incredibly creepy! You know, in a good way!

Edited by Aether
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I am new here, but..I would like to point out that there are several roles that Ron Perlman could handle easily. discuss

Ron Pearlman, seriously? I do not mean to be rude or demeaning in any way, but I just do not see it. He is too big too play Marsh or Kelsier, not quite charming or philosophical enough to pull off Ham, and he isn't imposing enough in the right way to play the Lord Ruler (who I really cannot see as anyone else than Benedict Cumberbatch, anymore). He might make a cool Inquisitor, but I just cannot see him as anything else

Maybe he can play Vin, then. Or Shan. Maybe even Mare.

Also, first post upvote!

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Ok, I'm not even going to begin to try and sift through here to see if someone's mentioned this already, but Summer Glau, while fitting Vin in all but age, would make a far better Shan. Go look at her as Isabel Rochev in Arrow and you'll see what I mean. 

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Alright folks. I just spent the last hour going through this thing and compiling nearly every suggestion (I didn't include the jokes. Kristen Stewart I'm looking at you) It's here in a Google Doc. Enjoy. Add as you please, just please be respectful and don't delete other's additions



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You are missing the obvious choice: Sazed is Morgan Freeman


Also, guy who played Kirk in Star Trek: Into Darkness needs to be Elend

Vin- Jennifer Lawrence

Dox- Liam Neeson

Spook- Ewin McGregor

Edited by the Gleeman
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I thought either Charlie Hunnam or Travis Fimmel would be perfect for Kelsier. If you haven't seen these actors perform, I highly suggest watching some of their scenes rather than a quick google image search of their face. They nail the reckless, charming, confidence inspiring charisma in the face of danger and the seemless transition from good natured to coldly dangerous aspect of Kelsier's personality. Whichever doesn't play Kelsier would play Marsh.

Peter Mensah would be my perfect Sazed if he were a little less black. I've always pictured Sazed as darker skinned, but Peter Mensah is like...ebony. Still, with his facial structure, physique, and voice he could probably still pull it off.

I also thought of Charlie Hunam for Kelsier. Had to Google Travis Fimmel and watch a few clips from Vikings, but he seems like a really good choice as well.

As for Peter Mensah, I LOVE him for Sazed. He is too black, though. I pictured Sazed as more olive complected. I think I saw a fan art drawing of Sazed somewhere, and when I Googled Peter Mensah, I was instantly reminded of that drawing.

Also, I fully support the Benedict Cummberbatch idea that a few people have espoused.

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I came over here as soon as I saw the announcement that the movie rights are up for grabs again.


I came to say I'm rather disillusioned with Hollywood films and book >> movie adaptations. I'd MUCH rather see an anime of any of the Brandon Sanderson works.  Only one I'd opt for a western live action film on would be Legion.


 but DARN if I didn't get dragged into the discussion. and I start thinking I would love to see Paul Bettany in a role in a Sanderson work, but dang it...


Hoid just doesn't have enough Screentime in Mistborn to Justify it!


I wonder who should be the main inquisitors though.

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If don't already know, Mistborn has been optioned to become a film. That may still mean a fillm won't happen, but it's a cool first step.

That won't stop us from talking about choices on actors!

I'll start. Personally, I was always a fan of the notion of Nathan Fillion for Kelsier, but then someone brought up Robert Downey Jr., and he might be the perfect choice.

For Vin, I'm also pro-Summer Glau, but there's a big Ellen Page movement on TWG.



I agree with you.  Nathan Fillion as Kelsier, Sommer Glau as Vin.  


Famke Jansen (sp?) as Shan Elariel.  Benedict Cumberbatch as TLR, because eyebrow acting skills.  


Robert Downey, Jr. would make a good Hoid, actually.  And I wouldn't mind seeing him as Straff Venture, either.  He could definitely do that kind of evil.  


Idris Elba or Christian Bale could play Sazed.  Watch Bale in "The Mechanic" if you think that Batman's too muscly to be Saze.  

Edited by GroundPetrel
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