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Mistborn Movie Casting


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Til Schweiger as Marsh. Please, please, pleeeaaase....


That’s the only actor I am certain about.


I don’t know why, but I have always pictured Vin’s facial features to be a bit Asian. I think it’d be interesting to see one of the Asian actresses to portray her.  


And if they get David Tennant to play Kelsier I’m boycotting the film. I swear.

Robert Downey Jr. would dominate the movie too much. Plus, I think he would make Kelsier “humorous” part too much overwhelm his “angry and determined” part.


Kelsier should be cast by somebody who can portray him being witty, cunny, light-hearted but most of all angry and ruthless. Somebody mysterious, with a lot of charisma, strong (both physically and mentally), who make people want to follow him. Also, I have always pictured Kelsier to be very handsome too.


Whoever they choose I really hope that they will not make this movie a fairy tale. The book is… dark. I mean it’s just very easy to focus on all the flashy aspects on allomancy and forget the rest, for instance social and philosophical aspects. Remember, The Lord Ruler was supposed to be a GOD! (Btw, I really liked how they used Xerxes from 300 in the exemplary trailer - I imagined him just like that). Generally, I would rather not see Mistborn being made a movie at all than being made a bad movie.

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Personally, I am terrified of a live-action film of Mistborn.  It would be so easy to absolutely demolish.  I like Mistborn far more than I did Eragon.  When I saw the Eragon movie, I nearly threw up with disgust at how poor a job they did with the film.  I find many of the changes made in LoTR, and especially Potter to be saddening also.  I'm not talking about changes that needed to be made to successfully adapt the book to the screen, I am talking about the stuff that was changed which contributed in no way to the film and kinda made things more difficult for subsequent films (i.e., the death-eaters flying everywhere and blowing up the Burrow).


I am scared of Ender's game as well.  I am already prepping myself to accept that there will be significant changes to the story.  The only saving grace for that movie is that Uncle Orson signed off on everything and was strongly involved in the production.

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I am scared of Ender's game as well.  I am already prepping myself to accept that there will be significant changes to the story.  The only saving grace for that movie is that Uncle Orson signed off on everything and was strongly involved in the production.


This is off topic, but I wanted to add that Orson Scott Card fought for literally years to stop them from ruining his story (assuming they didn't).  Proving that the main character didn't need a romantic interest is something that takes some serious doing in Hollywood, apparently.


Which means that they could so easily mess up Vin and Elend's relationship.  So I guess it is relevant after all.

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Vin: Ellen Page is a good choice....but personally, I'd choose Chloë Grace Moretz.  She's done a lot of movies and has proven herself to have great flexability in the roles she plays.


Kelsier: RDJ, no questions.  He has incredible scope and depth as an actor, unlike so many actors of today.


Ethan: This is going to sound crazy, but I think Charlie Hunnam (Sons of Anarchy) would fit this role perfectly.  I've seen a lot of the foreign movies he's done, plus his intensity on SoA.  Big plus on this one.


Ham: No clue who'd play a good Ham.


Breeze:  If only Brian Cox were a bit younger.


Clubs: Brendan Gleeson...he just reminds of an old warn out soldier....not to mention we've seen him gnarled and gimpy as "Mad Eye Moody" in the Harry Potter movies.


Spook:  This one Im really not sure of.  Not many male actors that could pull off 15-21 in a trilogy.  Though I could see someone like Jesse Eisenburg playing him.


Sazed: I actually think that Alan Rickman would play this role very well.  He's subtle, but intense at the same time, much like Sazed throughout the triology.


LTR: Another good role for Alan Rickman.  What can I say, I've loved his acting since I saw him in Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves.


The possibilities are endless for most of the characters in the book...if it is ever made.  Let's just hope they dont do what they did with "Game of Thrones"...they took a mediocre book series and turned it into a terrible HBO series.


Edit: @Shardlet:  The changes were made to LoTR to make it more interesting visually...and to reduce run time.  The extended versions arent much different from theatrical and are nearly 4 hours long each.  In Harry Potter, parts were changed or omitted simply because they would have made the movies too long.  Other parts..like death eaters flying...was changed for visual effects...J.K. Rowling was on set for the entire production of all 8 films.

Edited by Nihilist
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Edit: @Shardlet:  The changes were made to LoTR to make it more interesting visually...and to reduce run time.  The extended versions arent much different from theatrical and are nearly 4 hours long each.  In Harry Potter, parts were changed or omitted simply because they would have made the movies too long.  Other parts..like death eaters flying...was changed for visual effects...J.K. Rowling was on set for the entire production of all 8 films.


Some of the changes in LoTR were fine, obviously sacrifices and changes must be made in adapting nearly any book to screen.  However, as for Potter, JK either did not have much influence or she didn't exert influence.  Either way I'm severely disappointed.  I understand that Michael Gambon felt like he needed to make Dumbledore his own, but hos versions is very out of step with the character in the books.  As for the flying death eaters, the visual was lame.  So, fail in my book.  My opinion is my own.  If you feel differently, then fine.  As I said, I don't mind changes that are necessary to adapt a story to screen.  What I have problems with is the "Let's change this because it would be cool".  Sometimes it works, bur most times it fails and leaves a bad taste in the fans' mouths.  I don't like departures which don't add to the story.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 months later...


I'd like to see an unknown play Vin, personally.

Also, I'd vomit in my mouth (a lot, not a little) if Ellen Page got cast as Vin.

I'm serious.


okay seriously. I cannot agree more with you on this.  I immediately went "oh god no. Just..never." Her facial expressions and way of speaking her dialogue are the same across all of the movies she's been in imo, and I do not see her style matching Vin.  I haven't been able to think of anyone to play her (i'm terrible at remembering actors names. I had to google nearly all the names you guys have posted).   

I'm on the boat for that guy for Elend (only based on appearance, haven't seen any of his work) or Jeremy Irvine

Gerard Butler could make a good Ham. My reasoning: 300 + The Ugly Truth

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Gerard Butler could make a good Ham.

I might sneak behind him on breakfast and steal some of it.

I don't really know actors, but Potter's Dean whatshisname's actor might be a nice spook. Alexandra Daddario might work for Shan, and I could be TLR (assuming he can be 17 instead of whatever he is. Oh, and 1.65 instead of 1.whatever he is). Or Kel. He's tall. Tom Cruise would be... [wipes the records] I did not say that.

I did not enjoy the GA. Audible certainly did a much finer work.

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So I was watching the tv show Nikita and one of the actors would be perfect for Kar, or any of the other inquisitors


Rob Stewart  (the link is to his imdb page but its pretty sparse, watch the first episode of Nikita if you can, its shows his talent a lot better)


I haven't seen him in anything else but it doesn't matter his character in Nikita is already an inquisitor, just add a few spikes and he will be terrifying/perfect.

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And if they get David Tennant to play Kelsier I’m boycotting the film. I swear.

I hadn't even considered David Tennant as Kelsier. But now that you mention it, I do not think it would be a terrible idea. He is sociopathic enough at times in his portrayal of Doctor Who to pull it off. He certainly is charming enough. Robert Downing Jr. has good range, but he would be way to dominant.


Sazed: I actually think that Alan Rickman would play this role very well.  He's subtle, but intense at the same time, much like Sazed throughout the triology.

Interesting... I think he could pull it off, but I'm afraid he'd have trouble being sympathetic enough. Sazed is rather subtle and intense, as you said, but he was above all good-hearted and caring. I've yet to see Alan Rickman portray that.



So, my time then:

  • Kelsier: I'm not opposed to David Tennant, but I think someone like Robert Pattinson would be better. KIDDING! Please don't kill me...
  • Marhs: Someone suggested Benedict Cumberbatch. He'd be great as Kelsier's bitter brother. And honesly, I kind of just want to see him with spikes through his eyes
  • Ham: I had Nathon Fillion cast right from the beginning.
  • TLR: I think Alan Rickman would be best suited for this role.
  • Spook: I'd picture a younger Thomas Sangster
  • Dockson: Someone suggested Brendan Gleeson as Clubs. I think he'd work better as Dox.
  • Elend: Robert Pattinson. OK, I'll stop now. Don't really know, honestly.
  • Breeze: A fat Nathon Fillion could work.Breeze: If only Brian Cox were a bit younger.
  • Vin: I have no clue. I never got a clear impression of how she'd look from the books. Someone small, though.
  • Shan: I'd absolutely love to see Emma Watson's take on her. I want to see her play a spiteful character, and not just those heart-warming roles I've seen her lately.

I have no good suggestions for neither Sazed, Yeden nor Breeze.


EDIT: Nicholas Cage as Camon. 'Twould be awesome.

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Imo, Pattinson is too young for Kelsier, Rickman is too old for TLR, and Gleeson is not fit enough for Dockson.  I agree that Cumberbatch would be a good Marsh.

Dude, I was kidding about Pattinson. Also, I forgot that TLR was supposed to be old. I've changed my mind. Cumberbatch as TLR!


Also, is Dockson supposed to be fit?

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Ah, didn't see the disclaimer.  Being fit in the skaa underground when you have no allomancy would be a very useful asset.

It wouldn't hurt, but he did seem rather bookish - though less so than Elend. I just wouldn't be surprised to see him with a bit of a tummy. But thoughts on Cumberbatch as TLR rather than Marsh, please!

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He'd be great as TLR.  I'd just prefer him as Marsh.  But, remember, I think my casting that I presented is near perfect  :P.  


Seriously though, reflecting back on my casting choices, I think Anthony Head as Sazed is weaker and maybe Clive Owen as Ham could be swapped out.  Ewan McGregor has the chops for Kelsier, he just seems a little short.  I prefer Tennant.  I am less certain about Rupert Everett as Breeze.  He would bring the right casual indifference to the role, but he is a strong flavor.  Hugo Weaving could do Kar well, but Kar is a bit too much Agent Smith.  Also, I think Kar ought to be bigger than Weaving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

What a fun topic! I 100% agree with Cumberbatch as TLR.

I love Fillion and RDJ and I think one should be Kelsier, the other Waxillium from Alloy. Not sure if I care which is which as long they were the 2.

My choice for Vin would definitely be Chloe Moretz I think Ellen Page and Summer Glau are too old for that role.

And I can't believe Tom Hardy hasn't been mentioned for Ham! I always pictured Ham looking like Hardy in the movie Bronson.

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What a fun topic! I 100% agree with Cumberbatch as TLR.

I was sold on Cumberbatch when I imagined him doing the scene where he *** spoilers *** kills Kelsier *** spoilers ***. Just visualize him speaking his last words of that scene somewhat with the mannerisms he used as Khan in Star Trek Into Darkness: "Let the slaughter begin." *shivers*


My choice for Vin would definitely be Chloe Moretz I think Ellen Page and Summer Glau are too old for that role.

I hadn't thought of Summer Glau as Vin. She's a bit too old now, but she would definitely capture the paranoia and forlornness of Vin.


And I can't believe Tom Hardy hasn't been mentioned for Ham! I always pictured Ham looking like Hardy in the movie Bronson.

Thumbs up for that one!

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So here are my choices..


Kelsier = I'm not sure, Robert Downey Jr. Might be good.

Vin =  I was thinking Jennifer Lawrence

Elend= I'm not sure...

TLR= Benedict Cumberbatch hands down

Breeze = John Cleese

Ham = John Rhys-Davies

Sazed = Sir Ben Kingsley

Edited by Kier
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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest Alaxel

I would like to see Jennifer Lawrence cast as Vin...mostly because I would like to see more Jennifer Lawrence...

I thought either Charlie Hunnam or Travis Fimmel would be perfect for Kelsier. If you haven't seen these actors perform, I highly suggest watching some of their scenes rather than a quick google image search of their face. They nail the reckless, charming, confidence inspiring charisma in the face of danger and the seemless transition from good natured to coldly dangerous aspect of Kelsier's personality. Whichever doesn't play Kelsier would play Marsh.

Peter Mensah would be my perfect Sazed if he were a little less black. I've always pictured Sazed as darker skinned, but Peter Mensah is like...ebony. Still, with his facial structure, physique, and voice he could probably still pull it off.

Vin is a difficult choice. I want it to be Jennifer Lawrence so badly (for all the wrong reasons) that I'm beginning to have trouble picturing anyone else. I can definitely say that it should not be Summer Glau.

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