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Mistborn Movie Casting


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Ok, I have gone through all of these to see what everyone is saying watched some parts with actors and I can only be positive about a few right now. I am going to go on the assumption that all of my dreams are coming true with this situation. My dreams being that Brandon Sanderson has secretly finished all books related to the cosmere and each successive one will be coming out every other week for the next year or so. Also that he has a multi movie deal for each movie to made, probably each book broken into multiple movies. 


because they describe terrisman as being long-faced

I think a young Bruce Spence would be a great sazed,  

i say young because I cant see his current self playing Sazed during the koloss attack



and someone said something about Cumberbatch playing TLR saying the Quote "let the executions begin." and I got chills and cant get it out of my mind and he looks like a terrisman 


Also I was thinking it would be a really cool cinematic telling of the Alendi log book if each time Vin reads the log book it goes to the point of view of Alendi with gloved hands and being led by the pack men but all you can see is the back of Rashek's heads. You see Alendi's hands writing, him following as they throw huge boulders out of the way then shrink down to normal size, watching as they shrink to store strength and a few other things. Then at the end when Vin figures it out you see all those same clips again except you see each one with Rashek turning around and you see TLR's face.


Can be done cheesy but it isnt in my head.


Also vin is Saoirse Ronan (but with dark Hair)



or Isabelle Fuhrman (the one on the left)



just some of my thoughts 

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  • 2 weeks later...

My casting choice for Hoid would be Jonathon Young (http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0949727/), mainly because I saw him play two Shakespearean roles last summer (Hamlet and Feste in Twelfth Night, the court jester) and he did a fantastic job switching between a super-witty performance as Feste and the much more serious (though still charmingly funny) performance as Hamlet. I think he would do a fantastic job as someone mysterious as Hoid tends to be.


Plus he has a bit of a weird and striking face and is young enough to play the role across a number of films (or a Stormlight Archive TV series).

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So I've done some more thinking about this, and I have to say that David Tennant would make the perfect Wayne. I mean, his 10th Doctor role has so many total Wayne moments...it'd be practically natural for him.

Tillaume--I know that people have been suggesting Michael Caine and Sir Ian McKellen (who would be fantastic, by the way), but the perfect choice is obvious: Sir Patrick Stewart. You know you want him!

For Miles, the logical choice is Christopher Eccleston. Just his raw acting prowess.

Wax is a tough choice, but I'd actually say Viggo Mortensen. He had a really good Wax-ish vibe as Aragorn.

Ralph Fiennes is the quintessential Marsh; tall, imposing, and if you've seen him in "Coriolanus" and "Harry Potter", you know exactly what I mean.

OreSeur can be any sufficiently capable classically-trained British actor. TenSoon is so totally George Takei :D.

Clubs is Stellan Skarsgard. None of the other suggestions really fit.

Neal Patrick Harris, James Spader, and John Barrowman would all make a fine Breeze, but I'm leaning towards NPH myself based on his "Doctor Horrible" performance.

As much as Dwayne Johnson is a mediocre actor, he actually has some skill, and is well-suited to playing Ham. Props to whoever suggested him.

Saze is tough. I honestly think that Christian Bale or Idris Elba is the way to go, but I like some of the other suggestions as well.

Let's all just be honest and admit that Benedict Cumberbatch would make the perfect Lord Ruler. I mean, he just completely and utterly dominated every single scene he had in ST 12, despite the messed-up plot and the fact that most of his scenes involved Zachary Quinto, who is a hell of an actor himself. That is the man to play TLR.

Mad props to whoever first suggested Joseph Gordon-Levitt as Elend, he'd be damnation good in that role.

I also like the idea of Jude Law as Dox.

There are really only three options for Kelsier: Nathan Fillion, Tom Hiddleston, and maybe John Barrowman. Nobody else really has the grinning, madly happy faux-youth that Kelsier needs.

EDIT:...and again, something is wrong with the paragraph breaks. Weird.

Edited by GroundPetrel
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  • 2 weeks later...

my mistborn casting


Vin: Saoirse Ronan Elend: Matthew Lewis


Kelsier: Simon Baker


Dockson: Andrew Lincoln


Marsh: Karl Urban


Sazed: Mark Gatiss


Clubs: Nick Offerman


Ham: Jason Statham


Breeze: Joel McHale


Spooks: Anton Yelchin


Renoux: Bill Nighly


TenSoon: Ben Kingsley


Rashek/TLR: Richard Armitage


Alendi: Tom Hiddleston

Shan: Summer Glau


Zane: Logan Lerman


Venture: Michael Hogan


Cett: Richard Dreyfuss


Alrriane: Emily Bett Rickards


Demoux: Warren Brown

Voice of Ruin: Benedict Cumberbatch

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  • 2 weeks later...


Kelsier has to be played by an actor who can do manic, enchanting, intense, heroic and mad. At first i thought about the big guns, young DeNiro or young Spacey. But then, well he isn't really a smaller gun, but he is not yet one of the "old guys": Daniel Day-Lewis. He is certainly intense, he is an amazing actor, and he is best remembered for the charm and madness at the same time he brings to his roles. Christopher Ecclestone would be good too.


For Vin i can see Maisie Williams, she is still young enough, and though we haven't really seen big things (just ok things) of her, she's at least a good actress.


James Spader ist THE Breeze, if Kelsier weren't so physical he could do even him.


As Lord Ruler... The same one i always see playing Myrdraal, Michael Wincott.


And because every movie is better for having him: Alan Rickman as Ruin. Imagine his mocking and teasing and torturing of Vin, Zane and Marsh in Rickmans voice :-)

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  • 3 weeks later...

What about Jensen Ackles as Elend? He has that angular face and is quite physical in his role in Supernatural. Additionally he is a fairly good actor.


Chloë Grace Moretz as Vin though I think she would need serious acting lessons to bring up her chops. Her physical nature and fight choreo background is a huge plus.


Tom Hardy for the Lord Ruler. Imagine this man walking out in a billowing trench coat and slapping the mess out of Kel

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What about Jensen Ackles as Elend? He has that angular face and is quite physical in his role in Supernatural. Additionally he is a fairly good actor.



Actually, I think that if the Mistborn film were actually made in a few years, Jensen would be a very good Kelsier, especially as he gets older.  I think his physicality in particular translates well to Kelsier's abilities as a Mistborn.  And his debonair suave, devil-may-care attitude fits Kelsier really, really well.

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Is everyone remembering that Kelsier was 25 when he died? It seems like many of the casting suggestions are skewing towards an actor who is much too old for the part. I don't particularly like the actor, but someone like Alex Pettyfer would be more appropriate than a lot of these suggestions.


I saw Danny Pudi on the list for Spook, but I bet he'd make a good Sazed, even if he's a bit young for the part. He's actually 35, so a little makeup might help make him look age-appropriate.


And, yes, I know I'm being a little ridiculous by complaining that everyone suggested for Kelsier is too old, only to immediately nominate someone for Sazed who is too young, but... 

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Are you certain that Kelsier was 25 when he died? That doesn't seem right. =/ I always thought Kelsier was at least 35.


ooh, I'd love to see Dany Pudi in this, even if he might not be the right age for Sazed.

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He was 38. Which I actually noted a couple of pages back.



"Why not?" Elend eventually asked.

"Well, he was old, for one thing."

Elend chuckled. "I seem to recall you making fun of my age as well."

"That's different," Vin said. You're only a few years older than me--kelsier was ancient."

"Vin, thirty-eight is not ancient."

The Well of Ascension chapter 5


(I know I didn't need that much of the quote, but it's  funny :) )

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Thanks for that quote! I knew Kelsier wasn't young (I do recall Vin always going on about how old he was, and how that meant she wasn't attracted to him in the least xD ).


So therefore I stand by my conviction that Jensen Ackles would be pretty great as Kelsier.  Right age, right looks, right attitude (imo).

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Vin Diesel as Ham. And in the out takes have some one call Vin by name and have him go "What?... Oh, the OTHER Vin?" Also, I always imagined Miles as older, much older. Like Liam Neeson. Sazed should definitely be Djimon, Clubs is Clint Eastwood or Bill Nye, Vigo as Marsh because if I'm not mistaken he's the older brother and has Iron Eyes. Older Spook wasing the having of being the Hemsworth brother from Hunger Games. We need to get Seam Connery out of retirement to be Renoux. I think instead of Miles Liam Neeson should be TLR. No idea for Vin, Kel or the others. But Gerard Butler should be Ham's friend at the camp or one of his Thugs.

Oh and the entire Firefly cast in Warbreaker.

Edited by BreathTaker
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