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I'm reading Wax & Wayne for the first time

Ale the Metallic Conjurer

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1 hour ago, Colors said:

I don't hear very many people say it is their favorite series. 

Ah, I see.

Yeah, I really liked Mistborn era 1, and I felt that it laid a good foundation for era 2, but I honestly loved reading era 2 even more. Stormlight is another really good series, and there are different qualities about it that I like, but at the end of the day I'd usually rather read a Mistborn era 2 book than a Stormlight book.

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2 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

Ah, I see.

Yeah, I really liked Mistborn era 1, and I felt that it laid a good foundation for era 2, but I honestly loved reading era 2 even more. Stormlight is another really good series, and there are different qualities about it that I like, but at the end of the day I'd usually rather read a Mistborn era 2 book than a Stormlight book.

I agree, I always defend Mistborn Era 2, I just feel like I often have to defend it more than the others. I find it odd trying to explain, but I'll do my best. I think Stormlight is Brandon's best work on a whole series level, it's the best written, has the best plot, hits me the hardest emotionally. But I prefer the aesthetic of Mistborn, if that makes any sense.

I don't think I could choose a favorite series, I love both for different reasons.

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Hey everyone! Good to see you here Colors! Hope you’ve been enjoying my reactions ^.^

The Bands of Mourning chapters 11 - 22

Been learning about the Southern Scadrians and their Metallic Arts. I’ve been hoping Sanderson would reveal what was outside the Final Empire, but I never expected this 🤩

Unkeyed metalminds, primer cubes, Excisors, medallions, Firemothers and Firefathers. AIRSHIP! AIRSHIP! ETTMETAL BOMBS! I finally get a peek of another section of Scadrial!

Except foe Arcane, I never thought magic and technology could blend together so well. Now I got theories about some of this stuff and the Metallic Arts of each Southern culture.

Can't forget to talk about the strange events and people: Hoid giving what I assume is a Southern coin, the Terriswoman asking Wax about Crashers, Devlin, Edwarn's voice box (walkie-talkie?), radar seemingly being part of Wilg's navigational system etc. 

Steris, MeLaan and Marasi keep being absolute delights. Sanderson got so much better at writing female characters 💜💚

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Glad you are still enjoying Era 2 (very minor reverse M:SH spoilers):


You now know one of the reasons that Secret History is recommended after Bands of Morning

4 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

the Terriswoman asking Wax about Crashers,


4 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Edwarn's voice box (walkie-talkie?)

I'll just remind you of this quote from SoS Ch 7:


You were to have had the radio a century ago, but you didn’t need it, so you didn’t strive for it. You ignore aviation, and cannot tame the wilds because you don’t care to study proper irrigation or fertilization.

“The … radio? What is that?”


4 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

radar seemingly being part of Wilg's navigational system

What makes you say that?

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2 hours ago, Treamayne said:


If I remember correctly, the woman was said to be darker than most Terriswomen. She was at Kelesina’s party dancing with Wax.

2 hours ago, Treamayne said:

I'll just remind you of this quote from SoS Ch 7:

  Hide contents

You were to have had the radio a century ago, but you didn’t need it, so you didn’t strive for it. You ignore aviation, and cannot tame the wilds because you don’t care to study proper irrigation or fertilization.

“The … radio? What is that?”

Oh Harmony, ever the sly dog. So he’s been hinting to Wax and the kandra the existence of the much more advanced Southern Scadrians. Hinting towards people with the radio, aviation, bombs, advanced understanding of the Metallic Arts etc.

Though in this case, I wouldn’t be surprised if both the Set and Southern Scadrians have the radio. 

3 hours ago, Treamayne said:

What makes you say that?

This passage from BoM chapter 22:


Allik would increase their height or lower it, trying to find favorable winds—and he complained that he didn’t know the airstreams of this area.He did his navigation using devices she didn’t recognize along with some startlingly accurate maps of the lower Basin.


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8 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:
11 hours ago, Treamayne said:

What makes you say that?

This passage from BoM chapter 22:


Allik would increase their height or lower it, trying to find favorable winds—and he complained that he didn’t know the airstreams of this area.He did his navigation using devices she didn’t recognize along with some startlingly accurate maps of the lower Basin.


I thought that might be it - I just did not take that to imply radar. If they had weather radar, he would not be hunting airstreams by adjusting altitude. If they had terrain radar he would nto be referencing maps. I just took that to mean some sextant-like navigational device, but you could be right (just not enough description to tell).

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The Bands of Mourning chapters 23 - 29

Loved the cons and tricks behind the Bands' true form and location. Steris admitted she loves Wax, as well Steris and Marasi having a loving sibling moment, are definitely highlights of this book. 

Wax and Harmony's conservation will definitely be a highlight of Era 2, and completely changes my perspective on Harmony. This talk and his frustration with the stagnation of Elendel really show he's trying to be better than his predecessors. The way I see it, he's not trying to wind everything down like Ruin. But he's also not trying to be a coddling force who removes all the world's pain or change, like how a cognizant Preservation... might be? Pretty hard to tell when The Plan involved many aspects that seem counterintuitive to maintaining the status quo. That wasn't Sazed, and it doesn't seem like Harmony either. I’m glad that Harmony, even if he could have a more open view of Hemalurgy, doesn’t seem to be rejecting Ruin’s attributes. 

I gotta love the mention of Harmony’s futuresight and his insight into Wax’s mind. It shows he really thought about all future possibilities before deciding Wax needed to go through pain for the world’s sake. 

And am I the only one who got the sense he planned things out during this book? Wax does mention Harmony puts His lines about Trust remind me of what Preservation (and his agents) did throughout his several thousand year long plan, but moderated with the Shard Ruin and Sazed’s outlook. He trusted Wax to be in line with most of Harmony's future possibilities - to deal with Paalm. He was confirmed to have maneuvered Marasi into a position where she can do good for Elendel She’s probably the most politically admirable, socially conscious person in the Era 2 crew, so I bet Harmony is subtly threading her into to changing Elendel society into something different. Considering his response about the "tiny spark" on Scadrial was "Trust," it seems like he maneuvered Marasi into tapping the Bands of Mourning. 

He probably put Wayne in place, considering his thefts, trades and disguises create a lot of important leads. Not sure about Steris, but I speculate she was put in place to moderate the Era 2's crew's more impulsive decisions. She plans for so many things. Wax doesn't hide a gun, she hides a gun. No one hides medallions, she hides a medallion that saves Allik's life. 

I think at any rate he planned things out so the Era 2 crew stops the Set from obtaining the airship's ettmetal bomb and the Bands of Mourning.

Speaking of the Bands of Mourning, they're a ridiculously OP cheat code. And really, really, really, weird. Marasi’s perception with the Bands was very abnormal. Her steelsight expanded from just metals, to pointing to trace metals, to everything around her (including metals) glowing. She’s powerful enough to Push on trace metals in stone, Hemalurgic spikes, and probably the trace metals in people. She’s leaking mists. Though TBF with her, she was tapping everything and burning every metal she swallowed. 🤨

Wax on the other hand... I don't know. The way I read it, Wax was tapping and burning metals at a more conservative rate than Marasi. And yet, basically the same thing happened to him. Wax with the Bands is powerful enough to rip the coin inside Suit’s mouth. His steelsight is stronger than ever - going farther and to smaller pieces of metal than ever before. He leaks mists, just like Marasi. Wax tapped zinc and thought about many scenarios, over the course of half a page, in the time it took Suit to say a single word. The weirdest thing is that for a moment, it seems as if his steelsight connected to the Investiture or souls within all metal, minds and men. 

The Bands of Mourning didn't come across as a metalmind, especially as they aren't created with the same process as medallions. They seem more like mediums for a mini-Ascension, like Vin drawing in the Mists themselves or Preservation's pawns using the Well of Ascension. 

Oh yeah, Suit is a great antagonist. Telsin is... there and the twist was mid. Telsin has no character lmao.

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You seem to have enjoyed it so far (though you don't explicitely say that) so I hope that is true. Only a few chapters left. . . then Secret History?

2 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Telsin is... there and the twist was mid. Telsin has no character lmao.

The problem is that she showed up late in Bands and was really overacting her "mole" role, so there isn't much actual "Telsin" content yet. I'll refrain from saying more . . . 

2 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Her steelsight expanded from just metals, to pointing to trace metals, to everything around her (including metals) glowing.

There's a WoB for that (it would have been a spoiler before you got to that scene) that might help explain:



Mechanically speaking, how does steelsight work? The scientific definition of "metal" gets a little murky in the middle of the periodic table-

Brandon Sanderson

It does.


-and we see that powerful enough Allomancers can see more than just metals.

Brandon Sanderson



Are Connection and perception significantly involved here?

Brandon Sanderson

To an extent, but the science of it also is. I feel like the stronger steelsight is getting, the more it is detecting things like electromagnetic bonds and even, you know, the strong and weak force and some of these sorts of things that is just in everything, right? And I do think that in strongest applications, Allomancy is going to be moving beyond metals and moving toward things like fundamental forces. So there you go.

YouTube Spoiler Stream 3 (Dec. 16, 2021)


2 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I gotta love the mention of Harmony’s futuresight and his insight into Wax’s mind. It shows he really thought about all future possibilities before deciding Wax needed to go through pain for the world’s sake.

If you have read Stormlight Archive, remember (slight spoilers)


Harmony makes a comment about Wax in one of the Epigraphs (slightly more spoiler)


in Rhythm of War


and if you have not read them yet, then you can watch for it. . .


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The Bands of Mourning chapters 30 - epilogue

In chapter 30, Marasi discovers the wonders of hot chocolate 🍫☕️ Steris negotiates a deal with Jordis. The kandra get the Bands of Mourning for safekeeping, Jordis gets the Hunters’ ship (which is decades outdated 😧), and trade might start between the Basin and the Malwish people. I have faith that nothing will go wrong. 😊 Wax and Marasi talk about their experience wielding the Bands. I love it! Telsin got away. Wax, once again, has someone to hunt. 😔

Steris and Wax got married!!!!!!!! Congratulationssssss!!!!!! STERIS KISSED HIM!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭❤️❤️❤️

Chapter 31 is fantastic. The marriage ❤️❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥 Wax comforting Wayne about shooting Telsin. Wax’s speech about shuffling through life. Jordis and Allik saying goodbye. Aradel’s reaction to the airship. 

Marasi is making it big.  And her obsession with Trell is continuing. The Set has Faceless Immortals of its own. HARMOMY! DO YOUR DAMN JOB! I hope this means Trell created their own kandra rather than corrupting THE kandra. Cuz if they corrupted some of THE kandra, OH BOY! And this specific kandra kamikaze’d themself and Suit! 

The Set has plans to destroy Scadrial after “recent advances,” which I guess they’re referring to the inability to replicate ettmetal bombs? While the South has functional bombs? Or it could be the discovery of the Bands of Mourning? So good news, it seems like Trell’s sight over Scadrial isn’t as great as Harmony’s overseeing the South and knowing of the Bands and ettmetal tech. Bad news, Trell wants to kill everyone. I’m thinking ettmetal is Harmony’s God Metal, and that makes me feel good about Sazed/Harmony’s plans :D

In the final POV, it turns out the coin Hoid gave Wax is a coppermind medallion. He tapped the Sovereign’s memory. Half normal eyesight, half steesight. Like an Inquisitor’s eyesight, I think. The Sovereign is walking through the South, and turns out it only has mildly cold weather. His arm, lined with a network of scars layered atop of one another, as if by scraping the skin time and time again. The haunting word he’d spoken echoed in Wax’s mind.


The Sovereign wasn’t Rashek. It was the Survivor, with a nail in his eye! Kelsier is the Sovereign! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭

I have so many questions!!!!!



Edited by Ale the Metallic Conjurer
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Everything about The Bands of Mourning is a bundle of pure fun. It’s just like an Indiana Jones adventure!

The breakout character this time is definitely Steris. I was shocked to find out a character could develop so much in such a small amount of pages. But, Sanderson did it with Steris. And to me, she’s insanely relatable. I was literally saying aloud “SHE’S JUST LIKE ME FR 😭” So much I could gush about her omg.

Wax x Steris is better than Vin x Elend. There, I said it. I also started to become a fan of Wax’s character arc - his arc of finding his true position in the world. Wax’s arc feels more subtle than the Era 1 characters and his personality is definitely more rigid than them, but I think I can appreciate it.

Allik was hilarious. Wayne x MeLaan was pretty wholesome and fun. Marasi is always great ❤️

The highlight of this book’s plot was definitely the Southern Scadrians and their Metallic Arts technology. A complaint I’ve had about the Mistborn Saga is that its world and history either feels too small or too shallow, even though there are reasons. This book definitely didn’t eliminate it, but it did mitigate it. The Southern Scadrians’ mask culture sounds intriguing, AND THEIR TECH!!! I’m so excited to find out more about them.

Another highlight of the plot, even though it came during the Sanderlanche, was the conversation between Wax and Harmony. This helped me realize that Sazed is still Sazed, but a Sazed that realizes the complexities of being God. Apart from the issues behind the Shard of Harmony mentioned in book 5, it seems like he’s trying to be different from Ruin or Preservation.  I love that Sanderson made this clear. And I love the implications (confirmations?) that he planned out many things.

Harmony’s speech about choices made me cry 😭

I’m shook by the Sovereign twist lmao. Kelsier is the Sovereign?! What the hell is going on?! 

I have several theories but I’m sure some will be answered in Secret History and Lost Metal.

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4 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I have several theories but I’m sure some will be answered in Secret History and Lost Metal.

Secret History will, indeed, answer many lingering questions from all six previous books (and make some new questions, as usual). 

If you have not yet read Stormlight Archive, please be warned that Lost Metal has some spoilers for those books (significant, but not huge) as well as the most references to other books so far (except possibly some Secret Project material), especially Elantris and The Emperor's Soul.

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10 hours ago, Treamayne said:

Secret History will, indeed, answer many lingering questions from all six previous books (and make some new questions, as usual). 

If you have not yet read Stormlight Archive, please be warned that Lost Metal has some spoilers for those books (significant, but not huge) as well as the most references to other books so far (except possibly some Secret Project material), especially Elantris and The Emperor's Soul.

Thanks for the warning. I haven’t yet read Stormlight, so this will be an interesting experience lmao.

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1 hour ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Thanks for the warning. I haven’t yet read Stormlight, so this will be an interesting experience lmao.

I have a coworker friend who has also read The Lost Metal before any Stormlight Archive (though he had read Elantris and TES) - he is on Oathbringer now, but it's been interesting seeing how reading TLM first changes his perception of certain things in WoR and OB. Can't wait for him to reach the "reveal" in RoW to get the perspective of somebody who read TLM first. . . 

SA Spoilers (slightly obfuscated):


He sees Mraize's organization as far more "beneficial" than most first-SA readers would, and was not confused by Iyatil's ancestry at all. . . 


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  • 5 weeks later...

Reactions after Secret History Part 1: Empire

I've finally started Secret History. I've heard it's very important to Mistborn and the Cosmere, so this is something I want to take my time reading.  I'll be posting my reactions to each part, starting with Part 1: Empire. This part was short but had a surprising amount of info.

I'm beyond happy to see Kelsier again. "I am hope" always gets me and I SCREAMED in the final scene of book 6. It seems like Secret History will reveal different sides to Kelsier's personality. Here, I saw his fear of death and unwillingness to pass away, his drive to discover the truth behind secrets, his justified lack of faith in God, regret for hurting Vin and the crew. And the absolute BALLS to punch God then finesse God! That was totally unexpected, comedy gold right there! 🤣

The words Spiritual Realm and the capital C word - Connection - showed up. I remember from book 6 that Connection is a Spiritual Realm property, includes Connection to lands, and includes Connection between people (i.e. Connection between Handerwym and koloss). I'm confident the magic system of The Emperor's Soul manipulates the Connection within the souls of people and objects. Guess I shouldn't be shocked it's in the workings of Allomantic malatium (gold too?). 

Here I bear witness Rashek's final moments. It's honestly depressing. I would've loved to seen Rashek's personality from his POV or the Firsts, people very close to him. And even though he was a scumbag, he was essential to Preservation's Plan. I like to theorize Rashek was either religiously motivated or had a duty to protect Scadrial once he glimpsed Preservation’s Plan. But lost his sense of devotion after so long. I don’t think Rashek just starting out would’ve silenced Fuzz or called him an impotent mouse 😂

I’m surprised to learn Ruin was attacking Preservation even before his release. So the hologram must be showing a representation of Preservation taking Ruin’s attacks and losing his mind. The passage about Ruin’s alterations is pretty shocking as well. At this time, no one knew about the Terris Prophecies or religion outside of Alendi’s logbook and kandra. But there were the Steel Ministry and the 600+ religions studied by Keepers. We know from WoBs and book 3 implications that Preservation wrote the Terris Prophecies and hid gems from Ruin in all of humanity’s religions. IIRC those gems were hidden to help the Hero of Ages his gambits would lead into. My speculation is Ruin wasn’t just altering Sazed’s rubbings. He was altering Alendi's logbook, the Keepers’ copperminds, the Keepers’ texts, and the Steel Ministry’s texts. And it appears Preservation has been actively writing stuff that Ruin altered.  Pretty hypocritical for Pres to dislike Ruin for “making the religion all about him” even though Pres did the same thing 💀

A lot about Preservation in this section. Fuzz is a living contradiction. He's the god of stasis, yet he accepts that death is the natural progress of things... Though, The Plan is a contradiction to begin with. And it doesn’t seem like his planning was as certain as I thought. When I look back to the Mistborn Trilogy, one of my personal gripes was Preservation and mortals outsmarting/overcoming Ruin around the time he appeared to Vin at Fadrex. But it turns out I might be wrong lol. 

Fuzz didn’t foresee that Kelsier would have a 100% chance of dying by letting the Lord Ruler kill him, or at least didn't foresee it as a likely possibility. He even said futuresight is cloudy - made of many possibilities. He didn’t understand why Ruin let Kelsier use malatium. And all these distortions are definitely because his mind has been degrading for millennia. It seems like Fuzz - Leras - Preservation - knew the Well of Ascension wouldn’t trap Ruin/Ati forever, that he would break free eventually. So he set up gambits that **might** eventually come to fruition, like the army of atium Mistings preventing Ruin from regaining his full power. 

I have to respect the fact Fuzz’s mind has been dying for millennia, yet he has the cognition to manifest holograms that move and have conversations wiyj every dying soul. As well as the cognition to watch the fight between Kelsier and the Inquisitor.

Going back to Rashek, my theory is Fuzz's anger at Rashek's death is an instance of Preservation not remembering this part of the plan. The way I see it, Rashek needed to die for many of Pres’ gambits to come to fruition, cuz Rashek would’ve killed or captured the pawns like Vin, or Sazed, or the mistfallen. But Preservation can’t remember this. 

There's the magic number sixteen! The mistfallen! I remember that Harmony said Preservation hid clues about the number sixteen, before he imprisoned Ruin. Guess this means Preservation set up the snapping Mists before the imprisonment, planting unaware Allomancers over the course of thousands of years. Setting up the gambit of Allomancers who can burn Ruin’s atium. 

To close off the post, I gotta call crap on Fuzz's claims. There’s no way Kelsier is the only person in history to punch him or beg for revival. I suspect whatever he did to Kelsier is a gambit that’s part of the plan... which I don't remember well lmao. Was the plan made when Fuzz was smarter the Terris Prophecies and the Hero of Ages?


Hot take: I love the gambit but the concept of atium Mistings is overly convoluted. I think the mistfallen should’ve been an army of Mistborn. The canon mistfallen had normal Mistings and atium Mistings. So why not create a bunch of Mistborn?

Theory: If malatium is much stronger at the moment of death, then the same should apply to electrum or atium - visions of a person’s possible future or a possible future of the entire world (à la Elend’s duralumin + atium). I think this is a possible way Preservation gave the Terris Prophecies. Maybe he gave visions of the future to dying Terris people during the moment of death.

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6 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Hot take: I love the gambit but the concept of atium Mistings is overly convoluted. I think the mistfallen should’ve been an army of Mistborn. The canon mistfallen had normal Mistings and atium Mistings. So why not create a bunch of Mistborn?

The answer is simple. Firstly there would be no number 16 in Mistsnapping, no sign that something weird is happening. Secondly it wouldn't have been an obvious sign that says "you can burn Atium now, that's what you need to do" as Mistborn can burn anything. Thirdly it would take much more power to make someone into a Mistborn than into a Misting. Mistborn are much more invested and those Mistings snapped by Mists were very weak, weaker than normal Mistings as many of them had barely any Allomantic potential in them. And it wouldn't have been beneficial at all - you can't win against Ruin by killing, you just have to burn Atium, Mistborn weren't needed. WoB:



So Elend, at the end of Mistborn [Era 1], is going around finding Allomancers the mist had Snapped. How come he didn't find any other Mistborn? Or did he and we just didn't know about it?

Brandon Sanderson

What you have to remember is the mists were looking for a way specifically to deliver information to him, that "I am alive and doing something" but they were also kind of crazy. And so the idea was to make him notice the number 16 so that he would know that there was a plan and that something was prepared for him. Does that make sense?


Why didn't the mist throw in some Mistborn in that sixteen too?

Brandon Sanderson

Then you would have 17. Or you would have like--  It was the number that was important to what the mists were doing. Plus it is much harder to make someone who wasn't originally-- Like remember what's going on is these are people it is Snapping intentionally who did not-- Like it's Investing them so-- It's either awakening a very little remnant in them or taking people who had-- They wouldn't have been able to be Mistings, if the mists hadn't intervened. Making someone a Mistborn takes way more power.

Firefight release party (Jan. 5, 2015)



Brandon Sanderson

Chapter Seventy

The Reason for the Mistsickness

So, it finally comes out. I wonder at this numbers plot, as I think many readers will glaze over it and ignore it. I think others will read into it and figure out what it means very quickly, then feel that the reveal here isn't much of a revelation. Hopefully I'll get a majority in the middle who read the clues, don't know what they mean, but are happily surprised when it comes together. That's a difficult line to walk sometimes.

What is going on here is that the mists are awakening the Allomantic potential inside of people. It's very rough on a person for that to come out, and can cause death. Preservation set this all up before he gave his consciousness to imprison Ruin, so it's not a perfect system. It's like a machine left behind by its creator. The catalyst is the return of the power to the Well of Ascension. As soon as that power becomes full, it sets the mists to begin Snapping those who have the potential for Allomancy buried within them.

Many of these people won't be very strong Allomancers. Their abilities were buried too deeply to have come out without the mists' intervention. Others will have a more typical level of power; they might have Snapped earlier, had they gone through enough anguish to bring the power out.

My idea on this is that Allomantic potential is a little like a supersaturated solution. You can suspend a great deal of something like sugar in a liquid when it is hot, then cool it down and the sugar remains suspended. Drop one bit of sugar in there as a catalyst, however, and the rest will fall out as a precipitate.

Allomancy is the same. It's in there, but it takes a reaction—in this case, physical anguish—to trigger it and bring it out. That's because the Allomantic power comes from the extra bit of Preservation inside of humans, that same extra bit that gives us free will. This bit is trapped between the opposing forces of Preservation and Ruin, and to come out and allow it the power to access metals and draw forth energy, it needs to fight its way through the piece of Ruin that is also there inside.

As has been established, Ruin's control over creatures—and, indeed, an Allomancer's control over them—grows weaker when that creature is going through some extreme emotions. (Like the koloss blood frenzy.) This has to do with the relationship between the Cognitive Realm, the Physical Realm, and the Spiritual Realm—of which I don't have time to speak right now.

Suffice it to say that there are people who have Snapped because of intense joy or other emotions. It just doesn't happen as frequently and is more difficult to control.

The Hero of Ages Annotations (March 30, 2010)


6 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Theory: If malatium is much stronger at the moment of death, then the same should apply to electrum or atium - visions of a person’s possible future or a possible future of the entire world (à la Elend’s duralumin + atium). I think this is a possible way Preservation gave the Terris Prophecies. Maybe he gave visions of the future to dying Terris people during the moment of death.

Interesting theory, it might be possible, but kind of hard to write down the entire prophecy as you die. But you're right, the barriers between realms fade when people die and it's easier to reach into SR at this moment. Here is only a quote from a WoB with spoilers cut out: "Special things often happen in the cosmere when someone is very close to death, or undergoing intense pain (either physical or emotional.) Barriers between the realms weaken."


Love reading your reaction and thoughts about SH, can't wait for more!

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Reactions to Secret History Part 2


* Kelsier is now a Cognitive Shadow, a being who's had his spirit held together. He's been severed from the Physical Realm who can't go back or pass to the Beyond. But he has no real clothes, hair, bodily fluids or senses. Pain comes from Kelsier’s thoughts on what he should be experiencing. It seems that he's more akin to Preservation’s holograms or Ruin’s illusions, than a real human. Does being a Cognitive Shadow mean Kelsier's soul is intermixed with his Cognitive aspect - his thoughts? 
* If the Cognitive Realm is the Realm of thoughts, what are the dead Scadrians supposed to be when they arrive? Do their souls show up in the Cognitive, a humanoid embodiment of their thoughts, or both?
* No wonder Fuzz claimed Ruin has "deep plans." Rust and Ruin. This is far deeper than what the trilogy presented. Ruin wasn’t just using Vin or Sazed’s rubbing. He was manipulating and altering the texts and copperminds of many Terrismen (not just Sazed), whispering to madmen, whispering to Zane. He’s got influence on the Drifter and Elend.  I think it’s implied he has influence or interest in the whole crew. Ruin masqueraded as the mist spirit to nudge Vin into distrusting it!
* So apparently Ruin isn't death or destruction, he's the god of entropy and slow decay. I guess that makes sense, looking back to his plans. Though with his existence being of winds and storms and waves slowly stopping, of the sun and planet slowly cooling to nothing… you’d think Ruin would have futuresight on Preservation’s level. Plus if he did have futuresight on Preservation's level, I think it would strengthen Ruin and Preservation's arc of opposites engaged in a war of balance. Granted, now I know futuresight is of possibilities and Fuzz couldn’t foresee Kelsier’s method of death as a guaranteed possibility. So idk what’s going on with that lmao. 
* I  wish Sanderson leaned more into the *chaotic* angle of Ruin, or gave us a more nuanced interpretation of chaos. Entropy is disorder or unpredictability, but idk why fantasy writers don't acknowledge that chaos "makes things go." Entropy is replication and metabolism. Entropy is why hot things cool down and cool things heat up, or why gas fills up a chamber and comes out. Entropy makes suns, planets, or the weather slowly build up. Chaos makes humans invent technology and achieve ambitions. 
* Kelsier's peeks into Ruin and Preservation's essence are so magnificent and add so much context. The reflection of Vin's brief Ascension is beautiful. The Cognitive images of Ruin’s whispers and freedom are really terrifying.  
* Kelsier became Gollum for sometime 😭
* All Men have limits, even the Survivor 😭😭 😭
* Drifter is angry Kelsier destroyed the means of interplanetary trade. Okay, understandable. But Drifer is such a dick omg. Kelsier saved the skaa and Terris people! What did you do??? 🤬
* I’m guessing the Pits held Ruin’s pool - the liquid that manifested cuz of Scadrial’s creation. But how would Kelsier’s destruction of the atium destroy the pool? It’s not like he destroyed the layout of the Pits. 
* If the perpendicularities are supposed to be portals between the Physical and Cognitive, and between other worlds, then this means Preservation programmed his perpendicularity into being Ruin’s prison and granting unfathomable Investiture every 1024 years. 
* Drifter says anything physical falls through the misty floor, so I guess Cognitive Shadows like Spanky must be used to travel through. 
* It sounds like Drifter needed Kelsier to kill the Lord Ruler or inspire someone to kill him, so he can enter Kredik Shaw and steal a lerasium bead left behind by the Lord Ruler. I’m gonna speculate Rashek left two lerasium beads due to futuresight experienced during his Ascension - during his glimpse of Preservation’s Plan. I think he foresaw that two beads ***might*** be needed for others in the future, while he needed to take nine beads.
* Harmony is a liar. He lied about the number of lerasium beads.
* Man, the passage about Kel and Marsh’s brotherhood ***hurtThis post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules. The Final Empire REALLY screwed up the crew’s chances of having happy childhoods. Or close sibling bonds. Or romances with happy endings 💔
* My interpretation is that Fuzz - the mist spirit - the Cognitive holograms - is not Leras. Fuzz is basically a fragile artificial intelligence that remembers the personality of his creator, and is just riding along Leras’ plan. It knows that Leras made a plan, or plans, but lacks the ability to remember them. It also seems to be a small fragment of Leras’ mind that’s mostly driven by the Shard of Preservation’s Investiture. While the Shard wants a new host. He's perceiving and working on the world pretty well, all things considered.
* Oh right! Harmony said that Preservation hears the thoughts of those who wear Hemalurgic spikes! Buuuut he's partly a liar cuz Harmony also listened to Wax's thoughts before he put on the earring.
* Harmony definitely hears the thoughts of people who don’t wear Hemalurgic spikes, so Preservation would’ve known Rashek’s true thoughts - the heart of a Man - on a level the readers or Alendi aren’t aware of. This would explain why Preservation's futuresight seems so much better than Ruin. But *why* did he maneuver Rashek into becoming the Ascendant? And what does this mean for the implications surrounding Alendi and Kwaan?  I think he did this to create the circumstances for the Hero of Ages. 
* Ruin falls way too short in the chess game. Secret History amps him up a bit but damn Ruin needs some Bene Gesserit tier planning.
* Apparently, an Ascendant needs to be Connected to the Well's power. What does that mean?
* I know the clues to Vin were the mist spirit. Wasn’t Sazed the “someone else Fuzz tried to get to stop her?” When the mist spirit was messing around in Luthadel.
* Now I know Kelsier didn't whisper to Sazed's mind, telling him that Marsh launched rings into his body. My guess is Preservation did *something* to communicate to Sazed.
* It turns out Kelsier was the one to stab Elend, guiding Fuzz’s knife! Fuzz could manifest the knife but couldn’t harm Elend because he protects. And yet Leras put the Allomancer plan into motion, which meant making people sick. He put Vin and Rashek into place, who both kill to protect or maintain stability. I don't think Fuzz is a complete representation of Preservation's morality or willingness to kill.   

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3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

So apparently Ruin isn't death or destruction, he's the god of entropy and slow decay. I guess that makes sense, looking back to his plans. Though with his existence being of winds and storms and waves slowly stopping, of the sun and planet slowly cooling to nothing… you’d think Ruin would have futuresight on Preservation’s level.

Not quite-WoB (slight Stormlight Archive spoilers):


Alvaro Lopez

Why [[SA Redaction]] is stronger and worst evil than Ruin?

Brandon Sanderson

One reason is that Ruin had a person in control of it who, for many years, fought against the impulse to destroy--and in the end, channeled it toward entropy and decay, necessary elements of the universe. [[SA Redaction]] represents something else entirely.

General Twitter 2018 (June 6, 2018)

Ati tried to channel Ruin to mean these things, but was only partially successful, which is why you'll notice through the rest of the story a slight difference between what Ruin says and what Ruin does. When/If you get to Stormlight Archive, you will see a similar situation with another Shard.


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I’m guessing the Pits held Ruin’s pool - the liquid that manifested cuz of Scadrial’s creation. But how would Kelsier’s destruction of the atium destroy the pool? It’s not like he destroyed the layout of the Pits. 
* If the perpendicularities are supposed to be portals between the Physical and Cognitive, and between other worlds, then this means Preservation programmed his perpendicularity into being Ruin’s prison and granting unfathomable Investiture every 1024 years. 

They are not always in the form of Pools (though that is most common) - WoB:


Chaos (paraphrased)

Does Ruin have a pool, similar to Preservation's pool with the Well of Ascension and Skai's pool in Elantris?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

Yes. His pool is the Pits [Pits of Hathsin].

Ancient 17S Q&A (May 1, 2010)


Hoid worldhops between places. How did he do it on Scadrial? With Ati's body?

Brandon Sanderson

So, there were two perpendicularities on Scadrial.


I know he uses the pools, but how did he do it with Pits of Hathsin? There was no pool? The body was there...

Brandon Sanderson

So, it doesn't have to be going through the pool. What happens with a perpendicularity is, where there is a massive collection of Investiture, it pulls a conduit through. So, if you know what you're doing and where you are, you can get through that.


So you don't have to use the pools, just where there's a huge concentration...

Brandon Sanderson

A huge concentration of Investiture will warp the realms.


So can anyone worldhop that way, then? If they know what to do?

Brandon Sanderson

If they know what to do, in a perpendicularity, anyone should be able to get through there. But as proven with [[Elantris Redaction]], if you don't know what it's supposed to do, nothing happens. [[Elantris Redaction]]. So, it's more than just being there.


That's how he went from the Physical to the Cognitive, so I was wondering how did he do that at the Pits of Hathsin, when there shouldn't be a pool there

Brandon Sanderson

Well, that is the equivalent.

Arcanum Unbounded release party (Nov. 22, 2016)

Yes, Preservation specifically overlaid a portion of himself to change his Perpendicularity into Ruin's Prison.


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Oh right! Harmony said that Preservation hears the thoughts of those who wear Hemalurgic spikes! Buuuut he's partly a liar cuz Harmony also listened to Wax's thoughts before he put on the earring.

Not quite. . . You will get more on this interaction over the rest of the story. To avoid spoilers I will wait for later in case you still have questions. 


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Apparently, an Ascendant needs to be Connected to the Well's power. What does that mean?

You will also get more information on this as the story progresses, with examples of what happens when that Connection is . . . lacking.


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I know the clues to Vin were the mist spirit. Wasn’t Sazed the “someone else Fuzz tried to get to stop her?” When the mist spirit was messing around in Luthadel.

Yes, that was the end of WoA when the Mist Spirit enticed Sazed into going to Kredik Shaw, only to have him run into Marsh preventing him from getting to Vin in time. 


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Now I know Kelsier didn't whisper to Sazed's mind, telling him that Marsh launched rings into his body. My guess is Preservation did *something* to communicate to Sazed.

That is the current concensus - though BS did originally plan for that the be a whisper from Kelsier (until he realized it wasn't possible) - WoB:



Did you pre-write the Kelsier stuff for Secret History, or did you just outline the events ahead of time?

Brandon Sanderson

Kelsier was notes, though detailed ones. They might mostly worked out. I believe there was one "thought" a character has in HERO that I had written to be influenced by Kelsier, but turned out to be logistically impossible. I worked on Secret History itself on and off for years before finishing it last fall.


Was that thought the one Sazed has in his fight with Marsh?

Those weren't coins, a voice seemed to whisper.

The bag Marsh shot at you. Those weren't coins.

Brandon Sanderson

Yup, that's it.

Moving the well, playing with where Kelsier was, and the physics of moving through perpendicularities between Realms all kind of combined to make what I had planned originally there not work. I tried fudging things so Kelsier could be there, and felt it was dishonest to the rules. So I didn't let him stray far enough from the Well to talk to Sazed there. Peter had thought for years that was Kelsier, I recall, and was sad we couldn't connect them.


I don't suppose you'd be willing to share with us who the new, canonical voice in Sazed's head is?

Brandon Sanderson

I'm afraid I probably won't ever go into this. At some point, you risk twisting and turning too much. I have a canon answer in my head, but for readers, it will probably need to remain ambiguous--with "it was simply him coming up with it on his own" being a valid option.

General Reddit 2016 (Aug. 22, 2016)

So, it's not "confirmed" to have been Preservation - but that is what most fans believe.


3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

And yet Leras put the Allomancer plan into motion, which meant making people sick.

Just to be clear, Snapping isn't something Preservation added to Allomancy - it is a fundamental part of some kinds of Investiture and similar mechanics will appear in other Cosmere stories. 


It sounds like you are enjoying the story so far and learning that there was, indeed, more depth to Ruin (as you had hoped) than we could see in Hero of Ages (because the viewpoints to show that depth were not available in that story). You will get even more great Ruin scenes as Secret History progresses. 

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Posted (edited)

Intriguing moment in the middle of Secret History

I just finished Part 3: Spirit and the last scene stood out to me. For a long time I was wondering about the implications of futuresight in book 3, but now I got them.  

In the last scene, Fuzz forcefully shows Kelsier a vision of the future. He does it twice so Kelsier has a chance of understanding it. There’s so much to unpack about futuresight.

  1. Kelsier glimpsed into Preservation’s essence - the Spiritual Realm. Ribbons of it exploding from him. In the Spiritual Realm, time doesn’t pass or have meaning, it’s not a place, location is no relevant. It only contains Connection - which I interpreted from book 6 as the Spiritual aspect of bonds. Connections - bonds - between person to person (manipulated by Handerym?), man to world, man to country (from BoM), Kelsier to god.
  2. It appears that Shards see into the future by riding those Connections, and that Kelsier glimpsed Preservation’s Connections to everything and everyone on Scadrial. God to Kelsier and his soul, God to the ground, God to the air, God to metals. 
  3. Kelsier saw his own Connections to people 👀 
  4. I find out that Shard futuresight is of future possibilities, many possibilities, infinite possibilities compounded upon each other.
  5. Kelsier compares this to atium. I remember atium vs atium, or electrum vs atium appearing like future possibilities mirroring each other. How is regular ol' atium burning like Kelsier’s vision?
  6. Futuresight involves sorting through the information and sensation. Mortal minds are too fragile to process the information from the possibilities, while only Shards can do it. But even Shards are likely to be wrong, and it’s hard to tell what’s actually likely or a frail possibility. 
  7. Kelsier saw thousands upon thousands of possibilities. In none did he defeat Ruin, both him and Fuzz know it. Kelsier saw a chance Vin could beat Ruin. However, Fuzz confirms Vin beating Ruin is a frail possibility and that Ruin knows of this frail possibility. 
  8. Kelsier’s future vision was a path of possibilities that started by him going into the west. 

Notes and speculation after this chapter:

  • Between the moments of future vision, Ruin seems to notice Fuzz’s gift. Ruin shows Kelsier his Connections to everything on Scadrial, including to Kelsier himself. Kelsier sees his Connections to Ruin are much greater than his Connections to Preservation.
  • “It’s too hard to see what is actually likely, and what is just a fragile… fragile, distant maybe…” - This quote, and everything about this chapter, confirms what I was thinking and hoping for. That all of Preservation’s gambits and plans to defeat Ruin - especially the Hero of Ages and Terris Prophecies - were Hail Marys and fragile future possibilities that Preservation just hoped would succeed. He never knew for sure, he just hoped and trusted.
  • Same idea would absolutely apply to Rashek’s future vision during the Ascension or Elend’s future vision at the end of book 3. Rashek didn’t know if the storage caches, or Trustwarren, or the Resolution would succeed. Elend didn’t know if his sacrifice would be guaranteed to drive Vin to murder-suicide Ruin. Even though their minds were expanded, they were still much lesser than the Shards and only seeing possibilities. All they could do was trust the First Generation and Vin, and hope for the best outcome. 
  • Ruin was trying to break Sazed!!! My god, Ruin’s plans are soooo all-encompassing and subtle in this book! I never would’ve thought he was influencing Sazed! 😩 
  • Fuzz's gift to Kelsier may have been a possible method for gifting the Terris Prophecies. What if Leras gave future visions to dying Terris people in the Cognitive Realm, then revived them as Cognitive Shadows to spread the word of the visions in the Physical Realm? He’d have been much more capable than Fuzz, so this seems plausible.
Edited by Ale the Metallic Conjurer
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3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

How is regular ol' atium burning like Kelsier’s vision?

Well, Atium is tapping into the Spiritual Realm on the very very short scale - only seconds - which is why Atium Shadows are far more likely to be correct (it fractures exponentially the further forward you are from "now") - which is also why once Vin realized this, she was able to "break" Zane's Atium to defeat him.

3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

That all of Preservation’s gambits and plans to defeat Ruin - especially the Hero of Ages and Terris Prophecies - were Hail Marys and fragile future possibilities that Preservation just hoped would succeed. He never knew for sure, he just hoped and trusted.

Well, yes, but also a bit more - closer to a Thanatos Gambit + Batman Gambit + nearly a Xanatos Gambit (not quite all outcomes favoring Preservation's plan - but many possible outcomes favored the Plan since Leras accounted for his death favoring the Plan as well as factored in that Ruin would act like Ruin) 

3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Rashek didn’t know if the storage caches, or Trustwarren, or the Resolution would succeed. Elend didn’t know if his sacrifice would be guaranteed to drive Vin to murder-suicide Ruin.

Elend's Duralumin+Atium was closer to seeing the actual resolution of the Plan because, based on Atium, it was much closer to "now" and therefore much more likely to be accurate (or at least close). While I think you are spot-on for how Rashek dealt with what he learned - which is why he had so many separate (but sometimes overlapping) plans. 

3 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

Ruin was trying to break Sazed!!! My god, Ruin’s plans are soooo all-encompassing and subtle in this book! I never would’ve thought he was influencing Sazed!

Well, we did warn you when you first voiced your upset with Ruin after Hero of Ages - Ruin's schemes were much deeper than you could see from the viewpoints HoA was able to show. 

Hope you are still enjoying the journey. 

Edited by Treamayne
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I just reached the part where Kelsier Ascended to the Vessel of Preservation. I got a lot of thoughts and theories that I can’t type cuz of work. But one of those, unsurprisingly lmao, is that Preservation commanded Kelsier to Survive in the Pits, driving him forward. Inspiring Kelsier to become the Survivor of Hathsin.

I think Leras wanted Kelsier to become the Survivor of Hathsin as a gambit, as part of his plan. It’s why he told Kelsier to Survive, made him into a Cognitive Shadow, and showed him the future vision of going west to the Ire’s fortress. He wanted Kelsier to destroy all the atium in the Pits of Hathsin, restricting Ruin from one of the two ways he can regain his full power. He wanted Kelsier to get the Ire’s orb, artificially Connecting himself to Preservation and serving as the middleman between Leras and Vin. Ensuring Vin gets the Shard before Ruin Splinters it. 

I also think Preservation fueled Kelsier’s Allomancy in the Pits, with the mists. And Snapped him into a Mistborn at that moment, like how he theoretically Snapped Vin during her birth.

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4 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I think Leras wanted Kelsier to become the Survivor of Hathsin as a gambit, as part of his plan. It’s why he told Kelsier to Survive, made him into a Cognitive Shadow, and showed him the future vision of going west to the Ire’s fortress. He wanted Kelsier to destroy all the atium in the Pits of Hathsin, restricting Ruin from one of the two ways he can regain his full power. He wanted Kelsier to get the Ire’s orb, artificially Connecting himself to Preservation and serving as the middleman between Leras and Vin. Ensuring Vin gets the Shard before Ruin Splinters it. 

Interesting theory. I would guess it wasn;t so much "I want you to do X, Y and Z" as "Hey, a possible wild-card back-up with a possibility of aiding the 'plan.' "

And I would note that you might want to check out (again) what Fuzz said when Kelsier was going toward the Well in Part 1 - Ch 1:


Fuzz wavered, and Kelsier could sense the divinity’s hesitance. It was followed by a sense of purpose, like a lamp being lit, and laughter.

Very well. Be Preserved, Kelsier. Survivor.

Something shoved him forward, and Kelsier merged with the light.

Sounds familiar to me. . . 

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16 hours ago, Ale the Metallic Conjurer said:

I think Leras wanted Kelsier to become the Survivor of Hathsin as a gambit, as part of his plan. It’s why he told Kelsier to Survive, made him into a Cognitive Shadow, and showed him the future vision of going west to the Ire’s fortress. He wanted Kelsier to destroy all the atium in the Pits of Hathsin, restricting Ruin from one of the two ways he can regain his full power. He wanted Kelsier to get the Ire’s orb, artificially Connecting himself to Preservation and serving as the middleman between Leras and Vin. Ensuring Vin gets the Shard before Ruin Splinters it. 

I also think Preservation fueled Kelsier’s Allomancy in the Pits, with the mists. And Snapped him into a Mistborn at that moment, like how he theoretically Snapped Vin during her birth.

Interesting, it's possible, but judging by how Leras behaved in SH, by that he didn't remember what was the plan, was just hoping people would recognize it without his intervention, or by that he didn't wanted to preserve Kelsier from going into the Beyond until Kelsier showed an unbreakable will to save himself and convinced Leras to made him into a CS, I think at that point Leras was too far gone to do anything as a part of his plan - he didn't know what his plan was. I think it would be more like what happened at the Well at the beginning of SH - Leras was just impressed by Kelsier's actions and just felt he deserved to be preserved, not knowing he would ultimately serve a role in his plan. Leras didn't predict Rashek would die, he didn't predict Ruin would be soon freed, he didn't know he needed to do anything this time as he thought Rashek would Ascend again, thus maintaining the status quo.

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Posted (edited)

It's a surprising but welcome addition to the Mistborn Saga, phenomenal and heartwarming. It explores why I loved Kelsier so much and raises some questions about his true motives. Many questions I had from the trilogy were answered in satisfying and compelling ways. I gotta love its expansion of Scadrial’s worldbuilding and the hints to the ongoings of the cosmere. It even got hints of the true circumstances of why Rashek was able to Ascend - it wasn’t a fluke as he was Connected to Preservation and maneuvered into the position by Leras (who listens to the hearts of men cuz he hears all thoughts).

I think Sanderson did an amazing job with Fuzz’s personality, his futuresight and planning, and the true nature of Preservation. Even though I still have problems with Ruin’s writing, I think Sanderson did a great job justifying his failures while somehow simultaneously amplifying Ruin as a threat. 

The Shard of Ruin is not death or destruction. It’s slow decay and entropy, it is being at peace with the fact life and the universe doesn’t last forever. Kelsier understood the former, Elend understood the latter after Connecting with Ruin’s Investiture. Ruin the God was in the hands of a Vessel that didn’t even exist anymore. It was in a Vessel that didn’t even remember what planet he was working on, just a shell filled with Ruin’s Investiture. It was a god who foresaw the possibilities within Elend’s future vision, but either saw them as unlikely or dismissed them entirely. It was a god that no longer understood or acknowledged the loving, selfless, compassionate sacrifice that exists within his foreseen future possibilities. The sacrifice which, in stark contrast, Leras, Kelsier, and possibly Vin foresaw and accounted into their precognitive plans. I'm still betting Harmony has precognitive plans of his own in motion.

Kelsier was right. He is hope. His moments with Spook, Marsh, Vin, and even Elend got me smiling ear to ear before suddenly flowing tears. Same with his scenes of comforting Goradel and the dying people of Scadrial. I don't think he's nearly as wicked as some people say, but he has a lot to learn. But he's already aware of some things, like his view of Marsh being a better person than him.

This is just an observation but after Vin’s death the characters knew things or made claims they normally wouldn’t or couldn’t, but I have thoughts on why they were possible.

I have a lot of thoughts and theories, but I'll make separate posts for those sometime during the week. Or post in this thread, idk yet

I hope we see more of the Ire and their home planet.. someday. Elantris and AU Selish system essay spoilers


I've read Elantris so I know what the Ire truly are, but I really wanna know what's going on with Sel by the time of each Mistborn era. Especially now that I know how dangerous the Dor being in Sel's Cognitive Realm could be. AonDor is absolutely insane btw. It can create a device of... I think liquid Connection.. to bond you to Shards. I bet AonDor is doing Identity manipulation on the stones of the Ire's fortress, to stop them from disappearing. Drawing Investiture from another world’s Cognitive Realm, I think, is insane too. And is the orb's wards doing something similar to copperclouds? I think it was hiding its holders from the sight of both Ruin and Preservation.

Also this say levels how ridiculous the Shards themselves are! Too bad Ati and Leras went crazy and impotent.


Edited by Ale the Metallic Conjurer
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