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Koloss, Physical Attraction, and Hemalurgic Transformations


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The First Generation of Kandra were different from Kandra that were born Mistwraiths; they didn't have the same instincts that were present in the others.




Brandon Sanderson

The First Generation Arrive

The First Generation are different from the other generations. Other kandra were born from mistwraiths that had bred true, becoming their own species. The Firsts, however, were humans who were changed directly into kandra. They aren't as good at holding their bodies together as creatures who were born first as mistwraiths. Someone like TenSoon carries with him a heritage of intuition and instinct gained by his previous life as a mistwraith.

The Firsts don't have that. They haven't practiced taking new bodies—in fact, only a couple of them have ever even done such a thing. They've spent their lives in the Homeland and don't know how to use their powers. The skin droops from their bones, and they look—and feel—old, something that doesn't happen to other kandra.

Here, oddly, is the first climax of the TenSoon chapters. He's not there to see it, but his words are what finally convinced the Firsts to come down from their alcoves and face the truth that the end has come.

Also, Moshe, I still think those should be podiums rather than lecterns.

So, long question short, do Koloss retain their sense of attraction for humans after their transformation, since Hemalurgy doesn't seem to change the Cognitive Aspect in that way (at least not directly)? We see that there are Koloss-blooded born from Koloss and humans, so would that mean that there are Koloss physically attracted to humans despite their new anatomical differences?

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9 hours ago, Trusk'our said:

So, long question short, do Koloss retain their sense of attraction for humans after their transformation, since Hemalurgy doesn't seem to change the Cognitive Aspect in that way (at least not directly)? We see that there are Koloss-blooded born from Koloss and humans, so would that mean that there are Koloss physically attracted to humans despite their new anatomical differences?

Ehh, does it matter? :P Probably yes, there are Koloss attracted to humans.

Koloss-blooded are also born when both parents are Koloss. So every time a Koloss has a child, it's a Koloss-blooded. 



How did koloss-blooded people happen?

Brandon Sanderson

Koloss-blooded people-- A koloss-blooded is the result of two koloss having a child. A full koloss is only made once you accept the spikes and are mutated into the final form. And so a koloss-blooded-- The koloss can breed true now but that's what you get. And so they actually have a ritual at coming-of-age where you can accept the spikes or you can leave. And so all koloss in the wastes-- in the Roughs that are in the koloss tribes are-- have chosen that and outsiders can choose it too.

Words of Radiance Portland signing (March 7, 2014)


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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Koloss-blooded are also born when both parents are Koloss. So every time a Koloss has a child, it's a Koloss-blooded. 

True, but there are Koloss-blooded born to a human and a Koloss, such as Tarson.

1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Ehh, does it matter? :P Probably yes, there are Koloss attracted to humans.

Yes? I thought it was important anyway, because it felt strange that Hemalurgy would change someone's species, yet not alter their innate instincts.

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43 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Yes? I thought it was important anyway, because it felt strange that Hemalurgy would change someone's species, yet not alter their innate instincts.

The WoB doesn't say that their instincts aren't altered, just that they carry them in them. Kandra doesn't really feel any urge to hide in caves during the day like mistwraith do, nor to collect all bodies and bones they find, so some instincts are clearly changed.

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Sorry, are you trying to answer the question “would human and Koloss romance short story be lore accurate?”

Or the less wholesome “Are Scadrian monsterfrickers in luck?”

If so, this is the exact type of thing that I expect from Sanderfans. Vast intellectual theorizing on the scope of the Cosmere on one end, and sharddildos on the other.

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17 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Sorry, are you trying to answer the question “would human and Koloss romance short story be lore accurate?”

Not really, but that could be fun to read (to be fair, I'm a sucker for most romances) :)

17 hours ago, Koloss17 said:

Or the less wholesome “Are Scadrian monsterfrickers in luck?”

That had not crossed my mind, to be honest. . . though it does kind of make me wonder now why a human would want to have children with a Koloss- a human wouldn't have any strange changes to instinct due to spikes. . . I hadn't considered that part before, but it would make sense if those humans were outliers of the norm a bit (they did decide to join or interact positively with Koloss clans after all).

Edited by Trusk'our
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On 10/14/2023 at 10:02 PM, Trusk'our said:

So, long question short, do Koloss retain their sense of attraction for humans after their transformation, since Hemalurgy doesn't seem to change the Cognitive Aspect in that way (at least not directly)? We see that there are Koloss-blooded born from Koloss and humans, so would that mean that there are Koloss physically attracted to humans despite their new anatomical differences?

I feel like there might be some...logistical issues in certain cases, even beyond the question of attraction, unless a lot of pewter or gold is involved. Koloss-blooded can still come from other koloss-blooded and humans, as well as from two koloss, that seems to be more likely than a human and a koloss for the aforementioned reason.

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