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Long Game 7: The Annealing of Luthadel


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Luckat: I clarified the issue with Wyrm. A Mistborn who starts the game having Copper/Bronze for the day does not begin with a Coppercloud up. So the only conclusion, given Tonul's testimony (I believe that since he was proven noble and should have had no reason to lie about that at that point in the game), is that Jain is a Smoker.

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Well, it seems that Mailu isn't going anywhere anytime soon and with Jain likely having the Kandra, we don't want it to be too close or a Rioter could screw up the voting.


I trust Kassel, since he already got us one Skaa! 


Edit: Cat, you have Fien voting twice on your list. 

Edited by Metacognition
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Edit: Cat, you have Fien voting twice on your list.

Oops. It's fixed now.

I didn't realize that, Kas. It would have been nice if that was more clear sooner. It doesn't really change what I'm thinking about Jain though.

Edited by luckat
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I'm just very big about King's rules ;)


I can confirm this fact. Kas has corrected me about my own rules recently after I misread them slightly >>.


And the night is now over.

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Night 5


"I vote for Kalden!" Hadrian said, raising his hand almost instantly. "No, wait," he quickly lowered his hand back down as everyone turned to him with surprise as he voted for the current host. Then he raised it again. "I mean the other guy, Asyr Tuy! I mean, his is the only Great House that hasn't been hit."


Mesist just sighed. They were stuck relying on their own wits, it seemed. Certainly he had nothing new to add to the debate. He sat on his chair on the upper tier, looking down on the crowd on the floor below, swirling the wine in his glass as he thought. Lord Heron seemed to want them to just attack each others' reputations as much as find Skaa. Maybe he was just hoping to find something out in the crossfire.


He drained his glass and ordered a servant to refill it. He stared into the wine, his thirst disappearing as he thought. Had Kalden managed to find the only red wine in stock that looked like blood, or was he just tired? No, it was fear, disturbing as it was to think it. Every night, another death. If a Pewterarm such as Sylinia could die like that...


A shadow passed over his wineglass, and he raised his head to see who else had shunned the gathering. Mailu Willen, one of the other Southern nobles. The Willens had bought horses from the A'lees, back in the good days for his House. Mesist stood up, trying to catch Mailu before he wandered off. "I have some questions for you, Mailu, about your votes during the last few balls."


Mailu shrugged, retrieving his arm from Mesist's grasp. "Is it strange to think that I thought it a setup? Racine was a respected member of Luthadel high society - Not that I expect a horse breeder like you to understand the concept of 'high society'. And in the case of Wandrin... Well, who could have believed that bumbling fool could have remained hidden for any period of time?"


"So what do you think today?" Mesist pressed, his eyes not leaving Mailu. "I'd be most interested to know what the great Lord Willen thinks."


"I haven't decided yet," Mailu shrugged once again. "Though I find it interesting that you of all people would accuse me of this, A'lees," he continued. "I suppose it makes sense that you need to try and find something new to sell, with your House collapsing around your ears like that. Perhaps your previous dealings are a lesson for you and your kind, one that you should learn before you try and move in on my House's territory? Don't try dealing in anything smarter than you," he said with a small smile before walking off to his own table.


Mesist watched him go, unable to quite formulate a response to that. Sure, he'd be the first to claim that horses were smarter than most people thought, but... His thoughts were interrupted by a loud clapping sound from the entrance to the ballroom.


"Now this is a real ballroom!" Lord Urbain exclaimed as he entered the room, while the Terrisman permanently by his side just sighed. It seemed he didn't quite realise that he'd said that aloud. "Gamad, do me a favour and go and fetch me another glass of wine," he said, handing the steward his empty glass before walking forward again.


"Time for another round of guess who!" Fien said as he approached the throng in the centre of the room. "So, no-one's managed to discover any dirty secrets overnight? No-one wants to come forward and just admit it? Nothing solid for us to go on for the moment?" he paused. "No? Very well then, it appears we'll have to do this the old fashioned way."


"You seem annoyed, Fien," Hyrun said, an edge of concern in his voice. That didn't last too long though, replaced with condescension. "I'm sure there's nothing to be worried about. After all, there are many other members of House Urbain who were tricked, after all. You by Wandrin, Ren by his servant..."


"That's not proven!" Fien said, clenching his fist in Hyrun's direction. He took a few deep breaths and lowered his arm slowly to his side. Hyrun was right though; Wandrin being Skaa was bad enough, but Ren's murder and Bamin's disappearance... It was too much for him. He reached over to Gamad, who had just returned with his wine. He reached over and drained the glass in one go, passing it back almost instantly. "Again," he said, his voice slightly raspy. Then he changed his mind. "No, something stronger."


"So I guess we can't exactly rely on information for finding the rest of the Skaa," Fien continued once he had a moment to recollect his thoughts. "Likewise, whoever this 'Genie' fellow is, we can't just sit around and wait for them to peg the right target and find the Skaa. We shouldn't be relying on Informants or contacts or what have you. Just our own wit and skill."


"Lord Ruler help us all," Heron muttered under his breath as he watched Fien suddenly break into a sweat as everyone looked at him, and attempt to cope with it by drowning himself with wine. The mumbled phrase seemed to be a sentiment that he was becoming all too used to expressing.


"I agree with Lord Penrod," Alden said quietly, fidgeting a little under the gaze of the people around him. "I believe that Asyr Tuy is a Skaa, or at least he is in league with them." He swallowed nervously and continued. "I cannot provide much evidence, nor am I certain its the truth. I think we should look at why Lord Garde was attacked after his ball yesterday. I doubt it was a random act of opportunity. I believe Lord Erikell would agree with me."


"Lord Izenry?" Kassel dropped his pencil in surprise as everyone looked to him. He stood up from the seat he had dragged down to the dance floor, flicking through his notebook as he looked for what Alden might be referring to. "I'm afraid I don't know what you might be referring to. Lord Gardre was always rather secretive. As for lord Tuy... I'm not sure of him, I admit, but I don't see why he could be responsible for his death."


"I suppose you're right," Alden sighed, waving his hand at the group in a dismissive manner. "Nevermind, just ignore me."


"I agree that it's strange that my allies I have remained unharmed," Asyr said, the old man tapping his cane against the floor for attention. "I can only assume that they killed Lord Gardre due to his nature as a Tineye, and ignored my associates due to the fact that they are not particularly well known. This doesn't exactly help us though, since it seems as though Lord Gardre told the whole world of his abilities. But I would like to know why they felt a mere Tineye was a threat."


"And I'd like to know why Jae's being so quiet!" Fien said, waving in Lord Kastner's direction and spilling yet more wine on the Fathvell ballroom floor. "But it doesn't look like I'm going to get that information today either. We can't have everything we want, Asyr."


"Ren actually contacted me before he died," Jain said, his voice weary and weak, as though he hadn't been sleeping well. It was the pressure, that was all. The politics and the death of his friends was getting to him. "He was wrong on a lot of things though. Like saying that my House employed a Kandra."


"I think you need more sleep," Alden cut across him. "Or perhaps you need to look through Lady Seeris' documents a bit closer. Almost every noble family employs a Kandra."


It was then that Kassel managed to find the page he was looking for. "I think I agree with Lord Izenry on this matter," he chimed in, showing the notebook off to the assembled, though his scratchy writing was almost impossible to read. "At the very least, he's lying about having a Kandra. And it's not that much of a loss... We do need this to progress as much as possible today."


"I too believe that Lord Phantomhive is not particularly trustworthy," Lady Lekal said, scratching under one of her pet cat's chin. "I particularly don't want him in charge of Raisaal's Hazekillers and weaponsmiths.


"Well, I might as well join in," Mesist said, from the tier above. "Jain's a Skaa."


"Wait, what?" The somewhat ill boy squeaked, looking around. "You mean my brother, right? Not me?"


"We'll split the votes evenly to make it fair," Lord Heron reassured him, and Jain perked up and relaxed a little. "But even then, you still have the most votes on you each. Besides, it's no great loss," he added as he grabbed the boy's shoulder and pushed the shaking boy towards the stairs at the back of the ballroom. "It might even be useful for me."


"We will reconvene tomorrow, as is normal for us in these trying times," he said over his shoulder. "Don't worry too much, Lord Fathvell. My associate and I will try not to make too much of a mess," he added to Kalden. Jain whimpered a little in front of him as he walked, forced to march towards his death.




The large white and black creature sighed to himself as he stalked through Keep Seeris, with the slow and lumbering gait that had become normal to him these past weeks. How TelZaan wished that Sylinia had never listened to the young boy's flippant wishes. He'd never hear the end of this back in the Homeland. At least now he could remove this false body and gain a proper one back there. He'd probably try and find another corpse on the way though. It wouldn't be too hard - Luthadel was full of them if you looked in the slums.


He stopped at the entrance and stood upon his hind legs, the giant creature seemingly doubling in size as it did so. The Kandra picked up a hat and a coat that hung on a coat rack and shrugged himself into it. It was extremely restricting, considering his bulk, but it hid his strange form slightly from a cursory glance. Looking back at the Keep that he had called home these past few years, he sighed once more, and then walked off into the mists.


Night 5 has begun! It will end on Sunday Monday at 9PM BST (GMT+1), baring an extension being requested as an extension has been granted.


Jain Phantomhive was a Noble Seeker belonging to House Seeris!


TelZaan was a Kandra belonging to House Seeris!


House Seeris has fled Luthadel! A player at random who voted for Jain has earned a House Power for their House Lord (who will receive a PM saying so), unless the selected player is Skaa.


Jain Phantomhive (5): Alden Izenry, Kassel Erikell, Cat Lekal, Mesist A'lees

Ashette Cett (2): Lightsworn Panda

Asyr Tuy (1): Hadrian Penrod

Jae Kastner (0): Fien Urbain


My thanks to Kal Dell for help with his House ball. The next ball is at Keep Cett. I would be grateful if Ashiok could PM me any details to be included.


Player List

House Tuy:
Asyr Tuy (a smart guy) [House Lord]

House Elariel:
Hadrian Penrod (Araris Valerian) [House Lord]

Quitania Elariel - Unknown Rioter
Cat Lekal (luckat)

House Seeris:
Jain Phantomhive (Lightsworn Panda)
- Noble Seeker

Sylinia Seeris (Theorymaker) - Unknown Pewterarm
Cadri Raisaal (Shivertongue) - Unknown Coinshot

TelZaan - Kandra

House Urbain:
Fien Urbain (Gamma Fiend) [House Lord]
Ren Gardre (Renegade) - Unknown Tineye
Wandrin Nuvidas (New One) - Skaa Soother

House Morinthe:
Racine Morinthe (twelthrootoftwo) - Skaa Tineye

House Venture:
Tonul Venture (Tulir) - Noble Rioter

Unknown Affiliation:

  1. Kassel Erikell (Kasimir)
  2. Alden Izenry (Aonar Faileas)
  3. Hyrun Tormander (The Only Joe)
  4. Ashette Cett (Ashiok)
  5. Kaldin Fathvell (Kal Dell)
  6. Finch Fain (LeftInch)
  7. Mesist A'lees (Metacognition)
  8. Mailu Willen (Mailliw73)
  9. Jae Kastner (jaelre)

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Hello. I'm not trying to Avoid Attention, I'm just avoiding the game. I missed a week of post because of Scout camp, and I never really caught up. I've also missed most nights because of Real life stuff. This is the first time I've read anything other than the write-ups all week. So I hadn't realized I was being voted for. The Reason I'm actually reading and posting is to give you guys more info. On day One I used the Information act for the First(and last) time. I truthfully said I was a Smoker, and learned that Seeris used her Metal power on herself, and that ------ Was a Coinshot.


Anyway, last Night that I got Wounded. And I'm leaving for another week tonight, so I won't be playing much. Sorry.

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...I'm sorry, Jain.
So on the bright side, the role distributions laid out in my doc makes more sense now. 1 Seeker in this entire game was rather unbelievable and I'd come to suspect someone was lying. Pity it was just the making of a false assumption :/
As for what happened, my current conclusion looks something like this:
[Working Assumption]: Jain was Rioted by Tonul. Tonul changed Jain's vote to Hadrian.
We have separate testimony from both Tonul and Meta that Tonul Rioted Jain. As I've said before, I believe that given it was Day Two, Tonul had no incentive to lie, and this is further backed by the fact he turned out--under the lynch--to be noble.

Case 1: Tulir Riots Jain to Hadrian, Maili or myself are Rioted to Ash, and Racine is Soothed. = Active Rioters (Tulir, QC(?)), Unknown Active Soother.

Case 2: Tulir Riots Jain to Hadrian, Racine is Rioted to Ash, and Maili or myself are Soothed. =Active Rioters (Tulir, ?), Unknown Active Soother.

Case 3: Tulir Riots Jain to Hadrian, Jain is Soothed, Racine is Rioted to Ash.=Active Rioters (Tulir, ?), Unknown Active Soother.

As far as I see, there aren't any other possibilities, although I definitely could have missed something out.

The more I look at this, the more I think Case 1 is the most likely, especially if Jae is telling the truth about not having used Zinc yet (excluding today; Fien was Rioted, it seems.) QC had reason to Riot a vote away from Hadrian, pre-emptively protecting her House member in case of Emotional Allomancy. Tonul himself did the same to protect Ash, after all.

Things I'd like to keep track of:
1. I'd still like some word from Aonar if he can shed any light on the Emotional Allomancy going on.

2. I'd also like to hear from Jae, if he Rioted Fien today.

3. Hyrun mentioned --- is a Coinshot. I don't see what the point of concealing it is, as we have two Coinshots out of the closet, and the last is dead. But more relevantly, he mentioned he was wounded. So, my question: Ash, Asyr. Who did it?

Edited by Kasimir
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I still haven't used my power at all. I think that your first scenario is the most likely, Kas, unless a Mistborn is interfering somewhere, but if I'm right, then our Mistborn had a rather different metal that day.


...I'd prefer not to do this, but let's hope for the best. :P ...Kas, I believe I have obtained something rather important that would be useful to you and the Genealogist. If your Tineye has nothing better to be doing, would they be willing to contact me tonight? 

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I need to head off to sleep, and we only get 24 hours at the moment, so:


The plan for the Coinshots I was asked to convey from the rest of 'the Chain' involves asking the surviving Coinshots to target two people each. A Coinshot can't kill, but can injure, so they strongly favour the idea of at least crippling those likely to be skaa by forcing them to give up one action through injury. In addition, this would allow us, in a small way, to track and to at least make sure that we know how the Coinshots are actually operating, given worries that the skaa have a Coinshot too. There is some reason to stack a Coinshot and a skaa kill together, for one, because that would make for 3 points of damage: that is guaranteed to take down a Pewterarm in one hit, and has a 50-50 chance of killing a Mistborn burning atium. In addition, it also has a 50-50 chance of cutting right through Lurcher protection. (Again, if one endorses Gamma's Three Role Theory...)


Specifically, they would like to request that Asyr hit Mailu, and Ashette hit Jae.


Given that Mesist being a Coinshot is new information (also really, 4 Coinshots? A bit much, anyone?), I'll see if they would like to suggest he be doing anything in particular. I'm not so inclined to think he is one, because like 1 Seeker in the game, having 4 Coinshots seems just...odd, but if he isn't a Coinshot, that tells us someone, at least, has been throwing in a Lie. Possibly the Loyal Terrisman at work, too.

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Thirteen of us left, and probably 2 skaa. If the skaa have a Coinshot then we could be down to 11 in the morning. While we are still somewhat comfortable, we should start thinking about just who is left and whether or not we can trust people that we have up to this point. It would be fun if the nighttime thread actually was used for something a little more solid. Maybe, we could play "Guess Who's Sleeping" and whoever gets the most votes oversleeps and misses the next ball or something.

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Well that was an epic failure. Honestly, if I had gotten on in time and thought the vote was in danger, I probably would have tried to secure the vote against Jain, though  Just to ensure no emotional shenanigans. Which still seemed to happen, regardless. I really don't know why he lied about the Kandra at all, though. Which I would hope Jae would like to explain his actions. (Or the Mistborn) on why he Rioted me without even responding to my accusation on him.
Unless we're just wrong about his role, because, let's face it, we were wrong about Jain. (which I suppose is understandable now why he lied, but he was still not being very helpful, it seemed like).

But the fact he Jain was a seeker is very interesting, as that really fudges the votes on Day 1. I'm honestly trying to look at everything and it's really just driving my head in circles. I'm almost this close to dumping all of the Informant gathered Information in my Doc and what we've (inconsistently) gathered from the thread or other sources. It might be everyone's best option at this point if we can start sharing everything we've collectively worked out and just doing it all in thread, since we are all still on the same page on not working for House wins, right? I believe these last two or three skaa will be the hardest by far to root out and find, as they'll have been the most clever. We need to stop getting distracted and just work together on this for once. The Docs have just been a distraction for us the entire game, I am starting to think. (Blue for emphasis/attention ;) )



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...I swear this is the most awkward thing someone has done with the thread yet, but Great Lord, could you pop into the doc for a bit? I have some conjectures I'd like to run by you before I air them :/


Edit: I have also been asked to convey that Jae had been previously confirmed to be a noble. Ashette, you have now been requested to hit Hyrun. (Apparently, I've not been kept in the loop either...)

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Fien stayed a little bit after the party, taking advantage of Lord Kaldin's macabre stash of wine, trying to drown himself in alcohol after the utter failure the other nobles had caused while he was distracted. Rusting card games, he sullenly thought. Apparently the accusations had ended with it becoming a power grab for House Contracts that the Lords would benefit from. And a pity, I thought we weren't playing along House Lines? Although he supposed it would have been worth him throwing his hat in the ring if it would have helped out his own dying house, and to prevent the skaa from getting ahold of or destroying the Contracts, somehow.

He took another large swig of his wine before taking a look around the emptying room to see who was left to insult. "Where's the breeder at? The one that sells donkeys, or horses, or whatever it is." He absentmindedly asked, not quite remembering on what Mesist sold and what he was acting like. 

He was distracted as he heard a pssht sound from off to his right and he looked over to see the young Erikell lad peeking his head around a corner, trying to get his attention. "Uh, er, sir? Can we have a quick...house meeting over here real quick?"


Gamad watched from across the ballroom as the fool Fien continued to embarrass himself and was starting to make Gamad wonder whether the young urbain was the donkey peddler, after all. He noticed Kassel Erikell, the last living connection that House Urbain had left in Luthadel, try and very conspicuously call Fien over, no doubt for some less than subtle house-planning session. Gamad went to tap his tindmind to try and eavesdrop on the pair when he heard an angry shout come from out in the hall they were standing. Startled, Gamad went to tap some speed he had replenished when he saw Fien dragging a kicking and protesting Kas into the ballroom in front of everybody.

Oh Lord Ruler.....no, was all Gamad could think.

"I do not care what you had worn before!" Fien shouted, swearing up and down, gesturing wildly with his pointer finger at Kas accusingly. "The House Colours are Orange and Purple! And you will wear the appropriate colours now that you're my last living Heir!" The poor Erikell Lord had been dressed in some horrendously mis-matched shirt, with alternating stripes of the garish orange and clashing purple, the alleged House Colours of House Urbain. Gamad almost regretted this prank, but couldn't stifle his smirk and chuckle. Mists preserve us, he thought, laughing to himself. And save us all from the horror that is Fien's taste.

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"Hey, Pil?"


"What is it?" The young boy, Pilgras, turned to his old friend. He rested on his shovel, knee-deep in ash in Lord Heron's grounds in the twilight hours. He knew he'd get in trouble for slacking off, but frankly he'd get in trouble for something pointless and pathetic anyway. A whipping for this or for something else, what did it matter? The Obligators just wanted an excuse to justify beating them.


"Well, does something-" Old man Binnut (or Bin, as he insisted on being called, saying that Binnut was a noble's name) coughed violently, the hacking sound breaking through the silence of the night like a sharp knife.  Pilgras waited patiently for his elder to finish his sentence. Bin wiped his mouth of phlegm and continued. "Does something seem a bit strange? About the sky, I mean?"


In the week or so that Pilgras had known the man, he had seemed to permanently be in a bad shape. At first, when Binnut had been sent here from being a coach driver, he'd been beaten black and blue for being drunk on duty. Now he was catching his death of cold from working outside like this. He'd just been pretty much forgotten, probably left here to die where he stood as his true punishment, sweeping ash. All told, it wasn't so strange that Binnut was a bit jumpy. He was probably waiting for an Obligator's whip to finish him off.


Dutifully, Pilgras looked up into the sky, shielding his eyes from the falling ash that was a constant presence in their lives. Everywhere around them, the mists swirled and gathered, making strange ghostly shapes in the night. It was creepy, he could see why the Skaa outside of Luthadel claimed that they held dangers. He didn't believe it though - he'd been in them all his life, after all. He thought he'd know if he were a Mistwraith.


"I can't see anything," Pilgras muttered. He hadn't seen the ferocious monster that Binnut had seen earlier, either. 'Black, it was, with white patches all around. And it wore a hat and coat, like it thought it was people!', he had claimed. Well, old man Binnut had always been a little odd in the head, not that he would ever have said that out loud.


"There's something there," Binnut said, lowering his voice to a conspiratorial whisper. He crouched down to Pilgras' height and put a hand around his shoulder, using his other to point upwards. "You see that patch where things are brighter? I swear that the sun's come back and is brightening up the sky again."


Pilgras squinted as hard as he could, not wishing to call Binnut a liar just like that. But no, he couldn't see any difference in the colour of the mists. It was all just as grey and horrible as ever. "Well, sir, I reckon your eyes must be a lot better than mine to see that."


Binnut's hand on his shoulder stiffened, and then he shook his head and stood back up, moving back over to the pile of ash he was gathering. "Nevermind. Forget I said anything. Just shut up and get on with your work." He took a swig from the small bottle on his belt, which smelt strongly of cheap alcohol. Drinking to forget his aches and pains.


"I mean, it all looks the same to me. Just mist and ash, nothing interesting."


"I said to get on with your work," Binnut poked him sharply in the ribs with his broom.


Pilgras yelped and jumped back, muttering under his breath as he rubbed his chest. The old man was deceptively strong. "I'm just saying that you'd have to be one of them Mistborn or something-"


"I told you to be quiet!" Binnut shouted, raising his broom as though he intended to club the boy to death with it. A figure put a hand on his shoulder from behind, a firm clapping noise in the night. Both of the Skaa froze, Pilgras looking at the figure, Binnut staring ahead at Pilgras with wide eyes. There was no longer accusation in that look; just fear.


"You're nicked, sonny," Lord Heron said, a grin on his face as he pulled the axe he was holding in his other hand back and swung it forward at Binnut's chest.


Binnut was a Skaa Tineye, under the employ of House Heron (but not a member of the Skaa Rebellion)!


An extension has been granted! The Night will now end on Monday at 9PM BST (GMT+1)

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So you were ordered to do so? If someone can back the story up, that'll help. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt, with what's been going on lately. I do wish more people had spoken up so far and discussed an actual plan or at least discuss the idea of dumping and comparing Information in-thread, so all of us Houses can work together. I had thought that was the plan most people had agreed to in the beginning, and while you can all say of course it's easier for me to advocate this now that my house has lost 2 members, but it's still true. We are far along enough in the game where people have gathered enough Information where we can start comparing any lies or truths. Of course keeping some people's roles who aren't publically known yet would be a good idea, if that would make them a huge target. But maybe if enough info gets dumped, there will be too many targets for the skaa to optimally make a choice out of. 

But of course that's a risky plan, so that's why I want to suggest we actually discuss this before it happens. Of course a recap of Info that's been gathered or declared in-thread and about past players what they claimed or we learned from that, should of course be still openly discussed. There's a puzzle there, we just need to connect all the dots.

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