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Having a Bad Day? Stop here for a Good Rant!


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Dear Accountant,

You do not make me want to help you when you treat me like an inferior intelligence out to ruin your day. If you need me to do something for you, try asking politely. It works WAY better than insinuating the discrepancy is my fault, even when it happened on my day off. Seriously. I'm sorely tempted to turn you into a character for the Reckoners RP--namely, as an ill-tempered, doomed love interest for one of my more despicable Epics.

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I get severe pain in my wrists, I don't know if that counts.  Sorry though, that sounds really painful.  :(


Autocorrect is still my arch nemesis.  I try to spell spren.  What comes up is spleen.  I mean, this is a fansite, for heaven's sake!

And it just came up with fanzine in the stead of Fansite.  This is my frustration.


And my math teacher doesn't seem to get that although I may be one of the youngest people in my class, that does not mean I am a five year old.  I mean, she told us to "be nice and share our calculators" in the most annoying baby voice I have ever heard.  Let's just say that was not my best day ever.

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I get severe pain in my wrists, I don't know if that counts. Sorry though, that sounds really painful. :(

Autocorrect is still my arch nemesis. I try to spell spren. What comes up is spleen. I mean, this is a fansite, for heaven's sake!

And it just came up with fanzine in the stead of Fansite. This is my frustration.

And my math teacher doesn't seem to get that although I may be one of the youngest people in my class, that does not mean I am a five year old. I mean, she told us to "be nice and share our calculators" in the most annoying baby voice I have ever heard. Let's just say that was not my best day ever.

Shallan drew, surrounded by creationspleen.

"I am not a voidspleen!"

"He is my spleen. That's all you need to know."

"Like a spleen that has lost his bond."

Not sure how I feel about this. :P

I'm sorry for the other stuff, though. There's nothing worse than a teacher who treats you like a moron. :( How much older are the other students?

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Thanks, Maxal and Kaymyth. But, I don't quite understand how one enjoys such a thing. Could you explain?


Enjoy what? Having a crush or drawing meaningless hearts? The two go hands in hands... What is enjoyable about having a crush, well love or LOVE in capital letters. It is a powerful emotion, it makes you feel alive, it gives you wings, it makes you cross boundaries you would have never crossed on your own, it makes you bold and daring... Alternatively, it also makes you sad, melodramatic and mopey but in the end, it is positive, even if it does not feel this way right now.


Emotions are life. 

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Enjoy what? Having a crush or drawing meaningless hearts? The two go hands in hands... What is enjoyable about having a crush, well love or LOVE in capital letters. It is a powerful emotion, it makes you feel alive, it gives you wings, it makes you cross boundaries you would have never crossed on your own, it makes you bold and daring... Alternatively, it also makes you sad, melodramatic and mopey but in the end, it is positive, even if it does not feel this way right now.


Emotions are life. 

Really? Because for me, emotions are usually pointless distractions from what needs to get done.

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Really? Because for me, emotions are usually pointless distractions from what needs to get done.


But they're also what drive us to get things done.  They're what power our souls, what gives us the reasons to do the things we do.

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But they're also what drive us to get things done. They're what power our souls, what gives us the reasons to do the things we do.

What drives me to getting things done is simply a matter of what the job needs. If someone asks me to do something then I do it, simply because that's the job.

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Really? Because for me, emotions are usually pointless distractions from what needs to get done.


I read this one this morning and my plan was to reply exactly what Kaymith replied... They make you move forward, they give you strength because not everything in life can be separated into tasks to be fulfill in a timely manner.



What drives me to getting things done is simply a matter of what the job needs. If someone asks me to do something then I do it, simply because that's the job.


Not all tasks are this easily defined... School work is rather straight-forward: you are given an assignment, you do the assignment. Real work tend to be more complicated, but you could still partitioned into single tasks, depending on your choice of careers. This is all true, except.... Except, if life were this simple, self-growth books about how to find your path wouldn't sell so well... I'd like to say those are just a bunch of crap, but there unfortunately is some glimmer of truth hidden within.


Life as a knack to throw you curve balls every once in a while and if you sit still, silently analyzing every single possibility, trying to decipher the right course of action based on pure logic you may very well miss the train... There comes a time where one has to plunge and emotions are usually the ones driving the show in these cases. A decision may be the most logic, the most rational, on paper, if your heart in not into it, it won't be the right one. 


It's also call having a leap of faith. Trying something, not because it is logical, but because if feels good or simply because you want to, even if it defies logic. Emotions bring life to these choices as not every good decision turns out being the most logical one. Ignoring your own emotional response to outside stimulus is the equivalent of reading only half the questions... you are missing data to conduct your analysis.


For some reason, I have noticed emotions have come to be viewed as negative... but they aren't. They are positive, even anger. Anger is what will drive you to fight injustice, to speak up when no one else will, to take actions when everyone else sits still... Anger is a powerful tool, when used wisely.



But they're also what drive us to get things done.  They're what power our souls, what gives us the reasons to do the things we do.


:lol:  :lol:  :lol: Well said.

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I just wrote a lengthy, extremely carefully worded message to a friend regarding my opinion on a behavior he has that I find troublesome. Instagram failed to send it correctly, and all the effort I expended in drafting something that wouldn't offend him too terribly was completely lost.

Which, I suppose, isn't too much effort ; but, it's still really frustrating.


I'm sorry. :( Whenever I write anything I find particularly valuable, I try to make sure I back it up in a text file on my desktop. My work is saved in the event of an Internet malfunction, and the desktop icon will remind me about it if I forget to finish or send it.

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My English teacher has things all around his room in relation to the second World War.  It is especially painful for me, at this time, because I went to the Dachau concentration camp over the summer, and it was very emotionally overwhelming.  I can't even talk about it, and it was extremely hard for me to get over thinking about it.  It took hours.  :(  Luckily, that is not the only thing I did over the summer.

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My English teacher has things all around his room in relation to the second World War. It is especially painful for me, at this time, because I went to the Dachau concentration camp over the summer, and it was very emotionally overwhelming. I can't even talk about it, and it was extremely hard for me to get over thinking about it. It took hours. :( Luckily, that is not the only thing I did over the summer.

Oh wow. :( I can't imagine what that was like. What kinds of things does he have? Posters? He might be willing to work something out for you, or take some of them down temporarily, if you tell him you visited Dachau and the posters bother you as a result. Actually, I'd bet money on the notion that, hearing what you had to say, he'd bend over backwards to help you.

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My English teacher has things all around his room in relation to the second World War. It is especially painful for me, at this time, because I went to the Dachau concentration camp over the summer, and it was very emotionally overwhelming. I can't even talk about it, and it was extremely hard for me to get over thinking about it. It took hours. :( Luckily, that is not the only thing I did over the summer.

Why'd you go? Also why not talk to the teacher about it or get transferred?

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Well, the things in the classroom are student projects from past years, one including children's shoes, and luckily they are at the BACK of the classroom, so I don't have to look at them every minute.  Thankfully.  There is just a lot of trauma involved in it for me. 


Why'd you go? Also why not talk to the teacher about it or get transferred?


I went because it was part of a tour of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and it was important for some of the students to know what was happening during WWII, apparently.  Being there just escalates feelings.  Luckily I got to leave early.


I can't transfer because my high school wants to keep everyone with the same teacher so they will not be taught the same curriculum multiple times, or get stuff left out.  And honestly, I'm afraid to talk to him about it.

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I read this one this morning and my plan was to reply exactly what Kaymith replied... They make you move forward, they give you strength because not everything in life can be separated into tasks to be fulfill in a timely manner.

Not all tasks are this easily defined... School work is rather straight-forward: you are given an assignment, you do the assignment. Real work tend to be more complicated, but you could still partitioned into single tasks, depending on your choice of careers. This is all true, except.... Except, if life were this simple, self-growth books about how to find your path wouldn't sell so well... I'd like to say those are just a bunch of crap, but there unfortunately is some glimmer of truth hidden within.

Life as a knack to throw you curve balls every once in a while and if you sit still, silently analyzing every single possibility, trying to decipher the right course of action based on pure logic you may very well miss the train... There comes a time where one has to plunge and emotions are usually the ones driving the show in these cases. A decision may be the most logic, the most rational, on paper, if your heart in not into it, it won't be the right one.

It's also call having a leap of faith. Trying something, not because it is logical, but because if feels good or simply because you want to, even if it defies logic. Emotions bring life to these choices as not every good decision turns out being the most logical one. Ignoring your own emotional response to outside stimulus is the equivalent of reading only half the questions... you are missing data to conduct your analysis.

For some reason, I have noticed emotions have come to be viewed as negative... but they aren't. They are positive, even anger. Anger is what will drive you to fight injustice, to speak up when no one else will, to take actions when everyone else sits still... Anger is a powerful tool, when used wisely.

:lol::lol::lol: Well said.

Maybe, but I just don't feel them usually. Also, a friend of mine recently had his house burn down. He lost everything.

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Well, the things in the classroom are student projects from past years, one including children's shoes, and luckily they are at the BACK of the classroom, so I don't have to look at them every minute. Thankfully. There is just a lot of trauma involved in it for me.

I went because it was part of a tour of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, and it was important for some of the students to know what was happening during WWII, apparently. Being there just escalates feelings. Luckily I got to leave early.

I can't transfer because my high school wants to keep everyone with the same teacher so they will not be taught the same curriculum multiple times, or get stuff left out. And honestly, I'm afraid to talk to him about it.

Apologies for my last post, which I realized may have come across as insensitive. :unsure: Anyway....I think your teacher will understand. If you tell him you don't want to talk about it, but you'd appreciate it if something could be done about the projects, I think he'll be willing to help.

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Well, the things in the classroom are student projects from past years, one including children's shoes, and luckily they are at the BACK of the classroom, so I don't have to look at them every minute. Thankfully. There is just a lot of trauma involved in it for me.

I can't transfer because my high school wants to keep everyone with the same teacher so they will not be taught the same curriculum multiple times, or get stuff left out. And honestly, I'm afraid to talk to him about it.

You really won't know until you try. Approach your teacher first and foremost, and be willing to compromise. Making demands tends to put folks on the defensive. Explain your situation and willingness to work with him and whoever else as the case may be to resolve it.

Most importantly, do it NOW (or yesterday if possible). The existence of those displays implies (though does not guarantee) that within the school year your class will be doing projects on the Holocaust. It is therefore better to resolve your problem now when it can be done so in a calmer matter then when it shows up again during the stresses of the school year.

Edited by Orlion
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AHHHHHHHH! *Shatters glass window with WoR* I don't know what normal is anymore! I don't know what real is anymore! Bring out a new brain! Has stopped working! What is my life? Look at what we're dealing with here! First ever crush! Receiving end! Was not built for this! Not in programming! Does not compute.


So yeah, there's this girl in my Spanish 2 class. She ended up asking for my number. I think she might have a crush on me. I have no idea how to respond. I've been trying my whole life to avoid these things, especially through HS. Right now, this would only serve as a needless distraction. No idea what to do.

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AHHHHHHHH! *Shatters glass window with WoR* I don't know what normal is anymore! I don't know what real is anymore! Bring out a new brain! Has stopped working! What is my life? Look at what we're dealing with here! First ever crush! Receiving end! Was not built for this! Not in programming! Does not compute.


So yeah, there's this girl in my Spanish 2 class. She ended up asking for my number. I think she might have a crush on me. I have no idea how to respond. I've been trying my whole life to avoid these things, especially through HS. Right now, this would only serve as a needless distraction. No idea what to do.


You're looking at this wrong. You now have a study-partner for Spanish.  :D  I mean, Spanish is a spoken language... you need to practice it, and you really can not effectively do so on your own. So quit letting your education suffer! :P


Also, you can not avoid life, so just live it! B)

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You're looking at this wrong. You now have a study-partner for Spanish.  :D  I mean, Spanish is a spoken language... you need to practice it, and you really can not effectively do so on your own. So quit letting your education suffer! :P


Also, you can not avoid life, so just live it! B)

I can't do that. I've only just recently and barely gotten over my social anxiety. I have always thrived at working alone, or with someone I know well. But this came completely out of left field. Maybe if I start advertizing my brony status, she'll leave me alone...

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