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New Jasnah Excerpt


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The Ghostbloods likely don't know that Jasnah can Surgebind and therefore heal herself with Stormlight. I understand Jasnah's thoughts there as her being frustrated that the assassins didn't just let her be after what probably would've been a deadly blow for most people. In essence, she is saying "they hit me pretty hard, why couldn't they just assume I was dead or dying and let me quietly heal myself, why did they have to stick a knife in me too?"


Highly unlikely that they don't, since they weren't too surprised about Shallan being a Surgebinder... but like someone said, Tyn isn't part of the Ghostbloods, so she might have been kept in the dark. Seems sloppy though.


Don't read too much into the "crushing blow" thing. I actually added the word "crushing." I'm sure Brandon will revise it in a later draft. I just didn't want it to simply say a blow to the head will kill you, when obviously some blows to the head will not be enough to kill you.


Also, Jasnah could be wrong.


Ah, fair enough. Ivory's speech is pretty hard to comprehend, so that could explain Jasnah's being wrong (wait what, Jasnah is wrong?!)

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Maybe Brandon is an Augur in disguise and saw who he could have been ;)

This discussion took an...odd turn.






Ah, fair enough. Ivory's speech is pretty hard to comprehend, so that could explain Jasnah's being wrong (wait what, Jasnah is wrong?!)

I absolutely love Ivory's speech patterns and Pattern's too come to think of it. Definately using 'harmmore' in everyday life though

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 If everyone is Jasnah, I wouldn't complain. 


This reminds me of my ridiculous theory, prior to finishing WoR, that her second surge gave her a similar power to Randall Dowling.


"Anyone who's been within a hundred feet of Jasnah Kholin... probably is Jasnah Kholin."

Edited by Dhavaer
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That brings up an interesting question...

One of the things that gets shown in WoR several times is Shallan's depictions of things coming true. (In particular, I'm thinking of the bandits and of the meeting of the highprinces). In both, it was because somehow, her lightweaving skills manifested to alter the perceptions of those around her. Maybe, somehow, her depiction of the crew getting to the shore gave Jasnah the desire to soulcast their ropes.

That would be... powerful.

This is not possible as the drawing came (much? ) later unless time is different in Shadesmar ala' telaran'rhiod.

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I would assume that killing fully infused Surgebinders probably runs on zombie rules and requires destruction of the brainstem. Once they're dead, they're dead and repairing the body won't fix that even if the corpse can still use Stormlight. So anything that kills them instantly in a single strike will suffice, unless someone Soulcasts their body back together and hires Shai.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So this brings up a point that's been bugging me for a while, ever since the return-of-Szeth scene at the end of WoR. Nale tells him that ever a killing Shardblade wound can be healed by Regrowth, as long as the brain is still alive. I let slide the fact that Szeth's brain was unlikely to be alive after falling from 20,000 feet onto rocks (that would definitely count as a crushing blow). Maybe Nale flew up and caught him? Anyway, I let that go. But then I got to thinking of all the stories of TLR surviving decapitation, and the scene of Miles taking a bullet between the eyes and getting up a few seconds later, and even the (admittedly non-canon) scene floating around the interwebz of Hoid sitting on a beach, watching his own head wash ashore. All of those indicate that a deadly head injury is perfectly survivable.


Now, we have Ivory's commentary of crushing head wounds. Even if the exact terminology is inaccurate, Brandon is clearly establishing a limit to stormlight's ability to heal head wounds. The question is, why, and how does this square with what we know of healing in the Cosmere at large?

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But then I got to thinking of all the stories of TLR surviving decapitation, and the scene of Miles taking a bullet between the eyes and getting up a few seconds later, and even the (admittedly non-canon) scene floating around the interwebz of Hoid sitting on a beach, watching his own head wash ashore. All of those indicate that a deadly head injury is perfectly survivable.


TLR was never decapitated. Miles taking a bullet between the eyes is not the same as a crushing blow to the head and I believe Surgebinders could heal from that, and I haven't seen this scene with Hoid, can you link it?


As to the implications for the Cosmere at large, healing is based on a Cognitive template. You don't heal injuries you see as "part of you", which is why Feruchemical gold didn't make it so Sazed was no longer a eunuch and Kaladin's slave brands haven't healed. Destroying the brain would probably result in the destruction of your Cognitive self (or at least turn you into a vegetable). Also, Feruchemical gold doesn't exactly heal mental issues (not least of which is because of the fuzziness present in trying to define a mental issue), so it seems likely that a head wound which turns you into a vegetable would still leave you a vegetable even if your head was healed. TES sort of touches on this; healing the body is easy, but you can still be a vegetable.

Edited by Moogle
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I thought he (TLR) was decapitated at one point? Checking Theoryland.


EDIT: This is what makes me think that TLR was in fact decapitated at one point, in addition to the fact that I can't find anything on Theoryland saying he actually wasn't.


Number 6.

Edited by Kal Dell
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Whether TLR was decapitated or not, Miles most definitely was shot in the head, and I would argue that is at least as damaging as blunt trauma. I guess it's not a huge deal, but it seems to be an inconsistency in the healing structure of the Cosmere that we've seen so far.


Depends on how much blunt trauma. Getting shot in the head is definitely survivable even without super-healing, getting your skull crushed to chunky salsa is less so. The latter is presumably what would be needed to kill a lit up surgebinder.

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I need to check, but I thought the shot to the head was from a shotgun and literally blew away most of his skull which is what made it such an effective deterrent to his underlings. Then again my imagination tends to ramp up scenes for dramatic purposes lol so I will need to confirm if I am remembering correctly. 


edit: found it! page 158 "The man's virtually immortal. I heard he once took a shotgun blast to the face point-blank and walked away from it."

Edited by Pathfinder
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well, it may simply be that compounded Feruchemical gold is more effective than stormlight. however, I do wonder what would happen if we had put miles' head under an industrial press and flattened it. would THAT have been enough? how about we also make the press scalding hot so that his brain would not only get squashed, but coocked too?

Or, is it possible that miles was an exception? maybe a shard made him more powerful than he should have been and used him for some purpose?

Because generally all of sanderson's magic systems are well balanced with strenghts and weaknesses, and there are always ways to fight magic users. So I would be a bit surprised if it turned out that there is no equivalent of hazekillers for miles or a knight radiant. Well, except for stripping off their powers with a hemalurgical bullet to the heart, of course, that can kill anyone if aimed properly and the right metal is used, but it is hardly a practical way.

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