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My first time


First Sanderson?  

1253 members have voted

  1. 1. Which was your first Sanderson book/series?

    • Mistborn (The Final Empire, The Well of Ascension and The Hero of Ages)
    • Stormlight (the Way of Kings and Words of Radiance)
    • Elantris
    • Warbreaker
    • The Rithmatist
    • Steelheart
    • Legion
    • The Emperors Soul
    • Other?

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I found the book, The Wheel of Time when i was introduced to TOR fantasy books in 2004. I was only in elementary school so i had no idea what i was reading but when my later comprehension kicked in, Robert Jordan died. Brandon sanderson in my opinion made the series a whole lot better so I decided to look him up and found that i had loved it.

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I was looking through a friend's bookcase and he suggested Elantris to me.  Sometime later I noticed it in the BYU bookstore and decided to buy it.  The sales clerk asked if I had read anything else by Sanderson, and when I said no she introduced me to Mistborn.  It's been fun reading, but it was only while discussing WoK with a friend I had shared it with that I looked online and found out about the Cosmere.  I think that's the point I fell into fandom for the first time in my life.  I was just astounded by the sheer scope of his imagination, and it's been fun waiting for more of his work.

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  • 2 weeks later...

About 2 years ago, I was looking for some new books to read on Goodreads and saw a number of Brandon Sanderson books rated very VERY highly. Mistborn: The Final Empire was the first book by Sanderson that I read. After that, I read The Way of Kings (what a humongous book!). I thoroughly enjoyed The Way of Kings, so much that I can easily say it was the best book I had ever read still to this day. I was hooked now, so of course I had to read all the other Sanderson books available. I have since went back and finished the Mistborn trilogy (amazing!). Recently, I read Elantris and Warbreaker. I can't wait to get my hands on Words of Radiance and to start reading the Infinity Blade books. I love how the stories are weaved and the how beautiful and wonderfully creative all the books have been. 

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Like many others, I heard Sanderson was finishing the Wheel of Time series and that prompted me to read his other works. I started with Mistborn, got hooked, and didn't stop until I devoured everything I could find that was written by him. Then I caught wind of the Cosmere and read everything I could find on that, too. I am a bit older now, not quite as obsessive, but he remains my favorite author to this day.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It was simple for me


I wasnt much into fantasy, APART from WOT and tolkien (which id read as a child)

I had followed WOT for 20 years, i  hadn't actually enjoyed the last few books if im totally honest.


Then i read that a new author was finishing the series and decided to buy it. It was brilliant and i devoured it VERY quickly

Thats when i decided to try his other books, and i loved those too, and was hooked


Now i would name him my favorite author

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I discovered him because of WoT, like so many others have mentioned.  I first found WoT around the time Book 6 was released as paperback, or at least when the library got the paperback copy of it; I remember, because I read all of them published at the time straight through.  For a while, every couple of years, I would re-read all of them back to back.  I've read The Eye of the World more times than any other book, I think; I generally don't re-read books, certainly not very often (oftentimes just picking up the book and reading the first page is enough to set in motion cascading memories that mean that I basically remember everything that happened, and how it happened).  The size and scope of his books were substantially larger than I was used to, and so I started to finally reach limits on what my brain to accurately store before I had to work at it.


I was leery about Sanderson taking over.  I wasn't even particularly thrilled with all of the most recent books at that point, although they had started making an upward trend, back towards super-enjoyable (the one without Mat in it at all still upsets me, and I refuse to re-read).  And, at this point, I can simply repeat what trev1972 said above me: The Gathering Storm was brilliant (except for Rand, and I had long grown accustomed to hating him, so that was nothing new) and so I set about finding anything of Sanderson's I could get my hands on.  Aside from WoR, I've re-read all of his novels at least once, just because they're that good--and he's that good at hiding things in them, I want to make sure I didn't miss anything.


He's currently one of my favorite authors, and the one that writes the fastest (which I appreciate.  Sometimes I have to remind myself that authors are not capable of putting out a new, highly engaging awesome book in a month, and that it is unreasonable of me to be upset when they fail to do so.  Putting out a book every year or so helps keep my irrational side down to barely audible rumblings and grumblings).

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I actually haven't read any WoT.  I first heard about Brandon through amazon's recommended for you thing.  I read the top review for the Mistborn trilogy, and it said: "If you buy one, you will just end up buying the rest, so save your money and buy the whole set."  So of course I just bought the first one.  Then the second.  And then the third.  I loved each of them (I didn't like the second as much initially, but it has since risen to be my favorite).  I found out Warbreaker was free online.  Loved it.  Then Alloy came out.  Loved it.  It took me a long time to commit to The Way of Kings, (I mean really, 1000 pages) but once I read it, I loved it.  Then I went for Elantris.  (I loved it.)  Then I finally came here.  I ended up getting the WoR ebook, and read it in three days (school days no less).  By that time, I had a tab open to 17th shard on three devices at once, so I wouldn't have to go for a second without access.  That is when I decided I needed an account.


(Wow.  I am fairly certain that I just gave my life story.  Oh well.)

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My girlfriend (now fiancé) had a gigantic pile of books, and a disproportionate amount of them were in a similar art style(the UK books). I noted the name and that he seemed absurdly prolific, knocking out gigantic books at an astounding rate. Then I realised the name matched up to one I'd heard that - about a year ago-had finished Wheel of Time. I'd gotten to book 6 before I'd hit my crem dung threshold for that series, but word from my more-patient friend was that it picked up at book 10, and that brandon ended it expertly. 

I eventually picked up Mistborn 1 and was hooked. His books are huge, but read really fast, and they're fun. They are, in a way, a mystery, in that he'll lay out the rules, and seed a mystery about the magic system. There's enough during the story for you to figure it out as you go. If you work it out on your own (I was so proud for figuring out the earring early) you feel good, and if you don't (RE: snapping "Mist...born" is the name of the series, I should have caught that earlier /facepalm), the clues were there and you're compelled to try harder next time. 

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I happened to see a blurb for The Way of the Kings on audible.com. Just finished Words of Radiance today....All I can say is how dare he stop there... I pray it is not 4 years until the next book.

Current estimate is late 2015/early 2016 - they're (Brandon/Peter/Tor) specifically trying to not leave us with such a long wait again.

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I think it was in 2007 that I first read Brandon Sanderson.  I'd seen a review by Orson Scott Card on his website and decided to pick up Elantris.  After that came the reading of the Mistborn trilogy, and not long after that I heard about him being chosen to finish WoT, which my brother had gotten me hooked on separately.  After the first couple casual reads, now there isn't a published work I wouldn't ready by Mr. Sanderson as soon as made available! :]

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Mine was probably a common tale...

A good friend had recommended Mistborn as a good starting point for his works. He also mentioned WoK, being being a pretty lengthy investiture (HARRHARR), he suggested I start with Mistborn.

I borrowed the trilogy from him and then, without his consent, lent it to a friend because I knew she NEEDED to get on the Sanderfan-boat with me.

She then ended up basically destroying his copies of the books by accident. So I had to replace his copies.

The rest is history. I'm pretty sure I read WoK next, then Elantris and Warbreaker. Then Emperor's Soul the day it came out. Blah blah etc.

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For me, it was through WoT as well. I'd given up hope it would be finished when the news of Robert Jordan's death came, and then I heard they'd found someone called Brandon Sanderson to take over and he'd written a book called Mistborn. 'Ok,' I said, and Googled it. Turns out it was this book with this magical system involving eating metal. Meh. (Ever wanted to kick your past self before, nevermind the storming Blinovitch Limitation effect?)


I was in a bookstore two years later, looking for an interesting book on the shelf. Picked up Mistborn, leafed through it, and decided, "Oh, Kelek's breath, I'll get it." It seemed all right.


Read it, loved it--and incidentally, only made the connection between 'the guy who wrote Mistborn' and 'the guy who's continuing WoT' quite a while later.

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For my birthday I got a coupon for a free book from a friend and so I Bought WoA, not knowing that it was the second book in the series  :lol: and since then I'm hooked.

Edited by Gaz
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A friend of mine who is absolutely obsessed with Brandon Sanderson and his works told me about Mistborn. I didn't think much of it until about a week later when I saw it at My local Barns and Noble. I decided, what the hell, I'll get it. I read through about half of it the next day but ended up misplacing it. I didn't get around to reading it for about another two years. I got it as an ebook on my phone and read straight through the first two books at the end of last December. I took my time with the third book, which means it took me like a good two weeks to read. I eventually found out that WoR was going to come out in March and my friends invited me to go to the midnight release. Before leaving I read through Warbreaker and then on the way up to Provo to get Words of Radiance, I read through Way of Kings. Now, here I am, a fan of possibly the best author ever.

Edited by Axarno Blueblade
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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

A friend of mine gave me "Alcatraz" as a present for my...eleventh?!? (can't remember xD well...i was young) birthday and at first I thought the story sounded veeery strange. 

On the last day of summer holidays I eventually got bored and I saw the book on my desk and decided that I could read it. (Until then I haven't read many Fantasy-books...just Harry Potter and another series. Nothing more.) Late afternoon I finfished the book (first time I read a book on one day!) and just sat there like "This post has been reported for attempting to skirt the rules?!? What the hell WAS that." I decided to buy the second part. And then I saw Elantris in a book store and I recognised Brandon Sanderson name. Seemed like a good idea to buy it. (Needles to say that I LOVED it) And now I'm sitting here with a big collection of his books. (...and still thinking what I thought after reading Alcatraz...)

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I read Alcatraz a while back because it was totally ridiculous. It just kept on getting better as he kept getting stoopider. And then I got bored enough to try another one of Brandon's "thick fantasy tomes" (Elantris), and found it quite enjoyable. I read about… 500 pages per day if I'm really into something. So Elantris was gone really fast. And then, it was a few more weeks before I found the rest of his books. And then I read them over a period of a couple of months, telling myself that they wouldn't last forever… 


Somehow, after I finished The Way of Kings, I found this article that talked about how Galladon is "Grumpy" in in one of the Interludes.




Then I found the Coppermind, and the rest is history...

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  • 4 weeks later...

More than a decade ago :ph34r: , a friend of mine, at University, gave me a copy of The Eye of the World with the imperative order to read it. In front of my suspicious reaction he said "It's the book PF was reading last semester, you know, the one he couldn't let go of? You read it alright, you'll love it, I know you will.".


So I read The Eye of the World and the next 9 books. I waited years in between the next books, but each time one came out, I read it.


And then Robert died :ph34r: Brandon took over. I was very suspicious, but I loved Brandon's work with WoT: he made me like Rand again.


I got curious and I decided to read some of Brandon's personal work. I started with Mistborn, than I moved on Way of Kings :wub:  and so on. I still have many Brandon books to read.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well, I broke the old adage of never judging book by it's cover. I was walking through BN when I saw it on display. The gothic artwork combined with a girl (Vin, I now know) wearing something a human would actually wear unlike 90%, intrigued me enough to pick it up. The back cover blurb convinced me to buy it.


And the next morning, after very little sleep, I had to go back the next two.

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