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Scadrian Ditto


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So I had the image pop into my head earlier of someone with a Primer cube fused to their body so it would give them the powers of anyone they fought.


So of course I wanted to make it a reality.

Now the main problem of course is the different spiritwebs, which could possibly be overcome with Identity/Connection manipulation.

The Second problem is that Primer cubes only mimic what powers are used around them, they don't have fine tuned control. This one might be impossible to overcome, unless the high levels of Connection, used in problem one fixes it.


But anyway what do you guys think? Is this possible?

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I honestly love the idea.  That said a stamp of approval from me usually comes with little thought of the how...


Hence my desires to see an awakener awaken Doc Ock arms out of steel cable and rope.

I do wonder how the cubes work though.  Are they touch range only?  I would love to figure out a way to get it to absorb powers from a range.  I feel like if connection could do that then there might be a way to use connection to increase the range of leeching maybe?


Perhaps similarly manipulated connection could circumvent the need for 9th heightening for ranged awakening too? 

I do think there are other ways to combine systems to do this although the most immediate idea comes with quite the obvious use of other magics:


Awakened ropes or sashes to move the cube next to the person you want to copy.


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I want to say the Era2 ones we saw seemed to all be charged by Touch and Intent, in line with Metalmind rules. Then per this WOB will likely have the same range as the original Power, but it also says that is likely to be a point of technologic advancement for the Metallic Arts moving forward.






What would be the difference between an aluminum and a chromium grenade, and between nicrosil and duralumin grenades?

Brandon Sanderson

We're talking specifically about the Bands of Mourning ones?

*Matt affirms*

So, what would be the difference? Aluminum would create a sort of "You can't use Allomancy in this... nearby this" most likely, yeah. Duralumin would do the opposite. You would be able to use it and then enhance someone. I haven't played with the ranges on these things yet, and so that's where we get into kind of the question mark territory. Like, right now, I haven't really given them an area of effect unless the power itself has an area of effect. Does that make sense?

But, my intent is to get to the point where it's doing things like this, right. Where you could theoretically be an Aluminum Gnat, you could charge this thing up and throw. And hey, you know, you have... the Metalborn nearby are unable to use their talents. That's convenient, right? Like, I want more of the powers to be relevant and these grenades are a way to do that.

You know, Marasi's power is not the most useful on the planet to have herself. For those who don't know, she can slow down time... well, speed up time? Awkward how... the phrasing of how you do that. But basically she can make a bubble around herself where everyone outside of it moves super fast. That's not terribly useful, right? Unless you want to age, you know, really slowly.


Not really useful in combat, to be able to be like "Yeah, I'm gonna make all my enemies move really, really fast and I can't respond to them". But, she can charge up one of those grenades and toss it, it becomes real handy. For her, the grenades are more useful than the inverse, right, because speeding up someone is useful, but slowing someone down takes someone out of the battle essentially. Or a whole globe of them... globe is the wrong term, but yeah.

The Dusty Wheel Show (June 17, 2021)


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1 hour ago, Frustration said:

So I had the image pop into my head earlier of someone with a Primer cube fused to their body so it would give them the powers of anyone they fought.


So of course I wanted to make it a reality.

Now the main problem of course is the different spiritwebs, which could possibly be overcome with Identity/Connection manipulation.

The Second problem is that Primer cubes only mimic what powers are used around them, they don't have fine tuned control. This one might be impossible to overcome, unless the high levels of Connection, used in problem one fixes it.


But anyway what do you guys think? Is this possible?

Interesting idea, but as it was already pointed out, how would you charge it? Primar Cubes are charged by physical contact. As long as your enemy is not touching you, the Primar Cube won't work. For Metallic Arts this could be useful against those with pewter, A-chromium, F-brass and that's it, mostly. Even with pewter it would provide only weak power (if it would work by giving that power to you, not by making an area of effect) as the cube would be charged only during a temporary moment of touch during a punch or wrestling. They would still have an advantage over you whenever they're not touching you - they can just start throwing things at you.

Intent also might be required, but this is a little bit uncertain. While Marasi used a cube on carriage in BoM ch 17 without knowing what it can do, she at least used Allomancy hoping that the cube would respond to it somehow. Any opponent you encounter would be blissfully unaware of your cube at worst, at best they would notice it, wonder what it does, but never think that they can use it - thus intent won't be provided.


A switch. It seemed so … mundane. This was either a mystical relic or some kind of secret technology. You didn’t use a switch on things like that; you held them up to starlight, or spoke the special command phrases, or did a dance on the last day of the month while eating a kumquat.
The switch didn’t seem to have done anything. So, Marasi swallowed and burned a pinch of cadmium.
The cube began to vibrate in her fingers.

I can't see a way for the cube to be charged at distance. If you can figure it out, you might be able to use the same trick as Malwish ships with their weight reduction (if they work on Primar Cubes not medallions) to give you the powers of your opponent. Unless you're satisfied with just emanating powers of your opponent - like general A-steel push. Maybe using a connection duralumin medallion you can connect yourself with the cube thus allowing for transfers of powers, but I doubt it.

The cube could be modified by adding an aluminum plate on one side. With this you can always hold the cube with plate on your side, charge it by touching it, and when activated its area of effect would be blocked by aluminum, saving you from its effect. While this isn't really useful for most powers, A-chromium and A-aluminum would be particularly handy with that cube, as you can use your powers, while the enemy would be unable to use them close to you.

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Interesting idea, but as it was already pointed out, how would you charge it? Primar Cubes are charged by physical contact.

I see that as a mechanical limitation that can be overcome, similar to how your power still had to be used to charge the BoM Primer cubes. As ultimately it's the Harmonium inside that is being used that way, but you don't have to touch that.

1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Intent also might be required, but this is a little bit uncertain.

It might be, though Wax's uncle is still concerned that they would find out simply by using Allomancy near it, and Trillium itself tries to move away from investiture, so I don't think Harmonium would have to be different.

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