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The Almighty Feruchemantic Free-For-All!!!!


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Well, I have independantly come to worship at the altar of F-Tin a few years previously, but F-Duralumin and F-Zinc are very strong contenders in my view. I don't include F-Chromium because we have very little idea of how it works and particularly what  the consequences of storing look like.

We have seen some of what Connection can do, via broadsheets and medallions, but there are also WoBs that manipulating it can extend life better than atium compounding. It may allow for Forging-like effects as well. Whether it is something that a mere Ferring is capable of learning to do remains to be seen, of course, but I could imagine a huge potential for creative uses of F-Duralumin. And storing seems to be easy and even beneficial, if one wants to sneak around.

F-Zinc is obviously also great, but storing is slow and onerous. I do think that doing so while engaged in simple, repetitive tasks like cleaning or certain fitness excercises would somewhat alleviate the problem and make them feel less boring, but yea. During trips as a passanger ditto. Intensive storing should also help one fall asleep, IMHO.

Speaking of which, storing senses while lying in bed ought to facilitate falling asleep too.


I have to reiterate my defense of F-Iron from another thread here too - while not nearly up to the level of these top 3, it still tends to be sadly underrated:

There are a lot of cool things that a skilled practitioner could do with it. First of all yes, big jumps and parcours over the rooftops - push off normally and store mass once airborn.  Ditto running - you won't be Flash, but if every step becomes,  say, 2-3 times longer, the speed will increase accordingly. Ditto bicycles* - via constant mass manipulation riding them could become very speedy, with just normal physical effort. But there is more - if an Iron Ferring wears a wingsuit while 100% storing, they should be able to glide like Batman. They could also use a hang glider to freely fly around, building up speed or height by changing mass as needed. Finally, they can power simple machinery. Let's not forget that storing is both trivial and beneficial to round up the package.

Now that I think about it, even using weight medallions, which, I suspect, don't allow tapping, just storing, should already provide many of the benefits.

*In fact, Iron Ferrings likely would make much better bicycle messengers than Steelrunners, given the difficulty of storing speed and the mechanical limitations of bicycles.


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4 hours ago, Isilel said:

Well, I have independantly come to worship at the altar of F-Tin a few years previously, but F-Duralumin and F-Zinc are very strong contenders in my view. I don't include F-Chromium because we have very little idea of how it works and particularly what  the consequences of storing look like.

We have seen some of what Connection can do, via broadsheets and medallions, but there are also WoBs that manipulating it can extend life better than atium compounding. It may allow for Forging-like effects as well. Whether it is something that a mere Ferring is capable of learning to do remains to be seen, of course, but I could imagine a huge potential for creative uses of F-Duralumin. And storing seems to be easy and even beneficial, if one wants to sneak around.

F-Zinc is obviously also great, but storing is slow and onerous. I do think that doing so while engaged in simple, repetitive tasks like cleaning or certain fitness excercises would somewhat alleviate the problem and make them feel less boring, but yea. During trips as a passanger ditto. Intensive storing should also help one fall asleep, IMHO.

Speaking of which, storing senses while lying in bed ought to facilitate falling asleep too.


I have to reiterate my defense of F-Iron from another thread here too - while not nearly up to the level of these top 3, it still tends to be sadly underrated:

There are a lot of cool things that a skilled practitioner could do with it. First of all yes, big jumps and parcours over the rooftops - push off normally and store mass once airborn.  Ditto running - you won't be Flash, but if every step becomes,  say, 2-3 times longer, the speed will increase accordingly. Ditto bicycles* - via constant mass manipulation riding them could become very speedy, with just normal physical effort. But there is more - if an Iron Ferring wears a wingsuit while 100% storing, they should be able to glide like Batman. They could also use a hang glider to freely fly around, building up speed or height by changing mass as needed. Finally, they can power simple machinery. Let's not forget that storing is both trivial and beneficial to round up the package.

Now that I think about it, even using weight medallions, which, I suspect, don't allow tapping, just storing, should already provide many of the benefits.

*In fact, Iron Ferrings likely would make much better bicycle messengers than Steelrunners, given the difficulty of storing speed and the mechanical limitations of bicycles.


I am a big iron fan as well. Every character I make I am torn between iron and zinc. You are absolutely right about iron being beneficial during storage as much as during tapping. I do think it would allow for some great showings of athleticism. Also... In my mind I have always LOVED the scenes of falling without taking fall damage. Any power that lets you drop off a cliff and come out unharmed is completely epic. As far as the books go. I think Miles fall was the best. Sazed I pictured a feather floating down, steel always has that slight bob back up before touching down in my mind... but hitting the ground and describing all of the bones breakings and body getting reknit back instantaneously has to be the most epic falling moment by far. 

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55 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I am a big iron fan as well. Every character I make I am torn between iron and zinc. You are absolutely right about iron being beneficial during storage as much as during tapping. I do think it would allow for some great showings of athleticism. Also... In my mind I have always LOVED the scenes of falling without taking fall damage. Any power that lets you drop off a cliff and come out unharmed is completely epic. As far as the books go. I think Miles fall was the best. Sazed I pictured a feather floating down, steel always has that slight bob back up before touching down in my mind... but hitting the ground and describing all of the bones breakings and body getting reknit back instantaneously has to be the most epic falling moment by far. 

I disagree, Wayne smashing into the ground like a tomato, thiat time not leaving a bloody strein behind, is the most epic falling moment so far. 

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43 minutes ago, alder24 said:

I disagree, Wayne smashing into the ground like a tomato, thiat time not leaving a bloody strein behind, is the most epic falling moment so far. 

I mean, to be fair, nothing can be as epic as someone falling full force into the ground, getting up, dusting themselves off, and continuing on like nothing happened.

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On 5/23/2023 at 11:02 AM, alder24 said:


  1. Brass (warmth) - you're cold - tap brass, you're hot - store in brass. No longer will temperature be an issue to you. No cold feet, no cold nights, no hot summers. You have control. You can't be burned by fire, you can't get frostbites from the cold. You can drink your hot beverage as soon as water boils. And you can share your ideal temperature with a simple hug! When camping you can ignite fire with a single touch, and suffer not from weather conditions. You can become an ice cream machine by just freezing the water in the cup you're holding, or heating up the air around you on winter days for others to enjoy. In combat you can heat up your body and burn your opponent with every touch, be untouchable, burn the ropes which bind you. That's one of Feruchemical abilities (if not the only one) that can be very easily shared with others, with just a simple touch or others being in close proximity to you. 
  2. Bronze (wakefulness) - the only attribute you can store when sleeping. It's useful if you have to combat tiredness, spend the night working, or you just want to fall asleep as soon as you go to bed. In combat there are almost no applications, it could help you a bit to be less tired, and keep your attention when you are on guard duty.
  3. Duralumin (Connection) - this is a fun one. We know something about it. You can speak in languages of people in a foreign nation you're in. Very useful tool for travelers. You can walk around town and be sure nobody will notice you if you store your connections (this includes sneaking into a secure and restricted place). You can make others notice you. You can make friends and form connections easier, or make this one irritating telemarketer forgets you in no time. You're not only connected to places and people, but also to time and fate - everything is connected, that gives you a multitude of possibilities, we barely understand now. In combat you could theoretically tap so much connection that your opponent would consider you as your friend and wouldn't want to fight you - then go have fun together and everybody would win.
  4. Cadmium (breath) - useful for both mountain climbing and deep water diving. You don't have to carry any oxygen tank with you. You're immune to toxic gasses like CO. In combat you can't be suffocated or put into sleep with narcotics.

Honestly, I'm torn between all of these, to a variable extent. Cadmium can also oxygenate your blood directly, allowing for effects similar to blood-doping, enabling a person to exert themselves for long periods. Duralumin seems incredibly useful in general because you can store and tap different kinds of Connections, Brass and Bronze have a lot of utility in everyday life.

Also, I should probably mention, Bendalloy won't give you energy, it can supply nutrition and fluids but doesn't affect your stamina, iirc. It's just kind of like...eating and drinking, without needing to do that.

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3 minutes ago, Shadeshadow227 said:

Cadmium can also oxygenate your blood directly, allowing for effects similar to blood-doping, enabling a person to exert themselves for long periods.

That's a good one.

3 minutes ago, Shadeshadow227 said:

Also, I should probably mention, Bendalloy won't give you energy, it can supply nutrition and fluids but doesn't affect your stamina, iirc. It's just kind of like...eating and drinking, without needing to do that.

Yes, not energy per se but nutrition and calories - and what your body is doing with those? Converting it to energy (calorie is already a unit of energy so bendalloy might store literal energy, but I doubt it). By tapping bendalloymind you provide lots of nutrition to your body, that metabolizes and mitochondria (the powerhouse of the cell) provides you with energy. That's what I meant by "energy". It's indirect. And this would affect your stamina in some way, as it will give you a constant supply of energy controlled by your strength of tapping.

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