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There have been a lot of discussion among the Real-World!Scientists that there ar more than the 'Normal' Five Physical Senses. (Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, and Smell.) Harvard thinks there's 11 Senses. (Internal, Time, Temperature, Kinesthetic, Pain, and Balance.) This sight beleives there could be as many as 21 senses. (They include Pressure, Itch, Body Position, Tension, Stretch, Thirst and Hunger,)


So, could a WindWhiperer (Tin Ferring) store any of these Senses? Obviously (If you read the articles) storing some of the senses (Tension, Stretch, Kinesthetic) could seriously mess you up, and wouldn't have a benefit to tapping.


Another question. Can you only store Human senses? Dogs and birds have another sense that humans don't. Magentoception. Magnet field Detection. If you gave feruchemy to a dog, could it store this sense?


I'm willing to bet that if he did know of the 21 possible senses, he used 16 of them.

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I think on Scadrial, since there is a perception that only 5 senses exist, even if those extra senses that you listed qualify, the native people don't recognize them and thus would not be able to store them. If you gave a bird some hemalurgic spikes that both gave it sentience and tin feruchemy then I think it could store magnetoception, since the animal recognizes it as distinct from the other 5.

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I think they absolutely could. There might even be some evidence of it in the books. Going to have to think through Spook's chapters. There might also be other senses in-world that we wouldn't have here. Like a sense of direction. (I know you are not a Tin-Eye, but I am looking at you, Jasnah!)

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There have been a lot of discussion among the Real-World!Scientists that there ar more than the 'Normal' Five Physical Senses. (Sight, Sound, Taste, Touch, and Smell.) Harvard thinks there's 11 Senses. (Internal, Time, Temperature, Kinesthetic, Pain, and Balance.)


I'm willing to bet that if he did know of the 21 possible senses, he used 16 of them.

I have nothing to add to this beyond an anecdote of vindication. When I was a kid, we had to name the senses, and I mentioned balance.

My teacher basically called me dumb.


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Pewter enhances your sense of balance, funnily enough. I would imagine Tin would make you more perceptive of your sense of balance however. 


Windwhispers are different. You need a separate Tinmind for every sense. If people are under the impression that we have only five senses, people wouldn't try to store more than those five. 

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Imagine the hilarity of storing proprioception and having no idea where your own elbow is, and then imagine compounding hours of it into a single instant when you know EXACTLY WHERE EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY IS IN RELATION TO THE OTHER PARTS.

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I feel like you guys are missing something big here. Think of what it would be like when they did store their sense of balance, if they were indeed able to. it could go two different ways; they might stumble around like a drunk or they might feel as though they were falling over all the time. I don't know about you but both those possibilitiessound funny to me.

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Imagine the hilarity of storing proprioception and having no idea where your own elbow is, and then imagine compounding hours of it into a single instant when you know EXACTLY WHERE EVERY PART OF YOUR BODY IS IN RELATION TO THE OTHER PARTS.

This has to come up in one of the books. Brandon absolutely must come up with a situation where this would be useful and then write it in. I don't care how contrived it is. I'm sure there's some sort of situation in which storing and/or tapping proprioception is useful.

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I imagine proprioception would help with improving hand-eye coordination (or just coordination in general, really). That's not something to sniff at. Balance would be useful too, and storing pain while leaving touch intact is pretty badchull.

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I feel like you guys are missing something big here. Think of what it would be like when they did store their sense of balance, if they were indeed able to. it could go two different ways; they might stumble around like a drunk or they might feel as though they were falling over all the time. I don't know about you but both those possibilitiessound funny to me.

Also you would get nauseous, and when tapping balance when sea sick for example you could dispel it

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A) this can only happen if Brandon reads these articles.

B) was always disappointed that "sense of balance" went to pewter instead of tin, but I guess that could be part of the whole pushing/pulling thing.

C) do you realize how disorienting "realworld!scientist" is for anyone who spends their time looking at computer code?

D) we had a thread a while back about storing Cosmere stuff like Life Sense. I'm still intensely interested in seeing what an {Allomantic steel or Allomantic iron}/Feruchemical tin twinborn could store.

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D) we had a thread a while back about storing Cosmere stuff like Life Sense. I'm still intensely interested in seeing what an {Allomantic steel or Allomantic iron}/Feruchemical tin twinborn could store.

Or if a Seeker could store their Bronzedar...

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Or if a Seeker could store their Bronzedar...

I considered mentioning that one and then I was like "Outis will pick up the slack."  In fact, if I ever ended up in a Cosmere cross-over campaign of some sort with you, I would be very disappointed if you were not something along these lines.  At least the First Heightening too.

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I think that the five senses are obvious for a Tineye, but the other senses are there. I think it could be lumped in to that sense of awareness and clarity when burning tin. As far as storing for windwhisperers, I guess they'd have to know they can store it.

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Since many of the metals can be manipulated by intent, perhaps if you focused and practiced with Allomantic tin then you could bolster some of those other senses, for example a Nalthian Tineye might be able to boost their life sense and color perception without having the necessary heightening.

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A) this can only happen if Brandon reads these articles.

B) was always disappointed that "sense of balance" went to pewter instead of tin, but I guess that could be part of the whole pushing/pulling thing.

C) do you realize how disorienting "realworld!scientist" is for anyone who spends their time looking at computer code?

D) we had a thread a while back about storing Cosmere stuff like Life Sense. I'm still intensely interested in seeing what an {Allomantic steel or Allomantic iron}/Feruchemical tin twinborn could store.


I imagine that Allomantic iron/Allomantic steel savants can sense which types of metals they are looking at while burning (which you can definitely see in AoL) so maybe they could store that?

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Well, I figure either the steel lines aren't stored at all, or they are their own sense. If the prior, then can you burn steel while tapping your sightmind to see metal sources a mile away? Inquisitors make me lean towards the latter, which would indicate you would tap your uhh linemind?

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traditionally, all those other senses like balance, temperature and proprioception were lumped under touch. So maybe also with feruchemy it applies. otherwise, it could be intersting to store some of the more exotic senses. the sense of temperature would be quite useful  in the nordic winters; tap it to put your hand out of the wondow and feel immediately and exactly what's the temperature.  Knowing whether there are -5 or -20 degrees tell you what kind of coat you need to put onnote, and storing it will make you feel less uncomfortable when you stay outside. just stop storing for a minute every ten to make sure that you notice if you're actually freezing. Dieing of hypotermia just out of your home because you were storing temperature sensitivity while outside and never realized you were cold is darwin award material.

Tapping balance could be fun too, but would probably be near useless. you'd become very sensitive to the sensation of being off-balance, so you'd have the feeling of falling at every moment. and you won't get that better at balancing, because tapping will let you feel that you are off balance, but won't give you the muscle coordination to fix it - it would be like trying to turn someone with parkinson into a sniper just by giving him a better scope. On the other  hand, balance is sensitivity to acceleration, and tapping it may be like being your own acccelerometer. So I could see a windwisperer being put into a closed carriage and brought somewhere, only to be able to find the place thanks  to his feruchemical balance and time sense (the carriage accelerated by one meter per square second for two seconds, then it went at a constant speed for 127 seconds, then it turned left by 85 degrees...). It ccould  be an awesome scene.

Proprioception, knowing very well where your body parts are, could be useful to tie or untie a knot with your hands behind your back, or while blindfolded. In general it could have some uses if you're stuck in a dark room.



note: since I started working in finland, I have 4 different coats for different temperature ranges. The problem is that if you wear the wrong one you won't notice immediately; the cold will take a couple minutes seeping in (or your body will take that time to overheat  the coat), so when you start feeling too cold or too hot you already left home and going back will make you late at work. To solve the issue, every finn home has a termometer out of the window, so you look that and see what kind of clothes you need - but doing it with feruchemy would be much cooler.

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I figured that the sense of balance was an overlapping area between tin and pewter, with both having it. But that is mainly because I the Tineye is as entitled to it as the Pewterarm. But if the Thug has it and the Tineye doesn't, would that mean that the Brute would store balance and not the Windwhisperer.

And also wouldn't it be cool, and fiddly, if a Windwhisperer could also store different elements of one of their senses. As well as near and farsightedness, also colour vision, night vision and visual acuity. Storing one element of a sense to make better use of the others. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

I suspect that when it comes to storing senses, Feruchemy is like the other metallic arts:  with time and practice, you can refine you skills to have a more subtle touch.  Like Marsh can tell not only what metals somebody else is burning, but how much they have left, and like Breeze can soothe specific emotions very carefully, and like Zane could push on different parts of the same coin, and like steel inquisitors could see trace metals with Steel and Iron Allomancy, I suspect that a Windwhisperers can focus their sense storage in ways that are more subtle than we have seen so far.

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