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1) We do not know yet. 

2) He is a character in another book that is not a Stormlight book. I added a spoiler tag just in case. 


He is Vasher from Warbreaker. 

3) There is only one Nightblood that we know about but there is a character with a similar type of sword in SA named Azure which should clue you in to a connection. 

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33 minutes ago, alder24 said:

If you haven't read "Warbreaker" yet, you should do it. It will clear some things up. But we still don't know how and why Nightblood got to Roshar.

I think Warbreaker is just so important to SA.  It breaks my heart when people read SA without having read warbreaker and I talk about the characters who crossed over and get weird looks. 

Warbreaker might as well be a prerequisite for SA if you want to really enjoy the headscratch moments of people cursing colors and weird non spren talking swords.  

When Szeth gets asked "hello, want to destroy evil?" My heart leapt and it was one of the greatest moments in all of the cosmere.  Because I read Warbreaker first. 

When Zahel curses the lack of good analogies and metaphors I got all giddy too. 

For a 20 hour book Warbreaker is so horribly underrated... and with the crossovers I really do encourage everyone who wants to read SA to check it out first. 

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2 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

When Szeth gets asked "hello, want to destroy evil?" My heart leapt and it was one of the greatest moments in all of the cosmere.  Because I read Warbreaker first. 

It's so funny, I actually did read Warbreaker before any SA too, but I somehow managed to have it completely fly over my head that the big, obvious sword bleeding black smoke and politely asking if anyone wanted to destroy evil was, in fact, Nightblood from Warbreaker.

I only noticed the connection when I was reading the scene in OB where Szeth tracks down the escaped criminals. Took me an embarrassingly long time to spot it.

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3 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

It's so funny, I actually did read Warbreaker before any SA too, but I somehow managed to have it completely fly over my head that the big, obvious sword bleeding black smoke and politely asking if anyone wanted to destroy evil was, in fact, Nightblood from Warbreaker.

I only noticed the connection when I was reading the scene in OB where Szeth tracks down the escaped criminals. Took me an embarrassingly long time to spot it.

Haha, me too. When Nightblood appeared I thought "cool, evil version of Shardblades"... Then I remembered there was a sword like that in Warbreaker and thought "fun easter egg", before reading on Coppermind about this whole Cosmere thing - my mind was blown. Who would believe that all those books can be in the same universe, especially when in two separate series, there is a sword that looks the same, talks the same, leaks black smoke, and has the same hobby of destroying evil? Nah, that's too hard to figure it out. So yeah, I was stupid.

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1 hour ago, alder24 said:

Haha, me too. When Nightblood appeared I thought "cool, evil version of Shardblades"... Then I remembered there was a sword like that in Warbreaker and thought "fun easter egg", before reading on Coppermind about this whole Cosmere thing - my mind was blown. Who would believe that all those books can be in the same universe, especially when in two separate series, there is a sword that looks the same, talks the same, leaks black smoke, and has the same hobby of destroying evil? Nah, that's too hard to figure it out. So yeah, I was stupid.


1 hour ago, Trusk'our said:

It's so funny, I actually did read Warbreaker before any SA too, but I somehow managed to have it completely fly over my head that the big, obvious sword bleeding black smoke and politely asking if anyone wanted to destroy evil was, in fact, Nightblood from Warbreaker.

I only noticed the connection when I was reading the scene in OB where Szeth tracks down the escaped criminals. Took me an embarrassingly long time to spot it.

I read the original Mistborn Trilogy back in 2010 and got my uncle, dad and grandparents into it.  After they read it they branched out and read more Brandon Sanderson.  I spent the next 11 years having next to no life and didn't read anything for recreation... 11 years of them telling me about Brandon's other books and me not reading anything else.  

Then I started asking questions about mistborn again after seeing a YouTube about the MAG... then I discovered the coppermind which led me to the 17th shard.  

I quickly consumed era 2 of Mistborn and started reading about magic swords.  I got 3 hours into Way of Kings and it just wasn't doing it for me.  I decided to try Warbreaker out and tore through that in a weekend.  Then I started back into SA.  

This may be a sin to say but I don't particularly care for SA.  The first 2 books were great but I am still stuck on Oathbringer.  It just bores me so bad with how busted Radiant healing is.  I have no real fear for any of the main characters.  Literally the only thing that makes me keep reading here and there is the Warbreaker cast reappearing and the promise of the other systems emerging on Roshar.  

I was gonna finish up Oathbringer but then TLM came out and my wife convinced me to pursue my masters.  So OB might just be my stopping point for another 10 years haha. (Hopefully not)  


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2 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

This may be a sin to say but I don't particularly care for SA.  The first 2 books were great but I am still stuck on Oathbringer.  It just bores me so bad with how busted Radiant healing is.  I have no real fear for any of the main characters.  Literally the only thing that makes me keep reading here and there is the Warbreaker cast reappearing and the promise of the other systems emerging on Roshar.  

I think that much of WoK was a bit slow, but I personally enjoyed the rest of SA :)

I think that Radiant healing is a bit too powerful as well; reading the Wax and Wayne series was actually more entertaining than the first Mistborn trilogy for me, and much of that stemmed from their more limited magical capacity and how they needed to work around their limitations.

Still think that era 1 was done very well though, and that Mistborn gave us a good way to see most of the Allomantic powers in action.

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57 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

I think that Radiant healing is a bit too powerful as well; reading the Wax and Wayne series was actually more entertaining than the first Mistborn trilogy for me, and much of that stemmed from their more limited magical capacity and how they needed to work around their limitations.

Yes, Radiant healing is a bit too strong. That's what I like about Warbreaker and Mistborn series:


“Kelsier?” Vin asked, causing him to pause. He turned, looking at her.
Vin struggled to formulate what she wanted to say. “The palace...the Inquisitors...We’re not invincible, are we?” She flushed; it sounded stupid when she said it that way.
Kelsier, however, just smiled. He seemed to understand what she meant. “No, Vin,” he said quietly. “We’re far from it.”


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Just now, alder24 said:

“Kelsier?” Vin asked, causing him to pause. He turned, looking at her.
Vin struggled to formulate what she wanted to say. “The palace...the Inquisitors...We’re not invincible, are we?” She flushed; it sounded stupid when she said it that way.
Kelsier, however, just smiled. He seemed to understand what she meant. “No, Vin,” he said quietly. “We’re far from it.”

Sums up my feelings perfectly :)

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12 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Yes, Radiant healing is a bit too strong. That's what I like about Warbreaker and Mistborn series:



11 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Sums up my feelings perfectly :)

Thanks for these.  Yes I agree... 

Although if I was a mistborn I certainly would not decline offer of F-gold whether through spike or medallion I don't think I would care.  

I hate immortal characters but dang I also hate my character dying haha.  

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2 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:


Thanks for these.  Yes I agree... 

Although if I was a mistborn I certainly would not decline offer of F-gold whether through spike or medallion I don't think I would care.  

I hate immortal characters but dang I also hate my character dying haha.  

Lol, same.

To be honest though, I actually really like Feruchemical gold in the Mistborn series; it provides the need for magical healing, but it feels like it's hard enough to obtain and fuel that it isn't an automatic win button. Radiant healing and Fused reincartation just feels unfulfilling most of the time.

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28 minutes ago, Trusk'our said:

Lol, same.

To be honest though, I actually really like Feruchemical gold in the Mistborn series; it provides the need for magical healing, but it feels like it's hard enough to obtain and fuel that it isn't an automatic win button. Radiant healing and Fused reincartation just feels unfulfilling most of the time.

Yes. Stormlight just does to much and this idea that you can destroy their entire chest cavity but they don't even need to breathe it in anymore kind of drives me even more nuts.  Now if you are a radiant and get your body blown up, so long as there are filled gems nearby, you just get to absorb the healing power and grow back together by virtue of existing in the same space as some infused gems. 

Honestly my #1 issue with the cosmere right there.  

I really wish we could see how a returned or godking manipulates breaths to heal... I keep praying our demonstration of returned not healing gets proved wrong eventually.  Gotta figure Vasher has taken some pretty bad wounds in his lifetime.

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2 minutes ago, Tamriel Wolfsbaine said:

I really wish we could see how a returned or godking manipulates breaths to heal... I keep praying our demonstration of returned not healing gets proved wrong eventually.  Gotta figure Vasher has taken some pretty bad wounds in his lifetime.

Perhaps he simply can recover from injuries more fully, like being able to regrow lost limbs or whatnot, but has to do so at a speed comparable to natural healing (healing more fully, though not necessarily faster)?

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