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About how many books do you read in a year?


About how many books have you read last year  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. About how many books have you read last year

    • 0-9
    • 10-20(-29)
    • 30-59
    • 60-79
    • 80-99
    • 100-130
    • 130+

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I'm curious as to how many books you people read in a year. Personally I'm not a big reader, but people on this website seem like the biggest reading fanatics just like my friend, ever.

S.N.- Sorry for the bad grammar

Edited by KiJ
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16 minutes ago, Robin Sedai said:

I used to read literally hundreds of books a year, but about early 2022 I went into a huge reading slump and I read a lot less now. I'd guess somewhere in the 60-80 bracket.

Wow! That's still a lot of books! I'm glad people on this website are passionate about their reading hobby. Most of my friends would spend time on social media anyway.

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Just now, The Wandering Wizard said:

I've never actually kept track of how many I read :P

I used to be in the 130+ range but that's slowed a bit more recently. Hazard of reading all the books you can find :P

Lol yes XD

I don't think I've ever gotten to the 130+ range, but I was in the 80-99 range for a while. Now I'm more around 20-30 range

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How do you guys even have time though? My friend read around 70 books last year and I thought that was a lot. Bruh

Edit: sorry for triple posting I, forgot that wasn't aloud lmao

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1 minute ago, KiJ said:

How do you guys even have time though? My friend read around 70 books last year and I thought that was a lot. Bruh

Edit: sorry for triple posting I, forgot that wasn't aloud lmao

I don't :ph34r:

I have gotten in trouble for reading in class more than I can keep track of.


It's totally fine, you're all good


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Just now, Wittles of Shinovar said:

I don't :ph34r:

I have gotten in trouble for reading in class more than I can keep track of.

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It's totally fine, you're all good


It's probably better than those people who are always on their phones though because it's more sus. Some guy had some weird anime stuff pulled up on this laptop (we don't talk about that...).

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I mean...I don't have time. I threw out sleep a couple of years ago, and that's definitely helped my book consumption. Right about when I started doing that, I was actually over 200 a year. (I can read most simpler books in about a day, and at the time I was catching up on all the books between the magic tree house and the hobbit, since I skipped everything in that range). Now I've slowed down a lot since I have a lot more to do, but I mean I still read. My parents take away books to punish me :D


No I'm not a nerd, the amount that I read is actually incredibly unhealthy.

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1 minute ago, Aes Sedai said:

I mean...I don't have time. I threw out sleep a couple of years ago, and that's definitely helped my book consumption. Right about when I started doing that, I was actually over 200 a year. (I can read most simpler books in about a day, and at the time I was catching up on all the books between the magic tree house and the hobbit, since I skipped everything in that range). Now I've slowed down a lot since I have a lot more to do, but I mean I still read. My parents take away books to punish me :D


No I'm not a nerd, the amount that I read is actually incredibly unhealthy.

Nah that's some nerd level there :D (of course it's not a bad thing). At least books aren't the worst thing you could get addicted to. In fact their probably one of the least worst things you could get addicted to if it makes you feel better. Like sure could could be overly addicted to exercising, but you could become very underweight depending on the circumstances. At least if you read you also have audiobooks so you can exercise while reading. You also have a library, which mine has both physical, digital audio, and ebooks so money consumption isn't a problem which does come with most addictions. 

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3 minutes ago, KiJ said:

Nah that's some nerd level there :D (of course it's not a bad thing). At least books aren't the worst thing you could get addicted to. In fact their probably one of the least worst things you could get addicted to if it makes you feel better. Like sure could could be overly addicted to exercising, but you could become very underweight depending on the circumstances. At least if you read you also have audiobooks so you can exercise while reading. You also have a library, which mine has both physical, digital audio, and ebooks so money consumption isn't a problem which does come with most addictions. 

True true, but money isn't the most important currency; time is. And nothing is more time consuming than an addiction. Anything including reading, writing, words in general...I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun. 

I AM NOT A NERD!! Have you been associating with @Being of Cacophony?

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3 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

True true, but money isn't the most important currency; time is. And nothing is more time consuming than an addiction. Anything including reading, writing, words in general...I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun. 

I AM NOT A NERD!! Have you been associating with @Being of Cacophony?

Bruh just proved they're a nerd with that statement ^. Anyway I'll stop lol. No, I haven't seen being of cacophony who are they? Idk I highly doubt it they're much bigger of a nerd than you or other people on this site if they are. Everyone on here is already incredibly nerdy. Heeh

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13 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

True true, but money isn't the most important currency; time is. And nothing is more time consuming than an addiction. Anything including reading, writing, words in general...I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun. 

I AM NOT A NERD!! Have you been associating with @Being of Cacophony?

You are not a nerd...how?

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1 hour ago, Aes Sedai said:

True true, but money isn't the most important currency; time is. And nothing is more time consuming than an addiction. Anything including reading, writing, words in general...I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun. 

I AM NOT A NERD!! Have you been associating with @Being of Cacophony?

YES YOU ARE! JUST ADMIT IT!!!! "I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun." And you say you're not a nerd? *raises skeptical eyebrow*

1 hour ago, KiJ said:

Bruh I swear everyone on this site besides me is a nerd. 

I'm pretty sure if you're on this site, you're a nerd. 


No, I haven't seen being of cacophony who are they?

Oh, and this is me :D 

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2 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

True true, but money isn't the most important currency; time is. And nothing is more time consuming than an addiction. Anything including reading, writing, words in general...I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun. 

I AM NOT A NERD!! Have you been associating with @Being of Cacophony?

Lol you know how worldbuilding for an RP is equally as fun, if not more fun, as RP'ing itself?

P.S.- what if this forum thread turned into an RP? Wouldn't that be funny...

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1 hour ago, Being of Cacophony said:

YES YOU ARE! JUST ADMIT IT!!!! "I once spent like 2 hours writing an essay about the political geography of a fake country on a fake world that I created for fun." And you say you're not a nerd? *raises skeptical eyebrow*

I'm pretty sure if you're on this site, you're a nerd. 

Oh, and this is me :D 


I think every thread turns into an rp at some point, it’s part of growing up and maturing. 

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