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What's your favorite thing to create?

Szeth's Facepalm

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Alright! I can't be the only creative person-- musician, artist, writer, whatever-- who has some random specific thing that is their absolute favorite to create. For me it's any chord progression with the E7 chord on the ukulele, and drawing shirt collars and also that part at the end of sleeves where you're wearing something over a cuffed shirt and it's kind of folded over at the end. Uhhhh i didn't describe that right. Like this:




It's weird and specific but it's just so fun to draw!!! Also i really like drawing noses.

Anyway... surely i'm not the only one with a weird specific like, right? What are y'alls favorite things to create? It may not be as weirdly specific as mine. Like maybe you're normal and really like drawing sunsets or writing limericks or playing Tchaikovsky! But anyway, please share your favorites. It's so cool seeing how creative everyone on here is :D

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Okay this might be kinda weird...but I like to write sad scenes and then revise them until reading them makes me cry. That's probably not healthy. Whatever, it's fun. And musically, I like to go as high as I can. (I'm a violinist, so I can make people hurt when I go high. Not a good hurt. A "this is not music I have a migraine that will never leave me" hurt). 

Sorry, I'm a strange person. 

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12 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Okay this might be kinda weird...but I like to write sad scenes and then revise them until reading them makes me cry. That's probably not healthy. Whatever, it's fun. And musically, I like to go as high as I can. (I'm a violinist, so I can make people hurt when I go high. Not a good hurt. A "this is not music I have a migraine that will never leave me" hurt). 

Sorry, I'm a strange person. 

I kind of want to see those scenes.

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Just now, Aes Sedai said:

I keep telling myself to make a thread here and post some of the things I write, but then I just...don't? I probably will. Eventually. Maybe. If When I do, it'll probably be quite depressing.

I'd be interested.

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I really enjoy writing the beginning to stories and then never really getting very far (or in some cases to the end). The beginning of a story is just kinda my thing right now. I'm not good enough to finish. I think that could be an everyone thing.

I don't really draw, but I randomly scribble stuff and it sometimes turns out cool (that's how I doodle) and if I recognize something as a possible actual shape (like a dog or something) I can sometimes manage to actually draw something.

I guess I might be pretty normal. 

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15 hours ago, Aes Sedai said:

Okay this might be kinda weird...but I like to write sad scenes and then revise them until reading them makes me cry. That's probably not healthy. Whatever, it's fun. And musically, I like to go as high as I can. (I'm a violinist, so I can make people hurt when I go high. Not a good hurt. A "this is not music I have a migraine that will never leave me" hurt). 

Sorry, I'm a strange person. 

There actually seem to be a lot of y'all here. remember that SU a while back where i kept saying how concerned i was for y'all because you loved torturing your characters so much? I'm pretty sure you were on it.

Anyway it's cool to see how different everyone is because i have an allergic reaction to writing sadness :lol:

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  • Writing music that elicits emotions of longing, nostalgia, sadness, or other similar emotions.
  • Writing stories that elicit emotions of grief, pain, loss, reverence, nostalgia, and other similar emotions.
  • Writing stories.
  • Writing music.
  • Writing.
  • Drawing (occasionally but I'm bad so pretty much never)
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Things I enjoy:

  • Making my cat purr - she's so adorable!
  • Drawing cats
  • Writing chapters of my stories (no, none of them have been completed)
  • Writing poetry off the cuff
  • Making FOOD! Then eating it.
  • Making people laugh! It's a wonderful thing!
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8 hours ago, Gregorio said:

I really enjoy writing the beginning to stories and then never really getting very far (or in some cases to the end). The beginning of a story is just kinda my thing right now. I'm not good enough to finish. I think that could be an everyone thing.

Quick pro tip (can I still call it a pro tip if I'm only mildly good?) Quick mediocre tip that I'm enforcing upon myself: I'm ok at writing and I know the only way to get better is it do it. So I'm writing a book and even though I have had 3+ better book ideas and I am fumbling through every scene I know the best way to get better is just to do the thing. And once I finish the first book the second one will in theory be better.

Sorry, I don't know if that helps. That is just something I've been thinking about.

As for the actual prompt:

Stories, writing crap. I like dumping ideas onto a page and question what the heck I am doing.

Music. Whenever I can care enough to just go fiddle around on a piano and play cool songs I always love it. I'm pretty good but I'm not good enough to be *struggles* good good, so I don't really write songs or play as much as I probably should even though I quite enjoy it. I wish I had time.

Probably other stuff. Other weird clever answers that only vaguely tie into the prompt.

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I like making little melodies for random things I say. I do it more when I'm alone but occasionally I'll just sing things rather than speak them. Then Bookwyrm gives me a weird look. When I'm around other people its just like a sentence but when I'm by myself I'll just sing everything for like 5-10 minutes. It's a lot of fun and I don't do it enough.

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6 minutes ago, Mr. Misting said:

Quick pro tip (can I still call it a pro tip if I'm only mildly good?) Quick mediocre tip that I'm enforcing upon myself: I'm ok at writing and I know the only way to get better is it do it. So I'm writing a book and even though I have had 3+ better book ideas and I am fumbling through every scene I know the best way to get better is just to do the thing. And once I finish the first book the second one will in theory be better.

Thanks. It's totally a pro tip. And I've learned that from videos and stuff. I just don't have much time till I go on a mission so I won't be able to really finish any books, so for now I'm just writing for fun and learning and stuff.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...

I really like making music (I play four instruments thus far). There’s just something about not only consuming music, but also being able to contribute to the magic of a piece that is just so cool.


Past that, I have recently been getting into poems, of which I have had a lot of fun reimagining Greek Myths in funky ways. Greek Mythology is such an awesome form of storytelling, and there is so much to explore!

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