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There's a Shardblade on Sel


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So I came across this WoB


Titan Arum

Where’s Gretgor, the first Wyrn’s sword?

Brandon Sanderson

I believe Gretgor is in the capital somewhere. He’s enshrined, he’s there.

Titan Arum

He's enshrined.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. He’s there.






And I couldn't help but notice the use of the word 'He' in describing the sword. It's brought up by Brandon so that's not just him using the questioners words.

That leads me to conclude that Gretgor is a shardblade, probably a Selish one, but a shardblade nonetheless. However either way it is a huge deal.

That means that either a Rosharan shardblade has been taken off World, or Sel at one point knew how to make them.

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6 minutes ago, EmulatonStromenkiin said:

Pretty sure that there is a WoB somewhere that states seons and skaze can become shardblades, they just don't know how.

There is, I remember that now.

Here it is



Could a seon or a skaze turn into some sort of Shardblade on their home planet?

Brandon Sanderson

That is theoretically possible.  They work under the same fundamentals but they would need to have something to pull them more into the Physical Realm.  



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17 hours ago, Frustration said:

So I came across this WoB

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Titan Arum

Where’s Gretgor, the first Wyrn’s sword?

Brandon Sanderson

I believe Gretgor is in the capital somewhere. He’s enshrined, he’s there.

Titan Arum

He's enshrined.

Brandon Sanderson

Yeah. He’s there.






And I couldn't help but notice the use of the word 'He' in describing the sword. It's brought up by Brandon so that's not just him using the questioners words.

That leads me to conclude that Gretgor is a shardblade, probably a Selish one, but a shardblade nonetheless. However either way it is a huge deal.

That means that either a Rosharan shardblade has been taken off World, or Sel at one point knew how to make them.

Isn't it more likely that he is calling the first wyrn as 'he'? Or mistook Gretgor as the first wyrn

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1 hour ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Isn't it more likely that he is calling the first wyrn as 'he'? Or mistook Gretgor as the first wyrn

I really don't think so, now it could be an Oathbringer Honorblade, but I highly doubt that they just have this one king's dead body enshrined in the capital.

I find Wyrn turing a Skaze into a shardblade more likely.

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33 minutes ago, Frustration said:

but I highly doubt that they just have this one king's dead body enshrined in the capital


I am saying that the blade was enshrined with the king. Brandon said that skaze turning into blades is theoretically possible, which would be wierd to say if it already happened in the story 


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34 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:


Because you almost never had that happen. Historically the only empire I can think of that did something like that was the Incas, but they had really high mountains that allowed them to easily mummify their kings.

Pretty much ever other empire built large tombs for their kings.

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27 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Brandon said that skaze turning into blades is theoretically possible, which would be wierd to say if it already happened in the story 

Not if he was trying to avoid giving away something he's reserved for other books. Saying "it did happen" could be a big spoiler which isn't necessary to answer the question of whether or not it could happen. We've gotten some pretty careful language in answers to questions before.

My bigger question is: what would the point of a Shardblade on Sel be? Skaze and Seons seem pretty useful as they are, and might be far less so as a physical object. The various magics on Sel seem like they would make a single Shardblade impressive but not much help in any practical way (hence the sword being enshrined rather than in use as a relic?). Might a Skaze-based Shardblade have special properties compared to other blades, like Nightblood's (but probably less dramatic)?

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