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Herald return locations


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Taln seemingly returns in Alethkar near the Kolinar Oathgate (although not via it). Taln is the Herald of War and during the Silver Kingdoms era (and even now) Alethkar/Alethela was the kingdom devoted to war. Can the other Heralds be attributed to specific kingdoms that they might have returned to first during the Desolations.

Nale is described as Mabaki and his legalism could be aligned with Azish culture who now control the Mabakabam Oathgate.

Valhav containing both the Horneater Peaks and the Valley could be the kingdom for Vedel, the patron of Edgedancers/Cultivationspren.

There really isn't a Herald that is the patron of commerce that could align with the Thaylen Oathgate but the Silver Kingdom of Thalath included Kharbranth which is connected to Pailiah.

Ishar I could see being either the Shin Oathgate; he is described as looking Shin and it most likely be where he first brought everyone from Ashyn.

Alternatively as the Herald of Mysteries I could see him connected to Aimia but Aimia also fits with Battar due to the connection with Soulcasting.

The Iri Oathgate being in Rall Elorim the City of Shadows makes me think Shalash and Lightweavers.

I'm not sure where to place Kalak, Jezrien, and Chanarach in relation to Rishir/Kuth, Natanatan/Narak, and Sela Tales/Panatham. Kalak is connected to metallurgy so maybe Narak which is close to some mountains otherwise I am at a lose with these three. Any thoughts or am I one of the Ten Fools (probably Eshu, although I'd prefer to be Cabine). 

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This is an interesting connection, but I think you're trying to find any connection just to make it fit. While Taln as a Herald of War appearing in Alethkar is a very valid one, this is the way we should go, not by appearance. You have a very easy connection between Nale and Azir - laws! Nale is a Herald of Justice, so he appears in the most bureaucratic region on Roshar, that highly respects laws - Azir.

Jezrien also fits Alethkar as he's associated with leading, and Alethia was leading the war and training.

But the more I look at the titles, essences and associated attributes, the harder it is to find specific connections. Some Heralds don't have a title. Some fits to several places, and most Silver Kingdoms are unknown to us. Because there were 10 of them, they were also most likely associated with essences and numbers like Heralds are. I agree that Heralds appeared separated, one for each Kingdom, to prepare as many people at once as possible for incoming Desolation.

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13 hours ago, alder24 said:

This is an interesting connection, but I think you're trying to find any connection just to make it fit. While Taln as a Herald of War appearing in Alethkar is a very valid one, this is the way we should go, not by appearance. You have a very easy connection between Nale and Azir - laws! Nale is a Herald of Justice, so he appears in the most bureaucratic region on Roshar, that highly respects laws - Azir.

Jezrien also fits Alethkar as he's associated with leading, and Alethia was leading the war and training.

But the more I look at the titles, essences and associated attributes, the harder it is to find specific connections. Some Heralds don't have a title. Some fits to several places, and most Silver Kingdoms are unknown to us. Because there were 10 of them, they were also most likely associated with essences and numbers like Heralds are. I agree that Heralds appeared separated, one for each Kingdom, to prepare as many people at once as possible for incoming Desolation.

I did make the Nale/Azir laws connection actually as well in the original post not just him being Makabaki. I do agree that with how little we know about the Heralds and the Silver Kingdoms it is hard to correlate them individually and that some of my connections are tenuous at best. Jezrien being Herald of Kings actually makes me think of Urithiru but that was built later and results in an eleventh possible location. Chanarach is called Herald of the Common Man; what does that entail? I even have a theory that would be bolstered by her appearing near Narak rather than Kalak as I postulated. And yeah some fit several places like Tukar and Tashikk (parts of ancient Makabakam) being named after Taln and Ishar respectively. I'm mainly just brainstorming here.

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