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Can breaths 'heal' shardblade wounds?



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Huh, I haven't thought about that... When I saw the post title I was al ready to give a speech about gaseous investiture and healing but that's not what you're asking

I think that depends on a few things. I've always seen the shardblade wounds as not being missing parts of the spirit exactly, more like corpse parts still attached... so like, not a human spirit anymore, the spirit of an object fused with the human spirit. IF that idea is correct, then yes you would be able to although it would not be the best way of doing it.

Otherwise, I frankly have no idea. I'll think on this.

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The only thing I've found are those 2 WoBs, but those are about Shardblade killed bodies turned into Lifeless


little wilson

Can a Shardblade-killed body be turned into a Lifeless?

Brandon Sanderson

Can a Shardblade-killed body be turned into a Lifeless.  Yeees, it can be re-Invested. Yes.

little wilson

Are there any side-effects to doing so?

Brandon Sanderson

Uhhh, there would be side-effects. I won't tell you what they are. They would be minor, minor, mostly inconsequential side-effects.

Holiday signing (Dec. 12, 2015)


Darth Vizious

Could you make a Lifeless out of someone killed with a Shardblade?

Brandon Sanderson

Shardblades sever the soul from the body, but Awakening makes a "fake" soul for a body, so how the soul left doesn't matter.

General Twitter 2015 (Nov. 1, 2015)


I don't think you are able to Awaken just a hand, as it is perceived as a part of the body, so it might be like trying to Awaken the whole body, which still mostly has a soul. However if Stormlight healing Shardblade wounds is "pushing" investiture into that cut off limb, maybe if you push your Breaths into that limb in a similar manner, they will reconnect it to your soul, or remade a part of a soul.This is a bit of an stretch as Breaths doesn’t have healing ability.

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On 1/20/2023 at 5:01 PM, IlstrawberrySeed said:

Can you awaken/lifeless your own body parts if they are a shard wound? Are there any benefits to this that would lead to a scrivener's bone style group?

This has also been discussed in this thread.

As I said there, my personal opinion is that it would just heal the blade deadened limb since Awakening creates a connection between the things that is Awakened and the Awakener - and a shard wound is simply severing the spiritual connection of that limb to its body. Unlikely to end up with something like Scrivener's Bones.

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