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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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[OOC: Firstky, RIP Meerkas. I’m sure you feel much less stressed now though.

Second, I think I actually agree with Penguin here. My initial reaction was to go all “burn the witch!” and vote Flamingo. But what are we going to talk about for the next 33.5 hours? What we ate for lunch? How our days are going? Deciding right here, right now, that Flamingo is the exe doesn’t really help us find elims. Even if Flamingo is one. It lets everyone hide behind the nice little ginormous train and not have to think about how they frame their votes. It’s way too easy for the elims to just get by scot free this turn if we focus all of our efforts on one person. I’m not saying we shouldn’t end up voting Flamingo. There are clearly some good reasons too. I’m just saying we should think things through. Because, for an elim, things have lined up pretty perfectly for them. Regardless of what alignment Flamingo and Lion are, we’ll be spending the next few IRL days focusing solely on them. Maybe the Coinshot (assuming they’re village) will go for whichever we don’t exe today. But if we don’t actually sit and have a discussion about why we’re voting for these people, we won’t gain any information. Which is exactly what the elims want.

Think about that. The elims have more knowledge than we do. They have the knowledge of at least 4 players’ roles (their own) plus whoever they’ve managed to get roleclaim from. And they can even use process of elimination if they receive roleless claims. With all this information and the roles they have, is it really so hard to believe that they set this up intentionally? Not saying they have the Coinshot necessarily, but it wouldn’t be hard to guess that one of Flamingo or Lion was getting shot. Or maybe the elims have the Coinshot in their pocket. Who knows. But things may not be exactly as they seem. So I think it’s worth thinking things through more. Just something to think about.]

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I am working on data collection, trying to trace patterns.

What I've found is that scorpion has never put forth many suspicions and has been flying under the radar. 

Mostly what tugs at my gut is that they seem to follow with the public suspicions, but keep penguin in their suspicions, but never act upon it, besides a stable vote on Penguin the entire cycle...was Flamingo and Scorpion on Penguin D1...now that tugs at my suspicions quite a bit. 

Trying to do it for every living player, depends on my time, but I think it will be worthwhile.


Village reads/Defense of players connections


I can't find anything in the way of a village read or defense of another player.

Elim reads/Suspicions connections


Suspicious of what Penguin was up to, but votes Flamingo D3 because of their survival

Then suspicious of me because I became more active after coming under heat.

Note: I was already going to be more active, I had just gotten more able to reengage with the game a little earlier in the day(D3)

Submits idea to kill Lion and Flamingo at beginning of night cycle

Focused on killing Flamingo

Had evil reads on Penguin and me. Seems to have dropped them a bit. More active suspicion on Lion and Flamingo.

Voting connections


Voted Penguin once D1

Voted Heron once D2

Voted Flamingo first D3 and then switched to me D3

Voted Flamingo D4

Penguin: I

Flamingo: II

Chameleon: I


Edited by Pearl Chameleon
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Here are my *hiccup* reasons for executing the bird:

1st and most importantly, I’m bloodthirsty, and I heard in my kindergarten fun facts time that flamingo blood is pink. Unsure if true but one way to find out.

2nd. Ok, so we have a dead village lurcher, plus a dead village mistborn, (plus an alive Lion who can be either a thug or a mistborn, and whose alignment we don’t know.) Obviously there can be multiple of any particular role, and roles can be on any side. But the preponderance of the evidence points a significant amount of shenanigans being dedicated to keeping flamingo alive not once but twice, even after large amounts of suspicion falling on him, with two of those roles on the village side already being dead.

The bird  says he lost a life the first time and that he was serendipitously protected the second time. It’s possible this is true and the spiked are setting all this up to make flamingo their patsy and are laughing their butts off at us as we fall for their plan. But it’s also possible that the spiked knew he was a likely target for the coinshot and wanted to keep him alive, which would suck for Flamingo but also like… seems like a stretch.

3. If we don’t kill him today we’re going to end up arguing about the same thing AGAIN tomorrow, or making the coinshot waste even more time on him, and that seems a tad silly.

Nothing about what happens proves flamingo’s alignment either way. Nothing the bird has actually said or done makes me super suspicious to be honest. It is nothing personal. But to me the preponderance of suspicion points towards … suspiciousness? And my mommy told me it’s better to kill suspicious people than to wait around and be killed by suspicious people.

Sorry, birdie.

(Phew I had to d-drink a t-truly jaw dropping amount of a-alcohol to get the c-courage to recite this speech w-without st-stuttering  if it’s ok I’m gonna go s-sleep under this trash now)

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54 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

3. If we don’t kill him today we’re going to end up arguing about the same thing AGAIN tomorrow, or making the coinshot waste even more time on him, and that seems a tad silly.

[OOC: This is a very valid point. You are probably right that we may as well kill Flamingo today. If only because some people will keep trying to kill them until they're dead if we don't. I just feel bad, because it's almost certainly what the elims want. And I worry about stifling discussion. Which makes me hesitate to do it. But better to just bite the bullet I guess. Flamingo.]

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While the town waited for the execution hour to arrive, Avil Ejir took this opportunity to rush home and sort through what had now evolved into a stack of notebooks. Pages and pages of hastily scribbled quotes and ideas Avil had picked up from his observations of the previous execution discussions. 

He leaned out his window and glanced at the sky. There was plenty of time to dusk, which meant sitting idly would risk disruption of rhythm. This was all the convincing he needed. 

Avil rolled up his sleeves and got to work.



Day 1:

Saffron Iguana (3): Sunburst Toucan, Mint Heron, Melon Dingo

Melon Dingo (3): Ivory Dragonfly, Coral Swan, Indigo Weasel

Sage Kangaroo (2): Mauve Crocodile, Charcoal Hyena

Chartreuse Penguin (2): Amethyst Scorpion, Onyx Flamingo

Amethyst Scorpion (1): Sapphire Elephant

Onyx Flamingo (1): Cream Tuatara

Mint Heron (1): Salmon Meerkat

Ivory Dragonfly (1): Emerald Falcon

Charcoal Hyena (1): Pearl Chameleon

Azure Mouse (1): Sage Kangaroo

Due to Iguana, Dingo, and Kangaroo all flipping village, I doubt that all three of Dragonfly, Swan, and Weasel are teamed. Voting together in that manner is risky and doubly not worth it when a teammate is not on the line. Though this statement should be revised if Penguin flips elim, or if Mouse flips elim (because Croc’s vote was on Mouse until about 7 minutes to rollover). Mouse is currently a stronger village read of mine, so I am mostly concerned with Penguin’s flip. I think chances are there is at least one elim within the non-voters <Mouse, Penguin, Ostrich, Albatross, Lion, Rhino> and probably at least one within the side-train voters <Elephant, Falcon, Chameleon>. 

Day 2:

Mint Heron (6): Mauve Crocodile, Amethyst Scorpion, Salmon Meerkat, Ivory Dragonfly, Pearl Chameleon, Azure Mouse

Emerald Falcon (5): Fuchsia Ostrich, Plum Rhinoceros, Magenta Albatross, Charcoal Hyena, Cream Tuatara

Amethyst Scorpion (1): Sapphire Elephant

Onyx Flamingo (1): Mint Heron

Plum Rhinoceros (1): Sunburst Toucan

Pearl Chameleon (1): Coral Swan

Coral Swan (1): Onyx Flamingo

I maintain that the Heron train contains at least one eliminator, and taking out Mouse leaves us with <Croc, Scorpion, Dragonfly, Chameleon>. I can further take out Croc because their engagement with the game continues to appear villager-like akin to Meerkat’s, and I am willing to overlook that D3 kill confusion. That leaves <Scorpion, Dragonfly, Chameleon>. Would not mind a D5 execution on any of those three. Falcon is still suspicious, and more so because I, frighteningly enough, forgot about them amidst the Lion/Flamingo shenanigans. I will do a post-by-post analysis of Falcon sometime soon, most likely tomorrow, but I will note that I recall some form of disagreement with Flamingo votes. Interesting because while they were the fourth vote on Flamingo on D3, I would probably not put it past E!Falcon to vote E!Flamingo at that stage. Probably. Will have to revisit this later. 

Day 3:

Opal Lion (8): Fuchsia Ostrich, Plum Rhinoceros, Salmon Meerkat, Mauve Crocodile, Pearl Chameleon, Charcoal Hyena, Indigo Weasel, Azure Mouse

Pearl Chameleon (4): Sapphire Elephant, Amethyst Scorpion, Onyx Flamingo, Sunburst Toucan

Onyx Flamingo (2): Coral Swan, Emerald Falcon

I have already touched on this but will reiterate that the chances of the Lion train being pure are slim, regardless of their alignment. Simply because E!Lion’s teammates knew they would survive and so they have incentive to jump on it. If Lion is a villager then eliminators have incentive to jump on the train to save E!Flamingo and/or E!Chameleon.



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I'll toss a vote onto Flamingo but I'll be throwing up a post sometime discussing other suspicions and people I trust at this point. I know I talked about my analysis but I think it'd be fun to draw conclusions on all the living players to get a feel for stuff. But I also will not be throwing up such a post until tomorrow because I'm exhausted from having been traveling all day and I just want to sleep


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1 hour ago, Magenta Albatross said:

[OOC: This is a very valid point. You are probably right that we may as well kill Flamingo today. If only because some people will keep trying to kill them until they're dead if we don't. I just feel bad, because it's almost certainly what the elims want. And I worry about stifling discussion. Which makes me hesitate to do it. But better to just bite the bullet I guess. Flamingo.]

You seem very performative about not wanting to kill Flamingo, Albatross.

Started at the top of the list moving down.


Village reads/Defense of players connections


- Leans V on Croc. (D3)


Hyena still on sus list. Croc has leaned more to v as time has gone on and they continue to try to solve the game. Attention is elsewhere today--friend is moving away


Elim reads/Suspicions connections


- Suspicion of Hyena train disolving after traction gaining (N1)


Some thoughts post re-reading D1:

Train on Hyena dissolves soon after gaining traction? Suspicious. Tuatara leads train with a miniature gambit within RP between Willam and Aylia. An "altercation" that leads to a vote, which is then quickly moved to Flamingo as soon as the Hyena vote gains traction. Possible e/e distancing.

Continuing to re-read as the night goes on. Thoughts are slow, posts are slower

- Suspicious of Rhino for putting pressure on Flamingo. Questions why. Decides to give Hyena/Tuatara a break in favor of Rhino (D2)


hyena/tuatara still feeling off, but taking a breather for now after Rhino’s flamingo vote. Putting pressure on, why flamingo? 

- Leans slight elim on Rhino for no reasoning for flamingo vote. (D2)


Heron post reading slight e. Still do not understand why pointing out the importance of reading rp is suspicious, but this will be let go for now, as it is a point inherently true, as Meerkat pointed out.

- Slight E on Heron during post reading. Heron/Rhino possible E/E (D2)


 Anyway, votes on Flamingo, interesting, on the tails of Rhino's unexplained flamingo vote. Inexperienced elim (Rhino) attempting to start a train and save a teammate (Heron), giving Heron an open to self-pres on Flamingo? If Heron flips E, Rhino is likely E, and vice versa.

- Willing to look at Rhino after Heron flip (D2)


Alright, Rhino is confusing. Willing to look at them following Heron flip


- Doesn't like the three sudden votes on Falcon.


Vote 1


DragonflyFalcon. At this point I don’t have a preference between the two and will vote whichever has more at EoD. I think technically I’m turning a 2 vote Dragonfly train and a 1 vote Falcon train into a 1-2, so maybe that reveals a hidden preference.”

Vote 2


[So for some reason I thought that Heron was a runaway train but it's closer than I thought]

Flamingo, Falcon

Vote 3


sweet lizard too hungry for puny buzzing dragonfly so i will help catch sparkly falcon

Mouse response


Don't like this.

Note: I mean, who wouldn't. Little over an hour to rollover and three votes come out of the blue on a single player. One of the votes which seems to be a sheep. Seems kinda like they wanted to protect Heron, who we now know is village. 


- Questions possible E!Flamingo as Thug D3


Anyway, wondering the possibility of e!thug with a slightly lower elim distro, which would explain a further likelihood of why no elims have been found and Flamingo survived. Thus, Flamingo

- Still suspicous of Hyena D3


Hyena still on sus list. Croc has leaned more to v as time has gone on and they continue to try to solve the game. Attention is elsewhere today--friend is moving away

- Feels Flamingo could be elim since the evasion could give them village cred. Comfortable with all the exe candidates. Lion and Flamingo at the time


currently comfortable with any of the top exe candidates, but keeping vote where it is for now, eyes on the thread, collecting

Flamingo evasion of role-claiming feels elim, in the sense that it could be construed to give them village cred. Is paranoid? Perhaps. Info from today's exe will give better look into them later. Want to see @Opal Lion's defense before vote switching

Switches to Lion since the Flamingo train is now useless


Sigh. Flamingo train is useless by now, thus, Lion


Voting connections


- Votes Rhino first D2. Switches to Heron.

- Votes Flamingo first D3. And switches to Lion.

- Votes Flamingo early D4.



Can't quite figure out the nature of Mouse's conversation with Crocodile about RP in D1. So it goes in here. Could be V/V, could be E/E, could be E/V. 

- Confused about Hyena, late D2


Hyena is confusing. Not sure how to feel


Currently feeling good about mouse. Will get some more done later.

Edit: Well that broke quite good after I posted it >>

Edited by Pearl Chameleon
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2 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

You seem very performative about not wanting to kill Flamingo, Albatross.

[OOC: If I was an elim, why would I go through all this trouble of going against the crowd? It's specifically drawing attention to me by saying that someone the majority of people think is suspicious might not be an elim. And maybe my thoughts on this don't seem genuine to you, but that is how I feel. Plus, my goal was to get us to talk and think things through. Maybe I didn't make this clear in my first post, but I was never 100% against voting on Flamingo. I just didn't want the discussion to die there.]

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6 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

[OOC: If I was an elim, why would I go through all this trouble of going against the crowd? It's specifically drawing attention to me by saying that someone the majority of people think is suspicious might not be an elim. And maybe my thoughts on this don't seem genuine to you, but that is how I feel. Plus, my goal was to get us to talk and think things through. Maybe I didn't make this clear in my first post, but I was never 100% against voting on Flamingo. I just didn't want the discussion to die there.]

I got that you weren't 100% against voting and that you didn't want the discussion to die. And rereading your post, it does seem more genuine than when I first read it.

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1 hour ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

if flamingo gets executed today, spiked can protect lion from coinshot to waste our time more

me horn says execute lion and shoot flamingo

How does changing the order matter? If I get exed Flamingo gets protected regardless of alignment. 

If/when Flamingo flips e, I think I want to look at Rhino. But also this insistence on going after me might be TWTBW.

Edit: Are you saying the Lurcher can't double protect? That makes sense I guess, but I am still curious why you are so sus of me.

Edited by Opal Lion
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Word has been received that Crocodile was scanned as an Elim Tineye. It is understandable  that a target has been placed upon this mouse’s head due to revealing this information, but the incursion of it is willful.

Stones are toppling, it seems. Perhaps the permanence was a waiting game


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28 minutes ago, Azure Mouse said:

Word has been received that Crocodile was scanned as an Elim Tineye. It is understandable  that a target has been placed upon this mouse’s head due to revealing this information, but the incursion of it is willful.

Stones are toppling, it seems. Perhaps the permanence was a waiting game


…huh. This is a Flamingo alternative I could get behind. Seems we found the true elim Tineye. :P I assume we do standard practice of tracing the info back to source and lynching the Seeker if Crocodile is innocent but I’ll go with this for now. Doesn’t seem like a Meerkas gambit this time around :P 

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W-well give some g-game ch-changing developments, I will be merciful upon the b-bird  (Flamingo) and murder a Crocodile for reasons of y’know crocodiles are scary follow the cop and wh-whatnot. If c-crocodile is innocent w-we can kill mouse’s s-seeker, and if he is indeed evil w-we will have something more to go to f-from there.

also crocodiles are scary and h-have b-big teeth i h-have nightmares about them e-eating my p-parents

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31 minutes ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

(7) flamingo: crocodile, scorpion, flamingo, lion, chameleon, toucan, weasel, 

(5) crocodile: mouse, swan, penguin, elephant, rhinocerizz

Scorpion is on Crocodile, making this vote tied, but more movement would be good, yes, as well as hearing from those who have not yet voted. 

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Pardon me, I have been sick for the past couple of days and I'm nursing myself back to health.

Really wish I could put more effort other than narrowing the discussion to Crocodile  and Flamingo. But just catching up with 2 pages is flaring my headache. I'll will be back when I'm fine. 

I do I have one question to ask to @Azure Mouse, though. Any idea why the potential Seeker would choose to Seek Crocodile when there was ambiguity about Flamingo and Lion?

Edited by Emerald Falcon
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Agolac [Onyx Flamingo] seemed to have quite a way with evading death, but the Obli-gator [Mauve Crocodile] execution must be solidified. If this was false news, the Seeker will surely face execution. 

[OOC: I think seeking Crocodile over Lion/Flamingo can be explained by the latter group’s anticipated deaths via coinshot. Permanent seeker scan was likely expected, thus scanning them would have been a waste if they did die in the night.] 

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