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Anniversary Game 9/Anonymous Game 13: Rebuilding Tyrian Falls


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[OoC: To anyone who thinks I should have claimed Thug/susses me for not/whatever, I literally (not like you would use literally; like an intelligent human being would use literally) could not have claimed. I checked in at 6:53 (rollover: 7:00), read a few posts that made me think I wasn't in much danger, then had to go.

Had I had time, I would have claimed, because a Thug death isn't useful, especially after Flamingo not flipping]

Guy go sleep be4 u guys try kill Guy. Now u guys angry at Guy 4 sleep.

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Day Four: Awakening

Linaan arrived at the reservoir just after dark only to find Sidor there, standing next to a wagon. It had only been three days since their last meeting, but as she purred from the joy of seeing her again after their longest separation in months, Linaan almost forgot she wasn’t supposed to be there. Ruin saw her too. 

“Now’s your chance, my daughter! Kill her now!” 

Linaan ignored him and crouched down to run, crying out to Sidor. “Ruin knows you’re here! I’ll lead him off before the Spiked arrive.”  

“No! I won’t let you run from me,” Sidor replied. She lifted her shield off the wagon to reveal not just piles of bones and hair and fur, but a wicked, double-bladed obsidian axe. “If the Spiked come, we will kill them. Until then, tell me why you can’t bear to join me.” 

“Why do you still hesitate? See how she wields the weaponry of the Empire’s enforcers. She will use any tool, any resource, to achieve her goals. She will use you up too if you don’t stop her. Quick, before she arms herself!”

Linnan hissed at his words, then caught herself. Her ears twitched as she flicked her tail back and forth. “Ruin wants you dead. He‘s in my head constantly, telling me to kill you. If I’m around you, he can see you and direct his Spiked to find you. I know you can defend yourself, I know you’ve been trained to fight allomancers since you were a boy, but you shouldn’t have to. Please, let your other agents and I be the ones who put our lives at risk. Tyrian can’t afford to lose you. I can’t afford to lose you.”  

Sidor grabbed the axe in her left hand and her shield in her right. “You can’t treat me like a victim. I’m not going to risk myself, but you don’t get to decide you’re a threat to me without explanation. I know you don’t want to kill me, and I’d prefer the Spiked go after me than someone who can’t defend themself.”

“My Spiked have another job tonight. Killing her is your responsibility. You can even keep her bones if she means that much to you.”

Linaan hissed again to hear Ruin seemingly responding to Sidor’s words. “Ruin’s sent his Spiked out to kill someone else tonight.”

Sidor nodded. “Aurelian is the most likely target. I’ve already sent agents to watch him. Agolac is the other. His survival last night remains unexplained. I trust you to determine whether it was deserved. You must trust me not to die. I love you.”

“Understood. I’ll find Agolac. I’ll see you again when the village is safe. ” She wrapped her tail around Sidor's waist. "I love you too.”


There hadn’t been time to put in any hair, but the enhanced speed of her pony lower half made up for the time spent switching bodies. She found Agolac just in time to see him being pelted by a hail of coins, huddled under his message boards. 

“What do you mean ‘again’?” she heard him call out. “Did I forget this happened before?”

The deluge of metal began to slow and the mistcloak-shrouded figure hovering in the air hesitated, unsure how to take this new arrival. With the last coin splitting open the sign bearing Willam and Aurelian’s names, the figure soared away on lines of steel. 

Agolac turned to Linaan. “Have I forgotten who you are?”

She hesitated. Ruin’s advice, “Kill him. What use is he to you?” was no help. “I’m a villager,” she finally responded. “Tomorrow, you’ll have to prove you are too.” 


Aurelien knelt and retrieved the box from below the loose floorboards. Felt the pang as he entered Livie's empty room. Lost, but not gone, he told himself, running his fingers along the band knotted at his wrist. Never gone, for as long as he could help it.

He had left his old life behind, when he and Flavia had moved to Tyrian Falls.

A quiet village in the Central Dominance, away from the intrigues and the plotting of the North. He had come to that decision the fifth time he'd killed a Misting assassin in his own bedroom. 

No, there was no place for him among the Iron Hawks any longer.

Nor was there a place for him in the keeps of House Kosigan or House Vahanian.

Buried in the soft folds of the mistcloak were his belt of vials. He made certain to keep them fresh by securing a supply from the village metallurgist. One of the many reasons he'd favoured Tyrian Falls.

A safe place to raise a family, he'd thought.

A place where it wouldn't matter if Livie inherited the Allomancy that was his bloodright. Her bloodright.

But then the Lord Ruler had fallen to skaa insurrectionists, and then the koloss marched on Tyrian Falls, and those Spiked worshippers of a mad, imprisoned god had killed and killed.

And they had been stopped, somehow. All of them, even Scimon Tlag.

But not before market square.

Not before that welter of blood and metal and ruin. 

Not before he'd watched his wife, his best friend, and his daughter cut down, and had been powerless, unable to do anything at all without his metals.

Never again, Aurelien had sworn, except it was happening all over again. Tyrian Falls was rebuilding, but there were too many discrepancies to ignore. Small acts of sabotage. The fallen crate. The severed lift.

And then. And now.

Reverse had been killed. Aurelien had liked the glassblower. Had felt he'd a good head on his shoulders, and his heart was on the right place.

The deaths continued.

Aurelien belted on his vials, and wrapped his cloak about his shoulders. He left the armour and the sword where they lay, and picked up the dueling cane. Tonight, it was time to take to the mists. To be Mistborn again.

Aurelien pounded on the door.


And again.

Finally, it creaked open. Aurelien knew the stance, didn't even need to lean over to notice that Hastler was gripping the hilt of a dueling cane. "Aurel, you madman," Hastler said, at last, disgruntled. "What's with the visit at this hour?"

"Can I come in?" Aurelien asked. "It's something I'd rather not talk about...in the open."

Hastler nodded. His paranoia'd kept Aurelien alive on more than one battlefield. He stepped back, pulling the door open. "Come in."

Aurelien stepped through slowly.

"I see you're wearing your mistcloak again," said Hastler.


"So it's that, isn't it." Hastler managed to make the question a statement.


"You think losing a father will make it up to Livie? For the death of her mother?"

Hastler always knew the questions that would get under your skin. He had a way of getting through to the heart of the matter. 

"No," Aurelien said, acknowledging the hit. He bit down on the fury that threatened to rise. Men who killed in a rage died in a rage. And anger made you stupid. "But she won't live at all if someone doesn't stop the Spiked before the koloss descend on us. You've fought alongside koloss before, Hastler. You know what it is like."

Hastler scowled. Oh yes, he knew.

"I'm coming with you."


Hastler held up one thing. Hadn't been a dueling cane, then. A single crossbow bolt, with a flaked black tip that glinted glassily in the light. Obsidian.

The Black Archer and the Bastard of Kosigan. What a pair they'd made, in their heydays.

"I've still got your back," Hastler said. He might as well have said, "I've still got it."

"I know," Aurelien said. He caught Hastler's wrist, pushed it down. "But Livie can't lose her uncle too."

"You bastard," Hastler growled.

"I know," Aurelien said, again. "That's always what they called me. But maybe that's what Tyrian Falls needs right now."

"Come back," Flavia had said, and he knew the prayer and plea implied.

Come back safely. Come back alive.

But there was acceptance as well. She hadn't married a man who would sit there when others got killed. Not after market square. Not after last year.

Aurelien took to the rooftops. Around market square, roofing was still damaged, and in places, caved in, making for treacherous footing. But quick flashes of pewter steadied him, and he had steel and iron both, and if there was one thing found in plentiful quantities in market square, it was metal.

Tin washed out the mists, allowed him to see clearly through them.

He leapt to the top of the collapsed steeple, pulling himself to the very top, hand-over-hand. The old church to the Lord Ruler dominated the landscape of Tyrian Falls, providing him a good vantage point from which to look down at the village and its inhabitants.

Reneau had kept on pushing for the church to be restored to its former glory, nevermind that his god was dead, or that Tyrian Falls was still struggling to get back on its feet. The steeple was still treacherous, with tiles and beams threatening to give way any moment, but Aurelien trusted in his own skill.


His eyes caught a flicker of movement.

The signature tassels of a mistcloak.

Perhaps there was another Mistborn in Tyrian Falls. Perhaps not.

Aurelien leapt from the steeple.

He flew in a long, graceful arc, and then burned iron.

The world came alive, traceries of bright blue light radiating from everything to him.

He found something that seemed solid enough, and pulled.

He flew.

The other Mistborn led him on a long and merry chase through the mists. The mists curled about Aurelien, and danced outwards from the other. Aurelien narrowed his eyes. He hadn't known the mists to behave like this. "They give us power," his father had said, a long time ago.

Aurelien had expected an attack, an ambush.

What he hadn't expected was market square all over again.

He never had a chance.

Perhaps that was kindness, that day, when Zebra held off the storm from Scimon Tlag.

He didn't know how the Lurcher had fought someone like that.

He was just outmatched.

Just didn't have it.

He tried to meet the other Mistborn strength to strength. He was certain they were matched, weight for weight, and yet there was a force and power to the other's Steelpushes and Ironpulls that Aurelien struggled to beat.

Metals ripped through him. Pewter kept him standing, kept him upright, kept him conscious.

He charged, daggers held out. Pulled Iron to send himself flying through the air.

A shock, as though he'd been punched in the gut.

Crossbow bolts ripped through him. One, and then another.

He knew the fletching.

But Hastler was dead.

But Hastler

was dead.

And his pewter was running out. Running out of pewter was always the danger. Then the shock killed you.

He was a dead man, on his last legs. The Spiked laughed.

I win again, Ruin whispered, in the remnants of his shattered mindYou tried and you failed, Bastard.

"Hush now," said a voice he knew. A gentle kiss on his cheek, her fingers interlaced with his.

"Hush now, Aurel."


Light through the shutters of the window. A beautiful, golden morning, the quiet sort he'd come to appreciate in Tyrian Falls. The gentle tolling of the church bell.

"Daddy, come on!" Livie giggled. "Uncle Hastler says he's got something to show you!"

Could it be?

Aurelien opened his eyes.


The wall clicked closed once again as Oleinda turned towards Afandor. She held out another vial of metal. He was running dangerously low on steel—a resource growing more and more scarce in Tyrian Falls.

Unless you had connections. Unless a lot of people dismissed you as a threat because you were blind and not metalborn. It allowed Oleinda to be more discreet about her acquisitions of the metal. Some may be upset about it, but she was doing it for the greater good.

She couldn’t forget the sounds of her beloved city being torn apart at Tlag’s last stand. The shouts. The deaths. It lived in her mind, repeating again and again. Which is why she tried so hard to stop it from happening now.

Afandor grabbed her shoulder, his fingers brushing hers as he took the vial. “It won’t happen again. I won’t let it.”

“But Aurelien—”

“He was making too much noise. Of course someone wanted him dead.”

They’d found him on their patrol. Afandor had taken her again, though begrudgingly. She’d caught the scent of death on the wind again and led him to the body. He’d said there was a brutality to the murder that suggested it had been from the Spiked. She hadn’t been surprised by either part of that statement. Instead, she’d held her hand to her nose and listened, just in case the Spiked was still nearby. But she heard nothing. Only the mists themselves shifting through the streets of Tyrian.

Afandor had taken her home, then. His metal was running low and she was exhausted. It was more than just the late nights and lack of sleep. It was the impending doom weighing on her soul.

“What if we can’t stop this? Last year was a miracle. Can we really expect another?”

Afandor pulled her across the room and sat her down, keeping hold of her hand. The wood floor thumped softly as he knelt in front of her. “Oleinda. The fight is always worth it. Even if it seems hopeless. Even if it’s equivalent to killing the Lord Ruler himself, it’s always worth it. After all, someone actually accomplished that.”

“Which led to a world in chaos.”

“Better a world where skaa can be free in that chaos than a world of suppression and hiding.” He pulled her hands closer, shifting so his chest was pressed against her knees. “We are free, Oleinda. Free to be who we were born to be. And that is worth fighting for.”

Salmon Meerkat was killed by the Spiked! They were a Village Mistborn! They also wrote their own death writeup.

Onyx Flamingo was attacked by a Coinshot, but survived!

Day Four has begun! This turn will end Saturday, January 7 at 6:00 PM PST / Sunday January 8 at 2 a.m. GMT / 1 p.m. AEDT

PMs are Open

Player List:


1. @Amethyst Scorpion - Scop

2. @Azure Mouse

3. @Charcoal Hyena - Aylia

4. @Chartreuse Penguin - Donn Keihote (Insane)

5. @Coral Swan - Onidsen (Scholar, Caroler; has animal companion)

6. @Cream Tuatara - Willam (Terris Steward) Vanilla Villager

7. @Emerald Falcon - Luciel (sheriff)

8. @Fuchsia Ostrich - Koros (Secret Agent)

9. @Indigo Weasel

10. @Ivory Dragonfly - (Manic Ghostblood)

11. @Magenta Albatross -VarLeel

12. @Mauve Crocodile - (Obli-gator)

13. @Melon Dingo - Reverse (Glassblower, not psychologist) Village Smoker

14. @Mint Heron- Reneau (Former Obligator in denial) Village Smoker

15. @Onyx Flamingo - Agolac (Forgetful)

16. @Opal Lion - Guy (Internet Speak)

17. @Sunburst Toucan - Avil Ejir

18. @Pearl Chameleon - WitLees (Kandra barkeep)

19. @Plum Rhinoceros

20. @Saffron Iguana - Taltin Keriell (Undercover nobleman spy) Village Rioter

21. @Sage Kangaroo - (High Imperial) Village Lurcher

22. @Salmon Meerkat - Aurelien (Awake) Village Mistborn

23. @Sapphire Elephant - Ciril Yuanivori (Sleeptalking oversleeper)

Tineye Messages:





"Stupid philosophy, oh how you vex

You try to explain, but only perplex

You twist and turn words, into knots so tight

Leaving us confused in the day and the night


You claim to seek truth, but in circles you spin

Your theories and ideas never seem to win

You ramble on and on, with no end in sight

Leaving us all wondering, what is wrong or right


Your words are empty, your thoughts unclear

Your arguments weak and your logic flawed, I fear

You try to sound smart, but only sound absurd

Leaving us all feeling oh so deterred


So goodbye to you, stupid philosophy

We have had enough of your idiocy

We'll seek out truth in more productive ways

Leaving you behind in a cloud of haze"



Did anyone find me yet? :)




Would a macaw be able to become a Radiant? Or do you need sentience?

Brandon Sanderson

You need sapience. A macaw could not become a Knight Radiant. A macaw could, theoretically, enter a symbiotic spren bond, which would have different effects. Like, Ryshadium or even most of the larger greatshells don't have sapience. But a lot of creatures on Roshar do have what I would term an in-between step between human-level intelligence and animal-level intelligence on Earth. Ryshadium are in this; chasmfiends, as well, are smarter than an animal can get on Earth.

-Lil Goat


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3 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Onyx Flamingo was attacked by a Coinshot, but survived!



3 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Salmon Meerkat was killed by the Spiked! They were a Village Mistborn! They also wrote their own death writeup.

Rest in peace, friend

Edited by Charcoal Hyena
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6 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

Salmon Meerkat was killed by the Spiked! They were a Village Mistborn! They also wrote their own death writeup.


May you find peace in death, a peace that we won't find until the end.

Gut is partially tugging me towards believing that Flamingo is set up to be a WBG if the coinshot is spiked, doesn't help much now I suppose and I don't really believe it. Will be on more tomorrow still got Calc to finish and the allergy shot today combined with practice killed my shoulders and fingers.

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5 minutes ago, Sapphire Elephant said:

RIP Meerkat... A great writeup though.

See, I'm inclined to vote Flamingo right out of the gate because that seems like Lurcher protection, and unless there's good reason for it behind the scenes, that making me feel like V!Coinshot with a Spiked team that has protects.


I th-think He could also b-be a mistborn. Like an impossibly l-lucky m-mistborn.

f-flamingo are y-you a m-mistborn? It’s a p-perfectly f-friendly q-question and y-you sh-should definitely ignore th-the l-large butcher kn-knife in m-my hand.

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11 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

May you find peace in death, a peace that we won't find until the end.

Gut is partially tugging me towards believing that Flamingo is set up to be a WBG if the coinshot is spiked, doesn't help much now I suppose and I don't really believe it. Will be on more tomorrow still got Calc to finish and the allergy shot today combined with practice killed my shoulders and fingers.

My question would be, why not go buzzsaw mode if you have two kills available as an elim team? Meerkat would have died far earlier if the Spiked had that much ability to sieze control of the thread. 

7 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

I th-think He could also b-be a mistborn. Like an impossibly l-lucky m-mistborn.

f-flamingo are y-you a m-mistborn? It’s a p-perfectly f-friendly q-question and y-you sh-should definitely ignore th-the l-large butcher kn-knife in m-my hand.

I can't remember if this is a game where mistborns reroll repeats or not, but I think the likelihood of rolling Thug twice in a row is low. 

Praise The Lord Ruler! 

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I have a very simplified case against Flamingo:

V!Flamingo, to survive unaided, has to be a Mistborn. Raw Thug and Lurcher cannot save you two nights in a row. Assuming Pewter was not drawn N1, the odds of a double Pewter roll N2/3 are (9/64 * 2/64), about a 0.44% chance, which I am discarding for the sake of sanity. (Also v! Flamingo should have warned us if this happened, since the Coinshot clearly has a thing for them >>) If they drew Iron in conjunction with Pewter, it’s still not great odds, and self-pres with said Iron is also not a good look. Thus, I am unwilling to assume Flamingo survived unaided. 

There is only one remaining world, then: Flamingo was saved by the Spiked. If Flamingo is village and this is a frame job, then we either have to theorise e!Coinshot which means Elan and Devo are boring and uninventive with their trolls (X), or v!Lion with v!Flamingo. Why? Because any Coinshot with an ounce of sense should have shot Lion yesterday, and if they had a little less than an ounce then the Flam shot happens as we’ve seen. (No sense!CS shooting a random third party luckily did not happen.) So the Elims have to choose between the two of these people who to protect. If Lion is evil, they protect him. If he’s village, they can choose between him and Flam. However, I refuse to accept a v!Lion, v!Flamingo world because it makes zero storming sense. Ergo, Flamingo evil.

The prosecution rests, your Honour. [Your Preservation? We are on Scadrial…]

Edited by Coral Swan
Bad math
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I don't actually know how I survived. I mean, someone had to have Lurched me, but I'm a Thug, and my life got burned already. Kinda wish whoever it was had just let me die. I'm not going to lie, having everyone on my back for this long (and two kill attempts by someone who pretty much has to be a villager) is kinda killing my motivation for this game, especially since it's taking time that could be spent with my family.

I'll maybe do a couple more ISOs this cycle, but I'll help get myself out of the way so you can figure things out without me. Flamingo.

7 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

I w-will make m-myself a b-beautiful p-pink h-hat out of f-flamingo’s f-feathers

Sorry to disappoint, but my feathers are currently black, and will probably have reddish-brown stains by sometime tomorrow.

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In other news, we have a new Tineye! It looks like three three letter words, but the part I've highlighted is throwing me. I'm guessing this is a Mistborn, and suspect Meerkat would have written something more verbose. 

Praise The Lord Ruler!

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1 hour ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

rip cute and cuddly meerkat =[

rip cute and cuddly lion >=[

Curious as to why you'd vote me, I'm just a Thug, but Flamingo is either an extremely lucky Mistborn or an elim. Or an extremely lucky elim Mistborn. And if Flamingo is indeed an elim (implying elims having a Thug and a Lurcher), then it would require a crazy distro for me to be an elim.

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Well that's... Not great. I was already hard reading Meerkat as village, but them being mistborn on top of that makes the loss much worse. There was a very small paranoid piece of me that was wondering why the elims hadn't killed them yet, but I'm glad that part of me remains the paranoid part of me. 

I genuinely have no idea who to exe. Not for lack of good targets, but just because I really want Penguin, Lion, and flamingo dead now, just for the audacity of surviving TWICE. And I'm just not sure exactly which of these three is the best use of time. 

Edit: alright after reading posts, I have an extremely crack theory that probably has something to do with me getting entirely too little sleep, but here it is:

What if the elims just decided to troll the ever living flip out of us

They must have known either Lion or Flamingo would get hit by the coinshot last night, and so they protected one in order to completely throw us off our game, waste another lynch, and aggravate the ever living flip out of me at the idea of needing to deal with BOTH LION AND FLAMINGO STILL BEING ALIVE

AHHHHHHHHHH this is so annoying because this is a complete and utter waste of time

Edited by Indigo Weasel
I might be slightly woozy
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10 hours ago, Mauve Crocodile said:

My question would be, why not go buzzsaw mode if you have two kills available as an elim team? Meerkat would have died far earlier if the Spiked had that much ability to sieze control of the thread. 

10 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Hmmm true. Good for us, but trouble killing elims they seem to have.

6 hours ago, Indigo Weasel said:

Edit: alright after reading posts, I have an extremely crack theory that probably has something to do with me getting entirely too little sleep, but here it is:

What if the elims just decided to troll the ever living flip out of us

They must have known either Lion or Flamingo would get hit by the coinshot last night, and so they protected one in order to completely throw us off our game, waste another lynch, and aggravate the ever living flip out of me at the idea of needing to deal with BOTH LION AND FLAMINGO STILL BEING ALIVE

AHHHHHHHHHH this is so annoying because this is a complete and utter waste of time

That's basically my paranoid theory, but with the coinshot as village :P

Good for you for being less paranoid than me.

Still going to go with Flamingo.

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Donn Keihote sat on a doorstep, eating a pickle. The house was empty now, though it had been lived in just a couple days ago. This town was full of too many ghosts for a normal town - they didn't walk around, but instead lived in the haunted eyes of the living. The newest ghost lived in a dead man, left on the ground in Market Square.


I don't think we should kill Flamingo, I think we should try to figure things out. So they survived twice. It's possible that a Lurcher or Mistborn decided they trusted Flamingo and protected them. It's also possible that the Elims wanted to waste another Village kill. It's possible that the Coinshot is one of us inactive people, submitted their kill, and didn't change it after the Lion exe failed. I'm not saying it happened, just that it's possible.

I'm not saying we should definitely not kill Flamingo, I'm just saying maybe we shouldn't be so quick about it. Maybe we should go back and reread their posts, taking into account that we now have exactly what we wanted from Flamingo last cycle - a roleclaim. If you've already done that for yourself, thank you very much. If not, please do. I myself haven't yet, but I will, and if I think Flamingo is evil afterwards I will fight against them. I just feel like something's wrong with the situation right now. Additionally, if we bus Flamingo this early in the day, what will we talk about later? If Flamingo's village, the Elims have no pressure. If they're Elim, Flamingo's teammates probably won't stick their own necks out to try to save Flamingo, and the other Elims still have no pressure.

I'm sorry, I just felt like someone should say something.

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