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Is the Evil on Threnody actually the Fain?

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4 hours ago, Eternal Khol said:

Ive had that though too that The Evil is some kind of Fain or corrupted Fain shadow or something like that and i definitely think its plausible. Brandon has even said that Fainlife has spread off of Yolen “in significant ways”…


I also just found out that the Sho Del used silver sheaths so might be connected to the use of silver on Threnody.

My other theory is that the Evil is related to Living Night (and all the other stuff probably derived from the same substance) from AoN.

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On 12/4/2022 at 9:31 PM, lacrossedeamon said:

Given that both are described as a kind of encroaching danger to humans and that Ambition's Vessel was fain I think it's possible that the Evil is related to it.

I wouldn't be surprised if the physical manifestations of the Evil is Fain - but since a Splinter may be composed of a mixture of investiture from two or more Shards, I wonder if the entity "Evil" is actually a Splinter that is comprised of both Ambition and Odium's investiture.



A Splinter is the term for a specific type of fragment of Investiture that is ultimately derived from Adonalsium.[2] These Splinters can be composed of a single Shard's power or the Investiture of multiple Shards. They are present in many worlds of the cosmere, sometimes in abundant quantities[3] or with self-aware personalities,[4] while other times they are absent altogether or exist simply as a chunk of raw power guided by something else.


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  • 3 weeks later...
On 12/5/2022 at 8:45 AM, Eternal Khol said:

Ive had that though too that The Evil is some kind of Fain or corrupted Fain shadow or something like that and i definitely think its plausible. Brandon has even said that Fainlife has spread off of Yolen “in significant ways”…

I'm starting to wonder... could Fain be a type of Aether?

 Also, I don't remember if you saw that theory regarding Elantris’ walls and White Sand... now I'm starting to wonder... what if that's a form of Fainlife? Admittedly, that idea mostly only stems from them being white in colour.


And yup, lacrossedeamon, had the same idea! The Evil being a hostile ecosystem makes much more sense for how people managed to escape the continent than a malevolent powerful entity.

Bringing Fainlife over to infect another planet might also have given Odium the excuse he needed to attack Ambition.

Really looking forward to that Threnody novel! The Evil, the Deepest Ones, the Night Brigade (Dust Brigade sounded cooler, dammit!), and oh boy, isn't that name really interesting after reading the sample of a certain Secret Project

Edited by Honorless
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  • 5 months later...

I personally just prefer the idea of the Evil being a Splinter of Ambition (or Ambition and Odium), which broke off in their fight. It very much could be associated with Fain though, that is pretty reasonable. 

I just thought the big thing he meant by "in significant ways" was about like, Koravellium, Xisis, Uli Da, Sho Del guides in the CR, and (SP3 Spoilers): 


The Sho Del on UTol

Those I would all consider pretty significant. 

But again, not saying the Evil isn't associated with Fain. But I don't think it just is the Fain ecosystem. 

Edited by Firesong
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