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Nicrosil Duraliumin theory


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Lets say you had a full Mistborn who also is a Feruchemtist. He is burning Pewter, and Duralumin and drawing from pewter as well. Two more full Mistborn stand next to him, each burning Duralumin and Nicrosil. How strong would the initial Mistborn get, you could bring this farther by having the initial Mistborn also burning Nicrosil. Is there a max level of strength you could get to, is there a way to make this more powerful. I dont know if this has already been asked but I wanted to know the answer to this, Thx.

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This is an interesting theory, I believe that since duralumin and nicrosil both burn a the rest of the next metal burned in a burst of extreme power, there would be no change in the rate at which the metals burn compared to using duralumin. Also where does the feruchemist come into play with this theory.

Edited by SandersonFan123
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So while the actual growth of the muscles will not end up harming the fullborn (feruchemist+Mistborn), I do think it would be slightly ridiculous. The person in questions would get insanely beefy really quickly, and then deflate real fast.

as another user said, a duralumin burst of Nicrosil wouldn’t do much, as any amount of Nicrosil would use up all of the reserves of the target, so you can’t get better than that.


as to how you would make it stronger, there’s some minute things.

1) this is assuming that there is a limit to how much you can compound. There is not, as far as I’m aware. So given infinite time and given infinite metalminds, you could get infinitely beefy (for a very short time).


2) if you are trying to get the most infinite out of your infinite, you could have the fullborn in question be a lerasium Mistborn. That way, they would be as strong as possible of a Mistborn. I’m not 100% sure if that’ll allow your compounding to be more efficient, but it sure wouldn’t hurt.

3) Hemalurgy. This one DOES have a limit, but it can be pushed really far if you don’t mind ruin/harmony getting control of you. With spiking yourself with extra A-pewter, your compounding would (presumably) get even better.

4) Nicrosil compounding. This could be a whole post on its own, as F-nicrosil is a finicky thing that we don’t know much about, but from what we understand, it stores your ability to burn a metal. If that’s compounded, I would say that it would increase the strength of whatever metallic art you choose to store. With infinite compounding, you could have an infinitely higher strength for your infinite human strength balloon.

5) maaaaybe F-duralumin compounding. So, here’s the thing. Your connection to preservation is what determines the strength of your allomancy. Lerasium, being a big ol hunk of lerasium, increases your connection to preservation, which is what makes them Mistborn, and very powerful ones. If you could somehow store and compound that connection, which is a big if, you could get real strong powers, which would (again, someone please confirm this for me) lead to real strong human muscle balloon bomb. You could just achieve this with munching a ton of lerasium, but that almost seems harder than just figuring out how to compound connection to preservation.

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4 hours ago, Ookla the Headmuncher said:

So while the actual growth of the muscles will not end up harming the fullborn (feruchemist+Mistborn), I do think it would be slightly ridiculous. The person in questions would get insanely beefy really quickly, and then deflate real fast.

Not sure that's necessarily true, steel is also supposed to be theoretically infinite but Brandon has said air friction will burn you up after a certain point. I don't know what may happen, but I don't think we should assume that feruchemic usage compensates for user safety infinitely.

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This isn't quite true, durilium and necrosil burn metals really fast, but not instantaneously. There are scenes where Vin burns iron or steel, then durilium, then pushes/pulls. I believe there was also a mention of Elend having stronger D bursts, and a mention of flaring durilium for stronger effects. The necrosil would burn the durilium incredibly quickly, which would increase the speed at which the pewter burned. However, I believe that only the strongest enhancement would take effect, meaning that if Person A burned D and N, touching PB burning D and N, the Durilium would be effected by the Ded-NA, meaning NB is stronger, which can be used to cause PA or PC to burn through their Durilium in a burst, increasing the effect of the pewter or necrosil.

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19 hours ago, IlstrawberrySeed said:

This isn't quite true, durilium and necrosil burn metals really fast, but not instantaneously. There are scenes where Vin burns iron or steel, then durilium, then pushes/pulls. I believe there was also a mention of Elend having stronger D bursts, and a mention of flaring durilium for stronger effects. The necrosil would burn the durilium incredibly quickly, which would increase the speed at which the pewter burned. However, I believe that only the strongest enhancement would take effect, meaning that if Person A burned D and N, touching PB burning D and N, the Durilium would be effected by the Ded-NA, meaning NB is stronger, which can be used to cause PA or PC to burn through their Durilium in a burst, increasing the effect of the pewter or necrosil.

Is is Duralumin, not Durilium. Also Nicrosil, no Necrosil. Am a bit groggy still so not ready to analyze the theory right now, just correcting your spelling of the metals. 

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