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"You will stop!"


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At the end of Warbreaker, there is a moment when the God King starts awakening objects, using the ability granted to him by the 6th heightening to instinctively awaken objects. The whole palace turns white and the Pahn Kahl people think it is an earthquake. Bluefingers goes back to killing Siri, looking away, when the cloths burst into the room. The God King says, "You will stop!" and the text says Bluefingers looks up, seeming dumbfounded. How possible is it that this is some sort of command that the God king is instinctively using to stop Bluefingers?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/29/2022 at 7:49 PM, That1Cellist said:

I mean, it's possible, but I think that the guy with immense power that you thought was mute and couldn't use it bursting into the room you are in suddenly, yelling at you to stop, glowing in all his glory, and clearly being mad at you would provoke such a reaction from basically anyone.

Also, the God King was supposed to be dead already. The last he knew, Susebron was bound up and tongueless in the basement, unable to stop his associates from threatening and killing other Returned right in front of him, or to defend himself. So, a huge shock on so many levels.

"You! You're... Supposed to be dead! And mute! and like, with the passive nature of a sheltered child! And... Oh... Colors."

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 9/29/2022 at 7:49 PM, That1Cellist said:

I mean, it's possible, but I think that the guy with immense power that you thought was mute and couldn't use it bursting into the room you are in suddenly, yelling at you to stop, glowing in all his glory, and clearly being mad at you would provoke such a reaction from basically anyone.


Not Rashek. He'd probably just roll his eyes and slap Susebron's head off, then complain to his palace maid about the messes that keep being made in his chambers.

Mistborn spoiler :) 

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On 11/3/2022 at 5:01 PM, Trusk'our said:
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Not Rashek. He'd probably just roll his eyes and slap Susebron's head off, then complain to his palace maid about the messes that keep being made in his chambers.

Mistborn spoiler :) 

You assume that Rashek could easily beat Susebron why? I'd say their amount of Investiture rivals each other.

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2 minutes ago, Ninth of the Night said:

You assume that Rashek could easily beat Susebron why? I'd say their amount of Investiture rivals each other.

Rashek has far more combat experience, while Susebron has never really actually fought before. Rashek also has a more combat focused skill set, and one that is able to be used quicker. Rashek is also smarter and more duplicitous. 

So I feel that Rashek has all kinds of advantages over Susebron in terms of combat.

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That's fair, and I don't disagree with that assessment. I won't deny that Rashek most likely would win in a confrontation between the two. However he wouldn't win easily. And that's just considering the Susebron that we've seen up to this point. Imagine him after a few years or so of getting acclimated to his powers. That would be a much different fight.

Edited by Ninth of the Night
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On 11/7/2022 at 2:41 AM, Ninth of the Night said:

That's fair, and I don't disagree with that assessment. I won't deny that Rashek most likely would win in a confrontation between the two. However he wouldn't win easily. And that's just considering the Susebron that we've seen up to this point. Imagine him after a few years or so of getting acclimated to his powers. That would be a much different fight.

Rashek can Compound speed, strength, weight, awareness, healing, and whatever else, so I think he could probably beat a dozen Susebrons at once, very easily, if he was motivated enough and free from Ruin's control. As mentioned, his skillset is very combat focused.

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 11/6/2022 at 9:30 PM, Ninth of the Night said:

You assume that Rashek could easily beat Susebron why? I'd say their amount of Investiture rivals each other.

Awakening is a very cool magic system, and is actually one of my favorites. It has quite a bit of versatility in the right hands, but it doesn't provide; regenerative powers, super speed, telekinesis, precognition (except from Returned's dreams, which seems of little practical use for combat), emotional manipulation, Investiture draining powers, temporal manipulation, or personal heat manipulation. Rashek's power set does, which provides him with numerous advantages against Susebron.

It isn't entirely inconceivable that a powerful Awakener could potentially kill a Fullborn, but I believe that the difference in their power sets would put the Awakener, even a very experienced one, at a severe disadvantage in almost every scenario.

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It depends on wether aromatic effects are considered "toxins." And what the higher lightnings are, say 20 thousandth hightning might give you speed, the 100th immunity to chromium, and so on. We only know some of the power granted by the 10th. Also, with so many breaths, they can just awaken the metals being drawn, or the impaled metal minds, to investiture eat the full born. Of course, this is irrelevant for Susebron.

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  • 1 month later...

Susebron himself might not be a match for Rashek, but Vasher with the same number of breaths?  Yeah.  I’d vote on Vasher. 
Mainly it comes down to being prepared.  At the 10th Heightening, you can awaken everything around you.  He’d have awakened armor, and remember Nightblood Himself was created by someone with the 9th Heightening. Yes, there were circumstances, but Vasher knows how to do that.  And what would Awakened Armor of the same level be able to do?   Who knows?  

Give him a room full of cloth and ropes and whatnot, and while possible that Rashek could just barrel through it, I don’t know.  And while I know it’s hard to Awaken metalminds, it’s not impossible.  Susebron is many times more invested than Rashek was by the end.  He could awaken Rashek’s clothes, at least, and use them to destruct and confuse.  

it would be a tough fight, one Rashek might just win (because near infinite speed and Strength is almost an I Win button), but I’ve grown a new respect for Awakener and Returned recently.  Cosmere Necromancy for the win!

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