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the Unmade vs Nightblood


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Nightblood can cut through Fused, Thunderclasts, and Spren.

2 questions.

Yes, I know that Nightblood hurts like crazy when you draw it. But If Szeth drew it some more, he could’ve annihilated the Fused forever. However, can Nightblood destroy an Unmade or the Nightwatcher, Stormfather and Sibling?


Edited by FusedOfHonor
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I think so.  Even if something was so big (investiture-wise) that he couldnt absorb it all, I think what he could do would shred and shatter whatever Cognitive self was holding the spren or unmade together.  The trick would be to stab their "true" form, whatever that may be, and do the damage before they could cut it off like a poisoned limb.  Stabbing the Highstorm might be hard, for example, and some of the Unmade seem to only manifest in Shadesmar.  

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1 hour ago, Nathrangking said:

Possibly or seriously damage them. We know that Shards are beyond it, but something lesser might be killable.

We know he can kill Vessels though. Also I think the Stormfather is beyond reach since he is too dispersed to actually be attacked. But I think Nightblood could kill something like the Nightwatcher or an Unmade.

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Just a couple somewhat relevant WoB. So hard to say for sure because we really do not know what Nightblood's limit is exactly except that it is not enough to kill a shard, enough to kill a vessel but he will get "full" from a perpendicularity. I would think he could kill an Unmade and damage but not kill Nightwatcher/Storm Father because he would get too full. 





Nightblood has more Investiture than any other being, right?

Brandon Sanderson

Not every other being, but definitely one of the most highly Invested individuals that we have seen.


So Nightblood, he was used to wound Odium. Is Odium now weaker than he was before?

Brandon Sanderson

Not in a relevant way. Technically, yes. Not in a relevant way. The amount taken, compared to how much there is, is pretty small. And a whole bunch of what happened there was focused on the Vessel, not on Odium itself.


Could Nightblood consume Odium?

Brandon Sanderson

Nightblood would get full before consuming even the smallest fraction amount of Odium. As you saw, Nightblood kind of got full in that instance. Actually, it was with the perpendicularity, it would be similar to that. So for those who are wondering, no, you can't stab Nightblood into the planet and absorb the planet. Nightblood is really dangerous, as we've seen, but we're not talking "absorb planets" dangerous.

Dragonsteel Mini-Con 2021 (Nov. 22, 2021)







You've previously said that Nightblood is the most powerful non-Shardic being in the Cosmere. Is he more powerful than the Unmade or Stormfather in terms of raw Investiture?

Brandon Sanderson

Raw Investiture? Here's the thing, when you say powerful, it can mean lots of different things. More raw Investiture than the Stormfather... probably not. Than the Unmade, probably. I would have to look, I don't have the numbers on this. But the Stormfather is very restricted in what he can do.

Orem Signing (March 16, 2019)


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Stormfather is not only spren but he also holds the bigest remains of Honor, he's probably the most invested being beyond Shards, so I believe stabbing him with Nighblood would look really similar to stabbing Odium - it could seriously damage or even destroy the identity of the spren but not fully consume all of its Investiture. What would remain would be injured Stormfather or Investiture without a Vessel, which would probably reform and manifest itself as new spren. You could probably stab Stormfather in that vision during Highstorm as it looks almost the same as Odium's visions that Taravangian was pulled into. But other Godsprens and Unmade would probably be fully consumed by Nightblood.

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