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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless nodded sharply. "Thank you. And thanks for getting the wolves to leave." Turning back towards the unconscious group to make sure they were all right, Nameless released saidin, letting the shield he'd been prepared to slam between Rue and the Source disappear.

@Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Emma sat near the group staring at Sylva.

She looks so much like Anne, exactly the same, but a different name. Perhaps.

Emma probed out at Sylva's mind and she felt a tangled bunch of conciousnesses.

What in the...It's a mass of conciousnesses in one mind, life after life.

Subconciously Emma spun them around at bit, absently searching. Trying to see if what her friend said was true.

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25 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“To change the way you feel about going on, or anything like that.” She shrugs. “You don’t have to tell me what you remembered, but how is it affecting you?”


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Insa shook her head. "I wish that I hadn't made some stupid decisions. I wish that this" She shot a couple of sparks out into the forest. "had moved a little faster. I wish they hadn't been punished for my choices. But to wish that I weren't or to not want to be I don't think I have the ability to do that."

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16 hours ago, CalanoCorvus said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway - Hallway

Calano blinked, reorienting his sense of direction.

Gods, this was surreal. Calano just... fell.

Not much happened.

"So how long do we do this?" He asked over the wind.

@The Bookwyrm @Shadowed

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway - Hallway

"Not long."

Bookwyrm positioned Calano and Matra so that he could hold onto both of them at the same time. Then, he slowly accelerated them until they were plummeting down the hallway like a deep shaft, the wind buffeting their faces.


Edited by The Bookwyrm
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18 minutes ago, Aes Sedai said:

Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"We all wish we could change some of the choices we've made," Rue says. "Light, but I do. I don't...that is...is there anything we can do to help these people now?"


Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

"No. They're gone. Ripped to pieces and eaten. Gone."

@Aes Sedai

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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

“Oh,” Rue says awkwardly. “I…I’m sorry, Insa. I don’t know if this helps, but I don’t think you’re the kind of person who would purposely kill others. I’m sure it was a simple mistake, one that whoever it was will understand…”


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Ravelast: Sixth Archive Gateway

Nameless looked up as Insa approached, removing his hand from Bookwyrm's forehead. "I finished delving them. No injuries that I could find. Are you all right? Couldn't see what happened to you through the flames.


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12 hours ago, The Bookwyrm said:

Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway - Hallway

"Not long."

Bookwyrm positioned Calano and Matra so that he could hold onto both of them at the same time. Then, he slowly accelerated them until they were plummeting down the hallway like a deep shaft, the wind buffeting their faces.


Dreamscape: Sixth Archive Pathway - Hallway

Calano squinted against the wind, tears forming in his eyes as the cold air buffeted his face.

He blinked, calling on his power from the Crow God Of Light, and the tunnel brightened slightly, enough that he could see.

There were engravings on the wall, ornate, but he was moving too fast to make them out. Interesting.


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