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Awakening questions

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Does an awakened rope or cloth keep its natural tensile strength, or does awakening and infusing cloth with breath make it stronger?   

If I tried to grab an iron ferring with awakened wrappings would the material that the wrappings were made from effect how much weight that ferring would have to use to cause my own weapons to tear themselves apart?

And finally does awakening and infusing cloth give it investiture resistance?  I know shardblades vs aluminum just puts the shardblade against aluminum like a normal sword would have hit it.... so awakened cloth would likely just be cut right through and then the blade would fuzz later.  But would awakened materials like wood or stone or metal resist a shardblade?  Would those breaths disappear as it gets hit or would you be able to collect the breaths from the pieces later on if you survived?

Also what happens if you awakened a stick?  We know that nightblood was a normal sword before awakening.  If you were to awaken a stick or wooden dueling cane to "break things" could you end up with something that could cause more damage for less impact perhaps?  


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I think that, to an extent, it will strengthen the cloth, although I have no evidence. However, I am pretty sure that of you put enough Breath into the cloth, it would resist Shardblades, although it would require a lot of Breath.

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I would say with a lot of confidence that awakening a piece of cloth would offer a lot of resistance to it maybe not making it shardblade proof but pretty strong because when you awaken something you are reinforcing the idea that that piece of cloth is one object an not a collection of objects. I would say that by awakening anything you have to first view it as an object which makes it think that it is more of an object which turns into a reinforcing circle that just makes something all the more stronger. Something similar applies to spren in that they first have to view themselves as spren for them to truly be spren and this plays into the idea that everything in a cognitive way has to believe that it itself exists  before anyone else does, but this thinking only really applies to cognitive realm.

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On 3/14/2022 at 0:26 AM, Stormlit-man said:

I would say with a lot of confidence that awakening a piece of cloth would offer a lot of resistance to it maybe not making it shardblade proof but pretty strong because when you awaken something you are reinforcing the idea that that piece of cloth is one object an not a collection of objects. I would say that by awakening anything you have to first view it as an object which makes it think that it is more of an object which turns into a reinforcing circle that just makes something all the more stronger. Something similar applies to spren in that they first have to view themselves as spren for them to truly be spren and this plays into the idea that everything in a cognitive way has to believe that it itself exists  before anyone else does, but this thinking only really applies to cognitive realm.

"I am a stick!"


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