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Secret Project 1 reading!

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I am worried no one has posted yet, am i breaking some rules here?

Ok, I already like the premise enough. I don't think I have ever gotten sold on a love story so quickly( Maybe I just hate unnecessary drama), but it's small, simple and sweet, that I just really like them.

And not to mention, this is the aether world(maybe?) or atleast contains aethers, so super excited, since they are the last important cosmere pillar.

Iriali are here! I was so taken a back by that. How many planets could they be on?

The fairy tale style is not my cup of tea at all, i think that takes a lot of investment away( because then I get reminded that I am reading a story) and hoid I am afraid will be a lot more like Wayne than i would like( which is 0%), but this is going to transition to an epic fantasy, so fingers crossed.

Still super excited for this!


(Fairy tale style usually only works for children stories for me, like the Hobbit, Narnia, Princess bride which is something that I don't think fits with cosmere very well)

(Now I feel greedy and want an epic fantasy set on sel(it has the best magic systems))

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9 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

I am worried no one has posted yet, am i breaking some rules here?

Ok, I already like the premise enough. I don't think I have ever gotten sold on a love story so quickly( Maybe I just hate unnecessary drama), but it's small, simple and sweet, that I just really like them.


9 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

And not to mention, this is the aether world(maybe?) or atleast contains aethers, so super excited, since they are the last important cosmere pillar.

It is an Aether world. I do not think that you can conclude that it is the only world with this arrangement. Nor can you even really conclude that this world holds all the Aethers.

9 minutes ago, KaladinWorldsinger said:

Iriali are here! I was so taken a back by that. How many planets could they be on?

One - at a time. They have left.


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AHAHA!! I love this story already. First of all, Tress? 100% relatable. I think she might be my spirit animal?? tbd.

Also their flirting skills? Iconic "your hair is the color of the sun... If the sun light were a light brownish sort of color." Reminds me of me trying to talk to boys: "If the definition of great were in the dictionary... which, you know, it is... then you would be right there!" 

I also love this world building. Especially the mechanics of sailing. It seemed like they had control of the vents that were under the seas? I might have read it wrong but I want to know more!! I have this wonderful concept forming in my head of different types of suits they could wear to protect them from the spores. 

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Listening to him read it, all I could think about is Michael Kramer reading this in Hoid's voice. I knew they want to reach out to different to different narrators but I hope they let this come to pass. I know its a small sample but it just made me that much more excited to dig into it!

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