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Tbh if the elims had just gone in and gotten me killed the day it was me v. Gorilla then things would have gone differently. Had we made the me-hyena-kat PM by then? Even just me not being coinshot that night probably would have put the elims at a big advantage tbh. Then again, I suppose if I wasn't double tapped then Cham might have been dying :p. 

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Heh heh. He heh heh heh heh heh!

That was fun. Although I’ll admit it’s nice to be free of the voice of Scimon Tlag. Would have made saying “I don’t want PMs” a lot easier and all that.

Most of my thoughts either require a bit more brainpower than I have (I was very personally busy today) or my identity (which is probably quite obvious, unless you’re D3 Axolotl, in which case… no, that’s not who I am), so they’ll wait. But I will say I had a lot of fun both being the Last Bastion of RP and the Last Bastion of the Curse of Tyrian Falls, with the reckless abandon that I’ll always cherish. I don’t know how long until I got bored of it.

Oh. And I love the idea of Guestbooks - my only worry is there might become ideas of how certain accounts act (ie Dingo being the RP-apathy one), but that’s not something that I’m super worried about in practice.

And @Coral Swan! Glad we had some fun together. I actually got to have a character develop in real time, which was fun. A shame Ruin started leaning on him too hard. But seriously, thanks for the fun and RP (and letting the Village Mistborn put their eyes somewhere else).

…. rusts, there actually was another Village Mistborn. I was sure that was a bluff. Or Penguin being far too sneaky.

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I'm sorry for that annoying last cycle lmao - It was... very amusing to see Kel yelling his head off complaining about me during the last cycle :P @Violet Axolotl, sorry for paranoia/tunneling on you - I did try the hardest to solve your slot which probably wasn't that hard to solve :P but we got there in the end 

We've finally broken the Tyrian Curse guys! :')

Also, apologies for @Onyx Flamingo, sorry for tunneling on you too for a while in the middle but then I just was like - no, she's village, not gonna go there :P

I was clocked out of the game for D1-N1 so I'm sorry my vote on @Mauve Crocodile that contributed to getting him killled :/ I probably would have moved if I was active. 

@Chartreuse Penguin, you make an excellent village schemer and I really enjoyed playing with you! Also, who needed a scan to solve her slot smh, she was very clearly village :P

@Salmon Meerkat, bro as always, a pleasure villaging with you :P

It really was one of the best village games I've played here, and I'm happy to be part of it. Elims, thanks for giving us a good game!

@Fifth Scholar, I claim that Shard of Dominion anyway :P It wasn't easy to reach the conclusion that Coishot might have been evil because Octo double-tap was simple elim screw up :P @Charcoal Hyena, really intriguing to watch you play, though your casual tidbits [ like claiming Octo kill was supposed to be Ostrich kill] is what lead me to reaching :P

@Elbereth @Fifth Scholar @little wilson, I didn't get a chance to opt out of authentication so I did authenticate this anon account. But I did go account settings and disable it, so you might wanna check out if it's fine. Also, yes thanks for running the game, Fifth's write-ups were really good!

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4 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

And @Coral Swan! Glad we had some fun together. I actually got to have a character develop in real time, which was fun. A shame Ruin started leaning on him too hard. But seriously, thanks for the fun and RP (and letting the Village Mistborn put their eyes somewhere else).

I know right :P. I didn't develop Su as much as I probably could have, but someone put a spike through me I was focused on other things. I still managed to RP throughout the whole game, which is something I've managed only sparingly in the past, with like one character.

I yelled at you a few times in the dead doc before and after I knew you were evil, I don't know if you can find them amidst the 200 pages and many memes but you can always ctrl+f Dingo if you really want. Mostly just being sad about you being sad about Su and then being betrayed, that kind of thing :P 

2 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

… what do you mean half the dead doc was made while I was the only living Elim

And that :ph34r: brought to you by kel and memes

Praise the Ja!

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I was fairly confident we still had two spiked to go

was gonna push to know the tineyes identity and vote them out had they not put in a anonymous message this night cycle but turns out i was already going after them

just as well you all found dingo first instead

gg everyone and thanks kel for dragging me kicking and screaming into activity after i replaced an inactive with inactivity

could have done without the lone of your paranoia though

if ive counted correctly my final tally was fourteen capitals thirteen pieces of punctuation five emotes seventeen digits and six mathematical operators though i suppose ive still got time to mess up before wrapup part two

most of the messups were in my extensive pm with the meerkat though

as penguin observed in our pm i was making a thing of not using punctuation or capitals

the extent of the formatting i allowed myself was white space

its painful but i suppose most costumes are

also thanks el for bullying me in to pinchhitting 

might have missed the curse being broken otherwise

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bro lmao

i still had the day 8 tab open and i hadn't refreshed it, so i made a post to switch my vote to dingo

and then it didn't go through and i was like "huh"

so i refreshed

and suddenly the game is over and we won and the years old curse is broken



gg guys! i didn't do too much in the form of actually analyzing people this game, but I had some sick mechanical plays (voting/actions) All in all I'm happy with myself. pretty sure I only voted for a villager once, twice if you count last turn but i dont lol, i tried to change it, didnt realize cycle had ended, so in spirit its like the same thing :P

I was working on an epic death RP where i take out like 8 spiked in a blaze of drunken glory before finally being taken out myself. kinda sad that won't ever see the light of day :P

lets do this one final time, just for good measure:

"ppprgjwojewiejorwqjgwhorjqfegihuoqejifvnoairgnwenoifjfwqieufokfn-weifn-q the jaweoueghfpuihqwiufhqweiefuhq2iufhq4iugh"

Edited by Quartz Zebra
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27 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

… what do you mean half the dead doc was made while I was the only living Elim

You killed me.

I am known to inflate docs.

Whoami recognised this :P 

Edited to add:

3 minutes ago, Melon Dingo said:

Kel, I much appreciate the meme of me sliding into the hedge Homer-style.

The rest were amazing too, but I loved that one. I’ll have to try and make some of my own.

Please do! The meme-off was fun and it'd be great to get some memes going in thread too!

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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I largely checked out analysis-wise after Chameleon died and spent way too much time looking at Axolotl so good job village on finding Beagle and Dingo. I do wish I had developed my RP character more but it was too much work and the setting wasn't working right. Why did people think I was Devotary, @Salmon Meerkat?

Edit: While I tested your identity with more than one reference to things Kel would know about that you missed.

Edited by Amethyst Scorpion
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6 minutes ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

I largely checked out analysis-wise after Chameleon died and spent way too much time looking at Axolotl so good job village on finding Beagle and Dingo. I do wish I had developed my RP character more but it was too much work and the setting wasn't working right. Why did people think I was Devotary, @Salmon Meerkat?

Edit: While I tested your identity with more than one reference to things Kel would know about that you missed.

A hunch. At one point El said I had the most identity guesses and I wasn't going out of my way to find players, just thinking as their voices popped to me. If I have enough contact with a player, especially through PMs, then I'll probably be able to match your voice. 

Playstyle, timezone, shared knowledge and references all said Devo to me, though I wasn't sure until you hit the unique timezone overlap that day, among many other things. 

I'm not surprised I missed references as I spent most of the game in a state of stress, guilt, caffeine, and exhaustion until I was mercy-killed. This was just not one of my better games. 

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3 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Playstyle, timezone, shared knowledge and references all said Devo to me, though I wasn't sure until you hit the unique timezone overlap that day, among many other things. 

I'm not surprised I missed references as I spent most of the game in a state of stress, guilt, caffeine, and exhaustion until I was mercy-killed. This was just not one of my better games. 

Surely there are plenty of people who could be around at 08:33 UTC. It was a good game for effectiveness against the Spiked but not for your personal well being. 

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10 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

At one point El said I had the most identity guesses

pretty sure you went through half the current SE population in our PM before you got me right :P

11 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

I'm not surprised I missed references as I spent most of the game in a state of stress, guilt, caffeine, and exhaustion until I was mercy-killed. This was just not one of my better games. 

Feel better kel, you deserve it. The curse has been broken and I think it was largely because of you.

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Now that I'm actually awake

2 hours ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Good job, guys.

I wasn't around for LG1, but I was around for the AG and AG2, and I knew that my friend and my brother broke the Village in AG3. I never expected to see this day come :') I never thought the curse would be broken in my SE lifetime, or when I was on the play roster.

I just remember, even now, what it felt like, losing the AG and the second AG. And I just can't believe we've made it this time.

Well played, everyone.


Thanks for all the fun PMs Meerkat! I especially had fun arguing with you wtr Beagle, and I will never forget the 5 hundred heart attacks I suffered in the 3 minute span of me accidentally outing our suspicion of e!beagle to the beagle PM. Also gg beagle you almost had us for a bit there but paranoia saved the day.

2 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

@Penguin @Meerkat @Falcon @EveryoneElseIPMd it was super fun :D.


2 hours ago, Violet Axolotl said:

Great game everyone! I have some thoughts about the distribution as well as some meta things, but overall I greatly enjoyed the game itself, my RP (which I'd like to do a bit more of to wrap up), and a couple of excellent PMs. Having played in Tyrian Falls before, I'm a bit sad to see the end of the Curse, but also glad to have been a part of ending it. 

ngl I was looking forward to having some fun with your Mistborn!Penguin speculation :P 

1 hour ago, Plum Rhinoceros said:

Thanks @Chartreuse Penguin for being such a great pm buddy lol. I think I would have gone insane without it.

Pleasure! :D Most PMs kinda died for a bit there so thanks for keeping ours going! And I agree with Swan - you did an excellent job pinch hitting with so many pages to read and analyse.

1 hour ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

@Chartreuse Penguin, you make an excellent village schemer and I really enjoyed playing with you! Also, who needed a scan to solve her slot smh, she was very clearly village :P

Smh i think the scan helped me not get exe'd early/mid-game like my villager self usually does xD And same, I enjoyed our multiple paranoia detours, stressful as they were :P Not to mention your absolutely beautiful timezone boy do I love not having to wait 6 hours for one response xD

And shoutouts to Falcon, Cham, Zebra, and Flamingo - thank you for the enjoyable PMs! :D And apologies to Falcon for my part in the decision to get Beagle to attack them - I really wish we could've talked more because it was fun while it lasted.

Also lmao sorry fifth and el I completely forgot about my cosmetic role. I think I probably stuck to it maybe through half of D1. xD 

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8 hours ago, Amethyst Scorpion said:

Surely there are plenty of people who could be around at 08:33 UTC. It was a good game for effectiveness against the Spiked but not for your personal well being. 

I don't know the UTC conversion but very few players are capable of intersecting the 3-4PM slice of my timezone and I'm not sure why. That particular slice is pretty distinctive to me. But I also just had a strong D1 hunch on you and Axl and that was it. 

I will agree this game was an exercise in more self-destruction than my usual levels. 

7 hours ago, Quartz Zebra said:

pretty sure you went through half the current SE population in our PM before you got me right :P

Feel better kel, you deserve it. The curse has been broken and I think it was largely because of you.

Gonna be honest, that was really funny because you gave me more trouble than most of the others did :P

God tier Lurching after all. You made the saves that mattered and frustrated the Spiked. 

Thanks for saving me too—Ostrich talked me into it as the tactically sound choice even though I just really wanted an end to my suffering :P

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2 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

God tier Lurching after all.

mmm i was pretty awesome wasn't I B)

2 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

You made the saves that mattered and frustrated the Spiked. 

ooo reminds me, i gotta read me some docs

3 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Thanks for saving me too—Ostrich talked me into it as the tactically sound choice even though I just really wanted an end to my suffering :P

well i'm glad i was able to prolong your suffering! ...wait

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7 hours ago, Chartreuse Penguin said:

Now that I'm actually awake


Thanks for all the fun PMs Meerkat! I especially had fun arguing with you wtr Beagle, and I will never forget the 5 hundred heart attacks I suffered in the 3 minute span of me accidentally outing our suspicion of e!beagle to the beagle PM. Also gg beagle you almost had us for a bit there but paranoia saved the day.


ngl I was looking forward to having some fun with your Mistborn!Penguin speculation :P 

Pleasure! :D Most PMs kinda died for a bit there so thanks for keeping ours going! And I agree with Swan - you did an excellent job pinch hitting with so many pages to read and analyse.

Smh i think the scan helped me not get exe'd early/mid-game like my villager self usually does xD And same, I enjoyed our multiple paranoia detours, stressful as they were :P Not to mention your absolutely beautiful timezone boy do I love not having to wait 6 hours for one response xD

And shoutouts to Falcon, Cham, Zebra, and Flamingo - thank you for the enjoyable PMs! :D And apologies to Falcon for my part in the decision to get Beagle to attack them - I really wish we could've talked more because it was fun while it lasted.

Also lmao sorry fifth and el I completely forgot about my cosmetic role. I think I probably stuck to it maybe through half of D1. xD 

Smh cycles after I try to pass you off as Mistborn, everyone starts to think that's what I did except the opposite :P

Yes well, thanks for the PMs. Being in a good time zone with you and Ostrich made the KGB PM fun and you definitely shortened my life by twenty years when you made the slip in the Beagle PM and forced me to make an utterly nonsensical save :P

Good work on the analysis. You really delivered. 

Edited by Salmon Meerkat
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6 minutes ago, Salmon Meerkat said:

Smh cycles after I try to pass you off as Mistborn, everyone starts to think that's what I did except the opposite :P

Yes well, thanks for the PMs. Being in a good time zone with you and Ostrich made the KGB PM fun and you definitely shortened my life by twenty years when you made the slip in the Beagle PM and forced me to make an utterly nonsensical save :P

Good work on the analysis. You really delivered. 

Thank you! 
Also I can’t believe I forgot to bring up appreciation for all the top tier kel memes. Definitely a highlight of the game. xD 

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3 hours ago, Coral Swan said:

Anyway, excellent job to everyone! I felt extremely played when I arrived in the dead doc and used my one question to discover @Oxblood Beagle was evil. Can't wait to get to that part in the elim doc, where you're just revealing everything we all freely told you :P

I was giggling maniacally as this was playing out. Unfortunately, that was also my downfall. :P There was always another PM, another set of eyes. The KGB was watching.

Thanks to everyone for this fantastic game, and my team for putting up with my crazy antics. It is sad the curse is broken, and I'm disappointed I was on the elims for it, but also very proud of the village. You did great work in bringing us down.

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3 hours ago, Elbereth said:

And Scimon Tlag Pulled.

Rust this place. He could feel every nail, hammer, pin, and boxing in the town. Every hidden stash of coin, every broken hinge, every misplaced weapon. It all rose to his call. Not everything came, impeded by stone, wood, and flesh - he wasn’t strong enough a channel, not while trying to manipulate it as he did, not while trying to aim the last bloody cargo. But enough was on its way.


Rust these people. He could see the square turn to chaos. He saw Penguin struck by a shield, then a spear, then their own flask of pewter once or twice. He saw the nails from the inn’s floorboards scratch Dyring as he ducked for cover. He saw the two guards above him neatly impaled by the crossfire. He saw Vincero diving forward, barely dodging a kitchen knife. He saw Su, Riggs, Kellehrt, Heron, all gone in this enraged haze, all semblance of memorium lost. And he saw his goal - Lord Ischarus Loenthal, peppered with the scattered town treasury, forced into the line of fire by his own rusting silver ring before the strength severed his finger, no one around to save him.


And Scimon Tlag Pushed.

He had no way of perceiving the chaos the second wave caused. He could only imagine the wonderful sights and sounds of the world breaking. And as the last of his shadow was pulled away, he found the strength to speak.

Praise the Ja!” he screamed, “And Praise the Ruin which he brings!

hold up
this doesn't sound like us winning
did you hide a sneaky retcon in your rp
did we all die
is that what this is
are you saying that we all die anyway, even though we broke the curse
ah nah.
hol up, i didnt die
meaning, im still alive
meaning i can RP still
and im a lurcher
k, one sec, gotta write a thing...



Also dead doc stop bullying me for not reading swan as vil pls ur mean ;-;
also also i appreciated the Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat reference
also also also OML that httyd meme about me is so great XDXD
also also also also actually just all the memes are great
also also also also also ive been rereading some things and dingo i totally missed all the times you tried to start RP with me, like, shoot me a ping next time, i totally skimed over them =P

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