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Oh no! Koloss have begun advancing on your town, Tyrian Falls! Since The Lord Ruler died, they seem to be acting with a mind of their own. Unfortunately for you, your town is a way point between Fadrex City and Luthadel. That means you have a stockpile of metals, but that’s probably why they targeted you in the first place.

On the other hand, you have a large collection of metals! You might be able to hold them off, but it seems like someone (or a conspiracy of someones) seems to be undermining your defenses.

Somehow, before the Koloss arrive, you have to rid your town of these dissenters; those that are spiked. Until then, you won’t be able to mount an effective defense for your town. If you fail, everyone dies, so you better not fail!

Some people within the town have been hiding a few secrets; some of them are Mistings, so you have help in your battle versus the forces of Ruin. Although some of them may be spiked…. Why can’t anything be easy?

THUG: They can survive a single attack. If they are killed during a night or day cycle, they survive and this will be revealed in the write up. If they are attacked again, they die… finally.

TINEYE: They are messengers and are capable of writing messages to the town while remaining anonymous. Each night, they can send a message to the Game Master. The GM will then post it within the write up at the start of the next Day. As long as a Tineye is alive, players can send Private Messages back and forth. Once no Tineye is alive, they can no longer deliver messages, so no more PMs.

SMOKER: The Smoker is undetectable and they can extend this power to one other person each night. If scanned by a Seeker, the smoker or the person encompassed within their coppercloud will show up as being Smoked. Alternatively, the Smoker can turn their coppercloud off. This would allow them to be scanned accurately as a Smoker. In addition to being undetectable by the Seeker, the Smoker and their target are unaffected by emotional Allomancy. As long as the Smoker is using their coppercloud, a Soother or Rioter cannot change their vote.

SEEKER: The Seeker can sense when someone is burning metals. In fact, they have gotten so good that they can tell whether someone is spiked or not! Once per night, the Seeker can target someone to learn their abilities and alignment.

COINSHOT: The Coinshot does what they do best. They push metals around; specifically into other people’s bodies. Once per night, the Coinshot can target a person for death. Unless otherwise disrupted, that person dies.

LURCHER: Where the Coinshot pushes, the Lurcher pulls. Once per night the Lurcher can target someone and that person will be saved from death. A Lurcher cannot target the same person two nights in a row.

SOOTHER: Their ability to dampen emotions puts them and the Rioter in a very special position. During the Day, they can negate one person’s vote. The change will be anonymous, but since I will be posting voting results at the end of each day, those that are observant should be able to tell what votes were changed.

RIOTER: The Rioter works in a similar fashion as the Soother, except once during the day round they can change one person’s vote. Using this power does nullify their own vote though. They are still capable of voting, but their vote will not be counted. The change itself will be anonymous, but since I will be posting voting results at the end of each day, those that are observant should be able to tell what votes were changed.

MISTBORN: They have the abilities of all of the above, but will only be able to use one per cycle. At the beginning of every night, the Mistborn will be told which ability they have and they can use that ability until the next night. If a previously held power would be received, the die is rerolled, and the new power is granted regardless of whether or not it was previously held.

VANILLA: You have no special powers, but you still get a vote every day. Who knows? Perhaps you were meant to be the one to save the town! Not all stories are about the strongest people in a group.

VILLAGE: Win when all Spiked are dead.

SPIKED: Win when they outnumber the village, or otherwise can no longer lose.

Housekeeping & clarifications

  • 48 hour days, 24 hour nights.
  • Vote minimum is 1; ties are decided randomly. The final vote totals will be announced with numbers changed by any vote manipulation, but the names will appear exactly as in the public vote count.
  • An unsuccessful attack will be announced in the writeup as "X was attacked, but didn't die!" with no differentiation between Thug and Lurcher protection. Spiked vs Coinshot attacks will be differentiated in the writeup, including if the attack is unsuccessful.
  • The game will start on Monday, January 3rd, rollover time 7pm PST.
  • @little wilson will be the impartial moderator. Do not include her in PMs.
  • Group PMs are allowed.
  • Spiked do not necessarily have a role.
  • There are no secrets.
  • There is an inactivity filter of 2 cycles (counting posts only) after which you will be replaced (if pinchhitters are available) or die otherwise.


  • A Tineye who is killed at Night will still have their message appear in the writeup at the start of the next Day (along with their dead body).
  • The way Mistborn rolls work is that if the first roll turns up a metal that the Mistborn has already had, roll again and take that roll even if they've also already had that metal. (Once a Mistborn has had all eight metals, the "metals that the Mistborn has already had" list resets to nothing.)
  • You cannot place two actions during the same turn (i.e. no elim kill + night action from the same person), but you can place two during the same cycle (i.e. day action + elim kill is fine).

Day OoA: Smoking*, Soothing/Rioting**, Execution
Night OoA: Smoking*, Seeking, Tineye Message, Lurching, Kills

*As noted, Smoking does not extend protection to someone the turn after the Smoker dies.
** The interactions between Soothing and Rioting have already been clarified extensively.

Emotional Allomancy interactions:

  • Seeking a Smoked target will have a result of "your target was Smoked" (for role and alignment both).
  • If a Rioter is Smoked, their own vote will not be cancelled (and the Riot will still go through).
  • If a Rioter and a Soother try to move and cancel the same vote, the vote is moved and cancelled (with an effective result of just cancelled, plus the Rioter's own vote being cancelled).
  • Rioting someone's vote to a Smoked player will work as normal.
  • Smoking can be activated on the Day or Night turn, and will apply that turn and the following turn. It cannot be activated more than once in a numbered cycle (e.g. could not be activated more than once in C3, but could be activated N2 and then D3 - in which case the D3 order would supersede the N2 order).
  • Soothing or Rioting a Smoked player will not move that player's vote. A Rioter's own vote will still be cancelled.
  • Two Riots on the same target will 'cancel out' and the target's vote will stay in place.
  • A Riot can be used to move a player to no-vote, but not from no vote to a player.

On Smoking: Smokers can send in one Smoking-related action per numbered cycle (e.g. only once during C3). That action could be "turn off my coppercloud" or "smoke X" or "just smoke myself" (only necessary if you want to change states after 1 turn rather than wait 2). That action will last for two turns (unless it's a Night order and the Smoker puts in a superseding one the next Day). After those two turns are up, if the Smoker does not put in another order, they will return to their default state of Smoking themselves. Also, no zombie copperclouds: if I submit an action to smoke Fifth during N3, and am killed that same turn, Fifth will be smoked N3 but not D4.

Rioting/Soothing: You can Riot someone to a no-vote but not from one. If you try to Riot someone from a no-vote, your own vote doesn't get cancelled - you just get told the action was invalid (and, where possible, we'll try to prevent that from happening as your friendly neighborhood GMs, in the same way we'd alert someone who tried to Lurch the same person two cycles in a row). A Rioter trying to move Fifth's vote to Wilson will still have their own vote nullified if Fifth's vote ends on Wilson. A Rioter cannot move their own vote, and a Soother cannot self-target.

Cosmetic roles
You are highly encouraged (but not required) to choose a cosmetic role, and include it in your posts as much as you can, however you see fit. Some examples are below (and more may be added later from other past games), but feel free to get creative! (You might even get a special prize for it! ;))


Past Lives: Something never seemed quite right about your memories; perhaps they were attached to different people, or maybe you have returned even from death and retained a few of them. Maybe you dream about other lives you have led before this one. (They don't end well.) In every post, you must include something about one of your past lives.

Merchant: The world might be coming to an end, but the highest good is still money, and you’ve got to get boxings out of pockets and into your hands somehow. In every post, you must advertise a good you are selling or conduct a business transaction.

Gambler: The toss of the die, the coin quivering in midair—it’s these moments you live for. Your losses have been great. Your gains, so far? Greater. In every post, you must take some form of risk (whether with money or otherwise), a bet, or a comment of how you won some fabulous prize.

Elderly: Your best years are behind you. You’ve lived, laughed, and loved and now you’re starting to get to the point where you’re knocking on death’s door. Whether this makes you wise, grumpy, content, etc. is up to you. In every post, you must make note of your age in some way, perhaps by reminiscing about how great (or terrible) things used to be, or lamenting the attitudes of "kids these days".

High Imperial: Wasing the wanting of speaking in High Imperial. You must use it at least somewhere in your posts. Note: you do not have to use it for every sentence and you still need to be mostly intelligible. Shivertongue did this one for LG2, so if you’re curious how to remain intelligible while also using High Imperial, this is a good example of a way to do it.

Survivor Priest: Kelsier wasn't just a famous crew leader for you. Perhaps you were in Luthadel during the riots. Perhaps you saw him come back. Regardless, you're a believer and must make reference to the Survivor or the Survivor religion in each post.

Drunk: You're never far from a bottle. Heck, sometimes you sleep with one curled in your hands. The reason you drown yourself in alcohol is your own, but within every post, you need to slur some of your words and/or appear to be drunk in some fashion.

Casanova: Good looks are such a curse; one you know all too well. While you didn't ask for it, to you, it's obvious that you are the best looking person ever and you won't let anyone forget it. In every post, you need to remind everyone of what a heartbreaker you are.

The Jaist: Somehow, somewhere, you heard about Jaism and knew it to be perfect for you. Now that the Lord Ruler is gone, you've taken up the mantle of this lost religion and in Jaist fashion, you frequently mention your faith. You must end your posts with "Praise the Ja."

Unlucky: Things rarely go right for you and even when they do, it always goes horribly wrong shortly after.  Each post you must lament on how life is unfair to you.

Hopeful Orphan: Your parents left you at a young age but they said they would be back for you one day. Each post you must either talk about your parents or ask another player if they know your parents.

Terris Steward: You live to serve others. You just don’t feel complete unless you’re waiting on someone, retrieving an item, delivering a message, you name it. Each post, you must wait on someone else.

Glutton: You love to eat and eat and eat. You just can’t seem to stop. Every post, you must eat at least one food item.

Scholarly: Reading is your favorite pastime. In fact you are rarely seen without a book either in your hands or bulging from a pocket. Every post must contain you quoting from a book.

Mistwraith Ate My Parents: You suspect your parents were eaten by a Mistwraith and now have a strong aversion to going out into the mists. Every post you must either lament the loss of your parents or curse the Mists.

House Lord: As a nobleman, you’re better than the rest of the ‘people’ in this town. And you love to remind them of that fact. Every post, you must either reference your cultural or racial superiority, or you must purchase a luxury good.

Narcissist: You think that you’re better than everyone else and you don’t really care about the problems of others. In every post, you must show that you’re better than everyone else or how little you care about others.

Creative Cook: Food is often in short supply but you have learned to make do with what you have. Every post you must either cook some exotic food or talk about meals you created from some unappetizing/spoiled ingredients.

Jokester: You look on the funny side of life. After all what's the point of living if you can't have a laugh or two. Every post must contain either a joke or a funny story.

Tinker: You love to learn how things work, mostly by pulling them apart and trying to put them back together again.  Each post must contain your character fiddling with a mechanical item or designing a mechanical item.

Forgetful: Your mind isn't what it used to be.  Each post must contain you starting one thing, either a sentence or task, and end with you doing something else completely unrelated.

Excitable: You get excited about basically everything.  Each post must contain you being happy about something, either something you done or something another player has done.

Kleptomaniac: Whether you’re a free-spirited “trader” like Wayne or a greedy street urchin, you can’t seem to keep your hands off other people’s stuff. In every post, you must steal or ‘trade’ at least one item or try to repress your urge to swipe someone else's loot.

Guardsman: Bodyguard or a part of the militia, you hold to your code. In every post, you must mention guarding something or comment about “the law.”

Hobbyist: You have something that you do on the side. Maybe you collect rare metals or gardening or whatever; but you’re passionate about it. You must reference your hobby in some way in every post.

Neat: You like things to be neat and clean.  Ash and dirt are not things you like to see.  Every post must contain you cleaning something.

Gossip: You love hearing about the little tidbits that are going on in other people’s lives. Almost as much as you love spreading them! In every post, you must either acquire some new gossip or spread some new piece of gossip (remember, not all gossip always happens to be true).

Handicapped: You’ve lost an eye or a leg or an arm or a hand or something and it makes your life a bit more difficult. In every post, you must reference your particular handicap in some way.

Allergic to Metal: No one envies your place in life, considering the planet you’re on. You’re allergic to metals. This means no forks, no swords, no metal buttons. If you do come in contact with metal, you tend to break out in a reaction. In every post, you must show the steps you take to keep yourself safe.

Obligator: You still have faith in the Lord Ruler. Whether you think his death is a hoax or you think he will return, you haven’t wavered. In every post, you must make reference to the Lord Ruler or his, er, rule.

Prophetic: Perhaps you know the truth and believe Vin will doom the world. Perhaps you think you’re the “Announcer” and are heralding in a new age. No matter what you believe, you believe it entirely. In every post, you must make reference to your prophecy.

Make Your Own: There have been some really creative and unique CRs in the past, like Madagascar’s Drunk Crazy Cat Lady, so have some fun with it, and I shudder to see what you all come up with this time around. :P

Welcome to Anniversary Game 8, and another year of SE! This is an anonymous game. Please sign up by PMing me privately. You can message me here, on Discord, or wherever else you like, and you'll be in so long as I respond with a "noted" within a day or two. Do your best not to indicate whether or not you're playing to anyone else. (If you want to spectate, PM me and I'll send you a link when the game starts.) As a reminder, the anonymous game rules are posted below. If you want to co-GM, you can also PM me! I'd welcome a helping hand. :)


At the start of the game, you will be issued an anonymous account. There are a number of rules associated with the use of an Anonymous Account. Please follow them carefully. Given the potential for abuse of Anonymous Accounts, any rule breaking using the accounts will be dealt with harshly.

1) Do not change the password of the anonymous account you are issued. The IM and I will have access to all anonymous accounts for the duration of the game.

2) Do not use the anonymous accounts to PM any non-anonymous account, other than the accounts of the GM(s). Please do not use your normal accounts to PM anonymous accounts.

3) Once again, do not tell any other player or individual associated with SE whether you are playing or not playing the Anonymous Game. Player identities will be revealed after the game, not on the death of their avatar. Players are asked (but not required) not to reveal their own identity after their death, until the end of the game, including in the dead/spec doc. Players wishing to spectate rather than play should PM me for a link to the spectator doc. Questions and rules clarifications should be submitted in your sign up PMs, and will be posted by myself in the signups thread.

4) Do not change anything cosmetic about the accounts, including member title, username, signature, and avatar.

Quick Links

Player count: 26

Edited by Devotary of Spontaneity
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Hello, all! Some announcements: the game will begin in just under 24 hours, at 7pm PT / 3am GMT / 2pm AEDT. It will be co-GMed by @Fifth Scholar and the IM is @little wilson. You can still sign up right until we go live, by PMing me here or wherever else you like! I look forward to seeing you all in Tyrian Falls. :) 

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Day 1: Saboteurs

Sandhya stood on top of the small wall surrounding the town, facing south. She couldn’t see them yet, but if the scouts were right, they were on their way. Koloss. A small band in comparison to to some of the huge groups he had seen in his day, but more than enough to overrun the town if they weren’t prepared. Her eye twitched and she reached for the bottle that never strayed too far from her hand nowadays. The problem was, every time they began preparations, it seemed something went wrong. When they repaired some of the damaged sections of the wall, they awoke the next day to find the mortar refused to hold. The glue on the fletchings were the same. Then there was the fire that destroyed a lot of their supplies. Sandhya didn’t know what it all meant, but she knew a disaster in the making when she saw it and this one was shaping up to be a doozy….


Wilson sat studying the recent delays in the war effort. Something didn’t make sense. They had used the exact same mortar for other repairs around the town and it held fine. The glue stuck on anything except weapons; she had tested it herself. Her fingers still had tiny bits of feather stuck to them because of the adhesive. No, this was too systematic, too controlled. Her eyes grew wide as an idea came to her….


Quinn sat in Dyring’s Inn, drowning his sorrows in drink. This was the biggest news this little town had ever heard and yet he didn’t feel like sharing it.

“News flash, everyone,” he mumbled into his drink. “We’re all going to die!”

Just as he raised his mug to his lips, the door slammed open. In the fading light of day, Wilson stood in the doorway, out of breath and with bits of feather stuck all over her. The mists were already starting to curl around his feet. Wilson took a minute to catch her breath and then said one word to the waiting crowd.


Anniversary Game 8 has begun! All PMs have been sent. If you can't get into your anon account, please let us know as soon as possible!

A few quick reminders, clarifications, and whatnot:

On anonymous accounts: do not post with your anon account in any thread but this one. Do not post with your personal account in this thread. You can follow the thread or the forum with your anon account if you so choose. All PMs from past games should be gone already, but if there are any remaining please just delete them. You can add your personal account to your GM PM, but we do not recommend it, as it leads to substantially more mistakes.

You may also notice we have new avatars! Credit for those is in the spoiler below. If you would like to add one yourself, we have several icons still missing, a few that it would be nice to replace, and anything we have multiple depictions of will be cycled between those images regularly.


From @little wilson: Azure Mouse, Chartreuse Penguin, Sunburst Toucan

From @Burnt Spaghetti: Ivory Dragonfly, Opal Lion, Pearl Chameleon, Salmon Meerkat, Scarlet Octopus

From @DrakeMarshall: Saffron Iguana, Turquoise Gorilla

From @Elandera: Amethyst Scorpion, Coral Swan, Onyx Flamingo, Quartz Zebra, Sapphire Elephant

From @Lotus: Magenta Albatross, Oxblood Beagle

From @Mr Doctor: Mauve Crocodile

From @Matrim's Dice: Melon Dingo

From @forget me not: Plum Rhinoceros

From Budgie: Mint Heron, Violet Axolotl

From non-community members: Amber Vulture, Charcoal Hyena, Emerald Falcon, Fuchsia Ostrich

All clarifications have been in the OP and will continue to be edited in there, but a summary of the questions already asked:


On what the writeup will and won't show:

  • Vote counts will show numbers after vote manipulation, but names (should be) exactly what the public vote showed at the end of the Day.
  • Coinshot and Spiked kills will be differentiated.
  • If a player is attacked but survives, the writeup will say "X was attacked, but survived!" with no indication of whether it was Thug or Lurcher protection.

Other stuff:

  • Group PMs are allowed; don't include Wilson in PMs.
  • The game is not role madness, and not every Spiked necessarily has a role.
  • There will be a 2-cycle inactivity filter.
  • Whenever a Tineye is alive (including a Mistborn having rolled Tin), we will announce that PMs are open. When that is not the case, the writeup will specify that PMs are closed.


If you want to add a cosmetic role or character name/description (and please do!), DM it to me (preferably on your anon account) and I’ll add it into the next player list.

Player List

  1. Amber Vulture
  2. Amethyst Scorpion - Sidor, newly resigned Hazekiller (Guardsman)
  3. Azure Mouse
  4. Charcoal Hyena
  5. Chartreuse Penguin - Aethex (Jester)
  6. Coral Swan - Su (Jaist)
  7. Emerald Falcon
  8. Fuchsia Ostrich - Freddie the Glutton (Glutton)
  9. Ivory Dragonfly (Unlucky)
  10. Magenta Albatross (Past Lives)
  11. Mauve Crocodile (Gambler)
  12. Melon Dingo - Scimon Tlag (Merchant)
  13. Mint Heron - Tivend Elons (Casanova)
  14. Onyx Flamingo (Gossip/Casanova)
  15. Opal Lion
  16. Oxblood Beagle
  17. Pearl Chameleon (Secret)
  18. Plum Rhinoceros (Prophet, ish)
  19. Quartz Zebra (Drunk/Jaist)
  20. Saffron Iguana (Helpful Heckler)
  21. Salmon Meerkat - Kellehrt, local farmer and possible madman
  22. Sapphire Elephant
  23. Scarlet Octopus (Neat, Extremist Priest)
  24. Sunburst Toucan
  25. Turquoise Gorilla (Game Show Host)
  26. Violet Axolotl - Dyring (Neat Innkeeper)


PMs are open.

Edited by Elbereth
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Thank you for the facelift, @DrakeMarshall! I feel like a spy, I'm undercolor and anonymoose. 

The last Tyrian Falls game was LG74. 21% of the 28 players were Spiked: two Seekers, a Rioter, a Smoker, a Tineye, and a Lurcher. A similar ratio would give us 5 Spiked for this game, perhaps with the same roles, minus the duplication.

The village had 9 Regulars, two Thugs, four Smokers, two Soothers, a Rioter, a Tineye, a Coinshot, a Lurcher, and a Mistborn. The excessive Smokers would probably be the ones to go, then I imagine the distribution is largely similar.

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Su ignored the rumors of the advancing Koloss. Regardless of the fate the Ja had in mind for everyone else-

"Praise the Ja!" he whispered, compelled beyond choice. Su normally lost his train of thought when he did this, but for the Ja it was worth it.

Where was he... oh yes.

Regardless of the fate the Ja had in mind for everyone else, Su felt assured by the knowledge that his devotion to the Ja would be enough to save him. "Praise the Ja."

Still, he felt it was his duty as a townsfolk to give the Ja's two cents on this whole deal, so he sat himself up from his meditation corner and strode into the sun, praising the Ja the whole way.

Hey, hey! Liking my new avatar, very nice.

Agree with the assumption of 5-6 Spiked. I don't agree with the assumption that the roles present here are similar/the same to LG74, however; Kasimir was in a specific GMing mood with that distribution (not a bad thing) and the excessive Smokers were likely unique to that game. It is worth noting that Iguana cited the Smokers as the thing to go, however that would open up spots for other roles which would then affect the roles already present, etc, etc, so I don't see the distro being role-for-role identical by any means.

Then again, Iguana just said 'largely similar' and there are after all only like six roles so maybe this whole discussion is pointless :D.

3 minutes ago, Magenta Albatross said:

Given what that game looked like is it unlikely we have any village Seekers?

I'm expecting one (1) village Seeker. Again, I don't really see a reason that our GMs would pick Kas' most recent Tyrian distro as the one to mirror as opposed to the OG ones, if they're mirroring one at all. Then again I don't know what the distros for those early early games were.

Praise the Ja!

Edited by Coral Swan
Forgot to Praise the Ja! D: if I get struck down you'll know why
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3 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

Agree with the assumption of 5-6 Spiked. 

I don't see the distro being role-for-role identical by any means.

I'm expecting one (1) village Seeker. Again, I don't really see a reason that our GMs would pick Kas' most recent Tyrian distro as the one to mirror as opposed to the OG ones, if they're mirroring one at all. Then again I don't know what the distros for those early early games were.

Are you a good ship design, because you should be prowed. Of those thoughts. They're very insightful!

I used LG74 as a baseline because it should be the most up to date with the current meta. The rules are versatile enough that surprises like all Spiked Seekers and four Smokers can be included, so the most reliable takeaway is that it is likely two thirds of us have roles, the Spiked probably have around one of each, and the village likely has one Tineye (unless they're evil), one Coinshot, one Mistborn, and one to two of every other role, except for the ones the game masters distributed in an intentionally baffling way. 

The more important question is why did Coral Swan and Salmon Meerkat get to double dip on animals when creating their names? Possibly Oxblood too, if you accept broad interpretations. :(

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HELLO THERE, and welcome to the 17th Shard's fAAAAAvorite game show! It's called- *aide whispers frantically in ear* (yes, excuse me? Yes, I'm sure this is a game show. Damn it, Martha. If I say it's a game show, then it damn well be a game show. Yes, I know that logic is flawed. Now go away, I have a show to host.) *ahem* It's called SANDERSON ELIMINATION, and this week's episode is very special - it's the anniversary game, where contestants compete for the highly coveted PASS OF IRRELEVANCE! (Yes, Martha. I know that's not what it's called. It needed a suitably dramatic name.) And here's your host, TURQUOISE GORILLA! *Applause track plays* (I did just introduce myself, Martha. Shush.) *walks onto stage* Yes, yes, thank you. Like our wonderful announcer just said, I'm your host, Turquoise Gorilla. But enough about me; let's have a look at our contestants! Ooh, we've got a lot of them this time. As usual, (this is the first time I've hosted this, Martha. How perceptive of you.) let's start us off with our opening question. Hmm... let's go with this: what do you think is the village to elim distro? Since there's so many of you, let's just "popcorn" it out, and once we've received a few answers we can move on to the next part of our show, the SHOWDOWN! (No, Martha. I don't have any idea what that means. I'll figure it out, Martha.)

[OOC: ooh, this is gon' be a FUN CR. It has no relevance to the actual setting, but]

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Hello, my fine friends. It seems we have once again arrived at Tyrian Falls. I do not have much to say much to say about how to use the roles, but I do think that Coinshots should be very cautious at first. We do not want them accidentally hitting an important role (mostly Lurchers, if we have been provided any) early on, when the chances of successfully hitting a Spiked are low. As for the number of Spiked amongst us, I am in agreement that we likely have at least 5 Spiked amongst us, possibly even 6 if they do not have as many powerful roles (Lurcher, Rioter, Seeker). 

In the interest of spurning further discussion, I shall place the first vote of the game on Saffron Iguana, for relying far too much upon the distribution of the previous incarnation of this game for their analysis of this game. No two games, even with the same rules, will ever be the same. Especially with different GMs. Ah, they have now posted again. Their explanation is not satisfactory for my tastes. My stance on meta is to never expect anything to be the same as it was last time, because GMs can and have mixed things up specifically to counteract current meta trends.

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Pendel Haven took a sip from his cup of milk. Dyring's Inn was not a place where one frequently drank the substance, generally people sought more alcoholic beverages to comfort themselves or help them forgot their problems, but Pendel needed to keep his mental faculties intact given the pending devastation. Plus, he had always had a soft spot for milk, he even felt like in another time he had been treated to the rarity of chocolate milk, and while this paled in comparison it was just as comforting. After hearing another one of the bar's tenants muttering about death while nursing their drink, Pendel finished his glass and got up to take it to the bar. Before he could make it all the way some chicken woman came barging in and began shouting about saboteurs. This of course got some of the other people seated around shook up, but that was just one more problem to add to Pendel's ever growing stack of them. Tossing a few boxings onto the bar to pay for his drink he slipped his coat on and headed out into the mists. Let the others figure out who amongst them wanted to make things worse, he was going to try to make them better.


In the clarifications it does say this won't be role madness, and not every spiked is guaranteed to have a role. Does anyone know what is being referenced by role madness? I assume meaning there are regular villagers and not everyone is a misting but I'm not sure. Also probably likely all spiked will have roles even if it isn't confirmed. I don't have a view on meta but ya I assume things are going to be varied from game to game. That distribution does sound somewhat entertaining though.

Edited by Magenta Albatross
Added too many '_' and looked wrong
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6 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

In the interest of spurning further discussion, I shall place the first vote of the game on Saffron Iguana, for relying far too much upon the distribution of the previous incarnation of this game for their analysis of this game. No two games, even with the same rules, will ever be the same. Especially with different GMs. 

 I am in agreement that we likely have at least 5 Spiked amongst us, possibly even 6 if they do not have as many powerful roles (Lurcher, Rioter, Seeker). 

Whoops! It's like I've been notified that someone saw my instant message over here, because hello, re(a)d text alert!

I thought Chameleons liked duplication. Guess that only applies to colors, not rulesets. 

How come you labelled the Seeker as a power role for the Spiked when its most potent use, alignment scanning, only benefits the village? 

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1 minute ago, Magenta Albatross said:

In the clarifications it does say this won't be role madness, and not every spiked is guaranteed to have a role. Does anyone know what is being referenced by role madness? I assume meaning there are regular villagers and not everyone is a misting but I'm not sure.

That’s correct; role madness is when everyone has a role. The clarification is there because the rules initially kind of implied that the vanilla role was villager-only, which it isn’t, and someone asked before the game about it. 

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"The world must be cleansed! We have evildoers among us, we must purge our ranks of the Ruinous magic that gifts them power! The Koloss are a sign! We must Preserve ourselves in this time of crisis! Purge ourselves of evildoers! Rid this world of their taint." Tyrus stopped when he realized no-one was listening. Grumbling, he stepped down from the crate full of shining metals that he had hoarded when he heard the Koloss were coming.

Hello, fellow humans. I, through intense and complex calculations, have determined that there will be 6.5 elims. Due to a lack of half players, I believe that number will be rounded. While six is most likely, it seems safest to assume that there will be 7 elims, which leaves 4 turns until exlo. This leaves nineteen villagers. Of those villagers, I believe that we will have 1-2 thugs, a single tineye, 2-3 smokers, 1-2 seekers, 0-1 coinshots, 2 lurchers, 3 rioter or soothers, with any combination being possible, as for the mistborn, I doubt there's one, but it is possible.

If the Spiked have a vote-manipper, I think there will only be 2 village ones. I doubt the existence of any elim thugs. I don't think there will be an elim tineye. I do believe that at least one elim will be a smoker, maybe even two. Unless this is a trick ruleset, there shouldn't be elim seekers. No way there's going to be an elim coinshot. Lurchers also seem unlikely, but if we have a coinshot it is a possibility. That means that roughly half the elims would have roles. 

@Pearl Chameleon, why do you think five is more likely than six when that is below 20% (barely, but below)? Why too do you think a seeker would be a powerful role for them? They already know alignments. How confident are you in the presence of both a coinshot and a mistborn?

First of all, why do you wish to spurn further discussion rather than spur it on? 

I also find that reasoning lacking, so I'll give a loose vote. Pearl Chameleon


Edit: Thanks for the cool pfp Burnt!
Edited by Scarlet Octopus
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[My own thoughts on the distro: I believe there to be 6 or 7 elims - 6 if there is a coinshot or mistborn among them; 7 if there is not. I'd say there are about one of each role, give or take one or two, in the village population. I'm not sure about elims, but I'd say there's likely one kill role (coinshot/mistborn) among them and two or three other, non-kill roles). That's all for now, I guess. More CR content coming when more people have replied.]

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35 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

Are you a good ship design, because you should be prowed. Of those thoughts. They're very insightful!

...This took me far too long to understand. By the Ja.

35 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

I used LG74 as a baseline because it should be the most up to date with the current meta. The rules are versatile enough that surprises like all Spiked Seekers and four Smokers can be included, so the most reliable takeaway is that it is likely two thirds of us have roles, the Spiked probably have around one of each, and the village likely has one Tineye (unless they're evil), one Coinshot, one Mistborn, and one to two of every other role, except for the ones the game masters distributed in an intentionally baffling way. 

I understand, and agree with the distribution you present in general, because as you said, it's standard. I'd be surprised if the elims all have roles, to be honest, but who knows. The elims do I guess.

28 minutes ago, Pearl Chameleon said:

In the interest of spurning further discussion, I shall place the first vote of the game on Saffron Iguana, for relying far too much upon the distribution of the previous incarnation of this game for their analysis of this game. No two games, even with the same rules, will ever be the same. Especially with different GMs. Ah, they have now posted again. Their explanation is not satisfactory for my tastes. My stance on meta is to never expect anything to be the same as it was last time, because GMs can and have mixed things up specifically to counteract current meta trends.

I toyed with voting Iguana in my first post as well but ultimately dismissed it seeing that they'd obviously done their homework in a way that wouldn't have been possible to do in the amount of time they hypothetically get their Spiked role PM. So I'm immediately both skeptical and understanding of this.

I suspect Chameleon village-slipped by calling the Seeker a powerful role (since it is most definitely a powerful role to the village) though they easily could have stuck that in as an elim, knowingly. Occam's Razor suggests it was just the wording they typed, and my own experience tells me that including Seeker in that list would be natural for a villager or a spiked.

12 minutes ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

Hello, fellow humans. I, through intense and complex calculations, have determined that there will be 6.5 elims. Due to a lack of half players, I believe that number will be rounded. While six is most likely, it seems safest to assume that there will be 7 elims, which leaves 4 turns until exlo.

Hmm. My quoting ruined your fancy text. Sorry about that.

I find it interesting that you assume 7; that seems high to me. I'm in the camp of guessing 6 as a comfortable estimate. It's also interesting you don't just assume what you find to be most likely.

I do like the rest of your distribution thoughts though and in this case 'interesting' does not mean 'elimmy'

By the Ja, every time I finish a response someone else says something and I need to add to this ever-growing post... keep it up though, love to see it!

5 minutes ago, Turquoise Gorilla said:

[My own thoughts on the distro: I believe there to be 6 or 7 elims - 6 if there is a coinshot or mistborn among them; 7 if there is not. I'd say there are about one of each role, give or take one or two, in the village population. I'm not sure about elims, but I'd say there's likely one kill role (coinshot/mistborn) among them and two or three other, non-kill roles). That's all for now, I guess. More CR content coming when more people have replied.]

I definitely don't think they have a Coinshot though they could have a Mistborn. If your assumption is correct, (that being 6 elims if one of them is a power role and 7 if one of them isn't) then I'd far sooner guess they have a Thug over a Mistborn/Coinshot

Praise the Ja!

Edited by Coral Swan
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Freddieeeeee, I'm hungryyyyy! Where can we find some brainsssssss? 

Shhhh, shut up Bane! We have to blend in!

Fredddyyyy, I'll let you blend in once we eat some bad guys, I need brainsssss Freddyyyy!

How about you shut up, and I'll find your some sheep to eat later?


You want me to just ration you to chocolate?

No! Freddie, alright I'll go in, I'll be good. Just, find me the good stuff quick, Freddie!

*sigh*" What was I thinking, having another living being inside me? That it would be easy??? Symbiote? This thing is always annoying me, where's the symbiosis???"

Hahahahahahaha, I love you too Freddie!

Iguana, LG74 was an exception rather than the norm for Tyrian Falls meta. Each game is unique but more so because it had a different GM than the ones who run AG always, and the GMs always try to mix it up and keep us guessing and entertained. 5,6,7 doesn't matter - infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier :P

With reference to notable stuff in posts so far, some very obvious stuff about Coinshot by Pearl Chameleon. 

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4 minutes ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

5,6,7 doesn't matter

To be honest, this is my favorite take on the elim numbers so far. Best if we don't get hung up on finding an exact answer until we've killed them all >:)

7 minutes ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

With reference to notable stuff in posts so far, some very obvious stuff about Coinshot by Pearl Chameleon. 

Gave me a chuckle. Good post.

And a rocking pfp! (The puns are in full force in the thread tonight...) Good job, non-community member!

Praise the Ja!

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Nothing mattered anymore

He wasn't quite sure the others noticed

suppose that's for the better

It moved
                                                                                                            it didn't live
                                                                               It existed


was this punishment? Held in a way

it was living


over again and again.

losses.                                                                                   failures.


And yet sometimes                                             

The sudden, inexplicable purpose.                                                                                                   

It was all taken away as quickly as it was found


Maybe it would linger

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4 minutes ago, Coral Swan said:

To be honest, this is my favorite take on the elim numbers so far. Best if we don't get hung up on finding an exact answer until we've killed them all >:)

But what about exlo? Isn't it important to have a consensus on when we lose if we make the wrong choice?

Edited by Scarlet Octopus
I did a oopsie
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4 minutes ago, Fuchsia Ostrich said:

IguanaLG74 was an exception rather than the norm for Tyrian Falls meta. Each game is unique but more so because it had a different GM than the ones who run AG always, and the GMs always try to mix it up and keep us guessing and entertained. 5,6,7 doesn't matter - infiltrate the dealer, find the supplier 

Perhaps a Venn, um, Diagram would help clarify things. Or perhaps not. I'll leave it at bold of you to assume that the GMs didn't take LG74 as a challenge. 

Just now, Scarlet Octopus said:

I don't find the existence of e!coinshot likely, but it could be done with a couple lurchers and thugs to balance.

Lurchers are to the village what Seekers are to the Spiked. The size of this group makes them oh my is that octopus holding a dagger

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the bell

the bell as

hearing the bell as

hearing the bell as standing here out in the early mists of the morning before

hearing the bell as standing here in the early morning, shrouded in the mists which have not yet begun to reluctantly disperse as though

it was last call at the village tavern, pub, watering-hole, whatever you wanted to call it, it was where you went in Tyrian Falls if you wanted something to drink that was not


the source of all life, clogged by the ash-rains and the drift on the warm air from ashmount Tyrian

Tyrian falls, he’d said as though that was so damnably clever and indeed he’d always been the sort to be a little too enraptured by his own wit

and here Kellehrt was thinking about things again, things long past as the stains of tea on the window-sill where he liked to rest his mug and take in the grey light of the morning

the grey light through the sea of mist before

the mistlight the greylight before

the waking and the sowing and the reaping and the harvest

there were bad things in the mists sometimes they said mistwraiths but mistwraiths didn’t hurt you they were mindless and anyway to eat was a primitive instinct he’d said in the years that Kellehrt had spent working the forge in Luthadel

in the before-times

before before before

his fingers tight around the stem of the mug the mind must not be allowed to wander or it will dream about the waking and the sowing and the reaping and the harvest before and the harvest before that

got up early because he liked to, it was so quiet so perfect so still you could hear

and now the village bell, calling the hour

or a warning, Kellehrt couldn’t decide

why was the mind fixated on warnings as though there was something different, as though Tyrian Falls was different, as though from this little farm on the outskirts he could see a little better as though

the sun rose then and the mists around Tyrian Falls were bloodstained

he didn’t fall to his knees because he was gripping the window-sill because

the streets had run with blood in Luthadel and Wark had said it was the coming apart of things, the social order, he said, casually, as though that was what you saw everyday as though and maybe it was expected that there was only so far you could grind skaa into the dirt and the ash and the dust before someone

someone did something and the garrison swept in

the peal of hammer on anvil

stroke after stroke

like the echoes of

the bell


surely this was not what Warmmha had intended

but sometimes (doubt) it was difficult to know what Warmmha meant

like staring into the incandescent heart

of the forge-fire

heat of the flames on your skin


stroke after stroke

the bell echoes from the village echoes the bell echoes

let this be right let this be your will let this


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51 minutes ago, Saffron Iguana said:

How come you labelled the Seeker as a power role for the Spiked when its most potent use, alignment scanning, only benefits the village? 

you know? maybe seekers aren’t all that powerful. maybe they’re just vibing and trying to find people that can be good for them to find. or somethin.

47 minutes ago, Scarlet Octopus said:

@Pearl Chameleon, why do you think five is more likely than six when that is below 20% (barely, but below)? Why too do you think a seeker would be a powerful role for them? They already know alignments. How confident are you in the presence of both a coinshot and a mistborn?

First of all, why do you wish to spurn further discussion rather than spur it on? 

I also find that reasoning lacking, so I'll give a loose vote. Pearl Chameleon

idk, i just think that 5 players makes sense? maybe 6 players would make mor sense. in my defense, i hadn’t realized that we had gone up to 26 players and thought we were still at 25 players, which would make my first guess at 20% hehe

i think there’s like, a good chance of there being a coinshot or mistborn. there’s a whole lotta people

:( y vote for me

also, i think an elimmy coinshot would be very fun! don’t know if i think it’s likely, tho

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