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cowboy vampires


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So this is my first rp. cowboy vampires is about the clash of the human world with the vampire world and its set in the Old West. Yup, you heard that right. Think the type of place Wax and Wayne were in before coming in to the city. This takes place in a town called Ravenslore

Story time- So the humans have figured out that there are vampires because of this one vampire that did a huge mess-up (I'm playing that particular vampire). What he did was go for the most coveted blood in the town- The Sherrif's wife. But he wasn't careful enough and the Sherrif caught him. Now the Sherrif wants revenge for his wife being turned into a vampire. So on one side you have him and his mates who are hunting all vampires, and on the other side you have my character and his friends who are actively fleeing as the Sherrif knows that these are for certain blooddrinkers. Then you have the vampires who are just pretending to be human. and then you have normal humans who are just trying to survive each day and could be either on the vampire's side or on the Sherrif's side. You can choose to be anything from these and please do feel free to add your own characters also! :D

World building time- if you are turned into a vampire before the age of 18, you continue to age till.you reach 18, and then you look the same forever. If they drink human blood, then they live forever. If they drink animal blood though, they die like any other human being. They are immortal, but can still be killed by  fires, and wooden stakes.

To turn a human into a vampire, a vampire needs to drain them completely of blood. Otherwise if the vampire has a little taste and goes away, then it's fine.  They can make a person forget memories (example- having your blood drunk by a vampire) and they have super speed and super strength. The sun does not turn them to ashes and they can go strolling about in it just fine. They can confund a person (example- "I already paid you the money I owed, remember?" And then the person will think that the vampire has already paid them money). However the consumption of a herb known as bloodbane will make a human immune to the charms of a vampire. 

Also vampires need invitation to enter any dwelling. The vampires cannot shapeshift (oh how much easier that would make things for them.)  Holy water exists and burns them. The only visible sign of them being vampires is that their fangs pop out whenever they are in the presence of blood. If they see blood- bam! fangs, They have an extra developed nose which allows them to smell things from far away (yes even blood). if they smell blood- bam! fangs. They have nightvision and can see perfectly well in the dark.Oh right. When you are first turned into a vampire, you have to drink the blood of a human being to actually transition into a vampire, otherwise, if you don't drink blood, you will die. Also if you are a vampire and you drain a human being of blood, but also kill them (eg- decapitation, stabbing) then they won't turn int a blood drinker, they'll just die.

My character


Name- Elias Breaker

Gender- Male

Nature- Vampire

Age- He was 13 when he was turned and he is 20 now. He actually stopped aging around two years ago.

Appearance- Extremely pale, violet eyes, black hair, favours black clothes.

Personality- Cocky, arrogant, (its okay, because he's a genius)

Family-  He is a lone child and his parents died around the time he was turned. He's old money and so he is also filthy rich.

Backstory- He is a criminal, and isn't afraid to get his hands dirty. However getting his hands dirty was also precisely what led to the discovery of the vampire world, and it haunts him almost as much as his parents death does.


There you go! This will probably crash and burn but lets see what happens shall we? Also this is my first time doing an rp and if there is anything I did wrong, do tell me, and I will correct it.


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54 minutes ago, Ookla the Short said:

I actually...don't. :P 

I was going to think about it and give more information later but I will be more than grateful if you have any ideas :D

Ok you know what, wait. Hmm. How about the mess-up that my character did to reveal the vampire world was to get cocky and drink the blood of the Sherrif's wife, and turn her into a vampire? The Sherrif caught him while he was doing this and is now looking for revenge. So on side, you have the team of the  Sherrif and his mates who are looking to hunt the vampires. And then there's the group of my character and his friends who are the "most wanted" (as the Sherrif knows that these are for certain, blood drinkers) and are actively on the run, while all the the other vampires are just trying to pretend thery are humans. (And sometimes failing badly at that) I dont know, I'm sleepy and this is what I can think of right now. I'll probably refine it a bit later, but this a general idea. You can definitely join and please if you have any ideas I will be so glad to take them . Tell me if you like this idea and if so, then I'll edit it into the main post, and then people can have some designated roles. Of course people can add their own characters as well.

Edit: I just added some world building and nuanced some aspects of my character. I honestly did not expect anyone to be interested in this, I'm so excited.


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No! I love all vampires. Like Coldest Girl in Coldtown? SO GOOD. And yeah, I like Twilight. The books, not the movies. I also enjoyed Vampire Academy, the House of Night, Dracula, Thirst, and many other amazing vampire books. I love vampires. Not just Twilight vampires. 


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10 hours ago, Ookla the Short said:



Please read the worlbuilding stuff I have edited into my my main post. I think that might answer your questions.


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13 minutes ago, Elf said:

Sure! You can be anything you want to be! (also pls somebody guide me through this I have never done an rp before :D)


Just nod and smile. That's what I did.


Name: Brale (no surname), better known as "Bloodspiller"

Pronouns: he/him

Nature: Vampire

Age: 243 (appears 30-ish)

Appearance: Pale, though not as pale as vampires usually are. Rather slender despite his extravagant eating habits. Sandy brown hair, black eyes, and deep red lips. 6' 5" tall. Often found with a cigar hanging from his mouth.

Personality: Think stereotypical mob boss. "Youze got ze cash?" Often cruel.

Family: Dead.

Backstory: Will write in



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Oh really? I didn't know that you cant mention people in quotes. Why so? Ill probably wait for Condensation. Also I edited my post to not have it in quotes.


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12 minutes ago, Elf said:

Oh really? I didn't know that you cant mention people in quotes. Why so? Ill probably wait for Condensation. Also I edited my post to not have it in quotes.


Probably since if you quote someone, you don't want people to get notifications twice.


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i saw the title for this and actively laughed
so now i think i have to join

i'd like a bit more worldbuilding tho, specifically about the vampires abilities/weaknesses
can they shapeshift? does holy water exist and does it harm them? what about garlic? silver? what are the limits on their super speed? any visible signs of vampire-ness like being really pale or not having a reflection or whatever? 


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1 hour ago, ookla the quantificational said:


I have added extra worldbuilding, please do check it out. And please give your character profile for whatever you would like to be. :D. I don't exactly understand what you mean by limits on super speed, are you asking for like a mathematical figure? Because if so, I can't help you there. I suck at everything related to maths. 

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9 hours ago, Elf said:

@Ookla the Short want to give your character?

@The Unknown Aon do you want to play?


I will. 


Name- John Haymaker (name and personality, but not backstory stolen from another story of mine)

Pronouns- He/him

Nature- Human

Age- in his mid to late thirties 

Appearance- farmer, straw hair and tanned skin, well muscled and covered in scars.

Personality- Stubborn and unwilling to back down. He is extremely volatile and will start fights for very small things.

Family-  His parents have died, leaving him nothing but a burned down farm, a horse, a few almost dead livestock, and a lot of debt which he has either paid off or killed those he owed. He has a no good gunslinging brother and a proper well-to-do sister in the east.

Backstory- Assume a normal life with pretty bad parents that caused everyone but John to leave them and get away with one son becoming lawless and one daughter going to the east coast. John stayed behind and tried to take care of them until a fire happened and they died. For one reason or another he dislikes the sheriff immensely. 



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37 minutes ago, The Unknown Aon said:



Amazing! Now we are only waiting for Ookla the Short and Ookla the quantificational to give their characters than we can start and more people can join as they wish!


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Elias laid shivering in the cold. He cursed the day he had been turned into a vampire. If that hadn't happened, he would be in a nice, warm room right now, sitting by the fire with a hot dinner on the table. His parents would still be alive.

But instead he was here in the desert, sleeping with nothing over him but the stars, and nothing in his stomach, except the human he had gotten earlier. She was probably sitting by the fire with a hot dinner on the table right now. As he ran father and father from Ravenslore, inns were getting harder to find.


I had a question. Can I intertwine my character's story with another character's? Like can I make it so, that Elias was working under Szeth_Pancakes's character, Brale?


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