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Saturday Orem Library Signing


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I would love to go to this one, but my Utah vacation starts a week from now. When I first saw the date, Saturday, I got so excited because I thought it might mean next Saturday, when I would be there. Alas, twas not to be, and now I must beg thee of the 17th Shard to go in my stead.


Some questions, if anyone goes:




Allomancers have Allomancy because of their extra Preservation. How does Feruchemy have this relationship? Is it more Ruin and Preservation together, or is it something else?
Will there be any full Terrismen in future Wax and Wayne books?




Would shades respond to someone allomanticly burning a metal, or Surgebinding?




Could a cognitive entity, like a spren or a seon, pull some of their Cognitive-ness into the physical realm permenantly? For example, when Wyndle's vine leavings turn to dust, does that does stay there? If Wyndle moved more fully into the physical realm, would he have a physical make up?

Is Gaz a surgebinder like Elhokar? If so, then did Darkness kill him? 

If Darkness met Kaladin, would he try and kill him?

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Will there be any full Terrismen in future Wax and Wayne books?


You mean "Feruchemist", I think.


For everyone's benefit: we racked up quite a large number of questions on this thread, as well as this one. The questions about AonDor and chronic injuries, Full Lashings, and the anagram were answered in the threads in question.

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I still want to know primarily if there were Cadmium/Bendalloy and possibly Chromium/Nicrosil Mistings in the final empire.


EDIT: And if he doesn't RAFO that, and the answer is yes, ask if the Mists were snapping those as well.

Edited by Aether
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Could someone please ask Brandon what an Oldblood is?  He took the time to describe them and point them out so who and what are they? that has been bugging me since my first read.


  "The war room door was open, and Teleb- highofficer on duty- saluted as Dalinar entered. Teleb was a straight-backed man with light green eyes. He kept his long hair in a braid and had a blue tattoo on his cheek, marking him as an Oldblood."

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Could someone please ask Brandon what an Oldblood is?  He took the time to describe them and point them out so who and what are they? that has been bugging me since my first read.


 Rafo material for sure, all this tidbit he always save for the books =)

Edited by Natans
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Nope, I showed up during the last 30 minutes and got RAFO'd. For some reason I have the overwhelming urge to frame the RAFO card and hang it up by the front door for all my visitors to see.  :lol:  I could also get Brandon's fingerprints highlighted and sell the card in 30 years for a couple thousand dollars....Yes I fervently believe he will become that famous. :) 

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You probably already knew this would be a RAFO. I guessed that it would be. In fact I think that someone has already asked it.

The question was why are spren so disturbed about shardblades?

He said read book two and find out. Did we already know that we were going to find out in book two? If not, at least I accomplished something. :)

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There can be some wild inaccuracies in book covers. Writers generally don't have much control of them as I understand it. At least until they're famous, then things change a bit.


Have you guys read The Dresden Files series? 16 book covers so far and all of them show the protagonist wearing a fedora, but the guy has never worn a hat. It has pretty much become a running gag. Jim Butcher wrote Harry say that he hated hats a couple of times in the books. Makes me cringe every time I see a Dresden cosplay with a hate, and it happens more times with than without.

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