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  1. So I have recently reread the reckoners series, and something I can't seem to figure out is why Dawnslight wasn't evil. So we know that before calamity was defeated epics were evil because they drew upon his darkness, and to combat this you had to save someone despite your fear/weakness. I'm sure we're supposed to assume that Dawnslight faced his fear off screen or something like that, but I'm unsure how or when that was even supposed to happen. From what I can gather, Dawnslight was good from day one and he has no visible weakness. The only other character this happens with is Languish, but even Languish has a period of unaccounted time in-between the start of his epichood and his service of Lifeforce. Again I'm sure this is supposed to be some sort of mystery, but if we know when or how Dawnslight defeated the darkness I would like to know.
  2. While listening to Lux, I noticed that the names of the Epics seemed to work as a metaphor or descriptor of the story itself. I posted a thread about it in the Lux spoiler board, but @Use the Falchion wondered if this applied to the other books as well. And so, like the Sanderson nerd I am, I went back through the original trilogy and listed every Epic mentioned. I've only finished Steelheart so far, so I'll start with those Epics, but I'll post the other 2 when I get through them. Here's all the Epics, along with my interpretation of their names: Deathpoint - This is the point at which David's dad dies Fortuity - Fortuity is David's good luck, since that's when he meets the Reckoners Nightwielder Curveball - The curveball that life throws the Reckoners Refractionary Conflux Firefight Absence - Never appears on screen Limelight - He's designed to be in the limelight Faultline - The fault (supposedly) in Steelheart's cover up of the bank Bastion - He kept Conflux safe at the beginning of his Epic-ness Anyone else have an idea for the ones I missed?
  3. I made a list! Of Epics! Their names, powers (if known), weaknesses, whether they had prime invincibility, whether they were able to Gift, and any possibly significant notes. I'm not completely done yet--Went through Steelheart, and partway through Firefight. I forgot to look through Mitosis, so I'll do that after Firefight. Work in progress, please point out mistakes! https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1o7757LlkTY0abA4zOqjy62rcJhTHFihIareANxa1YPo/edit?usp=sharing Edit: Please read these two points. They are VERY IMPORTANT. 1. Please make sure that you can receive emails at whatever email address you request access from. For example, I get a LOT of requests from a .k12 address. Those addresses do not allow responses from addresses outside of their domain, so I can't do anything with the request. 2. The coppermind has a better and more updated list, so that would be a better place to go anyway, at this point. https://coppermind.net/wiki/Category:Epics Thanks!
  4. Really liked it. It almost felt weird enjoying it so much when it's a YA series and I'm 31. I've seen the complaints about the rushed ending, and felt it a bit too. But it didn't ruin the series for me. Prof was such a great character. I really liked that his weakness was fear of failure when he's putting everything on the line. So many people fear failure and will self sabotage so they have the fall back answer. That was cool to me. I expected David's transformation to take place sooner. I thought once he survived the tower with Megan it would be a rapid descent into figuring out how to use Steelheart's power set leading to a battle to bring back Prof.
  5. I can be a bit short and cranky at times ...as can we all I suppose...but now I have a great excuse ( that no one I know will understand but it will be funny to see their reaction) I will say I just used my superpowers and that makes me cranky!!!
  6. Hey guys! I'm currently working on a Fan comic for The Reckoners. It's an aftermath story for Calamity. It's called Absolution and I hope you guys take a chance to read it,and enjoy it. If you like it, please tell me your thoughts, Plot: Tavi Phaedrus has become very uneasy since the fight with Obliteration. For months, She's not eating much, she's become restless, and becomes extremely jumpy. She remembers clearly on what happened during the battle. She was brought into David's world to fight Limelight, a version of her father, and nearly died because of it. She now worries that he will find a way to finish the fight she was dragged into . Prof also has a hard time living with himself. After all the horrible things he's done, he finds it hard to accept it all. He does everything he can to avoid his powers. He doesn't want to hurt his closest friends more than he already did. In doing so, he slowly grows more distant. After an alliance is made between the two dimensions, the two meet. Again. Can the two Epics learn to work together. Can they do that whilst two Epic plan a way to destroy New Cago?
  7. Very last minute, but DH and I are road tripping down there right now! Not sure if we'll quite make it in time for the reading, though, as the weather has been spotty. Anyone else?
  8. Lina


    From the album: Alt Covers

  9. Sunbird

    Mizzy Colored Pencil

    After realizing that my portfolio of portraits contained only male characters, I decided to draw Mizzy, the most bubbly Reckoner. Original size: 9x12 inches.
  10. Sunbird

    Prof Colored Pencil

    Founder of the Reckoners, Prof Jonathan Phaedrus, drawn by me in good old-fashioned colored pencil. Original size: 9x12 inches.
  11. Everybody's favorite nutjob from the Reckoners series, Obliteration, drawn by me in good old-fashioned colored pencil. Original size: 9x12 inches.
  12. Could Megans abilities be utilized to explore a multiverse that possibly includes the cosmere? Is there a limit to how far Megans abilities can go? I'm just spitballing here. thoughts?
  13. All right. Now that we know Calamity is an Epic, presumably some all-powerful gifter whose powers don't wear off after a time, we now need to determine his (her?) identity. (Pretty sure it's a he, but I could be wrong.) To do this, I am going to throw out every single guess I have and I encourage you good people to do likewise. Calamity is a NASA astronaut. Calamity is a NASA scientist. Calamity is a science experiment gone wrong, a la many, many comic books. Calamity is a science experiment gone right. Calamity is a serial killer. Calamity is a former member of Obliteration's church. Calamity is a former fan of Regalia's. Calamity is a member of a university bursar's office (which would explain his MO—preying on peoples' worst fears as he claims to give them the key to their future, only to exact a terrible, unthinkable price that isn't even written in the fine print). Calamity is Santa Claus. Calamity is an actual cannibal. Calamity is Michael Phelps. Calamity is your least favorite politician. Calamity is every politician. Calamity is you.
  14. I just thought that this might be fun since we haven't had one of these in a while. For this round, I'm only including canon Epics, mostly those who make physical appearances in the books, with a few exceptions (specifically some fondly speculated-upon name-dropped Epics...). For those of you who haven't played before, on your turn you: Hurt one person for two health points or hurt two people for one HP each. Always highlight whomever you're hurting in red. Heal one person for one HP. Highlight this person in green. ​You cannot hurt and heal the same person in one turn. You must hurt and heal on your turn; don't just do one or the other. Once you hurt'n'heal, you must wait for at least 2 more people to post before posting again. Anyone who reaches 20 HP becomes immune and is highlighted purple. You cannot hurt this person until the second round, which starts when there is only one non-immune person on the board (that person's HP is automatically raised to 20 and kept on the roster). The second round's HP cap is 30 and no one can become immune. Let the games begin! 10 Steelheart 10 Firefight 10 Nightwielder 10 Conflux 10 Fortuity 10 Deathpoint 10 The Pink Pinkness 10 Mitosis 10 Regalia 10 Sourcefield 10 Obliteration 10 Newton 10 Dawnslight 10 Night's Sorrow 10 Prof
  15. A song about what we currently know of Prof's life, set to the tune of the greatest theme song ever written. Inspired by this conversation, where Prof was re-imagined as a late 80s/early 90s rapper named Jonny Phaedru$. Apologies if you have the aforementioned theme song in your head for days after reading this. Now this is a story all about how The world got flipped, turned upside-down And I'd like to take a minute, just sit there, son I'll tell you 'bout the damage Calamity's done In modern America, born and raised In a classroom's where I spent most of my days Teaching fifth graders inside of a school Equipping them for the next year with all the right tools When a big red star that was up to no good Started shining in my neighborhood I went on a Rending and Tia got scared Said "The sparks, Jonny, it's like you don't even care!" I found Abigail and guy named Mirkwood Formed a team, like superheroes should But the corruption was strong and Abby kinda sucked We parted ways and that idea was chucked I wasn't quite sure just what to do Calamity was 'bout to drop the other shoe When I started a team, made of regular guys Said "Let's take these monsters down before they can rise!" Well, we killed Redleaf and Fortuity Picked up a kid who said "Listen to me, "You kill small 'taters, and yeah they've got to go "But kill Steelheart so your strength'll really show." So I fought Steelheart there on Soldier Field ​Would've died but with the quickness I healed Would've lost my mind, but David won Finished him off and I said "Good job, son." Then Instabam lured us up to Babilar With flowers that looked super bizarre ​Now Regalia's cookin' up some crazy scheme Like corrupting ME? Nah, just a pipe dream!
  16. I have no cliue what I am doing here, as I have only read all Alcatraz books (1-4), Elantris, The Emperor's soul, and Steelheart and Firefight. Ah well. I made my username, Saonae, out of the symbols in the back of the Elantris book. "Sao", means intelligence or learning, and "nae", means sight or clarity. I look forward to posting with everybody!
  17. We all know how the United States fared after Calamity and the rise of the Epics (so very badly), but what about elsewhere? Mostly, I'd say pretty much the same, although even worse in many cases (as most nations don't have the military and technology of the US, meaning that their people would have less success fighting the Epics and be worse off afterwards), but there would be exceptions. Asia: would be oh so destroyed. I think population density is directly proportional to how much damage the Epics inflict on a nation's people, environment and cities. And Asia has the highest population density in general. Assuming one in a thousand people became Epics (which is the ratio I like, it feels right to me) and one in a thousand Epics are High Epics, that would mean that there are (at the beginning) one million Epics and ten thousand High Epics in China alone. And the high population density means that thousands upon thousands of them appear in every city, ready to tear them apart in their Rendings and subsequent battles for dominance. Every issue the US and then the FSA has, the Epic's Republic of China has it over twice as bad. Europe: Europe would fare as well as the US, I think. Africa: Much, much worse than the US in some areas, and better in others. Its huge size and relatively small population would mean that some tribes in the Sahara might not have much idea of what has even happened, beyond seeing Calamity. Butwith low level of development and high poverty already, a million Epics across the continent would only make things worse. Australia: Australia would probably fare the best of any country or continent, I think. Low population density, relatively high level of wealth and development, an elite military force. The only problem is high urbanisation, with a huge proportion of the populace concentrated in the capital cities of each state and around the east coast. But seriously, there would be a tiny amount of Epics in Australia. 22 million people means 22 thousand Epics, mainly in cities along the east coast, as I said. People living on the other side of the country, and in the north, would have relatively few Epics to deal with. South America: The rain forests would make good hiding spots for people, that Epics would never find people in. Chances are certain Amazonian tribes may never encounter any epics, or hear more than rumours about the collapse of society. I predict a 110% chance that communist Epics are running around, creating "utopias" for whatever humans they can corral. Middle East: given a higher population density than the US, and a lower level of organisation, wealth and military power, it would fare much worse than the US. What do you guys think?
  18. Just a random thought that occurred to me. Readers of the Reckoners books may have noticed that the series is written as a first-person narrative, like most of Brandon's non-Cosmere works. It's told as if David Charleston were telling us the full story of how he joined the Reckoners and battled Epics with nothing but his guns, wits, and bad metaphors. What I wonder about is whether Steelheart, Firefight, and the forthcoming Calamity will one day exist in-universe as accounts written by the legendary Steelslayer. It seems likely that with the massive events and revelations the books cover, somebody will need to enlighten the Fractured States' citizens on the true nature of Epics and the circumstances that led their world's salvation. Could it be that the novels we're now enjoying will be the firsthand historical accounts of David Charleston?
  19. In Firefight there was something cut from Obliteration to make the bomb that almost destroyed Babylar. I was wondering if all Epics had this thing that could be used to manipulate their powers. If so, we could have made a teleportation device from Sourcefield, or a shield generator from Prof. Or a reality generator from Megan. Since Megan's powers show different realities and can bring objects from other realities into ours (her clothes when she is reborn at the end of the book), I wonder if her powers can be taken to create a device that can manipulate reality. This could basically give you the ability to know what will happen. Maybe in another reality a heist by the good guys goes off ten minutes sooner and looking into that reality the bad guys get wind of the plan with the reality machine and are able to foil it. I am not sure if this is at all feasible, but I think it could potentially be a plot point. Since Megan's powers are more than the standard illusions created by other Epics, I am inclined to think that Brandon has more in store than her resurrections. Her reality will have some part to play in the next book, I think. Any thoughts from the masses on this?
  20. I was right about Calamity being an Epic, and wrong about where weaknesses come from. So, with that track record, it looks like I have a….75 percent chance of being wrong. Anyway. Ever since finishing Firefight, I've wondered why some Epics are more powerful than others. You have Steelheart, who is basically a god among Epics, and then you have Firefight, who is a High Epic by default but far less powerful by her own admission. Why is this? As of right now, I have no idea, and I'm preparing to have this theory blown to smithereens. But with Epic powers tied to their fears, with powers appearing to give symbolic empowerment over those fears while their greatest fear cancels their powers entirely, I'm wondering if an Epic's power level is related to their willingness/ability to act on their fear. Take Steelheart, for example. He wasn't about to overthrow the government (so far as we know) but he was more than willing to use force when making his peers fear him. Once Calamity gave him the power to do so, he became one of the first Epics to conquer a city, and was one of the main reasons the US passed the Capitulation Act. He was extremely willing to act on his fear, and did once given the power to do so. Then there's Firefight. She fears fire, yet throughout Steelheart, we don't see her going out of her way to avoid fire. This could be—and almost certainly is—because Newcago runs entirely on green energy (well, Epic-supplied energy, which doesn't seem to leave a carbon footprint) leaving the citizens with little to no reason to ever use fire, making her avoidance of it a moot point. But even before Calamity, the only thing she could really do to act on her fear was get her parents to buy better smoke alarms and install an indoors sprinkler system. Her fear of fire is strong, but her willingness and ability to act on it is lower, so this could be a connection between her fear and her power level. What do you guys think? Thoughts? Comments? Snarky memes?
  21. A piece of utter insanity inspired by a private conversation and by Disney's Frozen. Major spoilers for Firefight follow. Starring Megan as the singer during the climax of the book. * opening music plays * The flames burn bright 'round my body tonight I'm being burned alive. Prof's gone way off the deep end And it's doubtful I'll survive. Regalia planned this, though I'm not sure how or why If I'd been shot instead, I wouldn't have to die... Adjust the aim, point the gun at me David's rifle will let me beat this heat I'm really glad it's remote con-trolled... Well here I gooooo! Let it go! Let it go! Not burning up in that smog! Let it go! Let it go! I'm dead but not for long! I don't care If I go insane The assassination failed... Death never stopped me long anyway. It's funny how some distance Makes everything seem small And the fear that nearly killed me Can't get to me at all! It's time I went on the attack To defeat Phaedrus and turn him back David won't get squished tonight... Time to fight! Let it go! Let it go! I am one with Time and Light! Let it go! Let it go! I rise as Firefight! Prof can't fight My time-changing light Let his force fields fall! My power twists the very laws of time and space! My soul shines outwards, lighting up the terror on Prof's face! And one thought shines through me, this one thought is clear I'm never going back; Tonight I feel no fear! Let it go! Let it go! Phaedrus lifts off and flies Let it go! Let it go! David hasn't died! Here we are Safe in Babilar I will feel no fear... Death can't stop Firefight anyway.
  22. I was discussing Firefight with a friend, when we got on the subject of Obliteration. She voiced a complaint that too often when an openly religious character appears in the book, they are insane. It got me thinking about Obliteration, and I'd have to completely disagree that he's insane at all. Obliteration is the only sane Epic. This may seem counter-intuitive, after all, most epics created small kingdoms, and became tyrants. That's something that happens in every day life anyways, people are oppressed and killed in volume, but only the absolutely crazy ones kill civilians in mass. But that's using logic applied to ordinary humans, along all ranges of the spectrum from humanity's best to its worst. Epics are a different story. Every single epic that we've been exposed to were corrupted by their power, and began to abuse it, simply by right of power and conquest. They believe themselves to be superior, and above humanity, and so doing deserve their position, and to be free form consequences. Basically, they are all classic sociopaths, acting with care for consequence, but really to no purpose other than a self serving one. Obliteration is different. Obliteration might have taken a town at first, and succumbed to the power, but with his quoting of scripture, and the few scraps of normal conversation we hear from him, he isn't a meglomaniac. He didn't burn down Houston and the other cities because of some obsession with destruction. He was acting with a purpose. Every single other Epic took their abilities as some granted right, but he took it as a call to greater action, even if he was wrong about what that action would be. In his conversations, he presents himself as a horseman of the apocalypse, which honestly, isn't that far of a stretch considering is powers don't seem to have much allowance for constructive use (I could be wrong about that, I'll admit a heat sink would be valuable in certain situations, as well as possible welding and bonding capabilities, but very limited as compared to his destructive capabilities.) He mentions that all of humanity has the taint of Epics and needs to be cleansed. This isn't someone acting out of self preservation or self interest. Obliteration is the only epic who seems to be called to a higher purpose. He's the only one who took his powers, and found an outside rationality to their existence, and then set himself to the task he believed had been given to him. Even all of Regalia's machinations seemed geared only to corrupt another individual, though her mentioning of the angel and such might lend her some credibility in the same theory. Still, I feel like her driving motivation was more the satisfaction of seeing her old friend turned nemesis destroyed and twisted than acquiescing to a higher power. Obliteration is the only sane Epic.
  23. So recently, I got the First Ideals poster. It's a beautiful, majestic poster that I highly recommend. Anyway, I was taking the poster out of the box, and went to go hang it up. Later, before I recycled the box, i noticed something shaking in there. I shook the box, upside down, and out came a Firefight Chapter Sampler! "That's cool!" I thought. "Now I have more motivation to read Steelheart and Mitosis!" This was a fun, interesting experience for me.
  24. On page 179 of Firefight, Tia mentions that Sourcefield was poisoned as a little girl, not with cool-aid, but with a generic juice drink. Sourcefield was still weakened by the kool-aid. So my question is will an Epic be weakened if they're confronted by what they believe is their weakness?
  25. I was very enamored of the name "Instabam," so I went ahead and did my own version of him. The logo was inspired by Emeril, with his signature "BAM!" style of cooking.
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